#!/usr/bin/env python3 # pvc-provisioner.py - PVC Provisioner API interface # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### import flask import json import yaml import os import sys import uu import distutils.util import gevent.pywsgi import provisioner_lib.provisioner as pvc_provisioner import client_lib.common as pvc_common import client_lib.vm as pvc_vm import client_lib.network as pvc_network # Parse the configuration file try: pvc_config_file = os.environ['PVC_CONFIG_FILE'] except: print('Error: The "PVC_CONFIG_FILE" environment variable must be set before starting pvc-provisioner.') exit(1) print('Starting PVC Provisioner Metadata API daemon') # Read in the config try: with open(pvc_config_file, 'r') as cfgfile: o_config = yaml.load(cfgfile) except Exception as e: print('Failed to parse configuration file: {}'.format(e)) exit(1) try: # Create the config object config = { 'debug': o_config['pvc']['debug'], 'coordinators': o_config['pvc']['coordinators'], 'listen_address': o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['listen_address'], 'listen_port': int(o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['listen_port']), 'auth_enabled': o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['authentication']['enabled'], 'auth_secret_key': o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['authentication']['secret_key'], 'auth_tokens': o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['authentication']['tokens'], 'ssl_enabled': o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['ssl']['enabled'], 'ssl_key_file': o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['ssl']['key_file'], 'ssl_cert_file': o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['ssl']['cert_file'], 'database_host': o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['database']['host'], 'database_port': int(o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['database']['port']), 'database_name': o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['database']['name'], 'database_user': o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['database']['user'], 'database_password': o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['database']['pass'], 'queue_host': o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['queue']['host'], 'queue_port': o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['queue']['port'], 'queue_path': o_config['pvc']['provisioner']['queue']['path'], 'storage_hosts': o_config['pvc']['cluster']['storage_hosts'], 'storage_domain': o_config['pvc']['cluster']['storage_domain'], 'ceph_monitor_port': o_config['pvc']['cluster']['ceph_monitor_port'], 'ceph_storage_secret_uuid': o_config['pvc']['cluster']['ceph_storage_secret_uuid'] } if not config['storage_hosts']: config['storage_hosts'] = config['coordinators'] # Set the config object in the pvcapi namespace pvc_provisioner.config = config except Exception as e: print('{}'.format(e)) exit(1) # Get our listening address from the CLI router_address = sys.argv[1] # Try to connect to the database or fail try: print('Verifying connectivity to database') conn, cur = pvc_provisioner.open_database(config) pvc_provisioner.close_database(conn, cur) except Exception as e: print('{}'.format(e)) exit(1) api = flask.Flask(__name__) if config['debug']: api.config['DEBUG'] = True if config['auth_enabled']: api.config["SECRET_KEY"] = config['auth_secret_key'] print(api.name) def get_vm_details(source_address): # Start connection to Zookeeper zk_conn = pvc_common.startZKConnection(config['coordinators']) _discard, networks = pvc_network.get_list(zk_conn, None) # Figure out which server this is via the DHCP address host_information = dict() networks_managed = (x for x in networks if x['type'] == 'managed') for network in networks_managed: network_leases = pvc_network.getNetworkDHCPLeases(zk_conn, network['vni']) for network_lease in network_leases: information = pvc_network.getDHCPLeaseInformation(zk_conn, network['vni'], network_lease) try: if information['ip4_address'] == source_address: host_information = information except: pass # Get our real information on the host; now we can start querying about it client_hostname = host_information['hostname'] client_macaddr = host_information['mac_address'] client_ipaddr = host_information['ip4_address'] # Find the VM with that MAC address - we can't assume that the hostname is actually right _discard, vm_list = pvc_vm.get_list(zk_conn, None, None, None) vm_name = None vm_details = dict() for vm in vm_list: try: for network in vm['networks']: if network['mac'] == client_macaddr: vm_name = vm['name'] vm_details = vm except: pass # Stop connection to Zookeeper pvc_common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return vm_details @api.route('/', methods=['GET']) def api_root(): return flask.jsonify({"message": "PVC Provisioner Metadata API version 1"}), 209 @api.route('//meta-data/', methods=['GET']) def api_metadata_root(version): metadata = """instance-id""" return metadata, 200 @api.route('//meta-data/instance-id', methods=['GET']) def api_metadata_instanceid(version): # router_address = flask.request.__dict__['environ']['SERVER_NAME'] source_address = flask.request.__dict__['environ']['REMOTE_ADDR'] vm_details = get_vm_details(source_address) instance_id = vm_details['uuid'] return instance_id, 200 @api.route('//user-data', methods=['GET']) def api_userdata(version): source_address = flask.request.__dict__['environ']['REMOTE_ADDR'] vm_details = get_vm_details(source_address) vm_profile = vm_details['profile'] print("Profile: {}".format(vm_profile)) # Get profile details profile_details = pvc_provisioner.list_profile(vm_profile, is_fuzzy=False)[0] # Get the userdata userdata = pvc_provisioner.list_template_userdata(profile_details['userdata_template'])[0]['userdata'] print(userdata) return flask.Response(userdata, mimetype='text/cloud-config') # # Entrypoint # if __name__ == '__main__': # Start main API if config['debug']: # Run in Flask standard mode api.run('', 80) else: # Run the PYWSGI serve http_server = gevent.pywsgi.WSGIServer( ('', 80), api ) print('Starting PyWSGI server at {}:{}'.format('', 80)) http_server.serve_forever()