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date = "2024-09-01T00:00:00-05:00"
title = "Music"
Not only am I a tech geek, but I'm also a multi-instrumentalist musician and composer! On this page you can find some of my work.
## Into Æther
My debut album, in the works since 2011 (or 2006, depending on how you count it). Into Æther is a progressive rock concept album based on the world of Magic: The Gathering.
Below is a playlist containing preview audio of all 9 songs, as produced by MuseSounds. No real instruments or vocals yet. I plan to record this over the Winter of 2024/2025 with a goal for a Spring 2025 release. Enjoy.
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data-config="{'skin':'skins/black/skin.css','volume':50,'autoplay':false,'shuffle':false,'repeat':0,'placement':'top','showplaylist':true,'playlist':[{'title':'Into %C6ther','url':''},{'title':'The Vision','url':''},{'title':'The Summoning','url':''},{'title':'Thraximundar','url':''},{'title':'Escape','url':''},{'title':'Brooding','url':''},{'title':'The Gathering','url':''},{'title':'Lament','url':''},{'title':'Thraximundar Defeated','url':''}]}" ></script>
<!-- SCM Music Player script end -->