If we get a 404 code back from the upper function, we should create an empty list rather than trying to loop through the dictionary.
1599 lines
60 KiB
Executable File
1599 lines
60 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# provisioner.py - PVC API Provisioner functions
# Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Joshua M. Boniface <joshua@boniface.me>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import flask
import json
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
import os
import re
import time
import shlex
import subprocess
from distutils.util import strtobool
import daemon_lib.common as pvc_common
import daemon_lib.node as pvc_node
import daemon_lib.vm as pvc_vm
import daemon_lib.network as pvc_network
import daemon_lib.ceph as pvc_ceph
import pvcapid.libvirt_schema as libvirt_schema
from pvcapid.ova import list_ova
# Exceptions (used by Celery tasks)
class ValidationError(Exception):
An exception that results from some value being un- or mis-defined.
class ClusterError(Exception):
An exception that results from the PVC cluster being out of alignment with the action.
class ProvisioningError(Exception):
An exception that results from a failure of a provisioning command.
# Common functions
# Database connections
def open_database(config):
conn = psycopg2.connect(
cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor)
return conn, cur
def close_database(conn, cur, failed=False):
if not failed:
# Template List functions
def list_template(limit, table, is_fuzzy=True):
if limit:
if is_fuzzy:
# Handle fuzzy vs. non-fuzzy limits
if not re.match('\^.*', limit):
limit = '%' + limit
limit = limit[1:]
if not re.match('.*\$', limit):
limit = limit + '%'
limit = limit[:-1]
args = (limit, )
query = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE name LIKE %s;".format(table)
args = ()
query = "SELECT * FROM {};".format(table)
conn, cur = open_database(config)
cur.execute(query, args)
data = cur.fetchall()
if not isinstance(data, list):
data = [ data ]
if table == 'network_template':
for template_id, template_data in enumerate(data):
# Fetch list of VNIs from network table
query = "SELECT * FROM network WHERE network_template = %s;"
args = (template_data['id'],)
cur.execute(query, args)
vnis = cur.fetchall()
data[template_id]['networks'] = vnis
if table == 'storage_template':
for template_id, template_data in enumerate(data):
# Fetch list of VNIs from network table
query = 'SELECT * FROM storage WHERE storage_template = %s'
args = (template_data['id'],)
cur.execute(query, args)
disks = cur.fetchall()
data[template_id]['disks'] = disks
close_database(conn, cur)
return data
def list_template_system(limit, is_fuzzy=True):
Obtain a list of system templates.
data = list_template(limit, 'system_template', is_fuzzy)
if data:
return data, 200
return { 'message': 'No system templates found.' }, 404
def list_template_network(limit, is_fuzzy=True):
Obtain a list of network templates.
data = list_template(limit, 'network_template', is_fuzzy)
if data:
return data, 200
return { 'message': 'No network templates found.' }, 404
def list_template_network_vnis(name):
Obtain a list of network template VNIs.
data = list_template(name, 'network_template', is_fuzzy=False)[0]
networks = data['networks']
if networks:
return networks, 200
return { 'message': 'No network template networks found.' }, 404
def list_template_storage(limit, is_fuzzy=True):
Obtain a list of storage templates.
data = list_template(limit, 'storage_template', is_fuzzy)
if data:
return data, 200
return { 'message': 'No storage templates found.' }, 404
def list_template_storage_disks(name):
Obtain a list of storage template disks.
data = list_template(name, 'storage_template', is_fuzzy=False)[0]
disks = data['disks']
if disks:
return disks, 200
return { 'message': 'No storage template disks found.' }, 404
def template_list(limit):
system_templates, code = list_template_system(limit)
if code != 200:
system_templates = []
network_templates, code = list_template_network(limit)
if code != 200:
network_templates = []
storage_templates, code = list_template_storage(limit)
if code != 200:
storage_templates = []
return { "system_templates": system_templates, "network_templates": network_templates, "storage_templates": storage_templates }
# Template Create functions
def create_template_system(name, vcpu_count, vram_mb, serial=False, vnc=False, vnc_bind=None, node_limit=None, node_selector=None, node_autostart=False, ova=None):
if list_template_system(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 404:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The system template "{}" already exists.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
query = "INSERT INTO system_template (name, vcpu_count, vram_mb, serial, vnc, vnc_bind, node_limit, node_selector, node_autostart, ova) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);"
args = (name, vcpu_count, vram_mb, serial, vnc, vnc_bind, node_limit, node_selector, node_autostart, ova)
conn, cur = open_database(config)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { 'message': 'Added new system template "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create system template "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
def create_template_network(name, mac_template=None):
if list_template_network(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 404:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The network template "{}" already exists.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "INSERT INTO network_template (name, mac_template) VALUES (%s, %s);"
args = (name, mac_template)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { 'message': 'Added new network template "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create network template "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
def create_template_network_element(name, vni):
if list_template_network(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The network template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
networks, code = list_template_network_vnis(name)
if code != 200:
networks = []
found_vni = False
for network in networks:
if int(network['vni']) == vni:
found_vni = True
if found_vni:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The VNI "{}" in network template "{}" already exists.'.format(vni, name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "SELECT id FROM network_template WHERE name = %s;"
args = (name,)
cur.execute(query, args)
template_id = cur.fetchone()['id']
query = "INSERT INTO network (network_template, vni) VALUES (%s, %s);"
args = (template_id, vni)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { 'message': 'Added new network "{}" to network template "{}".'.format(vni, name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create entry "{}": {}'.format(vni, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
def create_template_storage(name):
if list_template_storage(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 404:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The storage template "{}" already exists.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "INSERT INTO storage_template (name) VALUES (%s);"
args = (name,)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { 'message': 'Added new storage template "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
def create_template_storage_element(name, disk_id, pool, source_volume=None, disk_size_gb=None, filesystem=None, filesystem_args=[], mountpoint=None):
if list_template_storage(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The storage template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
disks, code = list_template_storage_disks(name)
if code != 200:
disks = []
found_disk = False
for disk in disks:
if disk['disk_id'] == disk_id:
found_disk = True
if found_disk:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The disk "{}" in storage template "{}" already exists.'.format(disk_id, name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
if mountpoint and not filesystem:
retmsg = { "message": "A filesystem must be specified along with a mountpoint." }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
if source_volume and (disk_size_gb or filesystem or mountpoint):
retmsg = { "message": "Clone volumes are not compatible with disk size, filesystem, or mountpoint specifications." }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "SELECT id FROM storage_template WHERE name = %s;"
args = (name,)
cur.execute(query, args)
template_id = cur.fetchone()['id']
query = "INSERT INTO storage (storage_template, pool, disk_id, source_volume, disk_size_gb, mountpoint, filesystem, filesystem_args) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);"
if filesystem_args:
fsargs = ' '.join(filesystem_args)
fsargs = ''
args = (template_id, pool, disk_id, source_volume, disk_size_gb, mountpoint, filesystem, fsargs)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { 'message': 'Added new disk "{}" to storage template "{}".'.format(disk_id, name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create entry "{}": {}'.format(disk_id, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
# Template Modify functions
def modify_template_system(name, vcpu_count=None, vram_mb=None, serial=None, vnc=None, vnc_bind=None, node_limit=None, node_selector=None, node_autostart=None):
if list_profile(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The system template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
fields = []
if vcpu_count is not None:
vcpu_count = int(vcpu_count)
retmsg = { 'message': 'The vcpus value must be an integer.' }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
fields.append({'field': 'vcpu_count', 'data': vcpu_count})
if vram_mb is not None:
vram_mb = int(vram_mb)
retmsg = { 'message': 'The vram value must be an integer.' }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
fields.append({'field': 'vram_mb', 'data': vram_mb})
if serial is not None:
serial = bool(strtobool(serial))
retmsg = { 'message': 'The serial value must be a boolean.' }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
fields.append({'field': 'serial', 'data': serial})
if vnc is not None:
vnc = bool(strtobool(vnc))
retmsg = { 'message': 'The vnc value must be a boolean.' }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
fields.append({'field': 'vnc', 'data': vnc})
if vnc_bind is not None:
fields.append({'field': 'vnc_bind', 'data': vnc_bind})
if node_limit is not None:
fields.append({'field': 'node_limit', 'data': node_limit})
if node_selector is not None:
fields.append({'field': 'node_selector', 'data': node_selector})
if node_autostart is not None:
node_autostart = bool(strtobool(node_autostart))
retmsg = { 'message': 'The node_autostart value must be a boolean.' }
retcode = 400
fields.append({'field': 'node_autostart', 'data': node_autostart})
conn, cur = open_database(config)
for field in fields:
query = "UPDATE system_template SET {} = %s WHERE name = %s;".format(field.get('field'))
args = (field.get('data'), name)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { "message": 'Modified system template "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to modify entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
# Template Delete functions
def delete_template_system(name):
if list_template_system(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The system template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "DELETE FROM system_template WHERE name = %s;"
args = (name,)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { "message": 'Removed system template "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
def delete_template_network(name):
if list_template_network(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The network template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "SELECT id FROM network_template WHERE name = %s;"
args = (name,)
cur.execute(query, args)
template_id = cur.fetchone()['id']
query = "DELETE FROM network WHERE network_template = %s;"
args = (template_id,)
cur.execute(query, args)
query = "DELETE FROM network_template WHERE name = %s;"
args = (name,)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { "message": 'Removed network template "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
def delete_template_network_element(name, vni):
if list_template_network(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The network template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
networks, code = list_template_network_vnis(name)
found_vni = False
for network in networks:
if network['vni'] == int(vni):
found_vni = True
if not found_vni:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The VNI "{}" in network template "{}" does not exist.'.format(vni, name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "SELECT id FROM network_template WHERE name = %s;"
args = (name,)
cur.execute(query, args)
template_id = cur.fetchone()['id']
query = "DELETE FROM network WHERE network_template = %s and vni = %s;"
args = (template_id, vni)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { "message": 'Removed network "{}" from network template "{}".'.format(vni, name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
def delete_template_storage(name):
if list_template_storage(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The storage template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "SELECT id FROM storage_template WHERE name = %s;"
args = (name,)
cur.execute(query, args)
template_id = cur.fetchone()['id']
query = "DELETE FROM storage WHERE storage_template = %s;"
args = (template_id,)
cur.execute(query, args)
query = "DELETE FROM storage_template WHERE name = %s;"
args = (name,)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { "message": 'Removed storage template "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
def delete_template_storage_element(name, disk_id):
if list_template_storage(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The storage template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
disks, code = list_template_storage_disks(name)
found_disk = False
for disk in disks:
if disk['disk_id'] == disk_id:
found_disk = True
if not found_disk:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The disk "{}" in storage template "{}" does not exist.'.format(disk_id, name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "SELECT id FROM storage_template WHERE name = %s;"
args = (name,)
cur.execute(query, args)
template_id = cur.fetchone()['id']
query = "DELETE FROM storage WHERE storage_template = %s and disk_id = %s;"
args = (template_id, disk_id)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { "message": 'Removed disk "{}" from storage template "{}".'.format(disk_id, name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
# Userdata functions
def list_userdata(limit, is_fuzzy=True):
if limit:
if is_fuzzy:
# Handle fuzzy vs. non-fuzzy limits
if not re.match('\^.*', limit):
limit = '%' + limit
limit = limit[1:]
if not re.match('.*\$', limit):
limit = limit + '%'
limit = limit[:-1]
query = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE name LIKE %s;".format('userdata')
args = (limit, )
query = "SELECT * FROM {};".format('userdata')
args = ()
conn, cur = open_database(config)
cur.execute(query, args)
data = cur.fetchall()
close_database(conn, cur)
if data:
return data, 200
return { 'message': 'No userdata documents found.' }, 404
def create_userdata(name, userdata):
if list_userdata(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 404:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The userdata document "{}" already exists.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "INSERT INTO userdata (name, userdata) VALUES (%s, %s);"
args = (name, userdata)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { "message": 'Created userdata document "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
def update_userdata(name, userdata):
if list_userdata(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The userdata "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
data, code = list_userdata(name, is_fuzzy=False)
tid = data[0]['id']
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "UPDATE userdata SET userdata = %s WHERE id = %s;"
args = (userdata, tid)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { "message": 'Updated userdata document "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to update entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
def delete_userdata(name):
if list_userdata(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The userdata "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "DELETE FROM userdata WHERE name = %s;"
args = (name,)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { "message": 'Removed userdata document "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
# Script functions
def list_script(limit, is_fuzzy=True):
if limit:
if is_fuzzy:
# Handle fuzzy vs. non-fuzzy limits
if not re.match('\^.*', limit):
limit = '%' + limit
limit = limit[1:]
if not re.match('.*\$', limit):
limit = limit + '%'
limit = limit[:-1]
query = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE name LIKE %s;".format('script')
args = (limit, )
query = "SELECT * FROM {};".format('script')
args = ()
conn, cur = open_database(config)
cur.execute(query, args)
data = cur.fetchall()
close_database(conn, cur)
if data:
return data, 200
return { 'message': 'No scripts found.' }, 404
def create_script(name, script):
if list_script(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 404:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The script "{}" already exists.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "INSERT INTO script (name, script) VALUES (%s, %s);"
args = (name, script)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { "message": 'Created provisioning script "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
def update_script(name, script):
if list_script(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The script "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
data, code = list_script(name, is_fuzzy=False)
tid = data[0]['id']
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "UPDATE script SET script = %s WHERE id = %s;"
args = (script, tid)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { "message": 'Updated provisioning script "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to update entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
def delete_script(name):
if list_script(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The script "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "DELETE FROM script WHERE name = %s;"
args = (name,)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { "message": 'Removed provisioning script "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
# Profile functions
def list_profile(limit, is_fuzzy=True):
if limit:
if is_fuzzy:
# Handle fuzzy vs. non-fuzzy limits
if not re.match('\^.*', limit):
limit = '%' + limit
limit = limit[1:]
if not re.match('.*\$', limit):
limit = limit + '%'
limit = limit[:-1]
query = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE name LIKE %s;".format('profile')
args = (limit, )
query = "SELECT * FROM {};".format('profile')
args = ()
conn, cur = open_database(config)
cur.execute(query, args)
orig_data = cur.fetchall()
data = list()
for profile in orig_data:
profile_data = dict()
profile_data['id'] = profile['id']
profile_data['name'] = profile['name']
profile_data['type'] = profile['profile_type']
# Parse the name of each subelement
for etype in 'system_template', 'network_template', 'storage_template', 'userdata', 'script', 'ova':
query = 'SELECT name from {} WHERE id = %s'.format(etype)
args = (profile[etype],)
cur.execute(query, args)
name = cur.fetchone()['name']
except Exception as e:
name = "N/A"
profile_data[etype] = name
# Split the arguments back into a list
profile_data['arguments'] = profile['arguments'].split('|')
# Append the new data to our actual output structure
close_database(conn, cur)
if data:
return data, 200
return { 'message': 'No profiles found.' }, 404
def create_profile(name, profile_type, system_template, network_template, storage_template, userdata=None, script=None, ova=None, arguments=None):
if list_profile(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 404:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The profile "{}" already exists.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
if profile_type not in ['provisioner', 'ova']:
retmsg = { 'message': 'A valid profile type (provisioner, ova) must be specified.' }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
system_templates, code = list_template_system(None)
system_template_id = None
if code != 200:
system_templates = []
for template in system_templates:
if template['name'] == system_template:
system_template_id = template['id']
if not system_template_id:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The system template "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(system_template, name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
network_templates, code = list_template_network(None)
network_template_id = None
if code != 200:
network_templates = []
for template in network_templates:
if template['name'] == network_template:
network_template_id = template['id']
if not network_template_id and profile_type != 'ova':
retmsg = { 'message': 'The network template "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(network_template, name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
storage_templates, code = list_template_storage(None)
storage_template_id = None
if code != 200:
storage_templates = []
for template in storage_templates:
if template['name'] == storage_template:
storage_template_id = template['id']
if not storage_template_id and profile_type != 'ova':
retmsg = { 'message': 'The storage template "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(storage_template, name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
userdatas, code = list_userdata(None)
userdata_id = None
if code != 200:
userdatas = []
for template in userdatas:
if template['name'] == userdata:
userdata_id = template['id']
scripts, code = list_script(None)
script_id = None
if code != 200:
scripts = []
for scr in scripts:
if scr['name'] == script:
script_id = scr['id']
ovas, code = list_ova(None)
ova_id = None
if code != 200:
ovas = []
for ov in ovas:
if ov['name'] == ova:
ova_id = ov['id']
if arguments is not None and isinstance(arguments, list):
arguments_formatted = '|'.join(arguments)
arguments_formatted = ''
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "INSERT INTO profile (name, profile_type, system_template, network_template, storage_template, userdata, script, ova, arguments) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);"
args = (name, profile_type, system_template_id, network_template_id, storage_template_id, userdata_id, script_id, ova_id, arguments_formatted)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { "message": 'Created VM profile "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
def modify_profile(name, profile_type, system_template, network_template, storage_template, userdata, script, ova, arguments=None):
if list_profile(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
fields = []
if profile_type is not None:
if profile_type not in ['provisioner', 'ova']:
retmsg = { 'message': 'A valid profile type (provisioner, ova) must be specified.' }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
fields.append({'field': 'type', 'data': profile_type})
if system_template is not None:
system_templates, code = list_template_system(None)
system_template_id = None
for template in system_templates:
if template['name'] == system_template:
system_template_id = template['id']
if not system_template_id:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The system template "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(system_template, name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
fields.append({'field': 'system_template', 'data': system_template_id})
if network_template is not None:
network_templates, code = list_template_network(None)
network_template_id = None
for template in network_templates:
if template['name'] == network_template:
network_template_id = template['id']
if not network_template_id:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The network template "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(network_template, name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
fields.append({'field': 'network_template', 'data': network_template_id})
if storage_template is not None:
storage_templates, code = list_template_storage(None)
storage_template_id = None
for template in storage_templates:
if template['name'] == storage_template:
storage_template_id = template['id']
if not storage_template_id:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The storage template "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(storage_template, name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
fields.append({'field': 'storage_template', 'data': storage_template_id})
if userdata is not None:
userdatas, code = list_userdata(None)
userdata_id = None
for template in userdatas:
if template['name'] == userdata:
userdata_id = template['id']
if not userdata_id:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The userdata template "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(userdata, name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
fields.append({'field': 'userdata', 'data': userdata_id})
if script is not None:
scripts, code = list_script(None)
script_id = None
for scr in scripts:
if scr['name'] == script:
script_id = scr['id']
if not script_id:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The script "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(script, name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
fields.append({'field': 'script', 'data': script_id})
if ova is not None:
ovas, code = list_ova(None)
ova_id = None
for ov in ovas:
if ov['name'] == ova:
ova_id = ov['id']
if not ova_id:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The OVA "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(ova, name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
fields.append({'field': 'ova', 'data': ova_id})
if arguments is not None:
if isinstance(arguments, list):
arguments_formatted = '|'.join(arguments)
arguments_formatted = ''
fields.append({'field': 'arguments', 'data': arguments_formatted})
conn, cur = open_database(config)
for field in fields:
query = "UPDATE profile SET {}=%s WHERE name=%s;".format(field.get('field'))
args = (field.get('data'), name)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { "message": 'Modified VM profile "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to modify entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
def delete_profile(name):
if list_profile(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200:
retmsg = { 'message': 'The profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) }
retcode = 400
return retmsg, retcode
conn, cur = open_database(config)
query = "DELETE FROM profile WHERE name = %s;"
args = (name,)
cur.execute(query, args)
retmsg = { "message": 'Removed VM profile "{}".'.format(name) }
retcode = 200
except Exception as e:
retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) }
retcode = 400
close_database(conn, cur)
return retmsg, retcode
# Main VM provisioning function - executed by the Celery worker
def create_vm(self, vm_name, vm_profile, define_vm=True, start_vm=True):
# Runtime imports
import time
import importlib
import uuid
import datetime
import random
print("Starting provisioning of VM '{}' with profile '{}'".format(vm_name, vm_profile))
# Phase 0 - connect to databases
db_conn, db_cur = open_database(config)
print('FATAL - failed to connect to Postgres')
raise Exception
zk_conn = pvc_common.startZKConnection(config['coordinators'])
print('FATAL - failed to connect to Zookeeper')
raise Exception
# Phase 1 - setup
# * Get the profile elements
# * Get the details from these elements
# * Assemble a VM configuration dictionary
self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 1, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Collecting configuration'})
vm_id = re.findall(r'/(\d+)$/', vm_name)
if not vm_id:
vm_id = 0
vm_id = vm_id[0]
vm_data = dict()
# Get the profile information
query = "SELECT * FROM profile WHERE name = %s"
args = (vm_profile,)
db_cur.execute(query, args)
profile_data = db_cur.fetchone()
if profile_data.get('arguments'):
vm_data['script_arguments'] = profile_data.get('arguments').split('|')
vm_data['script_arguments'] = []
if profile_data.get('profile_type') == 'ova':
is_ova_install = True
is_script_install = False # By definition
is_ova_install = False
# Get the system details
query = 'SELECT * FROM system_template WHERE id = %s'
args = (profile_data['system_template'],)
db_cur.execute(query, args)
vm_data['system_details'] = db_cur.fetchone()
# Get the MAC template
query = 'SELECT mac_template FROM network_template WHERE id = %s'
args = (profile_data['network_template'],)
db_cur.execute(query, args)
db_row = db_cur.fetchone()
if db_row:
vm_data['mac_template'] = db_row.get('mac_template')
vm_data['mac_template'] = None
# Get the networks
query = 'SELECT * FROM network WHERE network_template = %s'
args = (profile_data['network_template'],)
db_cur.execute(query, args)
vm_data['networks'] = db_cur.fetchall()
# Get the storage volumes
# ORDER BY ensures disks are always in the sdX/vdX order, regardless of add order
query = 'SELECT * FROM storage WHERE storage_template = %s ORDER BY disk_id'
args = (profile_data['storage_template'],)
db_cur.execute(query, args)
vm_data['volumes'] = db_cur.fetchall()
# Get the script
query = 'SELECT script FROM script WHERE id = %s'
args = (profile_data['script'],)
db_cur.execute(query, args)
db_row = db_cur.fetchone()
if db_row:
vm_data['script'] = db_row.get('script')
vm_data['script'] = None
if vm_data['script'] and not is_ova_install:
is_script_install = True
is_script_install = False
# Get the OVA details
if is_ova_install:
query = 'SELECT * FROM ova WHERE id = %s'
args = (profile_data['ova'],)
db_cur.execute(query, args)
vm_data['ova_details'] = db_cur.fetchone()
query = 'SELECT * FROM ova_volume WHERE ova = %s'
args = (profile_data['ova'],)
db_cur.execute(query, args)
vm_data['volumes'] = db_cur.fetchall()
close_database(db_conn, db_cur)
print("VM configuration data:\n{}".format(json.dumps(vm_data, sort_keys=True, indent=2)))
# Phase 2 - verification
# * Ensure that at least one node has enough free RAM to hold the VM (becomes main host)
# * Ensure that all networks are valid
# * Ensure that there is enough disk space in the Ceph cluster for the disks
# This is the "safe fail" step when an invalid configuration will be caught
self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 2, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Verifying configuration against cluster'})
# Verify that a VM with this name does not already exist
if pvc_vm.searchClusterByName(zk_conn, vm_name):
raise ClusterError("A VM with the name '{}' already exists in the cluster.".format(vm_name))
# Verify that at least one host has enough free RAM to run the VM
_discard, nodes = pvc_node.get_list(zk_conn, None)
target_node = None
last_free = 0
for node in nodes:
# Skip the node if it is not ready to run VMs
if node ['daemon_state'] != "run" or node['domain_state'] != "ready":
# Skip the node if its free memory is less than the new VM's size, plus a 512MB buffer
if node['memory']['free'] < (vm_data['system_details']['vram_mb'] + 512):
# If this node has the most free, use it
if node['memory']['free'] > last_free:
last_free = node['memory']['free']
target_node = node['name']
# Raise if no node was found
if not target_node:
raise ClusterError("No ready cluster node contains at least {}+512 MB of free RAM.".format(vm_data['system_details']['vram_mb']))
print('Selecting target node "{}" with "{}" MB free RAM'.format(target_node, last_free))
# Verify that all configured networks are present on the cluster
cluster_networks, _discard = pvc_network.getClusterNetworkList(zk_conn)
for network in vm_data['networks']:
vni = str(network['vni'])
if not vni in cluster_networks:
raise ClusterError('The network VNI "{}" is not present on the cluster.'.format(vni))
print("All configured networks for VM are valid")
# Verify that there is enough disk space free to provision all VM disks
pools = dict()
for volume in vm_data['volumes']:
if volume.get('source_volume') is not None:
if not volume['pool'] in pools:
volume_data, status = pvc_ceph.getVolumeInformation(zk_conn, volume['pool'], volume['source_volume'])
pools[volume['pool']] = volume_data['disk_size_gb']
if not status:
raise ClusterError('The source volume {}/{} could not be found.'.format(volume['pool'], volume['source_volume']))
volume_data, status = pvc_ceph.getVolumeInformation(zk_conn, volume['pool'], volume['source_volume'])
pools[volume['pool']] += volume_data['disk_size_gb']
if not status:
raise ClusterError('The source volume {}/{} could not be found.'.format(volume['pool'], volume['source_volume']))
if not volume['pool'] in pools:
pools[volume['pool']] = volume['disk_size_gb']
pools[volume['pool']] += volume['disk_size_gb']
for pool in pools:
pool_information = pvc_ceph.getPoolInformation(zk_conn, pool)
if not pool_information:
raise ClusterError('Pool "{}" is not present on the cluster.'.format(pool))
pool_free_space_gb = int(pool_information['stats']['free_bytes'] / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)
pool_vm_usage_gb = int(pools[pool])
if pool_vm_usage_gb >= pool_free_space_gb:
raise ClusterError('Pool "{}" has only {} GB free and VM requires {} GB.'.format(pool, pool_free_space_gb, pool_vm_usage_gb))
print("There is enough space on cluster to store VM volumes")
if not is_ova_install:
# Verify that every specified filesystem is valid
used_filesystems = list()
for volume in vm_data['volumes']:
if volume['source_volume'] is not None:
if volume['filesystem'] and volume['filesystem'] not in used_filesystems:
for filesystem in used_filesystems:
if filesystem == 'swap':
retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("which mkswap")
if retcode:
raise ProvisioningError("Failed to find binary for mkswap: {}".format(filesystem, stderr))
retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("which mkfs.{}".format(filesystem))
if retcode:
raise ProvisioningError("Failed to find binary for mkfs.{}: {}".format(filesystem, stderr))
print("All selected filesystems are valid")
# Phase 3 - provisioning script preparation
# * Import the provisioning script as a library with importlib
# * Ensure the required function(s) are present
self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 3, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Preparing provisioning script'})
if is_script_install:
# Write the script out to a temporary file
retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("mktemp")
if retcode:
raise ProvisioningError("Failed to create a temporary file: {}".format(stderr))
script_file = stdout.strip()
with open(script_file, 'w') as fh:
# Import the script file
loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('installer_script', script_file)
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(loader.name, loader)
installer_script = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
# Verify that the install() function is valid
if not "install" in dir(installer_script):
raise ProvisioningError("Specified script does not contain an install() function.")
print("Provisioning script imported successfully")
# Phase 4 - configuration creation
# * Create the libvirt XML configuration
self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 4, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Preparing Libvirt XML configuration'})
print("Creating Libvirt configuration")
# Get information about VM
vm_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
vm_description = "PVC provisioner @ {}, profile '{}'".format(datetime.datetime.now(), vm_profile)
retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("uname -m")
system_architecture = stdout.strip()
# Begin assembling libvirt schema
vm_schema = ""
vm_schema += libvirt_schema.libvirt_header.format(
# Add network devices
network_id = 0
for network in vm_data['networks']:
vni = network['vni']
eth_bridge = "vmbr{}".format(vni)
vm_id_hex = '{:x}'.format(int(vm_id % 16))
net_id_hex = '{:x}'.format(int(network_id % 16))
if vm_data.get('mac_template') is not None:
mac_prefix = '52:54:01'
macgen_template = vm_data['mac_template']
eth_macaddr = macgen_template.format(
mac_prefix = '52:54:00'
random_octet_A = '{:x}'.format(random.randint(16,238))
random_octet_B = '{:x}'.format(random.randint(16,238))
random_octet_C = '{:x}'.format(random.randint(16,238))
macgen_template = '{prefix}:{octetA}:{octetB}:{octetC}'
eth_macaddr = macgen_template.format(
vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_net_interface.format(
network_id += 1
# Add disk devices
monitor_list = list()
coordinator_names = config['storage_hosts']
for coordinator in coordinator_names:
monitor_list.append("{}.{}".format(coordinator, config['storage_domain']))
ceph_storage_secret = config['ceph_storage_secret_uuid']
for volume in vm_data['volumes']:
vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_disk_header.format(
for monitor in monitor_list:
vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_disk_coordinator.format(
vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_disk_footer
vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_vhostmd
# Add default devices
vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_default
# Add serial device
if vm_data['system_details']['serial']:
vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_serial.format(
# Add VNC device
if vm_data['system_details']['vnc']:
if vm_data['system_details']['vnc_bind']:
vm_vnc_bind = vm_data['system_details']['vnc_bind']
vm_vnc_bind = ""
vm_vncport = 5900
vm_vnc_autoport = "yes"
vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_vnc.format(
# Add SCSI controller
vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_scsi_controller
# Add footer
vm_schema += libvirt_schema.libvirt_footer
print("Final VM schema:\n{}\n".format(vm_schema))
# Phase 5 - definition
# * Create the VM in the PVC cluster
self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 5, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Defining VM on the cluster'})
if define_vm:
print("Defining VM on cluster")
node_limit = vm_data['system_details']['node_limit']
if node_limit:
node_limit = node_limit.split(',')
node_selector = vm_data['system_details']['node_selector']
node_autostart = vm_data['system_details']['node_autostart']
retcode, retmsg = pvc_vm.define_vm(zk_conn, vm_schema.strip(), target_node, node_limit, node_selector, node_autostart, vm_profile, initial_state='provision')
print("Skipping VM definition")
# Phase 6 - disk creation
# * Create each Ceph storage volume for the disks
self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 6, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Creating storage volumes'})
for volume in vm_data['volumes']:
if volume.get('source_volume') is not None:
success, message = pvc_ceph.clone_volume(zk_conn, volume['pool'], "{}_{}".format(vm_name, volume['disk_id']), volume['source_volume'])
if not success:
raise ClusterError('Failed to clone volume "{}" to "{}".'.format(volume['source_volume'], volume['disk_id']))
success, message = pvc_ceph.add_volume(zk_conn, volume['pool'], "{}_{}".format(vm_name, volume['disk_id']), "{}G".format(volume['disk_size_gb']))
if not success:
raise ClusterError('Failed to create volume "{}".'.format(volume['disk_id']))
# Phase 7 - disk mapping
# * Map each volume to the local host in order
# * Format each volume with any specified filesystems
# * If any mountpoints are specified, create a temporary mount directory
# * Mount any volumes to their respective mountpoints
self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 7, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Mapping, formatting, and mounting storage volumes locally'})
for volume in vm_data['volumes']:
dst_volume_name = "{}_{}".format(vm_name, volume['disk_id'])
dst_volume = "{}/{}".format(volume['pool'], dst_volume_name)
if is_ova_install:
src_volume_name = volume['volume_name']
src_volume = "{}/{}".format(volume['pool'], src_volume_name)
# Map the target RBD device
retcode, retmsg = pvc_ceph.map_volume(zk_conn, volume['pool'], dst_volume_name)
if not retcode:
raise ProvisioningError('Failed to map destination volume "{}": {}'.format(dst_volume_name, retmsg))
# Map the source RBD device
retcode, retmsg = pvc_ceph.map_volume(zk_conn, volume['pool'], src_volume_name)
if not retcode:
raise ProvisioningError('Failed to map source volume "{}": {}'.format(src_volume_name, retmsg))
# Convert from source to target
retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command(
'qemu-img convert -C -f {} -O raw {} {}'.format(
if retcode:
raise ProvisioningError('Failed to convert {} volume "{}" to raw volume "{}": {}'.format(volume['volume_format'], src_volume, dst_volume, stderr))
# Unmap the source RBD device (don't bother later)
retcode, retmsg = pvc_ceph.unmap_volume(zk_conn, volume['pool'], src_volume_name)
if not retcode:
raise ProvisioningError('Failed to unmap source volume "{}": {}'.format(src_volume_name, retmsg))
# Unmap the target RBD device (don't bother later)
retcode, retmsg = pvc_ceph.unmap_volume(zk_conn, volume['pool'], dst_volume_name)
if not retcode:
raise ProvisioningError('Failed to unmap destination volume "{}": {}'.format(dst_volume_name, retmsg))
print('Converted {} source volume {} to raw format on {}'.format(volume['volume_format'], src_volume, dst_volume))
if volume.get('source_volume') is not None:
if volume.get('filesystem') is None:
filesystem_args_list = list()
for arg in volume['filesystem_args'].split():
arg_entry, arg_data = arg.split('=')
filesystem_args = ' '.join(filesystem_args_list)
# Map the RBD device
retcode, retmsg = pvc_ceph.map_volume(zk_conn, volume['pool'], dst_volume_name)
if not retcode:
raise ProvisioningError('Failed to map volume "{}": {}'.format(dst_volume, retmsg))
# Create the filesystem
if volume['filesystem'] == 'swap':
retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("mkswap -f /dev/rbd/{}".format(dst_volume))
if retcode:
raise ProvisioningError('Failed to create swap on "{}": {}'.format(dst_volume, stderr))
retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("mkfs.{} {} /dev/rbd/{}".format(volume['filesystem'], filesystem_args, dst_volume))
if retcode:
raise ProvisioningError('Failed to create {} filesystem on "{}": {}'.format(volume['filesystem'], dst_volume, stderr))
print("Created {} filesystem on {}:\n{}".format(volume['filesystem'], dst_volume, stdout))
if is_script_install:
# Create temporary directory
retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("mktemp -d")
if retcode:
raise ProvisioningError("Failed to create a temporary directory: {}".format(stderr))
temp_dir = stdout.strip()
for volume in vm_data['volumes']:
if volume['source_volume'] is not None:
if not volume['mountpoint'] or volume['mountpoint'] == 'swap':
mapped_dst_volume = "/dev/rbd/{}/{}_{}".format(volume['pool'], vm_name, volume['disk_id'])
mount_path = "{}{}".format(temp_dir, volume['mountpoint'])
# Ensure the mount path exists (within the filesystems)
retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("mkdir -p {}".format(mount_path))
if retcode:
raise ProvisioningError('Failed to create mountpoint "{}": {}'.format(mount_path, stderr))
# Mount filesystems to temporary directory
retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("mount {} {}".format(mapped_dst_volume, mount_path))
if retcode:
raise ProvisioningError('Failed to mount "{}" on "{}": {}'.format(mapped_dst_volume, mount_path, stderr))
print("Successfully mounted {} on {}".format(mapped_dst_volume, mount_path))
# Phase 8 - provisioning script execution
# * Execute the provisioning script main function ("install") passing any custom arguments
self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 8, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Executing provisioning script'})
if is_script_install:
print("Running installer script")
# Parse the script arguments
script_arguments = dict()
for argument in vm_data['script_arguments']:
argument_name, argument_data = argument.split('=')
script_arguments[argument_name] = argument_data
# Run the script
# Phase 9 - install cleanup
# * Unmount any mounted volumes
# * Remove any temporary directories
self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 9, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Cleaning up local mounts and directories'})
if not is_ova_install:
for volume in list(reversed(vm_data['volumes'])):
if volume.get('source_volume') is not None:
if is_script_install:
# Unmount the volume
if volume.get('mountpoint') is not None and volume.get('mountpoint') != 'swap':
print("Cleaning up mount {}{}".format(temp_dir, volume['mountpoint']))
mount_path = "{}{}".format(temp_dir, volume['mountpoint'])
retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("umount {}".format(mount_path))
if retcode:
raise ProvisioningError('Failed to unmount "{}": {}'.format(mount_path, stderr))
# Unmap the RBD device
if volume['filesystem']:
print("Cleaning up RBD mapping /dev/rbd/{}/{}_{}".format(volume['pool'], vm_name, volume['disk_id']))
rbd_volume = "/dev/rbd/{}/{}_{}".format(volume['pool'], vm_name, volume['disk_id'])
retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("rbd unmap {}".format(rbd_volume))
if retcode:
raise ProvisioningError('Failed to unmap volume "{}": {}'.format(rbd_volume, stderr))
print("Cleaning up temporary directories and files")
if is_script_install:
# Remove temporary mount directory (don't fail if not removed)
retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("rmdir {}".format(temp_dir))
if retcode:
print('Failed to delete temporary directory "{}": {}'.format(temp_dir, stderr))
# Remote temporary script (don't fail if not removed)
retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("rm -f {}".format(script_file))
if retcode:
print('Failed to delete temporary script file "{}": {}'.format(script_file, stderr))
# Phase 10 - startup
# * Start the VM in the PVC cluster
self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 10, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Starting VM'})
if start_vm:
retcode, retmsg = pvc_vm.start_vm(zk_conn, vm_name)
return {'status': 'VM "{}" with profile "{}" has been provisioned and started successfully'.format(vm_name, vm_profile), 'current': 10, 'total': 10}