Add c2dbdl script
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# C3DB Download Tool
The C3DB Download Tool allows for easy scraping to a local JSON database and downloading of files from the C3
(Customs Creators Collective) database, a collection of custom songs for Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and similar clone
This tool exists because the C3DB is very hard to mass download from: each song must be found in the extensive
list, selected manually, and a second link clicked through, before a random file name is obtained. This tool
simplifies the process by first collecting information about all available songs of a particular type, and then is
able to download songs based on customizable filters (e.g. by genre, artist, author, etc.) and output them in a
standardized format.
To use the tool, first use the "database" command to build or modify your local JSON database, then use the
"download" command to download songs.
To avoid overloading or abusing the C3DB website, this tool operates exclusively in sequential mode by design; at
most one page is scraped (for "database build") or song downloaded (for "download") at once. Additionally, the tool
design ensures that the JSON database of songs is stored locally, so it only needs to be built once and then is
reused to perform actual downloads without putting further load on the website.
## Installation
1. Install the Python3 requirements from `requirements.txt`.
1. Copy the script to a virtualenv, somewhere in your $PATH or execute directly from this folder (see Usage below).
## Usage
Before running a command, use the build-in help via the `-h`/`--help` option to view the available option(s) of
the command.
The general process of using `c3dbdl` is as follows:
1. Select a download location, and either specify it with the `-d`/`--download-directory` option or via the
environment variable `C3DBDL_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY`.
1. Select a base URL. Use this to determine what game(s) you want to want to limit to, or use the default to
fetch all avilable songs for all games, and either specify it with the `-u`/`--base-url` option or via the
environment variable `C3DBDL_BASE_URL`.
1. Initialize your C3DB JSON database with `c3dbdl [options] database build`. This will take a fair amount
of time to complete as all pages of the chosen base URL are scanned. Note that if you cancel this process, no
data will be saved, so let it complete!
1. Download any song(s) you want with `c3dbdl [options] download [options]`.
## Filtering
Filtering out the songs in the database is a key part of this tool. You might want to be able to grab only select
genres, artists, authors, etc. to make your custom song packs.
`c3dbdl` is able to filter by several key categories:
* `genre`: The genre of the song.
* `artist`: The artist of the song.
* `album`: The album of the song.
* `title`: The title of the song.
* `year`: The year of the album/song.
* `author`: The author of the file on C3DB.
Note that we *cannot* filter - mostly for parsing difficulty reasons - by intrument type or difficulty, by song
length, or by any other information not mentioned above.
Filtering is always done during the download stage; the JSON database will always contain all possible entries.
To use filters, append one or more `--filter` options to your `c3dbdl download` command. A filter option begins
with the literal `--filter`, followed by the category (e.g. `genre` or `artist`), then finally the text to filter
on, for instance `Rock` or `Santana` or `2012`. The text must be quoted if it contains whitespace.
If more that one filter is specified, they are treated as a logical AND, i.e. all the listed filters must apply to
a given song for it to be downloaded in that run.
Filters allow powerfully specific download selections to be run. For example, let's look for all songs by Rush
from the album Vapor Trails (the remixed version) authored by ejthedj:
c3dbdl download --filter artist Rush --filter album "Vapor Trails [Remixed]" --author ejthedj
This shouldfind , as of 2023-04-02, exactly one song, "Sweet Miracle":
Found 28942 songs from JSON database file 'Downloads/c3db.json'
Downloading 1 song files...
Downloading song "Rush - Sweet Miracle" by ejthedj...
Downloading from
Feel free to experiment.
## Output Format
When downloading files, it may be advantageous to customize the output directory and filename structure to better
match what you plan to do with the files. For instance, for pure organiation you might want nicely laid out
files with clear directory structures and names, while for Onyx packaging you might want everything in a flat
`c3dbdl` provides complete flexibility in the output file format. When downloading, use the `--file-structure`
option to set the file structure. This value is an interpolated string containing one or more field variables,
which are mapped at download file. The available fields are:
* `genre`: The genre of the song.
* `artist`: The artist of the song.
* `album`: The album of the song.
* `title`: The title of the song.
* `year`: The year of the album/song.
* `author`: The author of the file on C3DB.
* `orig_file`: The original filename that would be downloaded by e.g. a browser.
The default structure leverages all of these options to create an archive-ready structure as follows:
{genre}/{artist}/{album}/{title} [{year}] ({author}).{orig_file}
As an example:
Prog/Rush/Vapor Trails [Remixed]/Sweet Miracle [2002] (ejthedj).sweetMiracle
Note that any parent director(ies) will be automatically created down the whole tree until the final filename.
## Help
This is a quick and dirty tool I wrote to quickly grab collections of songs. I provide no guarantee of success
when using this tool. If you have issues, please open an issue on this repository and provide *full details*
of your problem.
Executable file
Executable file
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import click
import requests
import re
import json
import os
from time import sleep
from difflib import unified_diff
from colorama import Fore
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.error import HTTPError
CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help'], max_content_width=120)
def buildDatabase(pages=None):
found_songs = []
if pages is None:
r = requests.get(f"{config['base_songs_url']}")
if r.status_code != 200:
root_page_html = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
pages = int(root_page_html.body.find('a', attrs={'class':'paginationLastPage'}).get('href').replace('?page=', ''))
click.echo(f"Collecting data from {pages} pages")
# Get a list of song URIs
for i in range(1, pages + 1):
attempts = 1
p = None
while attempts <= 5:
click.echo(f"Parsing page {i} (attempt #{attempts})...")
p = requests.get(f"{config['base_songs_url']}?page={i}")
except Exception:
attempts += 1
if p is None or p.status_code != 200:
parsed_html = BeautifulSoup(p.text, 'html.parser')
table_html = parsed_html.body.find('div', attrs={'class':'portlet-body'}).find('tbody')
for entry in table_html.find_all('tr', attrs={'class':'odd'}):
if len(entry) < 1:
song_entry = dict()
for idx, td in enumerate(entry.find_all('td')):
if idx == 1:
# Download link
song_entry["dl_link"] = td.find('a', attrs={'target':'_blank'}).get('href')
elif idx == 2:
# Artist
song_entry["artist"] = td.find('a').get_text().strip().replace('/', '+')
elif idx == 3:
# Song
song_entry["title"] = td.find('div', attrs={'class':'c3ttitlemargin'}).get_text().strip().replace('/', '+')
song_entry["album"] = td.find('div', attrs={'class':'c3tartist'}).get_text().strip().replace('/', '+')
elif idx == 4:
# Genre
song_entry["genre"] = td.find('a').get_text().strip()
elif idx == 5:
# Year
song_entry["year"] = td.find('a').get_text().strip()
elif idx == 6:
# Length
song_entry["length"] = td.find('a').get_text().strip()
elif idx == 8:
# Author (of chart)
song_entry["author"] = td.find('a').get_text().strip().replace('/', '+')
if song_entry and song_entry['title']:
click.echo(f"Found song entry for {song_entry['artist']} - {song_entry['title']} by {song_entry['author']}")
return found_songs
def downloadSong(destination, filename, entry):
click.echo(f"""Downloading song "{entry['artist']} - {entry['title']}" by {entry['author']}...""")
p = requests.get(entry['dl_link'])
if p.status_code != 200:
raise HTTPError(entry['dl_link'], p.status_code, "", None, None)
parsed_html = BeautifulSoup(p.text, 'html.parser')
download_url = parsed_html.body.find('div', attrs={'class':'lock-head'}).find('a').get('href')
except Exception as e:
click.echo(f"Failed parsing or retrieving HTML link: {e}")
return None
download_filename = filename.format(
download_filename = f"{destination}/{download_filename}"
download_path = '/'.join(f"{download_filename}".split('/')[0:-1])
if not os.path.exists(download_path):
if os.path.exists(download_filename):
click.echo(f"File exists at {download_filename}")
return None
click.echo(f"""Downloading from {download_url}...""")
attempts = 1
p = None
with requests.get(download_url, stream=True) as r:
while attempts <= 5:
except Exception:
click.echo(f"Download attempt failed: HTTP {r.status_code}; retrying {attempts}/5")
attempts += 1
if r is None or r.status_code != 200:
if r:
code = r.status_code
code = "-1"
raise HTTPError(download_url, code, "", None, None)
with open(download_filename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
click.echo(f"Successfully downloaded to {download_filename}")
except Exception as e:
click.echo(f"Download attempt failed: {e}")
return None
@click.command(name='build', short_help='Build the local database.')
"-o", "--overwrite", '_overwrite', is_flag=True, default=False, envvar='C3DLDB_BUILD_OVERWRITE',
help="Overwrite existing database file."
"-p", "--pages", "_pages", type=int, default=None, envvar='C3DBDL_BUILD_PAGES',
help="Number of pages to scan (default is all)."
def build_database(_overwrite, _pages):
Initialize the local JSON database of C3DB songs from the website.
The following environment variables can be used for scripting purposes:
* C3DLDB_BUILD_OVERWRITE: equivalent to "--overwrite"
* C3DBDL_BUILD_PAGES: equivalent to "--pages"
if os.path.exists(config['database_filename']) and not _overwrite:
click.echo(f"Database already exists at '{config['database_filename']}'; use '--overwrite' to rebuild.")
click.echo("Building JSON database; this will take a long time...")
songs_database = buildDatabase(_pages)
click.echo(f"Found {len(songs_database)} songs, dumping to database file '{config['database_filename']}'")
if not os.path.exists(config['download_directory']):
click.echo(f"Creating download directory '{config['download_directory']}'")
with open(config['database_filename'], "w") as fh:
json.dump(songs_database, fh, indent=2)
@click.command(name='edit', short_help='Edit the local database in EDITOR.')
def edit_database():
Edit the local JSON database of C3DB songs with your $EDITOR.
if not os.path.exists(config['database_filename']):
click.echo(f"WARNING: Database filename '{config['database_filename']}' does not exist!")
click.echo("Ensure you build a database first with the 'database build' command.")
with open(config['database_filename'], "r") as fh:
songs_database =
new_songs_database = click.edit(text=songs_database, require_save=True, extension='.json')
while True:
if new_songs_database is None:
click.echo("Aborting with no modifications")
click.echo("Pending modifications:")
diff = list(unified_diff(
for line in diff:
if re.match(r'^\+', line) is not None:
click.echo(Fore.GREEN + line + Fore.RESET)
elif re.match(r'^\-', line) is not None:
click.echo(Fore.RED + line + Fore.RESET)
elif re.match(r'^\^', line) is not None:
click.echo(Fore.BLUE + line + Fore.RESET)
except Exception:
click.echo('ERROR: Invalid JSON syntax.')
click.confirm('Continue editing?', abort=True)
new_songs_database = click.edit(text=new_songs_database, require_save=True, extension='.json')
click.confirm('Write modifications to songs database?', abort=True)
with open(config['database_filename'], "w") as fh:
||||"database", short_help='Manage the local database.')
def database():
Manage the local JSON database of C3DB songs.
@click.command(name="download", short_help='Download files from C3DB.')
'-s', '--file-structure', '_file_structure', envvar='C3DBDL_DL_FILE_STRUCTURE',
default="{genre}/{artist}/{album}/{title} [{year}] ({author}).{orig_name}",
help='Specify the output file/directory stucture.'
'-f', '--filter', '_filters', envvar='C3DBDL_DL_FILTERS',
default=[], multiple=True,
help='Add a filter option.'
'-l', '--limit', '_limit', envvar='C3DBDL_DL_LIMIT',
default=None, type=int,
help='Limit to this many songs (first N matches).'
def download(_filters, _limit, _file_structure):
Download song(s) from the C3DB webpage.
The output file structure can be specified as a path format with any of the following
fields included, surrounded by curly braces:
* genre: The genre of the song.
* artist: The artist of the song.
* album: The album of the song.
* title: The title of the song.
* year: The year of the album/song.
* author: The author of the file on C3DB.
* orig_name: The original filename from the website.
The default output file structure is:
"{genre}/{artist}/{album}/{title} [{year}] ({author}).{orig_file}"
Filters allow granular selection of the song(s) to download. Multiple filters can be
specified, and a song is selected only if ALL filters match (logical AND). Each filter
is in the form:
--filter [database_key] [value]
The valid "database_key" values are identical to the output file fields above.
For example, to download all songs in the genre "Rock":
--filter genre Rock
Or to download all songs by the artist "Rush" and the author "MyName":
--filter artist Rush --filter author MyName
The following environment variables can be used for scripting purposes:
* C3DBDL_DL_FILE_STRUCTURE: equivalent to "--file-structure"
* C3DBDL_DL_FILTERS: equivalent to "--filter"; limited to one instance
* C3DBDL_DL_LIMIT: equivalent to "--limit"
with open(config['database_filename'], "r") as fh:
all_songs = json.load(fh)
click.echo(f"Found {len(all_songs)} songs from JSON database file '{config['database_filename']}'")
pending_songs = list()
for song in all_songs:
if len(_filters) < 1:
add_to_pending = True
add_to_pending = all(song[_filter[0]] == _filter[1] for _filter in _filters)
if add_to_pending:
if _limit is not None:
pending_songs = pending_songs[0:_limit]
click.echo(f"Downloading {len(pending_songs)} song files...")
for song in pending_songs:
downloadSong(config['download_directory'], _file_structure, song)
'-u', '--base-url', '_base_url', envvar='C3DBDL_BASE_URL',
default='', show_default=True,
help='Base URL of the online C3DB songs page'
'-d', '--download-directory', '_download_directory', envvar='C3DBDL_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY',
default='~/Downloads', show_default=True,
help='Download directory for JSON database and songs'
'-j', '--json-database', '_json_database', envvar='C3DBDL_JSON_DATABASE',
default='c3db.json', show_default=True,
help='JSON database filename within download directory'
def cli(_base_url, _download_directory, _json_database):
C3DB Download Tool
The C3DB Download Tool allows for easy scraping to a local JSON database and downloading
of files from the C3 (Customs Creators Collective) database, a collection of custom songs
for Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and similar clone games.
This tool exists because the C3DB is very hard to mass download from: each song must
be found in the extensive list, selected manually, and a second link clicked through,
before a random file name is obtained. This tool simplifies the process by first collecting
information about all available songs of a particular type, and then is able to download
songs based on customizable filters (e.g. by genre, artist, author, etc.) and output them
in a standardized format.
To use the tool, first use the "database" command to build or modify your local JSON
database, then use the "download" command to download songs.
To avoid overloading or abusing the C3DB website, this tool operates exclusively in
sequential mode by design; at most one page is scraped (for "database build") or song
downloaded (for "download") at once. Additionally, the tool design ensures that the JSON
database of songs is stored locally, so it only needs to be built once and then is reused
to perform actual downloads without putting further load on the website.
The following environment variables can be used for scripting purposes:
* C3DBDL_BASE_URL: equivalent to "--base-url"
* C3DBDL_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY: equivalent to "--download_directory"
* C3DBDL_JSON_DATABASE: equivalent to "--json-database"
global config
# Expand any ~ in the download directory pathname
_download_directory = os.path.expanduser(_download_directory)
# Populate the configuration store
config['base_songs_url'] = _base_url
config['download_directory'] = _download_directory
config['database_filename'] = f"{_download_directory}/{_json_database}"
config = dict()
def main():
return cli(obj={})
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Normal file
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user