Allows shipping snapshots automatically to remote clusters on a cron, identically to how autobackup handles local snapshot exports. VMs are selected based on configured tags, and individual destination clusters can be specified based on a colon-separated suffix to the tag(s). Automirror snapshots use the prefix "am" (analogous to "ab" for autobackups) to differentiate them from normal "mr" mirrors.
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# PVC system configuration - example file
# This configuration file defines the details of a PVC cluster.
# It is used by several daemons on the system, including pvcnoded, pvcapid, pvcworkerd, and pvchealthd.
# This file will normally be written by the PVC Ansible framework; this example is provided for reference
# Paths configuration
# Plugin directory
plugin_directory: "/usr/share/pvc/plugins"
# Dynamic directory
dynamic_directory: "/run/pvc"
# System log directory
system_log_directory: "/var/log/pvc"
# VM Console log directory (set by Libvirt)
console_log_directory: "/var/log/libvirt"
# Ceph configuration directory (set by Ceph/Ansible)
ceph_directory: "/etc/ceph"
# Subsystem configuration
# Changing these values can be used to turn on or off various parts of PVC
# Normally, all should be enabled ("yes") except in very custom clusters
# Enable or disable hypervisor functionality
enable_hypervisor: yes
# Enable or disable virtual networking and routing functionality
enable_networking: yes
# Enable or disable Ceph storage management functionality
enable_storage: yes
# Enable or disable the worker client
enable_worker: yes
# Enable or disable the API client, if installed, when node is Primary
enable_api: yes
# Enable or disable the Prometheus metrics endpoints in the API; if disabled, these return 404
enable_prometheus: yes
# Cluster configuration
# The name of the cluster
name: pvc1
# The full list of nodes in this cluster
- pvchv1
- pvchv2
- pvchv3
# The list of coorrdinator nodes in this cluster (subset of nodes)
- pvchv1
- pvchv2
- pvchv3
# Hardcoded networks (upstream/cluster/storage)
# Upstream network, used for inbound and outbound connectivity, API management, etc.
# Domain name
domain: ""
# Device
device: ens4
mtu: 1500
# IPv4 configuration
# CIDR netmask
netmask: 24
# Network address
# Floating address
# Upstream/default gateway address
# Node IP selection mechanism (either "by-id", or a static IP, no netmask, in the above network)
node_ip_selection: by-id
# Cluster network, used for inter-node communication (VM- and Network-layer), unrouted
# Domain name
domain: "pvc.local"
# Device
device: ens4
mtu: 1500
# IPv4 configuration
# CIDR netmask
netmask: 24
# Network address
# Floating address
# Node IP selection mechanism (either "by-id", or a static IP, no netmask, in the above network)
node_ip_selection: by-id
# Storage network, used for inter-node communication (Storage-layer), unrouted
# Domain name
domain: "storage.local"
# Device
device: ens4
mtu: 1500
# IPv4 configuration
# CIDR netmask
netmask: 24
# Network address
# Floating address
# Node IP selection mechanism (either "by-id", or a static IP, no netmask, in the above network)
node_ip_selection: by-id
# Database configuration
# Zookeeper client configuration
# Port number
port: 2181
# KeyDB/Redis client configuration
# Port number
port: 6379
# Hostname; use `cluster` network floating IP address
# Path, usually "/0"
path: "/0"
# PostgreSQL client configuration
# Port number
port: 5432
# Hostname; use `cluster` network floating IP address
# Credentials
# API database
# Database name
database: pvcapi
# Username
username: pvcapi
# Password
password: pvcapiPassw0rd
# DNS database
# Database name
database: pvcdns
# Username
username: pvcdns
# Password
password: pvcdnsPassw0rd
# Timer information
# VM shutdown timeout (seconds)
vm_shutdown_timeout: 180
# Node keepalive interval (seconds)
keepalive_interval: 5
# Monitoring interval (seconds)
monitoring_interval: 15
# Fencing configuration
# Disable fencing or not on IPMI failure at startup
# Setting this value to "no" will allow fencing to be enabled even if does not respond during node daemon
# startup. This will allow future fencing to be attempted if it later recovers.
disable_on_ipmi_failure: no
# Fencing intervals
# Fence intervals (number of keepalives)
fence_intervals: 6
# Suicide intervals (number of keepalives; 0 to disable)
suicide_intervals: 0
# Fencing actions
# Successful fence action ("migrate" or "none")
successful_fence: migrate
# Failed fence action ("migrate" or "none")
failed_fence: none
# IPMI details
# Hostname format; use a "{node_id}" entry for a template, or a literal hostname
hostname: "pvchv{node_id}-lom.mydomain.tld"
# IPMI username
username: admin
# IPMI password
password: S3cur3IPMIP4ssw0rd
# VM migration configuration
# Target selection default value (mem, memprov, load, vcpus, vms)
target_selector: mem
# Logging configuration
# Enable or disable debug logging (all services)
debug_logging: yes
# Enable or disable file logging
file_logging: no
# Enable or disable stdout logging (to journald)
stdout_logging: yes
# Enable or disable Zookeeper logging (for "pvc node log" functionality)
zookeeper_logging: yes
# Enable or disable ANSI colour sequences in logs
log_colours: yes
# Enable or disable dates in logs
log_dates: yes
# Enale or disable keepalive event logging
log_keepalives: yes
# Enable or disable cluster detail logging during keepalive events
log_cluster_details: yes
# Enable or disable monitoring detail logging during healthcheck events
log_monitoring_details: yes
# Number of VM console log lines to store in Zookeeper (per VM)
console_log_lines: 1000
# Number of node log lines to store in Zookeeper (per node)
node_log_lines: 2000
# Guest networking configuration
# Bridge device for "bridged"-type networks
bridge_device: ens4
# Bridge device MTU
bridge_mtu: 1500
# Enable or disable SR-IOV functionality
sriov_enable: no
# SR-IOV configuration (list of PFs)
# SR-IOV device; if this device isn't found, it is ignored on a given node
- device: ens1f1
# SR-IOV device MTU
mtu: 9000
# Number of VFs on this device
vfcount: 4
# Ceph configuration
# Main config file name
ceph_config_file: "ceph.conf"
# Admin keyring file name
ceph_keyring_file: "ceph.client.admin.keyring"
# Monitor port, usually 6789
monitor_port: 6789
# Monitor host(s), enable only you want to use hosts other than the coordinators
# - pvchv1
# - pvchv2
# - pvchv3
# Storage secret UUID, generated during Ansible cluster bootstrap
secret_uuid: ""
# API configuration
# API listening configuration
# Listen address, usually upstream floating IP
# Listen port, usually 7370
port: 7370
# Authentication configuration
# Enable or disable authentication
enabled: yes
# Secret key for API cookies (long and secure password or UUID)
secret_key: "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
# Authentication source (token, others in future)
source: token
# Token configuration
# A friendly description
- description: "testing"
# The token (long and secure password or UUID)
token: "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
# SSL configuration
# Enable or disable SSL operation
enabled: no
# Certificate file path
certificate: ""
# Private key file path
private_key: ""
# Automatic backups
# If this section is present, autobackups will be enabled; otherwise, they will be disabled.
# The pvc-ansible roles manage this including the various timer units, so avoid adjusting this manually.
# Backup root path on the node, used as the remote mountpoint
# Must be an absolute path beginning with '/'
# If remote_mount is enabled, the remote mount will be mounted on this directory
# If remote_mount is enabled, it is recommended to use a path under `/tmp` for this
# If remote_mount is disabled, a real filesystem must be mounted here (PVC system volumes are small!)
backup_root_path: "/tmp/backups"
# Suffix to the backup root path, used to allow multiple PVC systems to write to a single root path
# Must begin with '/'; leave empty to use the backup root path directly
# Note that most remote mount options can fake this if needed, but provided to ensure local compatability
backup_root_suffix: "/mycluster"
# VM tag(s) to back up
# Only VMs with at least one of the given tag(s) will be backed up; all others will be skipped
- "backup"
- "mytag"
# Backup schedule: when and what format to take backups
full_interval: 7 # Number of total backups between full backups; others are incremental
# > If this number is 1, every backup will be a full backup and no incremental
# backups will be taken
# > If this number is 2, every second backup will be a full backup, etc.
full_retention: 2 # Keep this many full backups; the oldest will be deleted when a new one is
# taken, along with all child incremental backups of that backup
# > Should usually be at least 2 when using incrementals (full_interval > 1) to
# avoid there being too few backups after cleanup from a new full backup
# Automatic mount settings
# These settings permit running an arbitrary set of commands, ideally a "mount" command or similar, to
# ensure that a remote filesystem is mounted on the backup root path
# While the examples here show absolute paths, that is not required; they will run with the $PATH of the
# executing environment (either the "pvc" command on a CLI or a cron/systemd timer)
# A "{backup_root_path}" f-string/str.format type variable MAY be present in any cmds string to represent
# the above configured root backup path, which is interpolated at runtime
# If multiple commands are given, they will be executed in the order given; if no commands are given,
# nothing is executed, but the keys MUST be present
enabled: no # Enable automatic mount/unmount support
# These commands are executed at the start of the backup run and should mount a filesystem
# This example shows an NFS mount leveraging the backup_root_path variable
- "/usr/sbin/mount.nfs -o nfsvers=3 {backup_root_path}"
# These commands are executed at the end of the backup run and should unmount a filesystem
# This example shows a generic umount leveraging the backup_root_path variable
- "/usr/bin/umount {backup_root_path}"
# Automatic mirroring to peer clusters
# If this section is present, automirrors will be enabled; otherwise, they will be disabled.
# The pvc-ansible roles manage this including the various timer units, so avoid adjusting this manually.
# Destination clusters
# A list of destination cluster API endpoints to send mirrors to.
# For each entry, the "name" field will be mapped to the "{cluster}" variable in the tag(s)
# above. For more details on how exactly this works, please consult the documentation.
# An example entry; contains the same information as a "pvc connection" entry
# The key in this dictionary is the "name" of the cluster, which is what must be suffixed
# to a tag and is displayed in the report and status output.
# The destination address, either an IP or an FQDN the destination API is reachable at
address: pvc.cluster2.mydomain.tld
# The destination port (usually 7370)
port: 7370
# The API prefix (usually '/api/v1') without a trailing slash
prefix: "/api/v1"
# The API key of the destination
key: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
# Whether or not to use SSL for the connection
ssl: yes
# Whether or not to verify SSL for the connection
verify_ssl: yes
# Storage pool for VMs on the destination
pool: vms
# Default destination
# The cluster name to send mirrors to for VMs without an explicit "{cluster}" tag
# Always required, even if there is only a single destination
default_destination: cluster2
# VM tag(s) to mirror
# Only VMs with at least one of the given tag(s) will be mirrored; all others will be skipped
# All mirror tags support suffixing a ":{cluster}" argument, which will override the default
# cluster and send mirrors to the given cluster name (in the list below). Multiple suffixed
# tags are supported; if more than one is, the VM will be mirrored to all specified clusters.
- "automirror"
# The number of snapshots to keep, on both sides - mirror snapshots older than the last
# X snapshots will be automatically removed to save space
# Depending on the interval specified in the pvc-ansible variables, this may be either a
# relatively short or relatively long time.
keep_snapshots: 7
# VIM modeline, requires "set modeline" in your VIMRC
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