Reference: Without this, DHCP fails when traversing only the local bridge, for Debian Jessie or earlier (and possibly other OSes as well), due to the missing UDP checksums. This disables the offload and hence reenables the checksums even on the software-only bridge. Also rearranged the steps and added comments arround this section to better clarify what each command is doing.
PVC - The Parallel Virtual Cluster suite
PVC is a suite of Python 3 tools to manage virtualized clusters. It provides a fully-functional private cloud based on four key principles:
- Be Free Software Forever (or Bust)
- Be Opinionated and Efficient and Pick The Best Software
- Be Scalable and Redundant but Not Hyperscale
- Be Simple To Use, Configure, and Maintain
It is designed to be an administrator-friendly but extremely powerful and rich modern private cloud system, but without the feature bloat and complexity of tools like OpenStack. With PVC, an administrator can provision, manage, and update a cluster of dozens or more hypervisors running thousands of VMs using a simple CLI tool, HTTP API, or web interface. PVC is based entirely on Debian GNU/Linux and Free-and-Open-Source tools, providing the glue to bootstrap, provision and manage the cluster, then getting out of the administrators' way.
Your cloud, the best way; just add physical servers.