Add example YAML file

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Joshua Boniface 2019-03-10 20:40:45 -04:00
parent fc890cc606
commit 994315afa3

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@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
# pvcd cluster configuration file example
# This configuration file specifies details for this node in PVC. Multiple node
# blocks can be added but only the one matching the current system nodename will
# be used by the local daemon. Default values are not supported; the values in
# this sample configuration are considered defaults and, with adjustment of the
# nodename section and coordinators list, can be used as-is on a Debian system.
# Copy this example to /etc/pvc/pvcd.conf and edit to your needs
# node: The (short) hostname of the node, set during provisioning
node: pvc-hv1
# cluster: Cluster-level configuration
# coordinators: The list of cluster coordinator hostnames
- pvc-hv1
- pvc-hv2
- pvc-hv3
# networks: Cluster-level network configuration
# upstream: Upstream routed network for in- and out-bound upstream networking
# domain: Upstream domain name, may be None
domain: ""
# network: Upstream network block
network: ""
# floating_ip: Upstream floating IP address for the primary coordinator
floating_ip: ""
# cluster: Cluster internal network for node communication and client virtual networks
# domain: Cluster internal domain name
domain: "pvc.local"
# network: Cluster internal network block
network: ""
# floating_ip: Cluster internal floating IP address for the primary coordinator
floating_ip: ""
# storage: Cluster internal network for storage traffic
# domain: Cluster storage domain name
domain: ""
# network: Cluster storage network block
network: ""
# floating_ip: Cluster storage floating IP address for the primary coordinator
floating_ip: ""
# coordinator: Coordinator-specific configuration
# dns: DNS aggregator subsystem
# database: MySQL Galera database configuration
# host: MySQL hostname, invariably 'localhost'
host: localhost
# port: MySQL port, invariably 'localhost'
port: 3306
# name: MySQL database name, invariably 'pvcdns'
name: pvcdns
# user: MySQL username, invariable 'pvcdns'
user: pvcdns
# pass: MySQL user password, randomly generated
pass: pvcdns
# system: Local PVC instance configuration
# fencing: Node fencing configuration
# intervals: Intervals for fencing determination
# keepalive_interval: Number of seconds between keepalive/status updates
keepalive_interval: 5
# fence_intervals: Number of keepalive_intervals to declare a node dead and fence it
fence_intervals: 6
# suicide_intervals: Numer of keepalive_intervals before a node considers itself dead and self-fences, 0 to disable
suicide_intervals: 0
# actions: Actions to take after a fence trigger
# successful_fence: Action to take after successfully fencing a node, options: migrate, None
successful_fence: migrate
# failed_fence: Action to take after failing to fence a node, options: migrate, None
failed_fence: None
# ipmi: Local system IPMI options
# host: Hostname/IP of the local system's IPMI interface, must be reachable
host: pvc-hv1-lom
# user: Local system IPMI username
user: admin
# pass: Local system IPMI password
pass: Passw0rd
# migration: Migration option configuration
# target_selector: Criteria to select the ideal migration target, options: mem, load, vcpus, vms
target_selector: mem
# configuration: Local system configurations
# directories: PVC system directories
# dynamic_directory: Temporary in-memory directory for active configurations
dynamic_directory: "/run/pvc"
# log_directory: Logging directory
log_directory: "/var/log/pvc"
# logging: PVC logging configuration
# file_logging: Enable or disable logging to files under log_directory
file_logging: True
# stdout_logging: Enable or disable logging to stdout (i.e. journald)
stdout_logging: True
# networking: PVC networking configuration
# devices: Interface devices configuration
# upstream: Upstream physical interface device
upstream: ens4
# cluster: Cluster (VNIC) physical interface device
cluster: ens4
# storage: Storage (Ceph) physical interface device
storage: ens4
# addresses: Special network addresses; by-id denotes "address octet equals host number", e.g. .3 for host3
# upstream: Network address for upstream network, options: None, by-id, <static>/<mask>
upstream: None
# cluster: Network address for cluster network, options: by-id, <static>/<mask>
cluster: by-id
# storage: Network address for storage network, options: by-id, <static>/<mask>
storage: by-id