Rework vm library for new zkhandler

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Boniface 2021-05-29 21:17:19 -04:00
parent 3603b782c0
commit b4f2cf879e

View File

@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import re
import lxml.objectify
import lxml.etree
import daemon_lib.zkhandler as zkhandler
import daemon_lib.common as common
import daemon_lib.ceph as ceph
@ -33,20 +32,20 @@ import daemon_lib.ceph as ceph
# Cluster search functions
def getClusterDomainList(zk_conn):
def getClusterDomainList(zkhandler):
# Get a list of UUIDs by listing the children of /domains
uuid_list = zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/domains')
uuid_list = zkhandler.children('/domains')
name_list = []
# For each UUID, get the corresponding name from the data
for uuid in uuid_list:
name_list.append(zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/%s' % uuid))
return uuid_list, name_list
def searchClusterByUUID(zk_conn, uuid):
def searchClusterByUUID(zkhandler, uuid):
# Get the lists
uuid_list, name_list = getClusterDomainList(zk_conn)
uuid_list, name_list = getClusterDomainList(zkhandler)
# We're looking for UUID, so find that element ID
index = uuid_list.index(uuid)
# Get the name_list element at that index
@ -58,10 +57,10 @@ def searchClusterByUUID(zk_conn, uuid):
return name
def searchClusterByName(zk_conn, name):
def searchClusterByName(zkhandler, name):
# Get the lists
uuid_list, name_list = getClusterDomainList(zk_conn)
uuid_list, name_list = getClusterDomainList(zkhandler)
# We're looking for name, so find that element ID
index = name_list.index(name)
# Get the uuid_list element at that index
@ -73,67 +72,83 @@ def searchClusterByName(zk_conn, name):
return uuid
def getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain):
def getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
if common.validateUUID(domain):
dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk_conn, dom_name)
dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zkhandler, domain)
dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zkhandler, dom_name)
dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk_conn, domain)
dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zk_conn, dom_uuid)
dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zkhandler, domain)
dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zkhandler, dom_uuid)
return dom_uuid
def getDomainName(zk_conn, domain):
def getDomainName(zkhandler, domain):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
if common.validateUUID(domain):
dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk_conn, dom_name)
dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zkhandler, domain)
dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zkhandler, dom_name)
dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk_conn, domain)
dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zk_conn, dom_uuid)
dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zkhandler, domain)
dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zkhandler, dom_uuid)
return dom_name
# Helper functions
def change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, new_state):
lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock('/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
with lock:
('/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid), new_state)
# Wait for 1/2 second to allow state to flow to all nodes
# Direct functions
def is_migrated(zk_conn, domain):
def is_migrated(zkhandler, domain):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
last_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid))
last_node ='/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid))
if last_node:
return True
return False
def flush_locks(zk_conn, domain):
def flush_locks(zkhandler, domain):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
# Verify that the VM is in a stopped state; freeing locks is not safe otherwise
state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
state ='/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
if state != 'stop':
return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is not in stopped state; flushing RBD locks on a running VM is dangerous.'.format(domain)
# Tell the cluster to create a new OSD for the host
flush_locks_string = 'flush_locks {}'.format(dom_uuid)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/domains': flush_locks_string})
('/cmd/domains', flush_locks_string)
# Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working
# Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively
lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/domains')
lock = zkhandler.readlock('/cmd/domains')
with lock:
result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/domains').split()[0]
result ='/cmd/domains').split()[0]
if result == 'success-flush_locks':
message = 'Flushed locks on VM "{}"'.format(domain)
success = True
@ -145,15 +160,17 @@ def flush_locks(zk_conn, domain):
success = False
# Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly
lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/domains')
lock = zkhandler.writelock('/cmd/domains')
with lock:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/domains': ''})
('/cmd/domains', '')
return success, message
def define_vm(zk_conn, config_data, target_node, node_limit, node_selector, node_autostart, migration_method=None, profile=None, initial_state='stop'):
def define_vm(zkhandler, config_data, target_node, node_limit, node_selector, node_autostart, migration_method=None, profile=None, initial_state='stop'):
# Parse the XML data
parsed_xml = lxml.objectify.fromstring(config_data)
@ -163,14 +180,14 @@ def define_vm(zk_conn, config_data, target_node, node_limit, node_selector, node
dom_name =
# Ensure that the UUID and name are unique
if searchClusterByUUID(zk_conn, dom_uuid) or searchClusterByName(zk_conn, dom_name):
if searchClusterByUUID(zkhandler, dom_uuid) or searchClusterByName(zkhandler, dom_name):
return False, 'ERROR: Specified VM "{}" or UUID "{}" matches an existing VM on the cluster'.format(dom_name, dom_uuid)
if not target_node:
target_node = common.findTargetNode(zk_conn, dom_uuid)
target_node = common.findTargetNode(zkhandler, dom_uuid)
# Verify node is valid
valid_node = common.verifyNode(zk_conn, target_node)
valid_node = common.verifyNode(zkhandler, target_node)
if not valid_node:
return False, 'ERROR: Specified node "{}" is invalid.'.format(target_node)
@ -194,64 +211,64 @@ def define_vm(zk_conn, config_data, target_node, node_limit, node_selector, node
formatted_rbd_list = ''
# Add the new domain to Zookeeper
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/domains/{}'.format(dom_uuid): dom_name,
'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): initial_state,
'/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): target_node,
'/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): '',
'/domains/{}/node_limit'.format(dom_uuid): formatted_node_limit,
'/domains/{}/node_selector'.format(dom_uuid): node_selector,
'/domains/{}/node_autostart'.format(dom_uuid): node_autostart,
'/domains/{}/migration_method'.format(dom_uuid): migration_method,
'/domains/{}/failedreason'.format(dom_uuid): '',
'/domains/{}/consolelog'.format(dom_uuid): '',
'/domains/{}/rbdlist'.format(dom_uuid): formatted_rbd_list,
'/domains/{}/profile'.format(dom_uuid): profile,
'/domains/{}/vnc'.format(dom_uuid): '',
'/domains/{}/xml'.format(dom_uuid): config_data
('/domains/{}'.format(dom_uuid), dom_name),
('/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid), initial_state),
('/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid), target_node),
('/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid), ''),
('/domains/{}/node_limit'.format(dom_uuid), formatted_node_limit),
('/domains/{}/node_selector'.format(dom_uuid), node_selector),
('/domains/{}/node_autostart'.format(dom_uuid), node_autostart),
('/domains/{}/migration_method'.format(dom_uuid), migration_method),
('/domains/{}/failedreason'.format(dom_uuid), ''),
('/domains/{}/consolelog'.format(dom_uuid), ''),
('/domains/{}/rbdlist'.format(dom_uuid), formatted_rbd_list),
('/domains/{}/profile'.format(dom_uuid), profile),
('/domains/{}/vnc'.format(dom_uuid), ''),
('/domains/{}/xml'.format(dom_uuid), config_data)
return True, 'Added new VM with Name "{}" and UUID "{}" to database.'.format(dom_name, dom_uuid)
def modify_vm_metadata(zk_conn, domain, node_limit, node_selector, node_autostart, provisioner_profile, migration_method):
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
def modify_vm_metadata(zkhandler, domain, node_limit, node_selector, node_autostart, provisioner_profile, migration_method):
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
if node_limit is not None:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/domains/{}/node_limit'.format(dom_uuid): node_limit
('/domains/{}/node_limit'.format(dom_uuid), node_limit)
if node_selector is not None:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/domains/{}/node_selector'.format(dom_uuid): node_selector
('/domains/{}/node_selector'.format(dom_uuid), node_selector)
if node_autostart is not None:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/domains/{}/node_autostart'.format(dom_uuid): node_autostart
('/domains/{}/node_autostart'.format(dom_uuid), node_autostart)
if provisioner_profile is not None:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/domains/{}/profile'.format(dom_uuid): provisioner_profile
('/domains/{}/profile'.format(dom_uuid), provisioner_profile)
if migration_method is not None:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/domains/{}/migration_method'.format(dom_uuid): migration_method
('/domains/{}/migration_method'.format(dom_uuid), migration_method)
return True, 'Successfully modified PVC metadata of VM "{}".'.format(domain)
def modify_vm(zk_conn, domain, restart, new_vm_config):
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
def modify_vm(zkhandler, domain, restart, new_vm_config):
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
dom_name = getDomainName(zk_conn, domain)
dom_name = getDomainName(zkhandler, domain)
# Parse and valiate the XML
@ -273,45 +290,41 @@ def modify_vm(zk_conn, domain, restart, new_vm_config):
formatted_rbd_list = ''
# Add the modified config to Zookeeper
zk_data = {
'/domains/{}'.format(dom_uuid): dom_name,
'/domains/{}/rbdlist'.format(dom_uuid): formatted_rbd_list,
'/domains/{}/xml'.format(dom_uuid): new_vm_config
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, zk_data)
('/domains/{}'.format(dom_uuid), dom_name),
('/domains/{}/rbdlist'.format(dom_uuid), formatted_rbd_list),
('/domains/{}/xml'.format(dom_uuid), new_vm_config)
if restart:
lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'restart'})
change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'restart')
return True, 'Successfully modified configuration of VM "{}".'.format(domain)
def dump_vm(zk_conn, domain):
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
def dump_vm(zkhandler, domain):
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
# Gram the domain XML and dump it to stdout
vm_xml = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/xml'.format(dom_uuid))
vm_xml ='/domains/{}/xml'.format(dom_uuid))
return True, vm_xml
def rename_vm(zk_conn, domain, new_domain):
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
def rename_vm(zkhandler, domain, new_domain):
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
# Verify that the VM is in a stopped state; renaming is not supported otherwise
state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
state ='/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
if state != 'stop':
return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is not in stopped state; VMs cannot be renamed while running.'.format(domain)
# Parse and valiate the XML
vm_config = common.getDomainXML(zk_conn, dom_uuid)
vm_config = common.getDomainXML(zkhandler, dom_uuid)
# Obtain the RBD disk list using the common functions
ddisks = common.getDomainDisks(vm_config, {})
@ -328,207 +341,180 @@ def rename_vm(zk_conn, domain, new_domain):
# Skip renaming if nothing changed
if rbd_new == rbd:
ceph.rename_volume(zk_conn, pool_list[idx], rbd, rbd_new)
ceph.rename_volume(zkhandler, pool_list[idx], rbd, rbd_new)
# Replace the name in the config
vm_config_new = lxml.etree.tostring(vm_config, encoding='ascii', method='xml').decode().replace(domain, new_domain)
# Get VM information
_b, dom_info = get_info(zk_conn, dom_uuid)
_b, dom_info = get_info(zkhandler, dom_uuid)
# Undefine the old VM
undefine_vm(zk_conn, dom_uuid)
undefine_vm(zkhandler, dom_uuid)
# Define the new VM
define_vm(zk_conn, vm_config_new, dom_info['node'], dom_info['node_limit'], dom_info['node_selector'], dom_info['node_autostart'], migration_method=dom_info['migration_method'], profile=dom_info['profile'], initial_state='stop')
define_vm(zkhandler, vm_config_new, dom_info['node'], dom_info['node_limit'], dom_info['node_selector'], dom_info['node_autostart'], migration_method=dom_info['migration_method'], profile=dom_info['profile'], initial_state='stop')
# If the VM is migrated, store that
if dom_info['migrated'] != 'no':
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): dom_info['last_node']})
('/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid), dom_info['last_node'])
return True, 'Successfully renamed VM "{}" to "{}".'.format(domain, new_domain)
def undefine_vm(zk_conn, domain):
def undefine_vm(zkhandler, domain):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
# Shut down the VM
current_vm_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
current_vm_state ='/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
if current_vm_state != 'stop':
# Set the domain into stop mode
lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'stop'})
# Wait for 2 seconds to allow state to flow to all nodes
change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'stop')
# Gracefully terminate the class instances
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'delete'})
change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'delete')
# Delete the configurations
zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/domains/{}'.format(dom_uuid))
return True, 'Undefined VM "{}" from the cluster.'.format(domain)
def remove_vm(zk_conn, domain):
def remove_vm(zkhandler, domain):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
disk_list = common.getDomainDiskList(zk_conn, dom_uuid)
disk_list = common.getDomainDiskList(zkhandler, dom_uuid)
# Shut down the VM
current_vm_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
current_vm_state ='/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
if current_vm_state != 'stop':
# Set the domain into stop mode
lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'stop'})
# Wait for 2 seconds to allow state to flow to all nodes
change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'stop')
# Gracefully terminate the class instances
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'delete'})
change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'delete')
# Delete the configurations
zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/domains/{}'.format(dom_uuid))
# Wait for 1 second to allow state to flow to all nodes
# Remove disks
for disk in disk_list:
# vmpool/vmname_volume
disk_pool, disk_name = disk.split('/')
retcode, message = ceph.remove_volume(zk_conn, disk_pool, disk_name)
retcode, message = ceph.remove_volume(zkhandler, disk_pool, disk_name)
except ValueError:
return True, 'Removed VM "{}" and disks from the cluster.'.format(domain)
def start_vm(zk_conn, domain):
def start_vm(zkhandler, domain):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
# Set the VM to start
lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'start'})
change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'start')
return True, 'Starting VM "{}".'.format(domain)
def restart_vm(zk_conn, domain, wait=False):
def restart_vm(zkhandler, domain, wait=False):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
# Get state and verify we're OK to proceed
current_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
current_state ='/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
if current_state != 'start':
return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is not in "start" state!'.format(domain)
retmsg = 'Restarting VM "{}".'.format(domain)
# Set the VM to restart
lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'restart'})
change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'restart')
if wait:
while zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) == 'restart':
while'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) == 'restart':
retmsg = 'Restarted VM "{}"'.format(domain)
return True, retmsg
def shutdown_vm(zk_conn, domain, wait=False):
def shutdown_vm(zkhandler, domain, wait=False):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
# Get state and verify we're OK to proceed
current_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
current_state ='/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
if current_state != 'start':
return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is not in "start" state!'.format(domain)
retmsg = 'Shutting down VM "{}"'.format(domain)
# Set the VM to shutdown
lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'shutdown'})
change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'shutdown')
if wait:
while zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) == 'shutdown':
while'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) == 'shutdown':
retmsg = 'Shut down VM "{}"'.format(domain)
return True, retmsg
def stop_vm(zk_conn, domain):
def stop_vm(zkhandler, domain):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
# Set the VM to start
lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'stop'})
# Set the VM to stop
change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'stop')
return True, 'Forcibly stopping VM "{}".'.format(domain)
def disable_vm(zk_conn, domain):
def disable_vm(zkhandler, domain):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
# Get state and verify we're OK to proceed
current_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
current_state ='/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
if current_state != 'stop':
return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" must be stopped before disabling!'.format(domain)
# Set the VM to start
lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'disable'})
# Set the VM to disable
change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'disable')
return True, 'Marked VM "{}" as disable.'.format(domain)
def move_vm(zk_conn, domain, target_node, wait=False, force_live=False):
def move_vm(zkhandler, domain, target_node, wait=False, force_live=False):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
# Get state and verify we're OK to proceed
current_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
current_state ='/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
if current_state != 'start':
# If the current state isn't start, preserve it; we're not doing live migration
target_state = current_state
@ -538,26 +524,28 @@ def move_vm(zk_conn, domain, target_node, wait=False, force_live=False):
target_state = 'migrate'
current_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid))
current_node ='/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid))
if not target_node:
target_node = common.findTargetNode(zk_conn, dom_uuid)
target_node = common.findTargetNode(zkhandler, dom_uuid)
# Verify node is valid
valid_node = common.verifyNode(zk_conn, target_node)
valid_node = common.verifyNode(zkhandler, target_node)
if not valid_node:
return False, 'ERROR: Specified node "{}" is invalid.'.format(target_node)
# Check if node is within the limit
node_limit = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node_limit'.format(dom_uuid))
node_limit ='/domains/{}/node_limit'.format(dom_uuid))
if node_limit and target_node not in node_limit.split(','):
return False, 'ERROR: Specified node "{}" is not in the allowed list of nodes for VM "{}".'.format(target_node, domain)
# Verify if node is current node
if target_node == current_node:
last_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid))
last_node ='/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid))
if last_node:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): ''})
('/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid), '')
return True, 'Making temporary migration permanent for VM "{}".'.format(domain)
return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is already running on node "{}".'.format(domain, current_node)
@ -567,31 +555,33 @@ def move_vm(zk_conn, domain, target_node, wait=False, force_live=False):
retmsg = 'Permanently migrating VM "{}" to node "{}".'.format(domain, target_node)
lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): target_state,
'/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): target_node,
'/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): ''
lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock('/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
with lock:
('/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid), target_state),
('/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid), target_node),
('/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid), '')
# Wait for 1/2 second for migration to start
if wait:
while zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) == target_state:
while'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) == target_state:
retmsg = 'Permanently migrated VM "{}" to node "{}"'.format(domain, target_node)
return True, retmsg
def migrate_vm(zk_conn, domain, target_node, force_migrate, wait=False, force_live=False):
def migrate_vm(zkhandler, domain, target_node, force_migrate, wait=False, force_live=False):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
# Get state and verify we're OK to proceed
current_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
current_state ='/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
if current_state != 'start':
# If the current state isn't start, preserve it; we're not doing live migration
target_state = current_state
@ -601,22 +591,22 @@ def migrate_vm(zk_conn, domain, target_node, force_migrate, wait=False, force_li
target_state = 'migrate'
current_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid))
last_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid))
current_node ='/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid))
last_node ='/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid))
if last_node and not force_migrate:
return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" has been previously migrated.'.format(domain)
if not target_node:
target_node = common.findTargetNode(zk_conn, dom_uuid)
target_node = common.findTargetNode(zkhandler, dom_uuid)
# Verify node is valid
valid_node = common.verifyNode(zk_conn, target_node)
valid_node = common.verifyNode(zkhandler, target_node)
if not valid_node:
return False, 'ERROR: Specified node "{}" is invalid.'.format(target_node)
# Check if node is within the limit
node_limit = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node_limit'.format(dom_uuid))
node_limit ='/domains/{}/node_limit'.format(dom_uuid))
if node_limit and target_node not in node_limit.split(','):
return False, 'ERROR: Specified node "{}" is not in the allowed list of nodes for VM "{}".'.format(target_node, domain)
@ -633,31 +623,33 @@ def migrate_vm(zk_conn, domain, target_node, force_migrate, wait=False, force_li
retmsg = 'Migrating VM "{}" to node "{}".'.format(domain, target_node)
lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): target_state,
'/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): target_node,
'/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): current_node
lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(zkhandler, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
with lock:
('/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid), target_state),
('/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid), target_node),
('/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid), current_node)
# Wait for 1/2 second for migration to start
if wait:
while zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) == target_state:
while'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) == target_state:
retmsg = 'Migrated VM "{}" to node "{}"'.format(domain, target_node)
return True, retmsg
def unmigrate_vm(zk_conn, domain, wait=False, force_live=False):
def unmigrate_vm(zkhandler, domain, wait=False, force_live=False):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
# Get state and verify we're OK to proceed
current_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
current_state ='/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
if current_state != 'start':
# If the current state isn't start, preserve it; we're not doing live migration
target_state = current_state
@ -667,38 +659,40 @@ def unmigrate_vm(zk_conn, domain, wait=False, force_live=False):
target_state = 'migrate'
target_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid))
target_node ='/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid))
if target_node == '':
return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" has not been previously migrated.'.format(domain)
retmsg = 'Unmigrating VM "{}" back to node "{}".'.format(domain, target_node)
lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): target_state,
'/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): target_node,
'/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): ''
lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(zkhandler, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid))
with lock:
('/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid), target_state),
('/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid), target_node),
('/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid), '')
# Wait for 1/2 second for migration to start
if wait:
while zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) == target_state:
while'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) == target_state:
retmsg = 'Unmigrated VM "{}" back to node "{}"'.format(domain, target_node)
return True, retmsg
def get_console_log(zk_conn, domain, lines=1000):
def get_console_log(zkhandler, domain, lines=1000):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain)
# Get the data from ZK
console_log = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/consolelog'.format(dom_uuid))
console_log ='/domains/{}/consolelog'.format(dom_uuid))
# Shrink the log buffer to length lines
shrunk_log = console_log.split('\n')[-lines:]
@ -707,24 +701,24 @@ def get_console_log(zk_conn, domain, lines=1000):
return True, loglines
def get_info(zk_conn, domain):
def get_info(zkhandler, domain):
# Validate that VM exists in cluster
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain)
dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain)
if not dom_uuid:
return False, 'ERROR: No VM named "{}" is present in the cluster.'.format(domain)
# Gather information from XML config and print it
domain_information = common.getInformationFromXML(zk_conn, dom_uuid)
domain_information = common.getInformationFromXML(zkhandler, dom_uuid)
if not domain_information:
return False, 'ERROR: Could not get information about VM "{}".'.format(domain)
return True, domain_information
def get_list(zk_conn, node, state, limit, is_fuzzy=True):
def get_list(zkhandler, node, state, limit, is_fuzzy=True):
if node:
# Verify node is valid
if not common.verifyNode(zk_conn, node):
if not common.verifyNode(zkhandler, node):
return False, 'Specified node "{}" is invalid.'.format(node)
if state:
@ -732,7 +726,7 @@ def get_list(zk_conn, node, state, limit, is_fuzzy=True):
if state not in valid_states:
return False, 'VM state "{}" is not valid.'.format(state)
full_vm_list = zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/domains')
full_vm_list = zkhandler.children('/domains')
vm_list = []
# Set our limit to a sensible regex
@ -751,33 +745,33 @@ def get_list(zk_conn, node, state, limit, is_fuzzy=True):
vm_state = {}
for vm in full_vm_list:
# Check we don't match the limit
name = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}'.format(vm))
vm_node[vm] = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node'.format(vm))
vm_state[vm] = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(vm))
name ='/domains/{}'.format(vm))
vm_node[vm] ='/domains/{}/node'.format(vm))
vm_state[vm] ='/domains/{}/state'.format(vm))
# Handle limiting
if limit:
if re.match(limit, vm):
if not node and not state:
vm_list.append(common.getInformationFromXML(zk_conn, vm))
vm_list.append(common.getInformationFromXML(zkhandler, vm))
if vm_node[vm] == node or vm_state[vm] == state:
vm_list.append(common.getInformationFromXML(zk_conn, vm))
vm_list.append(common.getInformationFromXML(zkhandler, vm))
if re.match(limit, name):
if not node and not state:
vm_list.append(common.getInformationFromXML(zk_conn, vm))
vm_list.append(common.getInformationFromXML(zkhandler, vm))
if vm_node[vm] == node or vm_state[vm] == state:
vm_list.append(common.getInformationFromXML(zk_conn, vm))
vm_list.append(common.getInformationFromXML(zkhandler, vm))
except Exception as e:
return False, 'Regex Error: {}'.format(e)
# Check node to avoid unneeded ZK calls
if not node and not state:
vm_list.append(common.getInformationFromXML(zk_conn, vm))
vm_list.append(common.getInformationFromXML(zkhandler, vm))
if vm_node[vm] == node or vm_state[vm] == state:
vm_list.append(common.getInformationFromXML(zk_conn, vm))
vm_list.append(common.getInformationFromXML(zkhandler, vm))
return True, vm_list