• v0.9.81 3e001b08b6

    0.9.81 Stable

    joshuaboniface released this 2023-11-17 01:32:13 -05:00 | 326 commits to master since this release

    Parallel Virtual Cluster version 0.9.81

    Breaking Changes: This large release features a number of major changes. While these should all be a seamless transition, the behaviour of several commands and the backend system for handling them has changed significantly, along with new dependencies from PVC Ansible. A full cluster configuration update via pvc.yml is recommended after installing this version. Redis is replaced with KeyDB on coordinator nodes as a Celery backend; this transition will be handled grace fully by the pvc-ansible playbooks, though note that KeyDB will be exposed on the Upstream interface. The Celery worker system is renamed pvcworkerd, is now active on all nodes (coordinator and non-coordinator), and is expanded to encompass several commands that previously used a similar, custom setup within the node daemons, including "pvc vm flush-locks" and all "pvc storage osd" tasks. The previously-mentioned CLI commands now all feature "--wait"/"--no-wait" flags, with wait showing a progress bar and status output of the task run. The "pvc cluster task" command can now used for viewing all task types, replacing the previously-custom/specific "pvc provisioner status" command. All example provisioner scripts have been updated to leverage new helper functions in the Celery system; while updating these is optional, an administrator is recommended to do so for optimal log output behaviour.

    • [CLI Client] Fixes "--live" argument handling and duplicate restart prompts.
    • [All] Adds support for multiple OSDs on individual disks (NVMe workloads).
    • [All] Corrects and updates OSD replace, refresh, remove, and add functionality; replace no longer purges.
    • [All] Switches to KeyDB (multi-master) instead of Redis and adds node monitoring plugin.
    • [All] Replaces Zookeeper/Node Daemon-based message passing and task handling with pvcworkerd Celery workers on all nodes; increases worker concurrency to 3 (per node).
    • [All] Moves all task-like functions to Celery and updates existing Celery tasks to use new helpers and ID system.
    • [CLI Client] Adds "--wait/--no-wait" options with progress bars to all Celery-based tasks, "--wait" default; adds a standardized task interface under "pvc cluster task".
    • [Node Daemon] Cleans up the fencing handler and related functions.
    • [Node Daemon] Fixes bugs with VM memory reporting during keepalives.
    • [Node Daemon] Fixes a potential race condition during primary/secondary transition by backgrounding systemctl commands.
    • [API Daemon] Updates example provisioner plugins to use new Celery functions.