
306 lines
10 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# node.py - PVC client function library, node management
# Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system
# Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Joshua M. Boniface <joshua@boniface.me>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import time
import re
import json
import daemon_lib.common as common
def getNodeInformation(zkhandler, node_name):
Gather information about a node from the Zookeeper database and return a dict() containing it.
node_daemon_state = zkhandler.read(("node.state.daemon", node_name))
node_coordinator_state = zkhandler.read(("node.state.router", node_name))
node_domain_state = zkhandler.read(("node.state.domain", node_name))
node_static_data = zkhandler.read(("node.data.static", node_name)).split()
node_pvc_version = zkhandler.read(("node.data.pvc_version", node_name))
node_cpu_count = int(node_static_data[0])
node_kernel = node_static_data[1]
node_os = node_static_data[2]
node_arch = node_static_data[3]
node_vcpu_allocated = int(zkhandler.read(("node.vcpu.allocated", node_name)))
node_mem_total = int(zkhandler.read(("node.memory.total", node_name)))
node_mem_allocated = int(zkhandler.read(("node.memory.allocated", node_name)))
node_mem_provisioned = int(zkhandler.read(("node.memory.provisioned", node_name)))
node_mem_used = int(zkhandler.read(("node.memory.used", node_name)))
node_mem_free = int(zkhandler.read(("node.memory.free", node_name)))
node_load = float(zkhandler.read(("node.cpu.load", node_name)))
node_domains_count = int(
zkhandler.read(("node.count.provisioned_domains", node_name))
node_running_domains = zkhandler.read(("node.running_domains", node_name)).split()
node_health = int(zkhandler.read(("node.monitoring.health", node_name)))
except Exception:
node_health = "N/A"
node_health_plugins = zkhandler.read(
("node.monitoring.plugins", node_name)
except Exception:
node_health_plugins = list()
node_health_details = list()
for plugin in node_health_plugins:
plugin_last_run = zkhandler.read(
("node.monitoring.data", node_name, "monitoring_plugin.last_run", plugin)
plugin_health_delta = zkhandler.read(
plugin_message = zkhandler.read(
("node.monitoring.data", node_name, "monitoring_plugin.message", plugin)
plugin_data = zkhandler.read(
("node.monitoring.data", node_name, "monitoring_plugin.data", plugin)
plugin_output = {
"name": plugin,
"last_run": int(plugin_last_run),
"health_delta": int(plugin_health_delta),
"message": plugin_message,
"data": json.loads(plugin_data),
# Construct a data structure to represent the data
node_information = {
"name": node_name,
"daemon_state": node_daemon_state,
"coordinator_state": node_coordinator_state,
"domain_state": node_domain_state,
"pvc_version": node_pvc_version,
"cpu_count": node_cpu_count,
"kernel": node_kernel,
"os": node_os,
"arch": node_arch,
"health": node_health,
"health_plugins": node_health_plugins,
"health_details": node_health_details,
"load": node_load,
"domains_count": node_domains_count,
"running_domains": node_running_domains,
"vcpu": {
"total": node_cpu_count,
"allocated": node_vcpu_allocated,
"memory": {
"total": node_mem_total,
"allocated": node_mem_allocated,
"provisioned": node_mem_provisioned,
"used": node_mem_used,
"free": node_mem_free,
return node_information
# Direct Functions
def secondary_node(zkhandler, node):
# Verify node is valid
if not common.verifyNode(zkhandler, node):
return False, "ERROR: No node named {} is present in the cluster.".format(node)
# Ensure node is a coordinator
daemon_mode = zkhandler.read(("node.mode", node))
if daemon_mode == "hypervisor":
return (
"ERROR: Cannot change coordinator state on non-coordinator node {}".format(
# Ensure node is in run daemonstate
daemon_state = zkhandler.read(("node.state.daemon", node))
if daemon_state != "run":
return False, "ERROR: Node {} is not active".format(node)
# Get current state
current_state = zkhandler.read(("node.state.router", node))
if current_state == "secondary":
return True, "Node {} is already in secondary coordinator state.".format(node)
retmsg = "Setting node {} in secondary coordinator state.".format(node)
zkhandler.write([("base.config.primary_node", "none")])
return True, retmsg
def primary_node(zkhandler, node):
# Verify node is valid
if not common.verifyNode(zkhandler, node):
return False, "ERROR: No node named {} is present in the cluster.".format(node)
# Ensure node is a coordinator
daemon_mode = zkhandler.read(("node.mode", node))
if daemon_mode == "hypervisor":
return (
"ERROR: Cannot change coordinator state on non-coordinator node {}".format(
# Ensure node is in run daemonstate
daemon_state = zkhandler.read(("node.state.daemon", node))
if daemon_state != "run":
return False, "ERROR: Node {} is not active".format(node)
# Get current state
current_state = zkhandler.read(("node.state.router", node))
if current_state == "primary":
return True, "Node {} is already in primary coordinator state.".format(node)
retmsg = "Setting node {} in primary coordinator state.".format(node)
zkhandler.write([("base.config.primary_node", node)])
return True, retmsg
def flush_node(zkhandler, node, wait=False):
# Verify node is valid
if not common.verifyNode(zkhandler, node):
return False, "ERROR: No node named {} is present in the cluster.".format(node)
if zkhandler.read(("node.state.domain", node)) == "flushed":
return True, "Node {} is already flushed.".format(node)
retmsg = "Removing node {} from active service.".format(node)
# Add the new domain to Zookeeper
zkhandler.write([(("node.state.domain", node), "flush")])
if wait:
while zkhandler.read(("node.state.domain", node)) == "flush":
retmsg = "Removed node {} from active service.".format(node)
return True, retmsg
def ready_node(zkhandler, node, wait=False):
# Verify node is valid
if not common.verifyNode(zkhandler, node):
return False, "ERROR: No node named {} is present in the cluster.".format(node)
if zkhandler.read(("node.state.domain", node)) == "ready":
return True, "Node {} is already ready.".format(node)
retmsg = "Restoring node {} to active service.".format(node)
# Add the new domain to Zookeeper
zkhandler.write([(("node.state.domain", node), "unflush")])
if wait:
while zkhandler.read(("node.state.domain", node)) == "unflush":
retmsg = "Restored node {} to active service.".format(node)
return True, retmsg
def get_node_log(zkhandler, node, lines=2000):
# Verify node is valid
if not common.verifyNode(zkhandler, node):
return False, "ERROR: No node named {} is present in the cluster.".format(node)
# Get the data from ZK
node_log = zkhandler.read(("logs.messages", node))
if node_log is None:
return True, ""
# Shrink the log buffer to length lines
shrunk_log = node_log.split("\n")[-lines:]
loglines = "\n".join(shrunk_log)
return True, loglines
def get_info(zkhandler, node):
# Verify node is valid
if not common.verifyNode(zkhandler, node):
return False, "ERROR: No node named {} is present in the cluster.".format(node)
# Get information about node in a pretty format
node_information = getNodeInformation(zkhandler, node)
if not node_information:
return False, "ERROR: Could not get information about node {}.".format(node)
return True, node_information
def get_list(
node_list = []
full_node_list = zkhandler.children("base.node")
if is_fuzzy and limit:
# Implicitly assume fuzzy limits
if not re.match(r"\^.*", limit):
limit = ".*" + limit
if not re.match(r".*\$", limit):
limit = limit + ".*"
for node in full_node_list:
if limit:
if re.fullmatch(limit, node):
node_list.append(getNodeInformation(zkhandler, node))
except Exception as e:
return False, "Regex Error: {}".format(e)
node_list.append(getNodeInformation(zkhandler, node))
if daemon_state or coordinator_state or domain_state:
limited_node_list = []
for node in node_list:
add_node = False
if daemon_state and node["daemon_state"] == daemon_state:
add_node = True
if coordinator_state and node["coordinator_state"] == coordinator_state:
add_node = True
if domain_state and node["domain_state"] == domain_state:
add_node = True
if add_node:
node_list = limited_node_list
return True, node_list