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# pvcd cluster configuration file example
# This configuration file specifies details for this node in PVC. Multiple node
# blocks can be added but only the one matching the current system nodename will
# be used by the local daemon. Default values are not supported; the values in
# this sample configuration are considered defaults and, with adjustment of the
# nodename section and coordinators list, can be used as-is on a Debian system.
# The following values are required for each node or in a default section:
# coordinators: a CSV list of the short hostnames of the coordinator nodes; these nodes become
# members of the Zookeeper cluster, can act as routers, and perform additional
# special functions in a cluster; ideally there are 3 coordinators, though 5
# coordinators are supported
# cluster_domain: the node cluster domain, set during bootstrap
# storage_domain: the node storage domain, set during bootstrap
# dynamic_directory: the ramdisk directory for PVC to store its dynamic configurations,
# usually under /run or /var/run
# log_directory: the logging directory, usually under /var/log
# file_logging = whether to log daemon to a file (pvc.log under log_directory) in addition to
# normal stdout printing
# keepalive_interval: the interval between keepalives and for dead node timeout (defaults to 5)
# fence_intervals: the number of keepalive_intervals without Zookeeper contact before this node
# will consider another node dead and fence it (defaults to 6, i.e. 30s)
# suicide_intervals: the number of keepalive_intervals without Zookeeper contact before this
# node will consider itself failed and terminate all running VMs (defaults
# to 0, i.e. disabled); should be less than "fence_intervals"
# successful_fence: the action to take on a successful fencing operation; can be "none" or
# "migrate" (defaults to "migrate")
# failed_fence: the action to take on a failed fencing operation; can be "none" or "migrate"
# (defaults to "none"); "migrate" requires "suicide_intervals" to be set)
# migration_target_selector: the method to use to select target nodes during a virtual machine
# flush action; can be "mem", "load", "vcpus", or "vms" (defaults
# to "mem"); the best choice based on this field is selected for
# each VM to be migrated
# pdns_mysql_host: the host address (usually "localhost") of the PowerDNS zone aggregator
# backend database
# pdns_mysql_port: the port (usually "3306") of the PowerDNS zone aggregator backend database
# pdns_mysql_dbname: the database name (usually "pvcdns") of the PowerDNS zone aggregator
# backend database
# pdns_mysql_user: the client username (usually "pvcdns") of the PowerDNS zone aggregator
# backend database
# pdns_mysql_password: the client user password (randomly generated at cluster bootstrap)
# of the PowerDNS zone aggregator backend database
# vni_floating_ip: the IP address (in CIDR format) for the floating IP on the VNI network,
# used to provide a consistent view of the dynamic primary node to other
# machines in the VNI network, e.g. for slaving DNS or sending in routes.
# upstream_floating_ip: the IP address (in CIDR format) for the floating IP on the upstream
# network, used to provide a consistent view of the dynamic primary
# node to machines in the upstream network, e.g. for slaving DNS or
# sending in routes.
# The following values are required for each node specifically (usually node-unique):
# vni_dev: the lower-level network device to bind VNI traffic to
# vni_dev_ip: the IP address (in CIDR format) of the lower-level network device, used by frr
# to communicate between nodes and pass routes between them.
# storage_dev: the lower-level network device to bind storage traffic to
# storage_dev_ip: the IP address (in CIDR format) of the lower-level network device, used by
# Ceph for storage traffic (both monitor and OSD).
# upstream_dev: the lower-level network device to bind coordinator upstream traffic to
# upstream_dev_ip: the IP address (in CIDR format) of the upstream network device, used by
# the system for upstream traffic flow.
# ipmi_hostname: the IPMI hostname for fencing (defaults to <shortname>-lom.<domain>)
# ipmi_username: username to connect to IPMI
# ipmi_password: password to connect to IPMI
# Copy this example to /etc/pvc/pvcd.conf and edit to your needs
coordinators = pvc-hv1,pvc-hv2,pvc-hv3
cluster_domain = i.bonilan.net
storage_domain = sx.bonilan.net
dynamic_directory = /run/pvc
log_directory = /var/log/pvc
file_logging = True
keepalive_interval = 5
fence_intervals = 6
suicide_intervals = 0
successful_fence = migrate
failed_fence = none
migration_target_selector = mem
pdns_mysql_host = localhost
pdns_mysql_port = 3306
pdns_mysql_dbname = pvcdns
pdns_mysql_user = pvcdns
pdns_mysql_password = pvcdns
vni_floating_ip =
upstream_floating_ip =
vni_dev = ens4
vni_dev_ip =
storage_dev = ens4
storage_dev_ip =
upstream_dev = ens2
upstream_dev_ip =
ipmi_username = admin
ipmi_password = Passw0rd
ipmi_hostname = pvc-hv1-lom