703 lines
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703 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Daemon.py - PVC Node daemon main entrypoing
# Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system
# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Joshua M. Boniface <joshua@boniface.me>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import pvcnoded.util.keepalive
import pvcnoded.util.config
import pvcnoded.util.fencing
import pvcnoded.util.networking
import pvcnoded.util.services
import pvcnoded.util.libvirt
import pvcnoded.util.zookeeper
import pvcnoded.objects.DNSAggregatorInstance as DNSAggregatorInstance
import pvcnoded.objects.MetadataAPIInstance as MetadataAPIInstance
import pvcnoded.objects.VMInstance as VMInstance
import pvcnoded.objects.NodeInstance as NodeInstance
import pvcnoded.objects.VXNetworkInstance as VXNetworkInstance
import pvcnoded.objects.SRIOVVFInstance as SRIOVVFInstance
import pvcnoded.objects.CephInstance as CephInstance
import daemon_lib.log as log
import daemon_lib.common as common
from time import sleep
from distutils.util import strtobool
import os
import sys
import signal
import re
import json
# Daemon version
version = '0.9.35'
# Entrypoint
def entrypoint():
keepalive_timer = None
# Get our configuration
config = pvcnoded.util.config.get_configuration()
config['pvcnoded_version'] = version
# Set some useful booleans for later (fewer characters)
debug = config['debug']
if debug:
# Create and validate our directories
# Set up the logger instance
logger = log.Logger(config)
# Print our startup message
logger.out('| |')
logger.out('| ███████████ ▜█▙ ▟█▛ █████ █ █ █ |')
logger.out('| ██ ▜█▙ ▟█▛ ██ |')
logger.out('| ███████████ ▜█▙ ▟█▛ ██ |')
logger.out('| ██ ▜█▙▟█▛ ███████████ |')
logger.out('| |')
logger.out('| Parallel Virtual Cluster node daemon v{0: <18} |'.format(version))
logger.out('| Debug: {0: <49} |'.format(str(config['debug'])))
logger.out('| FQDN: {0: <50} |'.format(config['node_fqdn']))
logger.out('| Host: {0: <50} |'.format(config['node_hostname']))
logger.out('| ID: {0: <52} |'.format(config['node_id']))
logger.out('| IPMI hostname: {0: <41} |'.format(config['ipmi_hostname']))
logger.out('| Machine details: |')
logger.out('| CPUs: {0: <48} |'.format(config['static_data'][0]))
logger.out('| Arch: {0: <48} |'.format(config['static_data'][3]))
logger.out('| OS: {0: <50} |'.format(config['static_data'][2]))
logger.out('| Kernel: {0: <46} |'.format(config['static_data'][1]))
logger.out(f'Starting pvcnoded on host {config["node_fqdn"]}', state='s')
if config['enable_networking']:
if config['enable_sriov']:
# Set up SR-IOV devices
pvcnoded.util.networking.setup_sriov(logger, config)
# Set up our interfaces
pvcnoded.util.networking.setup_interfaces(logger, config)
# Get list of coordinator nodes
coordinator_nodes = config['coordinators']
if config['node_hostname'] in coordinator_nodes:
# We are indeed a coordinator node
config['daemon_mode'] = 'coordinator'
logger.out(f'This node is a {logger.fmt_blue}coordinator{logger.fmt_end}', state='i')
# We are a hypervisor node
config['daemon_mode'] = 'hypervisor'
logger.out(f'This node is a {logger.fmt_cyan}hypervisor{logger.fmt_end}', state='i')
pvcnoded.util.services.start_system_services(logger, config)
# Connect to Zookeeper and return our handler and current schema version
zkhandler, node_schema_version = pvcnoded.util.zookeeper.connect(logger, config)
# Watch for a global schema update and fire
# This will only change by the API when triggered after seeing all nodes can update
def update_schema(new_schema_version, stat, event=''):
nonlocal zkhandler, keepalive_timer, node_schema_version
new_schema_version = int(new_schema_version.decode('ascii'))
except Exception:
new_schema_version = 0
if new_schema_version == node_schema_version:
return True
logger.out('Hot update of schema version started', state='s')
logger.out(f'Current version: {node_schema_version,} New version: {new_schema_version}', state='s')
# Prevent any keepalive updates while this happens
if keepalive_timer is not None:
# Perform the migration (primary only)
if zkhandler.read('base.config.primary_node') == config['node_hostname']:
logger.out('Primary node acquiring exclusive lock', state='s')
# Wait for things to settle
# Acquire a write lock on the root key
with zkhandler.exclusivelock('base.schema.version'):
# Perform the schema migration tasks
logger.out('Performing schema update', state='s')
if new_schema_version > node_schema_version:
zkhandler.schema.migrate(zkhandler, new_schema_version)
if new_schema_version < node_schema_version:
zkhandler.schema.rollback(zkhandler, new_schema_version)
# Wait for the exclusive lock to be lifted
logger.out('Non-primary node acquiring read lock', state='s')
# Wait for things to settle
# Wait for a read lock
lock = zkhandler.readlock('base.schema.version')
# Wait a bit more for the primary to return to normal
# Update the local schema version
logger.out('Updating node target schema version', state='s')
(('node.data.active_schema', config['node_hostname']), new_schema_version)
node_schema_version = new_schema_version
# Restart the API daemons if applicable
logger.out('Restarting services', state='s')
common.run_os_command('systemctl restart pvcapid-worker.service')
if zkhandler.read('base.config.primary_node') == config['node_hostname']:
common.run_os_command('systemctl restart pvcapid.service')
# Restart ourselves with the new schema
logger.out('Reloading node daemon', state='s')
del zkhandler
except Exception:
os.execv(sys.argv[0], sys.argv)
# Validate the schema
pvcnoded.util.zookeeper.validate_schema(logger, zkhandler)
# Define a cleanup function
def cleanup(failure=False):
nonlocal logger, zkhandler, keepalive_timer, d_domain
logger.out('Terminating pvcnoded and cleaning up', state='s')
# Set shutdown state in Zookeeper
(('node.state.daemon', config['node_hostname']), 'shutdown')
# Waiting for any flushes to complete
logger.out('Waiting for any active flushes', state='s')
if this_node is not None:
while this_node.flush_thread is not None:
except Exception:
# We really don't care here, just proceed
# Stop console logging on all VMs
logger.out('Stopping domain console watchers', state='s')
if d_domain is not None:
for domain in d_domain:
if d_domain[domain].getnode() == config['node_hostname']:
except Exception:
# Force into secondary coordinator state if needed
if this_node.router_state == 'primary':
('base.config.primary_node', 'none')
logger.out('Waiting for primary migration', state='s')
while this_node.router_state != 'secondary':
except Exception:
# Stop keepalive thread
pvcnoded.util.keepalive.stop_keepalive_timer(logger, keepalive_timer)
logger.out('Performing final keepalive update', state='s')
pvcnoded.util.keepalive.node_keepalive(logger, config, zkhandler, this_node)
except Exception:
# Set stop state in Zookeeper
(('node.state.daemon', config['node_hostname']), 'stop')
# Forcibly terminate dnsmasq because it gets stuck sometimes
common.run_os_command('killall dnsmasq')
# Close the Zookeeper connection
del zkhandler
except Exception:
logger.out('Terminated pvc daemon', state='s')
if failure:
retcode = 1
retcode = 0
# Termination function
def term(signum='', frame=''):
# Hangup (logrotate) function
def hup(signum='', frame=''):
if config['file_logging']:
# Handle signals gracefully
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, term)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, term)
signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, term)
signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, hup)
# Set up this node in Zookeeper
pvcnoded.util.zookeeper.setup_node(logger, config, zkhandler)
# Check that the primary node key exists and create it with us as primary if not
current_primary = zkhandler.read('base.config.primary_node')
except Exception:
current_primary = 'none'
if current_primary and current_primary != 'none':
logger.out(f'Current primary node is {logger.fmt_blue}{current_primary}{logger.fmt_end}', state='i')
if config['daemon_mode'] == 'coordinator':
logger.out('No primary node found; setting us as primary', state='i')
('base.config.primary_node', config['node_hostname'])
# Ensure that IPMI is reachable and working
if not pvcnoded.util.fencing.verify_ipmi(config['ipmi_hostname'], config['ipmi_username'], config['ipmi_password']):
logger.out('Our IPMI is not reachable; fencing of this node will likely fail', state='w')
# Validate libvirt
if not pvcnoded.util.libvirt.validate_libvirtd(logger, config):
# Set up NFT
pvcnoded.util.networking.create_nft_configuration(logger, config)
# Create our object dictionaries
logger.out('Setting up objects', state='i')
d_node = dict()
node_list = list()
d_network = dict()
network_list = list()
sriov_pf_list = list()
d_sriov_vf = dict()
sriov_vf_list = list()
d_domain = dict()
domain_list = list()
d_osd = dict()
osd_list = list()
d_pool = dict()
pool_list = list()
d_volume = dict()
volume_list = dict()
if config['enable_networking'] and config['daemon_mode'] == 'coordinator':
# Create an instance of the DNS Aggregator and Metadata API if we're a coordinator
dns_aggregator = DNSAggregatorInstance.DNSAggregatorInstance(config, logger)
metadata_api = MetadataAPIInstance.MetadataAPIInstance(zkhandler, config, logger)
dns_aggregator = None
metadata_api = None
# Zookeeper watchers for objects
# Node objects
def set_nodes(new_node_list):
nonlocal d_node, node_list
# Add missing nodes to list
for node in [node for node in new_node_list if node not in node_list]:
d_node[node] = NodeInstance.NodeInstance(node, config['node_hostname'], zkhandler, config, logger, d_node, d_network, d_domain, dns_aggregator, metadata_api)
# Remove deleted nodes from list
for node in [node for node in node_list if node not in new_node_list]:
node_list = new_node_list
logger.out(f'{logger.fmt_blue}Node list:{logger.fmt_end} {" ".join(node_list)}', state='i')
# Update node objects lists
for node in d_node:
# Create helpful alias for this node
this_node = d_node[config['node_hostname']]
# Maintenance status
def update_maintenance(_maintenance, stat):
maintenance = bool(strtobool(_maintenance.decode('ascii')))
except Exception:
maintenance = False
this_node.maintenance = maintenance
# Primary node
def update_primary_node(new_primary, stat, event=''):
new_primary = new_primary.decode('ascii')
except AttributeError:
new_primary = 'none'
key_version = stat.version
# TODO: Move this to the Node structure
if new_primary != this_node.primary_node:
if config['daemon_mode'] == 'coordinator':
# We're a coordinator and there's no primary
if new_primary == 'none':
if this_node.daemon_state == 'run' and this_node.router_state not in ['primary', 'takeover', 'relinquish']:
logger.out('Contending for primary coordinator state', state='i')
# Acquire an exclusive lock on the primary_node key
primary_lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock('base.config.primary_node')
# This lock times out after 0.4s, which is 0.1s less than the pre-takeover
# timeout beow. This ensures a primary takeover will not deadlock against
# a node which has failed the contention
# Ensure that when we get the lock the versions are still consistent and
# that another node hasn't already acquired the primary state (maybe we're
# extremely slow to respond)
if key_version == zkhandler.zk_conn.get(zkhandler.schema.path('base.config.primary_node'))[1].version:
# Set the primary to us
logger.out('Acquiring primary coordinator state', state='o')
('base.config.primary_node', config['node_hostname'])
# Cleanly release the lock
# We timed out acquiring a lock, or failed to write, which means we failed the
# contention and should just log that
except Exception:
logger.out('Timed out contending for primary coordinator state', state='i')
elif new_primary == config['node_hostname']:
if this_node.router_state == 'secondary':
# Wait for 0.5s to ensure other contentions time out, then take over
(('node.state.router', config['node_hostname']), 'takeover')
if this_node.router_state == 'primary':
# Wait for 0.5s to ensure other contentions time out, then relinquish
(('node.state.router', config['node_hostname']), 'relinquish')
(('node.state.router', config['node_hostname']), 'client')
# TODO: Turn this into a function like the others for clarity
for node in d_node:
d_node[node].primary_node = new_primary
if config['enable_networking']:
# Network objects
def update_networks(new_network_list):
nonlocal network_list, d_network
# Add any missing networks to the list
for network in [network for network in new_network_list if network not in network_list]:
d_network[network] = VXNetworkInstance.VXNetworkInstance(network, zkhandler, config, logger, this_node, dns_aggregator)
# TODO: Move this to the Network structure
if config['daemon_mode'] == 'coordinator' and d_network[network].nettype == 'managed':
except Exception as e:
logger.out(f'Failed to create DNS Aggregator for network {network}: {e}', state='w')
# Start primary functionality
if this_node.router_state == 'primary' and d_network[network].nettype == 'managed':
# Remove any missing networks from the list
for network in [network for network in network_list if network not in new_network_list]:
# TODO: Move this to the Network structure
if d_network[network].nettype == 'managed':
# Stop primary functionality
if this_node.router_state == 'primary':
# Stop firewalling
# Delete the network
# Update the new list
network_list = new_network_list
logger.out(f'{logger.fmt_blue}Network list:{logger.fmt_end} {" ".join(network_list)}', state='i')
# Update node objects list
for node in d_node:
# Add the SR-IOV PFs and VFs to Zookeeper
# These do not behave like the objects; they are not dynamic (the API cannot change them), and they
# exist for the lifetime of this Node instance. The objects are set here in Zookeeper on a per-node
# basis, under the Node configuration tree.
# MIGRATION: The schema.schema.get ensures that the current active Schema contains the required keys
if config['enable_sriov'] and zkhandler.schema.schema.get('sriov_pf', None) is not None:
vf_list = list()
for device in config['sriov_device']:
pf = device['phy']
vfcount = device['vfcount']
if device.get('mtu', None) is None:
mtu = 1500
mtu = device['mtu']
# Create the PF device in Zookeeper
(('node.sriov.pf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_pf', pf), ''),
(('node.sriov.pf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_pf.mtu', pf), mtu),
(('node.sriov.pf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_pf.vfcount', pf), vfcount),
# Append the device to the list of PFs
# Get the list of VFs from `ip link show`
vf_list = json.loads(common.run_os_command(f'ip --json link show {pf}')[1])[0].get('vfinfo_list', [])
for vf in vf_list:
# {
# 'vf': 3,
# 'link_type': 'ether',
# 'address': '00:00:00:00:00:00',
# 'broadcast': 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff',
# 'vlan_list': [{'vlan': 101, 'qos': 2}],
# 'rate': {'max_tx': 0, 'min_tx': 0},
# 'spoofchk': True,
# 'link_state': 'auto',
# 'trust': False,
# 'query_rss_en': False
# }
vfphy = f'{pf}v{vf["vf"]}'
# Get the PCIe bus information
dev_pcie_path = None
with open(f'/sys/class/net/{vfphy}/device/uevent') as vfh:
dev_uevent = vfh.readlines()
for line in dev_uevent:
if re.match(r'^PCI_SLOT_NAME=.*', line):
dev_pcie_path = line.rstrip().split('=')[-1]
except FileNotFoundError:
# Something must already be using the PCIe device
# Add the VF to Zookeeper if it does not yet exist
if not zkhandler.exists(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf', vfphy)):
if dev_pcie_path is not None:
pcie_domain, pcie_bus, pcie_slot, pcie_function = re.split(r':|\.', dev_pcie_path)
# We can't add the device - for some reason we can't get any information on its PCIe bus path,
# so just ignore this one, and continue.
# This shouldn't happen under any real circumstances, unless the admin tries to attach a non-existent
# VF to a VM manually, then goes ahead and adds that VF to the system with the VM running.
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf', vfphy), ''),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.pf', vfphy), pf),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.mtu', vfphy), mtu),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.mac', vfphy), vf['address']),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.phy_mac', vfphy), vf['address']),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.config', vfphy), ''),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.config.vlan_id', vfphy), vf['vlan_list'][0].get('vlan', '0')),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.config.vlan_qos', vfphy), vf['vlan_list'][0].get('qos', '0')),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.config.tx_rate_min', vfphy), vf['rate']['min_tx']),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.config.tx_rate_max', vfphy), vf['rate']['max_tx']),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.config.spoof_check', vfphy), vf['spoofchk']),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.config.link_state', vfphy), vf['link_state']),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.config.trust', vfphy), vf['trust']),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.config.query_rss', vfphy), vf['query_rss_en']),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.pci', vfphy), ''),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.pci.domain', vfphy), pcie_domain),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.pci.bus', vfphy), pcie_bus),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.pci.slot', vfphy), pcie_slot),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.pci.function', vfphy), pcie_function),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.used', vfphy), False),
(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.used_by', vfphy), ''),
# Append the device to the list of VFs
# Remove any obsolete PFs from Zookeeper if they go away
for pf in zkhandler.children(('node.sriov.pf', config['node_hostname'])):
if pf not in sriov_pf_list:
('node.sriov.pf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_pf', pf)
# Remove any obsolete VFs from Zookeeper if their PF goes away
for vf in zkhandler.children(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'])):
vf_pf = zkhandler.read(('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf.pf', vf))
if vf_pf not in sriov_pf_list:
('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname'], 'sriov_vf', vf)
# SR-IOV VF objects
# This is a ChildrenWatch just for consistency; the list never changes at runtime
@zkhandler.zk_conn.ChildrenWatch(zkhandler.schema.path('node.sriov.vf', config['node_hostname']))
def update_sriov_vfs(new_sriov_vf_list):
nonlocal sriov_vf_list, d_sriov_vf
# Add VFs to the list
for vf in common.sortInterfaceNames(new_sriov_vf_list):
d_sriov_vf[vf] = SRIOVVFInstance.SRIOVVFInstance(vf, zkhandler, config, logger, this_node)
sriov_vf_list = sorted(new_sriov_vf_list)
logger.out(f'{logger.fmt_blue}SR-IOV VF list:{logger.fmt_end} {" ".join(sriov_vf_list)}', state='i')
if config['enable_hypervisor']:
# VM command pipeline key
def run_domain_command(data, stat, event=''):
if data:
VMInstance.vm_command(zkhandler, logger, this_node, data.decode('ascii'))
# VM domain objects
def update_domains(new_domain_list):
nonlocal domain_list, d_domain
# Add missing domains to the list
for domain in [domain for domain in new_domain_list if domain not in domain_list]:
d_domain[domain] = VMInstance.VMInstance(domain, zkhandler, config, logger, this_node)
# Remove any deleted domains from the list
for domain in [domain for domain in domain_list if domain not in new_domain_list]:
# Update the new list
domain_list = new_domain_list
logger.out(f'{logger.fmt_blue}Domain list:{logger.fmt_end} {" ".join(domain_list)}', state='i')
# Update node objects' list
for node in d_node:
if config['enable_storage']:
# Ceph command pipeline key
def run_ceph_command(data, stat, event=''):
if data:
CephInstance.ceph_command(zkhandler, logger, this_node, data.decode('ascii'), d_osd)
# OSD objects
def update_osds(new_osd_list):
nonlocal osd_list, d_osd
# Add any missing OSDs to the list
for osd in [osd for osd in new_osd_list if osd not in osd_list]:
d_osd[osd] = CephInstance.CephOSDInstance(zkhandler, this_node, osd)
# Remove any deleted OSDs from the list
for osd in [osd for osd in osd_list if osd not in new_osd_list]:
# Update the new list
osd_list = new_osd_list
logger.out(f'{logger.fmt_blue}OSD list:{logger.fmt_end} {" ".join(osd_list)}', state='i')
# Pool objects
def update_pools(new_pool_list):
nonlocal pool_list, d_pool, volume_list, d_volume
# Add any missing pools to the list
for pool in [pool for pool in new_pool_list if pool not in pool_list]:
d_pool[pool] = CephInstance.CephPoolInstance(zkhandler, this_node, pool)
# Prepare the volume components for this pool
volume_list[pool] = list()
d_volume[pool] = dict()
# Remove any deleted pools from the list
for pool in [pool for pool in pool_list if pool not in new_pool_list]:
# Update the new list
pool_list = new_pool_list
logger.out(f'{logger.fmt_blue}Pool list:{logger.fmt_end} {" ".join(pool_list)}', state='i')
# Volume objects (in each pool)
for pool in pool_list:
@zkhandler.zk_conn.ChildrenWatch(zkhandler.schema.path('volume', pool))
def update_volumes(new_volume_list):
nonlocal volume_list, d_volume
# Add any missing volumes to the list
for volume in [volume for volume in new_volume_list if volume not in volume_list[pool]]:
d_volume[pool][volume] = CephInstance.CephVolumeInstance(zkhandler, this_node, pool, volume)
# Remove any deleted volumes from the list
for volume in [volume for volume in volume_list[pool] if volume not in new_volume_list]:
# Update the new list
volume_list[pool] = new_volume_list
logger.out(f'{logger.fmt_blue}Volume list [{pool}:{logger.fmt_end} {" ".join(volume_list[pool])}', state='i')
# Start keepalived thread
keepalive_timer = pvcnoded.util.keepalive.start_keepalive_timer(logger, config, zkhandler, this_node)
# Tick loop; does nothing since everything is async
while True:
except Exception: