868 lines
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868 lines
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# DHCPServer.py - PVC router DHCP server with Zookeeper database
# Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system
# Copyright (C) 2018 Joshua M. Boniface <joshua@boniface.me>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Modified from python_dhcp_server
# Source: https://github.com/niccokunzmann/python_dhcp_server
# Copyright (c) 2015 Nicco Kunzmann and released under the MIT license
import time
import threading
import struct
import queue
import collections
import traceback
import random
import base64
import select
import ipaddress
from socket import *
import daemon_lib.zkhandler as zkhandler
# see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocol
# section DHCP options
def inet_ntoaX(data):
return ['.'.join(map(str, data[i:i + 4])) for i in range(0, len(data), 4)]
def inet_atonX(ips):
return b''.join(map(inet_aton, ips))
dhcp_message_types = {
5 : 'DHCPACK',
6 : 'DHCPNAK',
reversed_dhcp_message_types = dict()
for i, v in dhcp_message_types.items():
reversed_dhcp_message_types[v] = i
shortunpack = lambda data: (data[0] << 8) + data[1]
shortpack = lambda i: bytes([i >> 8, i & 255])
def macunpack(data):
s = base64.b16encode(data)
return ':'.join([s[i:i+2].decode('ascii') for i in range(0, 12, 2)])
def macpack(mac):
return base64.b16decode(mac.replace(':', '').replace('-', '').encode('ascii'))
def unpackbool(data):
return data[0]
def packbool(bool):
return bytes([bool])
options = [
# RFC1497 vendor extensions
('pad', None, None),
('subnet_mask', inet_ntoa, inet_aton),
('time_offset', None, None),
('router', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('time_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('name_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('domain_name_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('log_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('cookie_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('lpr_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('impress_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('resource_location_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('host_name', lambda d: d.decode('ASCII'), lambda d: d.encode('ASCII')),
('boot_file_size', None, None),
('merit_dump_file', None, None),
('domain_name', None, None),
('swap_server', inet_ntoa, inet_aton),
('root_path', None, None),
('extensions_path', None, None),
# IP Layer Parameters per Host
('ip_forwarding_enabled', unpackbool, packbool),
('non_local_source_routing_enabled', unpackbool, packbool),
('policy_filer', None, None),
('maximum_datagram_reassembly_size', shortunpack, shortpack),
('default_ip_time_to_live', lambda data: data[0], lambda i: bytes([i])),
('path_mtu_aging_timeout', None, None),
('path_mtu_plateau_table', None, None),
# IP Layer Parameters per Interface
('interface_mtu', None, None),
('all_subnets_are_local', unpackbool, packbool),
('broadcast_address', inet_ntoa, inet_aton),
('perform_mask_discovery', unpackbool, packbool),
('mask_supplier', None, None),
('perform_router_discovery', None, None),
('router_solicitation_address', inet_ntoa, inet_aton),
('static_route', None, None),
# Link Layer Parameters per Interface
('trailer_encapsulation_option', None, None),
('arp_cache_timeout', None, None),
('ethernet_encapsulation', None, None),
# TCP Parameters
('tcp_default_ttl', None, None),
('tcp_keep_alive_interval', None, None),
('tcp_keep_alive_garbage', None, None),
# Application and Service Parameters Part 1
('network_information_service_domain', None, None),
('network_informtaion_servers', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('network_time_protocol_servers', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('vendor_specific_information', None, None),
('netbios_over_tcp_ip_name_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('netbios_over_tcp_ip_datagram_distribution_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('netbios_over_tcp_ip_node_type', None, None),
('netbios_over_tcp_ip_scope', None, None),
('x_window_system_font_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('x_window_system_display_manager', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
# DHCP Extensions
('requested_ip_address', inet_ntoa, inet_aton),
('ip_address_lease_time', lambda d: struct.unpack('>I', d)[0], lambda i: struct.pack('>I', i)),
('option_overload', None, None),
('dhcp_message_type', lambda data: dhcp_message_types.get(data[0], data[0]), (lambda name: bytes([reversed_dhcp_message_types.get(name, name)]))),
('server_identifier', inet_ntoa, inet_aton),
('parameter_request_list', list, bytes),
('message', None, None),
('maximum_dhcp_message_size', shortunpack, shortpack),
('renewal_time_value', None, None),
('rebinding_time_value', None, None),
('vendor_class_identifier', None, None),
('client_identifier', macunpack, macpack),
('tftp_server_name', None, None),
('boot_file_name', None, None),
# Application and Service Parameters Part 2
('network_information_service_domain', None, None),
('network_information_servers', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('', None, None),
('', None, None),
('mobile_ip_home_agent', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('smtp_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('pop_servers', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('nntp_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('default_www_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('default_finger_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('default_irc_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('streettalk_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
('stda_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX),
assert options[18][0] == 'extensions_path', options[18][0]
assert options[25][0] == 'path_mtu_plateau_table', options[25][0]
assert options[33][0] == 'static_route', options[33][0]
assert options[50][0] == 'requested_ip_address', options[50][0]
assert options[64][0] == 'network_information_service_domain', options[64][0]
assert options[76][0] == 'stda_server', options[76][0]
class ReadBootProtocolPacket(object):
for i, o in enumerate(options):
locals()[o[0]] = None
locals()['option_{0}'.format(i)] = None
del i, o
def __init__(self, data, address = ('', 0)):
self.data = data
self.address = address
self.host = address[0]
self.port = address[1]
# wireshark = wikipedia = data[...]
self.message_type = self.OP = data[0]
self.hardware_type = self.HTYPE = data[1]
self.hardware_address_length = self.HLEN = data[2]
self.hops = self.HOPS = data[3]
self.XID = self.transaction_id = struct.unpack('>I', data[4:8])[0]
self.seconds_elapsed = self.SECS = shortunpack(data[8:10])
self.bootp_flags = self.FLAGS = shortunpack(data[8:10])
self.client_ip_address = self.CIADDR = inet_ntoa(data[12:16])
self.your_ip_address = self.YIADDR = inet_ntoa(data[16:20])
self.next_server_ip_address = self.SIADDR = inet_ntoa(data[20:24])
self.relay_agent_ip_address = self.GIADDR = inet_ntoa(data[24:28])
self.client_mac_address = self.CHADDR = macunpack(data[28: 28 + self.hardware_address_length])
index = 236
self.magic_cookie = self.magic_cookie = inet_ntoa(data[index:index + 4]); index += 4
self.options = dict()
self.named_options = dict()
while index < len(data):
option = data[index]; index += 1
if option == 0:
# padding
# Can be used to pad other options so that they are aligned to the word boundary; is not followed by length byte
if option == 255:
# end
option_length = data[index]; index += 1
option_data = data[index: index + option_length]; index += option_length
self.options[option] = option_data
if option < len(options):
option_name, function, _ = options[option]
if function:
option_data = function(option_data)
if option_name:
setattr(self, option_name, option_data)
self.named_options[option_name] = option_data
setattr(self, 'option_{}'.format(option), option_data)
def __getitem__(self, key):
print(key, dir(self))
return getattr(self, key, None)
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.__dict__
def formatted_named_options(self):
return "\n".join("{}:\t{}".format(name.replace('_', ' '), value) for name, value in sorted(self.named_options.items()))
def __str__(self):
return """Message Type: {self.message_type}
client MAC address: {self.client_mac_address}
client IP address: {self.client_ip_address}
your IP address: {self.your_ip_address}
next server IP address: {self.next_server_ip_address}
""".format(self = self)
def __gt__(self, other):
return id(self) < id(other)
data = base64.b16decode(b'02010600f7b41ad100000000c0a800640000000000000000000000007c7a914bca6c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000638253633501053604c0a800010104ffffff000304c0a800010604c0a80001ff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'.upper())
assert data[0] == 2
p = ReadBootProtocolPacket(data)
assert p.message_type == 2
assert p.hardware_type == 1
assert p.hardware_address_length == 6
assert p.hops == 0
assert p.transaction_id == 4155775697
assert p.seconds_elapsed == 0
assert p.bootp_flags == 0
assert p.client_ip_address == ''
assert p.your_ip_address == ''
assert p.next_server_ip_address == ''
assert p.relay_agent_ip_address == ''
assert p.client_mac_address.lower() == '7c:7a:91:4b:ca:6c'
assert p.magic_cookie == ''
assert p.dhcp_message_type == 'DHCPACK'
assert p.options[53] == b'\x05'
assert p.server_identifier == ''
assert p.subnet_mask == ''
assert p.router == ['']
assert p.domain_name_server == ['']
if __name__ == '__main__':
s1 = socket(type = SOCK_DGRAM)
s1.setsockopt(SOL_IP, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s1.bind(('', 67))
#s2 = socket(type = SOCK_DGRAM)
#s2.setsockopt(SOL_IP, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
#s2.bind(('', 68))
while 1:
reads = select.select([s1], [], [], 1)[0]
for s in reads:
packet = ReadBootProtocolPacket(*s.recvfrom(4096))
def get_host_ip_addresses():
return gethostbyname_ex(gethostname())[2]
class WriteBootProtocolPacket(object):
message_type = 2 # 1 for client -> server 2 for server -> client
hardware_type = 1
hardware_address_length = 6
hops = 0
transaction_id = None
seconds_elapsed = 0
bootp_flags = 0 # unicast
client_ip_address = ''
your_ip_address = ''
next_server_ip_address = ''
relay_agent_ip_address = ''
client_mac_address = None
magic_cookie = ''
parameter_order = []
def __init__(self, configuration):
for i in range(256):
names = ['option_{}'.format(i)]
if i < len(options) and hasattr(configuration, options[i][0]):
for name in names:
if hasattr(configuration, name):
setattr(self, name, getattr(configuration, name))
def to_bytes(self):
result = bytearray(236)
result[0] = self.message_type
result[1] = self.hardware_type
result[2] = self.hardware_address_length
result[3] = self.hops
result[4:8] = struct.pack('>I', self.transaction_id)
result[ 8:10] = shortpack(self.seconds_elapsed)
result[10:12] = shortpack(self.bootp_flags)
result[12:16] = inet_aton(self.client_ip_address)
result[16:20] = inet_aton(self.your_ip_address)
result[20:24] = inet_aton(self.next_server_ip_address)
result[24:28] = inet_aton(self.relay_agent_ip_address)
result[28:28 + self.hardware_address_length] = macpack(self.client_mac_address)
result += inet_aton(self.magic_cookie)
for option in self.options:
value = self.get_option(option)
#print(option, value)
if value is None:
result += bytes([option, len(value)]) + value
result += bytes([255])
return bytes(result)
def get_option(self, option):
if option < len(options) and hasattr(self, options[option][0]):
value = getattr(self, options[option][0])
elif hasattr(self, 'option_{}'.format(option)):
value = getattr(self, 'option_{}'.format(option))
return None
function = options[option][2]
if function and value is not None:
value = function(value)
return value
def options(self):
done = list()
# fulfill wishes
for option in self.parameter_order:
if option < len(options) and hasattr(self, options[option][0]) or hasattr(self, 'option_{}'.format(option)):
# this may break with the specification because we must try to fulfill the wishes
if option not in done:
# add my stuff
for option, o in enumerate(options):
if o[0] and hasattr(self, o[0]):
if option not in done:
for option in range(256):
if hasattr(self, 'option_{}'.format(option)):
if option not in done:
return done
def __str__(self):
return str(ReadBootProtocolPacket(self.to_bytes()))
class DelayWorker(object):
def __init__(self):
self.closed = False
self.queue = queue.PriorityQueue()
self.thread = threading.Thread(target = self._delay_response_thread)
self.thread.daemon = True
def _delay_response_thread(self):
while not self.closed:
p = self.queue.get()
if self.closed:
t, func, args, kw = p
now = time.time()
if now < t:
func(*args, **kw)
def do_after(self, seconds, func, args = (), kw = {}):
self.queue.put((time.time() + seconds, func, args, kw))
def close(self):
self.closed = True
class Transaction(object):
def __init__(self, server):
self.server = server
self.configuration = server.configuration
self.packets = []
self.done_time = time.time() + self.configuration.length_of_transaction
self.done = False
self.do_after = self.server.delay_worker.do_after
def is_done(self):
return self.done or self.done_time < time.time()
def close(self):
self.done = True
def receive(self, packet):
# packet from client <-> packet.message_type == 1
if packet.message_type == 1 and packet.dhcp_message_type == 'DHCPDISCOVER':
self.received_dhcp_discover, (packet,), )
elif packet.message_type == 1 and packet.dhcp_message_type == 'DHCPREQUEST':
self.received_dhcp_request, (packet,), )
elif packet.message_type == 1 and packet.dhcp_message_type == 'DHCPINFORM':
return False
return True
def received_dhcp_discover(self, discovery):
if self.is_done(): return
self.configuration.debug('discover:\n {}'.format(str(discovery).replace('\n', '\n\t')))
def send_offer(self, discovery):
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2131
offer = WriteBootProtocolPacket(self.configuration)
offer.parameter_order = discovery.parameter_request_list
mac = discovery.client_mac_address
ip = offer.your_ip_address = self.server.get_ip_address(discovery)
# offer.client_ip_address =
offer.transaction_id = discovery.transaction_id
# offer.next_server_ip_address =
offer.relay_agent_ip_address = discovery.relay_agent_ip_address
offer.client_mac_address = mac
offer.client_ip_address = discovery.client_ip_address or ''
offer.bootp_flags = discovery.bootp_flags
offer.dhcp_message_type = 'DHCPOFFER'
offer.client_identifier = mac
def received_dhcp_request(self, request):
if self.is_done(): return
def acknowledge(self, request):
ack = WriteBootProtocolPacket(self.configuration)
ack.parameter_order = request.parameter_request_list
ack.transaction_id = request.transaction_id
# ack.next_server_ip_address =
ack.bootp_flags = request.bootp_flags
ack.relay_agent_ip_address = request.relay_agent_ip_address
mac = request.client_mac_address
ack.client_mac_address = mac
requested_ip_address = request.requested_ip_address
ack.client_ip_address = request.client_ip_address or ''
ack.your_ip_address = self.server.get_ip_address(request)
ack.dhcp_message_type = 'DHCPACK'
def received_dhcp_inform(self, inform):
class DHCPServerConfiguration(object):
def __init__(self, zk_conn, ipaddr, iface, vni, network, router, dns_servers):
self.dhcp_offer_after_seconds = 1
self.dhcp_acknowledge_after_seconds = 1
self.length_of_transaction = 60
self.zk_conn = zk_conn
self.ipaddr = ipaddr
self.iface = iface
self.vni = vni
network_cidr = ipaddress.IPv4Network(network, False)
self.network = str(network_cidr.network_address)
self.broadcast_address = str(network_cidr.broadcast_address)
self.subnet_mask = str(network_cidr.netmask)
self.router = router
self.domain_name_server = dns_servers
# 1 day is 86400
self.ip_address_lease_time = 300 # seconds
self.host_file = 'hosts.csv'
self.debug = lambda *args, **kw: None
def all_ip_addresses(self):
ips = ip_addresses(self.network, self.subnet_mask)
for i in range(5):
return ips
def network_filter(self):
return NETWORK(self.network, self.subnet_mask)
def ip_addresses(network, subnet_mask):
subnet_mask = struct.unpack('>I', inet_aton(subnet_mask))[0]
network = struct.unpack('>I', inet_aton(network))[0]
network = network & subnet_mask
start = network + 1
end = (network | (~subnet_mask & 0xffffffff))
return (inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', i)) for i in range(start, end))
class ALL(object):
def __eq__(self, other):
return True
def __repr__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
class GREATER(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __eq__(self, other):
return type(self.value)(other) > self.value
class NETWORK(object):
def __init__(self, network, subnet_mask):
self.subnet_mask = struct.unpack('>I', inet_aton(subnet_mask))[0]
self.network = struct.unpack('>I', inet_aton(network))[0]
def __eq__(self, other):
ip = struct.unpack('>I', inet_aton(other))[0]
return ip & self.subnet_mask == self.network and \
ip - self.network and \
ip - self.network != ~self.subnet_mask & 0xffffffff
class CASEINSENSITIVE(object):
def __init__(self, s):
self.s = s.lower()
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.s == other.lower()
class CSVDatabase(object):
delimiter = ';'
def __init__(self, file_name):
self.file_name = file_name
self.file('a').close() # create file
def file(self, mode = 'r'):
return open(self.file_name, mode)
def get(self, pattern):
pattern = list(pattern)
return [line for line in self.all() if pattern == line]
def add(self, line):
with self.file('a') as f:
f.write(self.delimiter.join(line) + '\n')
def delete(self, pattern):
lines = self.all()
lines_to_delete = self.get(pattern)
self.file('w').close() # empty file
for line in lines:
if line not in lines_to_delete:
def all(self):
with self.file() as f:
return [list(line.strip().split(self.delimiter)) for line in f]
class ZKDatabase(object):
# Store DHCP leases in zookeeper
# /networks/<VNI>/dhcp_leases/<MAC>:<timestamp>/{ipaddr,description/hostname}
# Line:
# ['52:54:00:21:34:11', '', 'test1', '1538287572']
def __init__(self, zk_conn, key):
self.zk_conn = zk_conn
self.key = key
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { self.key: '' }) # Create base key
def get(self, pattern):
pattern = list(pattern)
return [line for line in self.all() if pattern == line]
def add(self, line):
macaddr = line[0]
ipaddr = line[1]
description = line[2]
timestamp = line[3]
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {
'{}/{}'.format(self.key, macaddr): timestamp,
'{}/{}/ipaddr'.format(self.key, macaddr): ipaddr,
'{}/{}/description'.format(self.key, macaddr): description
def delete(self, pattern):
macaddr = pattern[0]
timestamp = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}'.format(self.key, macaddr))
if timestamp != 'static':
zkhandler.delete(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}'.format(self.key, macaddr))
return True
except Exception:
return False
def all(self):
leases = []
mac_list = zkhandler.listchildren(self.zk_conn, self.key)
for macaddr in mac_list:
timestamp = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}'.format(self.key, macaddr))
ipaddr = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}/ipaddr'.format(self.key, macaddr))
description = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}/description'.format(self.key, macaddr))
leases.append([macaddr, ipaddr, description, timestamp])
return leases
class Host(object):
def __init__(self, mac, ip, hostname, last_used):
self.mac = mac.upper()
self.ip = ip
self.hostname = hostname
self.last_used = int(last_used)
def from_tuple(cls, line):
mac, ip, hostname, last_used = line
last_used = int(last_used)
return cls(mac, ip, hostname, last_used)
def from_packet(cls, packet):
return cls(packet.client_mac_address,
packet.requested_ip_address or packet.client_ip_address,
packet.host_name or '',
def get_pattern(mac = ALL, ip = ALL, hostname = ALL, last_used = ALL):
return [mac, ip, hostname, last_used]
def to_tuple(self):
return [self.mac, self.ip, self.hostname, str(int(self.last_used))]
def to_pattern(self):
return self.get_pattern(ip = self.ip, mac = self.mac)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.key)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.to_tuple() == other.to_tuple()
def has_valid_ip(self):
return self.ip and self.ip != ''
class HostDatabase(object):
def __init__(self, zk_conn, vni):
self.db = ZKDatabase(zk_conn, '/networks/{}/dhcp_leases'.format(vni))
def get(self, **kw):
pattern = Host.get_pattern(**kw)
return list(map(Host.from_tuple, self.db.get(pattern)))
def add(self, host):
def delete(self, host = None, **kw):
if host is None:
pattern = Host.get_pattern(**kw)
pattern = host.to_pattern()
def all(self):
return list(map(Host.from_tuple, self.db.all()))
def replace(self, host):
if self.delete(host):
def sorted_hosts(hosts):
hosts = list(hosts)
hosts.sort(key = lambda host: (host.hostname.lower(), host.mac.lower(), host.ip.lower()))
return hosts
class DHCPServer(object):
def __init__(self, configuration):
self.configuration = configuration
self.socket = socket(type=SOCK_DGRAM)
self.socket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
self.socket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, 25, self.configuration.iface.encode('ascii'))
self.socket.bind(('<broadcast>', 67))
self.delay_worker = DelayWorker()
self.closed = False
self.transactions = collections.defaultdict(lambda: Transaction(self)) # id: transaction
self.hosts = HostDatabase(self.configuration.zk_conn, self.configuration.vni)
self.time_started = time.time()
def close(self):
self.closed = True
for transaction in list(self.transactions.values()):
def update(self, timeout = 0):
reads = select.select([self.socket], [], [], timeout)[0]
except ValueError:
# ValueError: file descriptor cannot be a negative integer (-1)
for socket in reads:
packet = ReadBootProtocolPacket(*socket.recvfrom(4096))
except OSError:
# OSError: [WinError 10038] An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket
for transaction_id, transaction in list(self.transactions.items()):
if transaction.is_done():
def received(self, packet):
if not self.transactions[packet.transaction_id].receive(packet):
self.configuration.debug('received:\n {}'.format(str(packet).replace('\n', '\n\t')))
def client_has_chosen(self, packet):
self.configuration.debug('client_has_chosen:\n {}'.format(str(packet).replace('\n', '\n\t')))
host = Host.from_packet(packet)
if not host.has_valid_ip():
def is_valid_client_address(self, address):
if address is None:
return False
a = address.split('.')
s = self.configuration.subnet_mask.split('.')
n = self.configuration.network.split('.')
return all(s[i] == '0' or a[i] == n[i] for i in range(4))
def get_ip_address(self, packet):
mac_address = packet.client_mac_address
requested_ip_address = packet.requested_ip_address
known_hosts = self.hosts.get(mac = CASEINSENSITIVE(mac_address))
ip = None
if known_hosts:
# 1. choose known ip address
for host in known_hosts:
if self.is_valid_client_address(host.ip):
ip = host.ip
print('known ip:', ip)
if ip is None and self.is_valid_client_address(requested_ip_address):
# 2. choose valid requested ip address
ip = requested_ip_address
print('valid ip:', ip)
if ip is None:
# 3. choose new, free ip address
chosen = False
network_hosts = self.hosts.get(ip = self.configuration.network_filter())
for ip in self.configuration.all_ip_addresses():
if not any(host.ip == ip for host in network_hosts):
chosen = True
if not chosen:
# 4. reuse old valid ip address
network_hosts.sort(key = lambda host: host.last_used)
ip = network_hosts[0].ip
assert self.is_valid_client_address(ip)
print('new ip:', ip)
if not any([host.ip == ip for host in known_hosts]):
print('add', mac_address, ip, packet.host_name)
self.hosts.replace(Host(mac_address, ip, packet.host_name or '', time.time()))
return ip
def server_identifiers(self):
return get_host_ip_addresses()
def broadcast(self, packet):
self.configuration.debug('broadcasting:\n {}'.format(str(packet).replace('\n', '\n\t')))
for addr in self.server_identifiers:
broadcast_socket = socket(type = SOCK_DGRAM)
broadcast_socket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
broadcast_socket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1)
packet.server_identifier = addr
broadcast_socket.bind((self.configuration.ipaddr, 67))
data = packet.to_bytes()
broadcast_socket.sendto(data, ('', 68))
broadcast_socket.sendto(data, (addr, 68))
def run(self):
while not self.closed:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def start(self):
self.thread = threading.Thread(target = self.run)
self.thread.daemon = True
def debug_clients(self):
for line in self.ips.all():
line = '\t'.join(line)
if line:
def get_all_hosts(self):
return sorted_hosts(self.hosts.get())
def get_current_hosts(self):
return sorted_hosts(self.hosts.get(last_used = GREATER(self.time_started)))