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PVC Ansible architecture

The PVC Ansible setup and management framework is written in Ansible. It consists of two roles: base and pvc.

Base role

The Base role configures a node to a specific, standard base Debian system, with a number of PVC-specific tweaks. Some examples include:

  • Installing the custom PVC repository at Boniface Labs.

  • Removing several unnecessary packages and installing numerous additional packages.

  • Automatically configuring network interfaces based on the group_vars configuration.

  • Configuring several general sysctl settings for optimal performance.

  • Installing and configuring rsyslog, postfix, ntpd, ssh, and fail2ban.

  • Creating the users specified in the group_vars configuration.

  • Installing custom MOTDs, bashrc files, vimrc files, and other useful configurations for each user.

The end result is a standardized "PVC node" system ready to have the daemons installed by the PVC role.

PVC role

The PVC role configures all the dependencies of PVC, including storage, networking, and databases, then installs the PVC daemon itself. Specifically, it will, in order:

  • Install Ceph, configure and bootstrap a new cluster if bootstrap=yes is set, configure the monitor and manager daemons, and start up the cluster ready for the addition of OSDs via the client interface (coordinators only).

  • Install, configure, and if bootstrap=yes is set, bootstrap a Zookeeper cluster (coordinators only).

  • Install, configure, and if bootstrap=yes is set`, bootstrap a Patroni PostgreSQL cluster for the PowerDNS aggregator (coordinators only).

  • Install and configure Libvirt.

  • Install and configure FRRouting.

  • Install and configure the main PVC daemon and API client, including initializing the PVC cluster (pvc init).


Once the entire playbook has run for the first time against a given host, the host will be rebooted to apply all the configured services. On startup, the system should immediately launch the PVC daemon, check in to the Zookeeper cluster, and become ready. The node will be in flushed state on its first boot; the administrator will need to run pvc node unflush <node> to set the node into active state ready to handle virtual machines.

PVC Ansible configuration manual

This manual documents the various group_vars configuration options for the pvc-ansible framework. We assume that the administrator is generally familiar with Ansible and its operation.

General usage

Initial setup

After cloning the pvc-ansible repo, set up a set of configurations for your cluster. One copy of the pvc-ansible repository can manage an unlimited number of clusters with differing configurations.

All files created during initial setup should be stored outside the pvc-ansible repository, as they will be ignored by the main Git repository by default. It is recommended to set up a separate folder, either standalone or as its own Git repository, to contain your files, then symlink them back into the main repository at the appropriate places outlined below.

Create a hosts file containing the clusters as groups, then the list of hosts within each cluster group. The hosts.default file can be used as a template.

Create a files/<cluster> folder to hold the cluster-created static configuration files. Until the first bootstrap run, this directory will be empty.

Create a group_vars/<cluster> folder to hold the cluster configuration variables. The group_vars/default directory can be used as an example.

Bootstrapping a cluster

Before bootstrapping a cluster, see the section on PVC Ansible configuration variables to configure the cluster.

Bootstrapping a cluster can be done using the main pvc.yml playbook. Generally, a bootstrap run should be limited to the coordinators of the cluster to avoid potential race conditions or strange bootstrap behaviour. The special variable bootstrap=yes must be set to indicate that a cluster bootstrap is to be requested.

WARNING: Do not run the playbook with bootstrap=yes except during the very first run against a freshly-installed set of coordinator nodes. Running it against an existing cluster will result in the complete failure of the cluster, the destruction of all data, or worse.

Adding new nodes

Adding new nodes to an existing cluster can be done using the main pvc.yml playbook. The new node(s) should be added to the group_vars configuration node_list, then the playbook run against all hosts in the cluster with no special flags or limits. This will ensure the entire cluster is updated with the new information, while simultaneously configuring the new node.

Reconfiguration and software updates

After modifying configuration settings in the group_vars, or to update PVC to the latest version on a release, deployment of updated cluster can be done using the main pvc.yml playbook. The configuration should be updated if required, then the playbook run against all hosts in the cluster with no special flags or limits.

PVC Ansible configuration variables

The group_vars folder contains configuration variables for all clusters managed by your local copy of pvc-ansible. Each cluster has a distinct set of group_vars to allow different configurations for each cluster.

This section outlines the various configuration options available in the group_vars configuration; the group_vars/default directory contains an example set of variables, split into two files (base.yml and pvc.yml), that set every listed configuration option.


  • Settings may be required, optional, or ignored. Ignored settings are used for human-readability in the configuration but are ignored by the actual role.

  • Settings may depends on other settings. This indicates that, if one setting is enabled, the other setting is very likely required by that setting.

  • If a particular <setting> is marked optional, and a latter setting is marked depends on <setting>, the latter is ignored unless the <setting> is specified.


Example configuration:

local_domain: upstream.local
username_ipmi_host: "pvc"
passwd_ipmi_host: "MyPassword2019"

passwdhash_root: "$6$shadowencryptedpassword"

logrotate_keepcount: 7
logrotate_interval: daily

username_email_root: root

  - name: testhost

  - name: "myuser"
    uid: 500
      - "ssh-ed25519 MyKey 2019-06"

    device: "bondU"
    type: "bond"
    bond_mode: "802.3ad"
      - "enp1s0f0"
      - "enp1s0f1"
    mtu: 1500
    domain: "{{ local_domain }}"
    subnet: ""
    floating_ip: ""
    gateway_ip: ""

    device: "vlan1001"
    type: "vlan"
    raw_device: "bondU"
    mtu: 1500
    domain: "pvc-cluster.local"
    subnet: ""
    floating_ip: ""

    device: "vlan1002"
    type: "vlan"
    raw_device: "bondU"
    mtu: 1500
    domain: "pvc-storage.local"
    subnet: ""
    floating_ip: ""


  • required

The domain name of the PVC cluster nodes. This is the domain portion of the FQDN of each node, and should usually be the domain of the upstream network.


  • optional
  • requires passwd_ipmi_host

The IPMI username used by PVC to communicate with the node management controllers. This user should be created on each node's IPMI before deploying the cluster, and should have, at minimum, permission to read and alter the node's power state.


  • optional
  • requires username_ipmi_host

The IPMI password, in plain text, used by PVC to communicate with the node management controllers.

Generate using pwgen -s 16 and adjusting length as required.


  • required

The /etc/shadow-encoded root password for all nodes.

Generate using pwgen -s 16, adjusting length as required, and encrypt using mkpasswd -m sha-512 <password> $( pwgen -s 8 ).


  • required

The number of logrotate_interval to keep system logs.


  • required

The interval for rotating system logs. Must be one of: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly.


  • required

The email address of the root user, at the local_domain. Usually root, but can be something like admin if needed.


  • optional

A list of additional entries for the /etc/hosts files on the nodes. Each list element contains the following sub-elements:


The hostname of the entry.


The IP address of the entry.


  • required

A list of non-root users, their UIDs, and SSH public keys, that are able to access the server. At least one non-root user should be specified to administer the nodes. These users will not have a password set; only key-based login is supported. Each list element contains the following sub-elements:

  • required

The name of the user.

  • required

The Linux UID of the user. Should usually start at 500 and increment for each user.

  • required

A list of SSH public key strings, in authorized_keys line format, for the user.


  • required

A dictionary of networks to configure on the nodes. Three networks are required by all PVC clusters, though additional networks may be configured here as well.

The three required networks are: upstream, cluster, storage.

Within each network element, the following options may be specified:

  • required

The network device name.

  • required

The type of network device. Must be one of: nic, bond, vlan.

  • required if type is bond

The Linux bonding/ifenslave mode for the cluster. Must be a valid Linux bonding mode.

  • required if type is bond

The list of physical (nic) interfaces to bond.

  • required if type is vlan

The underlying interface for the vLAN.

  • required

The MTU of the interface. Ensure that the underlying network infrastructure can support the configured MTU.

  • required

The domain name for the network. For the "upstream" network, should usually be local_domain.

  • required

The CIDR-formatted subnet of the network. Individual nodes will be configured with specific IPs in this network in a later setting.

  • required

A CIDR-formatted IP address in the network to act as the cluster floating IP address. This IP address will follow the primary coordinator.

  • optional

A non-CIDR gateway IP address for the network.


Example configuration:

pvc_log_to_file: False
pvc_log_to_stdout: True
pvc_log_colours: False
pvc_log_dates: False
pvc_log_keepalives: True
pvc_log_keepalive_cluster_details: True
pvc_log_keepalive_storage_details: True
pvc_log_console_lines: 1000

pvc_api_listen_address: ""
pvc_api_listen_port: "7370"
pvc_api_enable_authentication: False
pvc_api_secret_key: ""
  - description: "myuser"
    token: ""
pvc_api_enable_ssl: False
pvc_api_ssl_cert: >
pvc_api_ssl_key: >
  -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

pvc_ceph_storage_secret_uuid: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

pvc_dns_database_name: "pvcdns"
pvc_dns_database_user: "pvcdns"
pvc_dns_database_password: "xxxxxxxx"
pvc_replication_database_user: "replicator"
pvc_replication_database_password: "xxxxxxxx"
pvc_superuser_database_user: "postgres"
pvc_superuser_database_password: "xxxxxxxx"

pvc_asn: "65500"
  - ""

  - hostname: "pvchv1"
    is_coordinator: yes
    node_id: 1
    router_id: ""
    upstream_ip: ""
    upstream_cidr: 24
    cluster_ip: ""
    cluster_cidr: 24
    storage_ip: ""
    storage_cidr: 24
    ipmi_host: "pvchv1-lom.{{ local_domain }}"
    ipmi_user: "{{ username_ipmi_host }}"
    ipmi_password: "{{ passwd_ipmi_host }}"
  - hostname: "pvchv2"
    is_coordinator: yes
    node_id: 2
    router_id: ""
    upstream_ip: ""
    upstream_cidr: 24
    cluster_ip: ""
    cluster_cidr: 24
    storage_ip: ""
    storage_cidr: 24
    ipmi_host: "pvchv2-lom.{{ local_domain }}"
    ipmi_user: "{{ username_ipmi_host }}"
    ipmi_password: "{{ passwd_ipmi_host }}"
  - hostname: "pvchv3"
    is_coordinator: yes
    node_id: 3
    router_id: ""
    upstream_ip: ""
    upstream_cidr: 24
    cluster_ip: ""
    cluster_cidr: 24
    storage_ip: ""
    storage_cidr: 24
    ipmi_host: "pvchv3-lom.{{ local_domain }}"
    ipmi_user: "{{ username_ipmi_host }}"
    ipmi_password: "{{ passwd_ipmi_host }}"

pvc_upstream_device: "{{ networks['upstream']['device'] }}"
pvc_upstream_mtu: "{{ networks['upstream']['mtu'] }}"
pvc_upstream_domain: "{{ networks['upstream']['domain'] }}"
pvc_upstream_subnet: "{{ networks['upstream']['subnet'] }}"
pvc_upstream_floatingip: "{{ networks['upstream']['floating_ip'] }}"
pvc_upstream_gatewayip: "{{ networks['upstream']['gateway_ip'] }}"
pvc_cluster_device: "{{ networks['cluster']['device'] }}"
pvc_cluster_mtu: "{{ networks['cluster']['mtu'] }}"
pvc_cluster_domain: "{{ networks['cluster']['domain'] }}"
pvc_cluster_subnet: "{{ networks['cluster']['subnet'] }}"
pvc_cluster_floatingip: "{{ networks['cluster']['floating_ip'] }}"
pvc_storage_device: "{{ networks['storage']['device'] }}"
pvc_storage_mtu: "{{ networks['storage']['mtu'] }}"
pvc_storage_domain: "{{ networks['storage']['domain'] }}"
pvc_storage_subnet: "{{ networks['storage']['subnet'] }}"
pvc_storage_floatingip: "{{ networks['storage']['floating_ip'] }}"


  • required

Whether to log PVC output to the file /var/log/pvc/pvc.log. Must be one of, unquoted: True, False.


  • required

Whether to log PVC output to stdout, i.e. journald. Must be one of, unquoted: True, False.


  • required

Whether to include ANSI coloured prompts (>>>) for status in the log output. Must be one of, unquoted: True, False.

Requires journalctl -o cat or file logging in order to be visible and useful.

If set to False, the prompts will instead be text values.


  • required

Whether to include dates in the log output. Must be one of, unquoted: True, False.

Requires journalctl -o cat or file logging in order to be visible and useful (and not clutter the logs with duplicate dates).


  • required

Whether to log keepalive messages. Must be one of, unquoted: True, False.


  • required
  • ignored if pvc_log_keepalives is False

Whether to log cluster and node details during keepalive messages. Must be one of, unquoted: True, False.


  • required
  • ignored if pvc_log_keepalives is False

Whether to log storage cluster details during keepalive messages. Must be one of, unquoted: True, False.


  • required

The number of output console lines to log for each VM.


  • required

Address for the API to listen on; indicates all interfaces.


  • required

Port for the API to listen on.


  • required

Whether to enable authentication on the API. Must be one of, unquoted: True, False.


  • required

A secret key used to sign and encrypt API Flask cookies.

Generate using uuidgen or pwgen -s 32 and adjusting length as required.


  • required

A list of API tokens that are allowed to access the PVC API. At least one should be specified. Each list element contains the following sub-elements:

  • required

A human-readable description of the token. Not parsed anywhere, but used to make this list human-readable and identify individual tokens by their use.

  • required

The API token.

Generate using uuidgen or pwgen -s 32 and adjusting length as required.


  • required

Whether to enable SSL for the PVC API. Must be one of, unquoted: True, False.


  • required if pvc_api_enable_ssl is True

The SSL certificate, in text form, for the PVC API to use.


  • required if pvc_api_enable_ssl is True

The SSL private key, in text form, for the PVC API to use.


  • required

The UUID for Libvirt to communicate with the Ceph storage cluster. This UUID will be used in all VM configurations for the block device.

Generate using uuidgen.


  • required

The name of the PVC DNS aggregator database.


  • required

The username of the PVC DNS aggregator database user.


  • required

The password of the PVC DNS aggregator database user.

Generate using pwgen -s 16 and adjusting length as required.


  • required

The username of the PVC DNS aggregator database replication user.


  • required

The password of the PVC DNS aggregator database replication user.

Generate using pwgen -s 16 and adjusting length as required.


  • required

The username of the PVC DNS aggregator database superuser.


  • required

The password of the PVC DNS aggregator database superuser.

Generate using pwgen -s 16 and adjusting length as required.


  • required

The private autonomous system number used for BGP updates to upstream routers.


A list of upstream routers to communicate BGP routes to.


  • required

A list of all nodes in the PVC cluster and their node-specific configurations. Each node must be present in this list. Each list element contains the following sub-elements:

  • required

The (short) hostname of the node.

  • required

Whether the node is a coordinator. Must be one of, unquoted: yes, no.

  • required

The ID number of the node. Should normally match the number suffix of the hostname.

  • required

The BGP router-id value for upstream route exchange. Should normally match the upstream_ip.

  • required

The non-CIDR IP address of the node in the upstream network.

  • required

The CIDR bit mask of the node upstream_ip address. Must match the upstream network.

  • required

The non-CIDR IP address of the node in the cluster network.

  • required

The CIDR bit mask of the node cluster_ip address. Must match the cluster network.

  • required

The non-CIDR IP address of the node in the storage network.

  • required

The CIDR bit mask of the node storage_ip address. Must match the storage network.

  • required

The IPMI hostname or non-CIDR IP address of the node management controller. Must be reachable by all nodes.

  • required

The IPMI username for the node management controller. Unless a per-host override is required, should usually use the previously-configured global username_ipmi_host. All notes from that entry apply.

  • required

The IPMI password for the node management controller. Unless a per-host override is required, should usually use the previously-configured global passwordname_ipmi_host. All notes from that entry apply.


The next set of entries is hard-coded to use the values from the global networks list. It should not need to be changed under most circumstances. Refer to the previous sections for specific notes about each entry.