Joshua M. Boniface
Adds in three parts: 1. Create an API endpoint to create OSD DB volume groups on a device. Passed through to the node via the same command pipeline as creating/removing OSDs, and creates a volume group with a fixed name (osd-db). 2. Adds API support for specifying whether or not to use this DB volume group when creating a new OSD via the "ext_db" flag. Naming and sizing is fixed for simplicity and based on Ceph recommendations (5% of OSD size). The Zookeeper schema tracks the block device to use during removal. 3. Adds CLI support for the new and modified API endpoints, as well as displaying the block device and DB block device in the OSD list. While I debated supporting adding a DB device to an existing OSD, in practice this ended up being a very complex operation involving stopping the OSD and setting some options, so this is not supported; this can be specified during OSD creation only. Closes #142
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# - Secure versioned ZooKeeper updates
# Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system
# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Joshua M. Boniface <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import os
import time
import uuid
import json
import re
from functools import wraps
from kazoo.client import KazooClient, KazooState
from kazoo.exceptions import NoNodeError
# Function decorators
class ZKConnection(object):
Decorates a function with a Zookeeper connection before and after the main call.
The decorated function must accept the `zkhandler` argument as its first argument, and
then use this to access the connection.
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
def __call__(self, function):
if not callable(function):
def connection(*args, **kwargs):
zkhandler = ZKHandler(self.config)
schema_version ='base.schema.version')
if schema_version is None:
schema_version = 0
zkhandler.schema.load(schema_version, quiet=True)
ret = function(zkhandler, *args, **kwargs)
del zkhandler
return ret
return connection
# Exceptions
class ZKConnectionException(Exception):
A exception when connecting to the cluster
def __init__(self, zkhandler, error=None):
if error is not None:
self.message = "Failed to connect to Zookeeper at {}: {}".format(zkhandler.coordinators(), error)
self.message = "Failed to connect to Zookeeper at {}".format(zkhandler.coordinators())
def __str__(self):
return str(self.message)
# Handler class
class ZKHandler(object):
def __init__(self, config, logger=None):
Initialize an instance of the ZKHandler class with config
A zk_conn object will be created but not started
A ZKSchema instance will be created
self.encoding = 'utf8'
self.coordinators = config['coordinators']
self.logger = logger
self.zk_conn = KazooClient(hosts=self.coordinators)
self._schema = ZKSchema()
# Class meta-functions
def coordinators(self):
return str(self.coordinators)
def log(self, message, state=''):
if self.logger is not None:
self.logger.out(message, state)
# Properties
def schema(self):
return self._schema
# State/connection management
def listener(self, state):
Listen for KazooState changes and log accordingly.
This function does not do anything except for log the state, and Kazoo handles the rest.
if state == KazooState.CONNECTED:
self.log('Connection to Zookeeper resumed', state='o')
self.log('Connection to Zookeeper lost with state {}'.format(state), state='w')
def connect(self, persistent=False):
Start the zk_conn object and connect to the cluster
if persistent:
self.log('Connection to Zookeeper started', state='o')
except Exception as e:
raise ZKConnectionException(self, e)
def disconnect(self, persistent=False):
Stop and close the zk_conn object and disconnect from the cluster
The class instance may be reused later (avoids persistent connections)
if persistent:
self.log('Connection to Zookeeper terminated', state='o')
# Schema helper actions
def get_schema_path(self, key):
Get the Zookeeper path for {key} from the current schema based on its format.
If {key} is a tuple of length 2, it's treated as a path plus an item instance of that path (e.g. a node, a VM, etc.).
If {key} is a tuple of length 4, it is treated as a path plus an item instance, as well as another item instance of the subpath.
If {key} is just a string, it's treated as a lone path (mostly used for the 'base' schema group.
Otherwise, returns None since this is not a valid key.
This function also handles the special case where a string that looks like an existing path (i.e. starts with '/') is passed;
in that case it will silently return the same path back. This was mostly a migration functionality and is deprecated.
if isinstance(key, tuple):
# This is a key tuple with both an ipath and an item
if len(key) == 2:
# 2-length normal tuple
ipath, item = key
elif len(key) == 4:
# 4-length sub-level tuple
ipath, item, sub_ipath, sub_item = key
return self.schema.path(ipath, item=item) + self.schema.path(sub_ipath, item=sub_item)
# This is an invalid key
return None
elif isinstance(key, str):
# This is a key string with just an ipath
ipath = key
item = None
# This is a raw key path, used by backup/restore functionality
if re.match(r'^/', ipath):
return ipath
# This is an invalid key
return None
return self.schema.path(ipath, item=item)
# Key Actions
def exists(self, key):
Check if a key exists
path = self.get_schema_path(key)
if path is None:
# This path is invalid, this is likely due to missing schema entries, so return False
return False
stat = self.zk_conn.exists(path)
if stat:
return True
return False
def read(self, key):
Read data from a key
path = self.get_schema_path(key)
if path is None:
# This path is invalid; this is likely due to missing schema entries, so return None
return None
return self.zk_conn.get(path)[0].decode(self.encoding)
except NoNodeError:
return None
def write(self, kvpairs):
Create or update one or more keys' data
if type(kvpairs) is not list:
self.log("ZKHandler error: Key-value sequence is not a list", state='e')
return False
transaction = self.zk_conn.transaction()
for kvpair in (kvpairs):
if type(kvpair) is not tuple:
self.log("ZKHandler error: Key-value pair '{}' is not a tuple".format(kvpair), state='e')
return False
key = kvpair[0]
value = kvpair[1]
path = self.get_schema_path(key)
if path is None:
# This path is invalid; this is likely due to missing schema entries, so continue
if not self.exists(key):
# Creating a new key
transaction.create(path, str(value).encode(self.encoding))
# Updating an existing key
data = self.zk_conn.get(path)
version = data[1].version
# Validate the expected version after the execution
new_version = version + 1
# Update the data
transaction.set_data(path, str(value).encode(self.encoding))
# Check the data
transaction.check(path, new_version)
except TypeError:
self.log("ZKHandler error: Key '{}' does not match expected version".format(path), state='e')
return False
return True
except Exception as e:
self.log("ZKHandler error: Failed to commit transaction: {}".format(e), state='e')
return False
def delete(self, keys, recursive=True):
Delete a key or list of keys (defaults to recursive)
if type(keys) is not list:
keys = [keys]
for key in keys:
if self.exists(key):
path = self.get_schema_path(key)
self.zk_conn.delete(path, recursive=recursive)
except Exception as e:
self.log("ZKHandler error: Failed to delete key {}: {}".format(path, e), state='e')
return False
return True
def children(self, key):
Lists all children of a key
path = self.get_schema_path(key)
if path is None:
# This path is invalid; this is likely due to missing schema entries, so return None
return None
return self.zk_conn.get_children(path)
except NoNodeError:
return None
def rename(self, kkpairs):
Rename one or more keys to a new value
if type(kkpairs) is not list:
self.log("ZKHandler error: Key-key sequence is not a list", state='e')
return False
transaction = self.zk_conn.transaction()
def rename_element(transaction, source_path, destination_path):
data = self.zk_conn.get(source_path)[0]
transaction.create(destination_path, data)
if self.children(source_path):
for child_path in self.children(source_path):
child_source_path = "{}/{}".format(source_path, child_path)
child_destination_path = "{}/{}".format(destination_path, child_path)
rename_element(transaction, child_source_path, child_destination_path)
for kkpair in (kkpairs):
if type(kkpair) is not tuple:
self.log("ZKHandler error: Key-key pair '{}' is not a tuple".format(kkpair), state='e')
return False
source_key = kkpair[0]
source_path = self.get_schema_path(source_key)
if source_path is None:
# This path is invalid; this is likely due to missing schema entries, so continue
destination_key = kkpair[1]
destination_path = self.get_schema_path(destination_key)
if destination_path is None:
# This path is invalid; this is likely due to missing schema entries, so continue
if not self.exists(source_key):
self.log("ZKHander error: Source key '{}' does not exist".format(source_path), state='e')
return False
if self.exists(destination_key):
self.log("ZKHander error: Destination key '{}' already exists".format(destination_path), state='e')
return False
rename_element(transaction, source_path, destination_path)
return True
except Exception as e:
self.log("ZKHandler error: Failed to commit transaction: {}".format(e), state='e')
return False
# Lock actions
def readlock(self, key):
Acquires a read lock on a key
count = 1
lock = None
path = self.get_schema_path(key)
while True:
lock_id = str(uuid.uuid1())
lock = self.zk_conn.ReadLock(path, lock_id)
except NoNodeError:
self.log("ZKHandler warning: Failed to acquire read lock on nonexistent path {}".format(path), state='e')
return None
except Exception as e:
if count > 5:
self.log("ZKHandler warning: Failed to acquire read lock after 5 tries: {}".format(e), state='e')
count += 1
return lock
def writelock(self, key):
Acquires a write lock on a key
count = 1
lock = None
path = self.get_schema_path(key)
while True:
lock_id = str(uuid.uuid1())
lock = self.zk_conn.WriteLock(path, lock_id)
except NoNodeError:
self.log("ZKHandler warning: Failed to acquire write lock on nonexistent path {}".format(path), state='e')
return None
except Exception as e:
if count > 5:
self.log("ZKHandler warning: Failed to acquire write lock after 5 tries: {}".format(e), state='e')
count += 1
return lock
def exclusivelock(self, key):
Acquires an exclusive lock on a key
count = 1
lock = None
path = self.get_schema_path(key)
while True:
lock_id = str(uuid.uuid1())
lock = self.zk_conn.Lock(path, lock_id)
except NoNodeError:
self.log("ZKHandler warning: Failed to acquire exclusive lock on nonexistent path {}".format(path), state='e')
return None
except Exception as e:
if count > 5:
self.log("ZKHandler warning: Failed to acquire exclusive lock after 5 tries: {}".format(e), state='e')
count += 1
return lock
# Schema classes
class ZKSchema(object):
# Current version
_version = 5
# Root for doing nested keys
_schema_root = ''
# Primary schema definition for the current version
_schema = {
'version': f'{_version}',
'root': f'{_schema_root}',
# Base schema defining core keys; this is all that is initialized on cluster init()
'base': {
'root': f'{_schema_root}',
'schema': f'{_schema_root}/schema',
'schema.version': f'{_schema_root}/schema/version',
'config': f'{_schema_root}/config',
'config.maintenance': f'{_schema_root}/config/maintenance',
'config.primary_node': f'{_schema_root}/config/primary_node',
'config.primary_node.sync_lock': f'{_schema_root}/config/primary_node/sync_lock',
'config.upstream_ip': f'{_schema_root}/config/upstream_ip',
'config.migration_target_selector': f'{_schema_root}/config/migration_target_selector',
'cmd': f'{_schema_root}/cmd',
'cmd.node': f'{_schema_root}/cmd/nodes',
'cmd.domain': f'{_schema_root}/cmd/domains',
'cmd.ceph': f'{_schema_root}/cmd/ceph',
'logs': '/logs',
'node': f'{_schema_root}/nodes',
'domain': f'{_schema_root}/domains',
'network': f'{_schema_root}/networks',
'storage': f'{_schema_root}/ceph',
'storage.util': f'{_schema_root}/ceph/util',
'osd': f'{_schema_root}/ceph/osds',
'pool': f'{_schema_root}/ceph/pools',
'volume': f'{_schema_root}/ceph/volumes',
'snapshot': f'{_schema_root}/ceph/snapshots',
# The schema of an individual logs entry (/logs/{node_name})
'logs': {
'node': '', # The root key
'messages': '/messages',
# The schema of an individual node entry (/nodes/{node_name})
'node': {
'name': '', # The root key
'keepalive': '/keepalive',
'mode': '/daemonmode',
'data.active_schema': '/activeschema',
'data.latest_schema': '/latestschema',
'data.static': '/staticdata',
'data.pvc_version': '/pvcversion',
'running_domains': '/runningdomains',
'count.provisioned_domains': '/domainscount',
'count.networks': '/networkscount',
'state.daemon': '/daemonstate',
'state.router': '/routerstate',
'state.domain': '/domainstate',
'cpu.load': '/cpuload',
'vcpu.allocated': '/vcpualloc',
'': '/memtotal',
'memory.used': '/memused',
'': '/memfree',
'memory.allocated': '/memalloc',
'memory.provisioned': '/memprov',
'ipmi.hostname': '/ipmihostname',
'ipmi.username': '/ipmiusername',
'ipmi.password': '/ipmipassword',
'sriov': '/sriov',
'': '/sriov/pf',
'sriov.vf': '/sriov/vf',
# The schema of an individual SR-IOV PF entry (/nodes/{node_name}/sriov/pf/{pf})
'sriov_pf': {
'phy': '', # The root key
'mtu': '/mtu',
'vfcount': '/vfcount'
# The schema of an individual SR-IOV VF entry (/nodes/{node_name}/sriov/vf/{vf})
'sriov_vf': {
'phy': '', # The root key
'pf': '/pf',
'mtu': '/mtu',
'mac': '/mac',
'phy_mac': '/phy_mac',
'config': '/config',
'config.vlan_id': '/config/vlan_id',
'config.vlan_qos': '/config/vlan_qos',
'config.tx_rate_min': '/config/tx_rate_min',
'config.tx_rate_max': '/config/tx_rate_max',
'config.spoof_check': '/config/spoof_check',
'config.link_state': '/config/link_state',
'': '/config/trust',
'config.query_rss': '/config/query_rss',
'pci': '/pci',
'pci.domain': '/pci/domain',
'pci.bus': '/pci/bus',
'pci.slot': '/pci/slot',
'pci.function': '/pci/function',
'used': '/used',
'used_by': '/used_by'
# The schema of an individual domain entry (/domains/{domain_uuid})
'domain': {
'name': '', # The root key
'xml': '/xml',
'state': '/state',
'profile': '/profile',
'stats': '/stats',
'node': '/node',
'last_node': '/lastnode',
'failed_reason': '/failedreason',
'storage.volumes': '/rbdlist',
'console.log': '/consolelog',
'console.vnc': '/vnc',
'meta.autostart': '/node_autostart',
'meta.migrate_method': '/migration_method',
'meta.node_selector': '/node_selector',
'meta.node_limit': '/node_limit',
'meta.tags': '/tags',
'migrate.sync_lock': '/migrate_sync_lock'
# The schema of an individual domain tag entry (/domains/{domain}/tags/{tag})
'tag': {
'name': '', # The root key
'type': '/type',
'protected': '/protected'
# The schema of an individual network entry (/networks/{vni})
'network': {
'vni': '', # The root key
'type': '/nettype',
'rule': '/firewall_rules',
'': '/firewall_rules/in',
'rule.out': '/firewall_rules/out',
'nameservers': '/name_servers',
'domain': '/domain',
'reservation': '/dhcp4_reservations',
'lease': '/dhcp4_leases',
'ip4.gateway': '/ip4_gateway',
'': '/ip4_network',
'ip4.dhcp': '/dhcp4_flag',
'ip4.dhcp_start': '/dhcp4_start',
'ip4.dhcp_end': '/dhcp4_end',
'ip6.gateway': '/ip6_gateway',
'': '/ip6_network',
'ip6.dhcp': '/dhcp6_flag'
# The schema of an individual network DHCP(v4) reservation entry (/networks/{vni}/dhcp4_reservations/{mac})
'reservation': {
'mac': '', # The root key
'ip': '/ipaddr',
'hostname': '/hostname'
# The schema of an individual network DHCP(v4) lease entry (/networks/{vni}/dhcp4_leases/{mac})
'lease': {
'mac': '', # The root key
'ip': '/ipaddr',
'hostname': '/hostname',
'expiry': '/expiry',
'client_id': '/clientid'
# The schema for an individual network ACL entry (/networks/{vni}/firewall_rules/(in|out)/{acl}
'rule': {
'description': '', # The root key
'rule': '/rule',
'order': '/order'
# The schema of an individual OSD entry (/ceph/osds/{osd_id})
'osd': {
'id': '', # The root key
'node': '/node',
'device': '/device',
'db_device': '/db_device',
'stats': '/stats'
# The schema of an individual pool entry (/ceph/pools/{pool_name})
'pool': {
'name': '', # The root key
'pgs': '/pgs',
'stats': '/stats'
# The schema of an individual volume entry (/ceph/volumes/{pool_name}/{volume_name})
'volume': {
'name': '', # The root key
'stats': '/stats'
# The schema of an individual snapshot entry (/ceph/volumes/{pool_name}/{volume_name}/{snapshot_name})
'snapshot': {
'name': '', # The root key
'stats': '/stats'
# Properties
def schema_root(self):
return self._schema_root
def schema_root(self, schema_root):
self._schema_root = schema_root
def version(self):
return int(self._version)
def version(self, version):
self._version = int(version)
def schema(self):
return self._schema
def schema(self, schema):
self._schema = schema
def __init__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return f'ZKSchema({self.version})'
def __lt__(self, other):
if self.version < other.version:
return True
return False
def __le__(self, other):
if self.version <= other.version:
return True
return False
def __gt__(self, other):
if self.version > other.version:
return True
return False
def __ge__(self, other):
if self.version >= other.version:
return True
return False
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.version == other.version:
return True
return False
# Load the schema of a given version from a file
def load(self, version, quiet=False):
if not quiet:
print(f'Loading schema version {version}')
with open(f'daemon_lib/migrations/versions/{version}.json', 'r') as sfh:
self.schema = json.load(sfh)
self.version = self.schema.get('version')
# Get key paths
def path(self, ipath, item=None):
itype, *ipath = ipath.split('.')
if item is None:
return self.schema.get(itype).get('.'.join(ipath))
base_path = self.schema.get('base').get(itype, None)
if base_path is None:
# This should only really happen for second-layer key types where the helper functions join them together
base_path = ''
if not ipath:
# This is a root path
return f'{base_path}/{item}'
sub_path = self.schema.get(itype).get('.'.join(ipath))
if sub_path is None:
# We didn't find the path we're looking for, so we don't want to do anything
return None
return f'{base_path}/{item}{sub_path}'
# Get keys of a schema location
def keys(self, itype=None):
if itype is None:
return list(self.schema.get('base').keys())
return list(self.schema.get(itype).keys())
# Get the active version of a cluster's schema
def get_version(self, zkhandler):
current_version ='base.schema.version'))
except NoNodeError:
current_version = 0
return current_version
# Validate an active schema against a Zookeeper cluster
def validate(self, zkhandler, logger=None):
result = True
# Walk the entire tree checking our schema
for elem in ['base']:
for key in self.keys(elem):
kpath = f'{elem}.{key}'
if not zkhandler.zk_conn.exists(self.path(kpath)):
if logger is not None:
logger.out(f'Key not found: {self.path(kpath)}', state='w')
result = False
for elem in ['node', 'domain', 'network', 'osd', 'pool']:
# First read all the subelements of the key class
for child in zkhandler.zk_conn.get_children(self.path(f'base.{elem}')):
# For each key in the schema for that particular elem
for ikey in self.keys(elem):
kpath = f'{elem}.{ikey}'
# Validate that the key exists for that child
if not zkhandler.zk_conn.exists(self.path(kpath, child)):
if logger is not None:
logger.out(f'Key not found: {self.path(kpath, child)}', state='w')
result = False
# Continue for child keys under network (reservation, acl)
if elem in ['network'] and ikey in ['reservation', '', 'rule.out']:
if ikey in ['', 'rule.out']:
sikey = 'rule'
sikey = ikey
npath = self.path(f'{elem}.{ikey}', child)
for nchild in zkhandler.zk_conn.get_children(npath):
nkpath = f'{npath}/{nchild}'
for esikey in self.keys(sikey):
nkipath = f'{nkpath}/{esikey}'
if not zkhandler.zk_conn.exists(nkipath):
result = False
# One might expect child keys under node (specifically, and sriov.vf) to be
# managed here as well, but those are created automatically every time pvcnoded starts
# and thus never need to be validated or applied.
# These two have several children layers that must be parsed through
for elem in ['volume']:
# First read all the subelements of the key class (pool layer)
for pchild in zkhandler.zk_conn.get_children(self.path(f'base.{elem}')):
# Finally read all the subelements of the key class (volume layer)
for vchild in zkhandler.zk_conn.get_children(self.path(f'base.{elem}') + f'/{pchild}'):
child = f'{pchild}/{vchild}'
# For each key in the schema for that particular elem
for ikey in self.keys(elem):
kpath = f'{elem}.{ikey}'
# Validate that the key exists for that child
if not zkhandler.zk_conn.exists(self.path(kpath, child)):
if logger is not None:
logger.out(f'Key not found: {self.path(kpath, child)}', state='w')
result = False
for elem in ['snapshot']:
# First read all the subelements of the key class (pool layer)
for pchild in zkhandler.zk_conn.get_children(self.path(f'base.{elem}')):
# Next read all the subelements of the key class (volume layer)
for vchild in zkhandler.zk_conn.get_children(self.path(f'base.{elem}') + f'/{pchild}'):
# Finally read all the subelements of the key class (volume layer)
for schild in zkhandler.zk_conn.get_children(self.path(f'base.{elem}') + f'/{pchild}/{vchild}'):
child = f'{pchild}/{vchild}/{schild}'
# For each key in the schema for that particular elem
for ikey in self.keys(elem):
kpath = f'{elem}.{ikey}'
# Validate that the key exists for that child
if not zkhandler.zk_conn.exists(self.path(kpath, child)):
if logger is not None:
logger.out(f'Key not found: {self.path(kpath, child)}', state='w')
result = False
return result
# Apply the current schema to the cluster
def apply(self, zkhandler):
# Walk the entire tree checking our schema
for elem in ['base']:
for key in self.keys(elem):
kpath = f'{elem}.{key}'
if not zkhandler.zk_conn.exists(self.path(kpath)):
# Ensure that we create base.schema.version with the current valid version value
if kpath == 'base.schema.version':
data = str(self.version)
data = ''
zkhandler.zk_conn.create(self.path(kpath), data.encode(zkhandler.encoding))
for elem in ['node', 'domain', 'network', 'osd', 'pool']:
# First read all the subelements of the key class
for child in zkhandler.zk_conn.get_children(self.path(f'base.{elem}')):
# For each key in the schema for that particular elem
for ikey in self.keys(elem):
kpath = f'{elem}.{ikey}'
# Validate that the key exists for that child
if not zkhandler.zk_conn.exists(self.path(kpath, child)):
zkhandler.zk_conn.create(self.path(kpath, child), ''.encode(zkhandler.encoding))
# Continue for child keys under network (reservation, acl)
if elem in ['network'] and ikey in ['reservation', '', 'rule.out']:
if ikey in ['', 'rule.out']:
sikey = 'rule'
sikey = ikey
npath = self.path(f'{elem}.{ikey}', child)
for nchild in zkhandler.zk_conn.get_children(npath):
nkpath = f'{npath}/{nchild}'
for esikey in self.keys(sikey):
nkipath = f'{nkpath}/{esikey}'
if not zkhandler.zk_conn.exists(nkipath):
zkhandler.zk_conn.create(nkipath, ''.encode(zkhandler.encoding))
# One might expect child keys under node (specifically, and sriov.vf) to be
# managed here as well, but those are created automatically every time pvcnoded starts
# and thus never need to be validated or applied.
# These two have several children layers that must be parsed through
for elem in ['volume']:
# First read all the subelements of the key class (pool layer)
for pchild in zkhandler.zk_conn.get_children(self.path(f'base.{elem}')):
# Finally read all the subelements of the key class (volume layer)
for vchild in zkhandler.zk_conn.get_children(self.path(f'base.{elem}') + f'/{pchild}'):
child = f'{pchild}/{vchild}'
# For each key in the schema for that particular elem
for ikey in self.keys(elem):
kpath = f'{elem}.{ikey}'
# Validate that the key exists for that child
if not zkhandler.zk_conn.exists(self.path(kpath, child)):
zkhandler.zk_conn.create(self.path(kpath, child), ''.encode(zkhandler.encoding))
for elem in ['snapshot']:
# First read all the subelements of the key class (pool layer)
for pchild in zkhandler.zk_conn.get_children(self.path(f'base.{elem}')):
# Next read all the subelements of the key class (volume layer)
for vchild in zkhandler.zk_conn.get_children(self.path(f'base.{elem}') + f'/{pchild}'):
# Finally read all the subelements of the key class (volume layer)
for schild in zkhandler.zk_conn.get_children(self.path(f'base.{elem}') + f'/{pchild}/{vchild}'):
child = f'{pchild}/{vchild}/{schild}'
# For each key in the schema for that particular elem
for ikey in self.keys(elem):
kpath = f'{elem}.{ikey}'
# Validate that the key exists for that child
if not zkhandler.zk_conn.exists(self.path(kpath, child)):
zkhandler.zk_conn.create(self.path(kpath, child), ''.encode(zkhandler.encoding))
# Migrate key diffs
def run_migrate(self, zkhandler, changes):
diff_add = changes['add']
diff_remove = changes['remove']
diff_rename = changes['rename']
add_tasks = list()
for key in diff_add.keys():
add_tasks.append((diff_add[key], ''))
remove_tasks = list()
for key in diff_remove.keys():
rename_tasks = list()
for key in diff_rename.keys():
rename_tasks.append((diff_rename[key]['from'], diff_rename[key]['to']))
# Migrate from older to newer schema
def migrate(self, zkhandler, new_version):
# Determine the versions in between
versions = ZKSchema.find_all(start=self.version, end=new_version)
if versions is None:
for version in versions:
# Create a new schema at that version
zkschema_new = ZKSchema()
# Get a list of changes
changes = ZKSchema.key_diff(self, zkschema_new)
# Apply those changes
self.run_migrate(zkhandler, changes)
# Rollback from newer to older schema
def rollback(self, zkhandler, old_version):
# Determine the versions in between
versions = ZKSchema.find_all(start=old_version - 1, end=self.version - 1)
if versions is None:
for version in versions:
# Create a new schema at that version
zkschema_old = ZKSchema()
# Get a list of changes
changes = ZKSchema.key_diff(self, zkschema_old)
# Apply those changes
self.run_migrate(zkhandler, changes)
def key_diff(cls, schema_a, schema_b):
# schema_a = current
# schema_b = new
diff_add = dict()
diff_remove = dict()
diff_rename = dict()
# Parse through each core element
for elem in ['base', 'node', 'domain', 'network', 'osd', 'pool', 'volume', 'snapshot']:
set_a = set(schema_a.keys(elem))
set_b = set(schema_b.keys(elem))
diff_keys = set_a ^ set_b
for item in diff_keys:
elem_item = f'{elem}.{item}'
if item not in schema_a.keys(elem) and item in schema_b.keys(elem):
diff_add[elem_item] = schema_b.path(elem_item)
if item in schema_a.keys(elem) and item not in schema_b.keys(elem):
diff_remove[elem_item] = schema_a.path(elem_item)
for item in set_b:
elem_item = f'{elem}.{item}'
if schema_a.path(elem_item) is not None and \
schema_b.path(elem_item) is not None and \
schema_a.path(elem_item) != schema_b.path(elem_item):
diff_rename[elem_item] = {'from': schema_a.path(elem_item), 'to': schema_b.path(elem_item)}
return {'add': diff_add, 'remove': diff_remove, 'rename': diff_rename}
# Load in the schemal of the current cluster
def load_current(cls, zkhandler):
new_instance = cls()
version = new_instance.get_version(zkhandler)
return new_instance
# Write the latest schema to a file
def write(cls):
schema_file = 'daemon_lib/migrations/versions/{}.json'.format(cls._version)
with open(schema_file, 'w') as sfh:
json.dump(cls._schema, sfh)
# Static methods for reading information from the files
def find_all(start=0, end=None):
versions = list()
for version in os.listdir('daemon_lib/migrations/versions'):
sequence_id = int(version.split('.')[0])
if end is None:
if sequence_id > start:
if sequence_id > start and sequence_id <= end:
if len(versions) > 0:
return versions
return None
def find_latest():
latest_version = 0
for version in os.listdir('daemon_lib/migrations/versions'):
sequence_id = int(version.split('.')[0])
if sequence_id > latest_version:
latest_version = sequence_id
return latest_version