#!/usr/bin/env python3 # ceph.py - PVC client function library, Ceph cluster fuctions # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### import os import re import json import time import math import daemon_lib.vm as vm import daemon_lib.zkhandler as zkhandler import daemon_lib.common as common # # Supplemental functions # # Verify OSD is valid in cluster def verifyOSD(zk_conn, osd_id): if zkhandler.exists(zk_conn, '/ceph/osds/{}'.format(osd_id)): return True else: return False # Verify Pool is valid in cluster def verifyPool(zk_conn, name): if zkhandler.exists(zk_conn, '/ceph/pools/{}'.format(name)): return True else: return False # Verify Volume is valid in cluster def verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, name): if zkhandler.exists(zk_conn, '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, name)): return True else: return False # Verify Snapshot is valid in cluster def verifySnapshot(zk_conn, pool, volume, name): if zkhandler.exists(zk_conn, '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}'.format(pool, volume, name)): return True else: return False # Verify OSD path is valid in cluster def verifyOSDBlock(zk_conn, node, device): for osd in zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/ceph/osds'): osd_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/ceph/osds/{}/node'.format(osd)) osd_device = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/ceph/osds/{}/device'.format(osd)) if node == osd_node and device == osd_device: return osd return None # Matrix of human-to-byte values byte_unit_matrix = { 'B': 1, 'K': 1024, 'M': 1024 * 1024, 'G': 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 'T': 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 'P': 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 } # Matrix of human-to-metric values ops_unit_matrix = { '': 1, 'K': 1000, 'M': 1000 * 1000, 'G': 1000 * 1000 * 1000, 'T': 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000, 'P': 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 } # Format byte sizes to/from human-readable units def format_bytes_tohuman(databytes): datahuman = '' for unit in sorted(byte_unit_matrix, key=byte_unit_matrix.get, reverse=True): new_bytes = int(math.ceil(databytes / byte_unit_matrix[unit])) # Round up if 5 or more digits if new_bytes > 9999: # We can jump down another level continue else: # We're at the end, display with this size datahuman = '{}{}'.format(new_bytes, unit) return datahuman def format_bytes_fromhuman(datahuman): # Trim off human-readable character dataunit = str(datahuman)[-1] datasize = int(str(datahuman)[:-1]) if not re.match(r'[A-Z]', dataunit): dataunit = 'B' datasize = int(datahuman) databytes = datasize * byte_unit_matrix[dataunit] return databytes # Format ops sizes to/from human-readable units def format_ops_tohuman(dataops): datahuman = '' for unit in sorted(ops_unit_matrix, key=ops_unit_matrix.get, reverse=True): new_ops = int(math.ceil(dataops / ops_unit_matrix[unit])) # Round up if 5 or more digits if new_ops > 9999: # We can jump down another level continue else: # We're at the end, display with this size datahuman = '{}{}'.format(new_ops, unit) return datahuman def format_ops_fromhuman(datahuman): # Trim off human-readable character dataunit = datahuman[-1] datasize = int(datahuman[:-1]) dataops = datasize * ops_unit_matrix[dataunit] return '{}'.format(dataops) def format_pct_tohuman(datapct): datahuman = "{0:.1f}".format(float(datapct * 100.0)) return datahuman # # Status functions # def get_status(zk_conn): primary_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/primary_node') ceph_status = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/ceph').rstrip() # Create a data structure for the information status_data = { 'type': 'status', 'primary_node': primary_node, 'ceph_data': ceph_status } return True, status_data def get_util(zk_conn): primary_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/primary_node') ceph_df = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/ceph/util').rstrip() # Create a data structure for the information status_data = { 'type': 'utilization', 'primary_node': primary_node, 'ceph_data': ceph_df } return True, status_data # # OSD functions # def getClusterOSDList(zk_conn): # Get a list of VNIs by listing the children of /networks osd_list = zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/ceph/osds') return osd_list def getOSDInformation(zk_conn, osd_id): # Parse the stats data osd_stats_raw = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/ceph/osds/{}/stats'.format(osd_id)) osd_stats = dict(json.loads(osd_stats_raw)) osd_information = { 'id': osd_id, 'stats': osd_stats } return osd_information # OSD addition and removal uses the /cmd/ceph pipe # These actions must occur on the specific node they reference def add_osd(zk_conn, node, device, weight): # Verify the target node exists if not common.verifyNode(zk_conn, node): return False, 'ERROR: No node named "{}" is present in the cluster.'.format(node) # Verify target block device isn't in use block_osd = verifyOSDBlock(zk_conn, node, device) if block_osd: return False, 'ERROR: Block device "{}" on node "{}" is used by OSD "{}"'.format(device, node, block_osd) # Tell the cluster to create a new OSD for the host add_osd_string = 'osd_add {},{},{}'.format(node, device, weight) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': add_osd_string}) # Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working time.sleep(0.5) # Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph') with lock: try: result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0] if result == 'success-osd_add': message = 'Created new OSD with block device "{}" on node "{}".'.format(device, node) success = True else: message = 'ERROR: Failed to create new OSD; check node logs for details.' success = False except Exception: message = 'ERROR: Command ignored by node.' success = False # Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph') with lock: time.sleep(0.5) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''}) return success, message def remove_osd(zk_conn, osd_id): if not verifyOSD(zk_conn, osd_id): return False, 'ERROR: No OSD with ID "{}" is present in the cluster.'.format(osd_id) # Tell the cluster to remove an OSD remove_osd_string = 'osd_remove {}'.format(osd_id) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': remove_osd_string}) # Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working time.sleep(0.5) # Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph') with lock: try: result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0] if result == 'success-osd_remove': message = 'Removed OSD "{}" from the cluster.'.format(osd_id) success = True else: message = 'ERROR: Failed to remove OSD; check node logs for details.' success = False except Exception: success = False message = 'ERROR Command ignored by node.' # Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph') with lock: time.sleep(0.5) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''}) return success, message def in_osd(zk_conn, osd_id): if not verifyOSD(zk_conn, osd_id): return False, 'ERROR: No OSD with ID "{}" is present in the cluster.'.format(osd_id) retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd in {}'.format(osd_id)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to enable OSD {}: {}'.format(osd_id, stderr) return True, 'Set OSD {} online.'.format(osd_id) def out_osd(zk_conn, osd_id): if not verifyOSD(zk_conn, osd_id): return False, 'ERROR: No OSD with ID "{}" is present in the cluster.'.format(osd_id) retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd out {}'.format(osd_id)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to disable OSD {}: {}'.format(osd_id, stderr) return True, 'Set OSD {} offline.'.format(osd_id) def set_osd(zk_conn, option): retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd set {}'.format(option)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to set property "{}": {}'.format(option, stderr) return True, 'Set OSD property "{}".'.format(option) def unset_osd(zk_conn, option): retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd unset {}'.format(option)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to unset property "{}": {}'.format(option, stderr) return True, 'Unset OSD property "{}".'.format(option) def get_list_osd(zk_conn, limit, is_fuzzy=True): osd_list = [] full_osd_list = zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/ceph/osds') if is_fuzzy and limit: # Implicitly assume fuzzy limits if not re.match(r'\^.*', limit): limit = '.*' + limit if not re.match(r'.*\$', limit): limit = limit + '.*' for osd in full_osd_list: if limit: try: if re.match(limit, osd): osd_list.append(getOSDInformation(zk_conn, osd)) except Exception as e: return False, 'Regex Error: {}'.format(e) else: osd_list.append(getOSDInformation(zk_conn, osd)) return True, sorted(osd_list, key=lambda x: int(x['id'])) # # Pool functions # def getPoolInformation(zk_conn, pool): # Parse the stats data pool_stats_raw = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/ceph/pools/{}/stats'.format(pool)) pool_stats = dict(json.loads(pool_stats_raw)) volume_count = len(getCephVolumes(zk_conn, pool)) pool_information = { 'name': pool, 'volume_count': volume_count, 'stats': pool_stats } return pool_information def add_pool(zk_conn, name, pgs, replcfg): # Prepare the copies/mincopies variables try: copies, mincopies = replcfg.split(',') copies = int(copies.replace('copies=', '')) mincopies = int(mincopies.replace('mincopies=', '')) except Exception: copies = None mincopies = None if not copies or not mincopies: return False, 'ERROR: Replication configuration "{}" is not valid.'.format(replcfg) # 1. Create the pool retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd pool create {} {} replicated'.format(name, pgs)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to create pool "{}" with {} PGs: {}'.format(name, pgs, stderr) # 2. Set the size and minsize retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd pool set {} size {}'.format(name, copies)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to set pool "{}" size of {}: {}'.format(name, copies, stderr) retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd pool set {} min_size {}'.format(name, mincopies)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to set pool "{}" minimum size of {}: {}'.format(name, mincopies, stderr) # 3. Enable RBD application retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd pool application enable {} rbd'.format(name)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to enable RBD application on pool "{}" : {}'.format(name, stderr) # 4. Add the new pool to Zookeeper zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/ceph/pools/{}'.format(name): '', '/ceph/pools/{}/pgs'.format(name): pgs, '/ceph/pools/{}/stats'.format(name): '{}', '/ceph/volumes/{}'.format(name): '', '/ceph/snapshots/{}'.format(name): '', }) return True, 'Created RBD pool "{}" with {} PGs'.format(name, pgs) def remove_pool(zk_conn, name): if not verifyPool(zk_conn, name): return False, 'ERROR: No pool with name "{}" is present in the cluster.'.format(name) # 1. Remove pool volumes for volume in zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/ceph/volumes/{}'.format(name)): remove_volume(zk_conn, name, volume) # 2. Remove the pool retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd pool rm {pool} {pool} --yes-i-really-really-mean-it'.format(pool=name)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to remove pool "{}": {}'.format(name, stderr) # 3. Delete pool from Zookeeper zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/pools/{}'.format(name)) zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/volumes/{}'.format(name)) zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/snapshots/{}'.format(name)) return True, 'Removed RBD pool "{}" and all volumes.'.format(name) def get_list_pool(zk_conn, limit, is_fuzzy=True): pool_list = [] full_pool_list = zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/ceph/pools') if limit: if not is_fuzzy: limit = '^' + limit + '$' for pool in full_pool_list: if limit: try: if re.match(limit, pool): pool_list.append(getPoolInformation(zk_conn, pool)) except Exception as e: return False, 'Regex Error: {}'.format(e) else: pool_list.append(getPoolInformation(zk_conn, pool)) return True, sorted(pool_list, key=lambda x: int(x['stats']['id'])) # # Volume functions # def getCephVolumes(zk_conn, pool): volume_list = list() if not pool: pool_list = zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/ceph/pools') else: pool_list = [pool] for pool_name in pool_list: for volume_name in zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/ceph/volumes/{}'.format(pool_name)): volume_list.append('{}/{}'.format(pool_name, volume_name)) return volume_list def getVolumeInformation(zk_conn, pool, volume): # Parse the stats data volume_stats_raw = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, volume)) volume_stats = dict(json.loads(volume_stats_raw)) # Format the size to something nicer volume_stats['size'] = format_bytes_tohuman(volume_stats['size']) volume_information = { 'name': volume, 'pool': pool, 'stats': volume_stats } return volume_information def add_volume(zk_conn, pool, name, size): # 1. Verify the size of the volume pool_information = getPoolInformation(zk_conn, pool) size_bytes = format_bytes_fromhuman(size) if size_bytes >= int(pool_information['stats']['free_bytes']): return False, 'ERROR: Requested volume size is greater than the available free space in the pool' # Add 'B' if the volume is in bytes if re.match(r'^[0-9]+$', size): size = '{}B'.format(size) # 2. Create the volume retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd create --size {} --image-feature layering,exclusive-lock {}/{}'.format(size, pool, name)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to create RBD volume "{}": {}'.format(name, stderr) # 2. Get volume stats retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd info --format json {}/{}'.format(pool, name)) volstats = stdout # 3. Add the new volume to Zookeeper zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '', '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, name): volstats, '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '', }) return True, 'Created RBD volume "{}/{}" ({}).'.format(pool, name, size) def clone_volume(zk_conn, pool, name_src, name_new): if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, name_src): return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(name_src, pool) # 1. Clone the volume retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd copy {}/{} {}/{}'.format(pool, name_src, pool, name_new)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to clone RBD volume "{}" to "{}" in pool "{}": {}'.format(name_src, name_new, pool, stderr) # 2. Get volume stats retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd info --format json {}/{}'.format(pool, name_new)) volstats = stdout # 3. Add the new volume to Zookeeper zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, name_new): '', '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, name_new): volstats, '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name_new): '', }) return True, 'Cloned RBD volume "{}" to "{}" in pool "{}"'.format(name_src, name_new, pool) def resize_volume(zk_conn, pool, name, size): if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, name): return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(name, pool) # 1. Resize the volume retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd resize --size {} {}/{}'.format(size, pool, name)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to resize RBD volume "{}" to size "{}" in pool "{}": {}'.format(name, size, pool, stderr) # 2a. Determine the node running this VM if applicable active_node = None volume_vm_name = name.split('_')[0] retcode, vm_info = vm.get_info(zk_conn, volume_vm_name) if retcode: for disk in vm_info['disks']: # This block device is present in this VM so we can continue if disk['name'] == '{}/{}'.format(pool, name): active_node = vm_info['node'] volume_id = disk['dev'] # 2b. Perform a live resize in libvirt if the VM is running if active_node is not None and vm_info.get('state', '') == 'start': import libvirt # Run the libvirt command against the target host try: dest_lv = 'qemu+tcp://{}/system'.format(active_node) target_lv_conn = libvirt.open(dest_lv) target_vm_conn = target_lv_conn.lookupByName(vm_info['name']) if target_vm_conn: target_vm_conn.blockResize(volume_id, format_bytes_fromhuman(size), libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_RESIZE_BYTES) target_lv_conn.close() except Exception: pass # 2. Get volume stats retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd info --format json {}/{}'.format(pool, name)) volstats = stdout # 3. Add the new volume to Zookeeper zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '', '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, name): volstats, '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '', }) return True, 'Resized RBD volume "{}" to size "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, size, pool) def rename_volume(zk_conn, pool, name, new_name): if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, name): return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(name, pool) # 1. Rename the volume retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd rename {}/{} {}'.format(pool, name, new_name)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to rename volume "{}" to "{}" in pool "{}": {}'.format(name, new_name, pool, stderr) # 2. Rename the volume in Zookeeper zkhandler.renamekey(zk_conn, { '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, new_name), '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, new_name) }) # 3. Get volume stats retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd info --format json {}/{}'.format(pool, new_name)) volstats = stdout # 4. Update the volume stats in Zookeeper zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, new_name): volstats, }) return True, 'Renamed RBD volume "{}" to "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, new_name, pool) def remove_volume(zk_conn, pool, name): if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, name): return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(name, pool) # 1. Remove volume snapshots for snapshot in zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name)): remove_snapshot(zk_conn, pool, name, snapshot) # 2. Remove the volume retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd rm {}/{}'.format(pool, name)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to remove RBD volume "{}" in pool "{}": {}'.format(name, pool, stderr) # 3. Delete volume from Zookeeper zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, name)) zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name)) return True, 'Removed RBD volume "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, pool) def map_volume(zk_conn, pool, name): if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, name): return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(name, pool) # 1. Map the volume onto the local system retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd map {}/{}'.format(pool, name)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to map RBD volume "{}" in pool "{}": {}'.format(name, pool, stderr) # 2. Calculate the absolute path to the mapped volume mapped_volume = '/dev/rbd/{}/{}'.format(pool, name) # 3. Ensure the volume exists if not os.path.exists(mapped_volume): return False, 'ERROR: Mapped volume not found at expected location "{}".'.format(mapped_volume) return True, mapped_volume def unmap_volume(zk_conn, pool, name): if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, name): return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(name, pool) mapped_volume = '/dev/rbd/{}/{}'.format(pool, name) # 1. Ensure the volume exists if not os.path.exists(mapped_volume): return False, 'ERROR: Mapped volume not found at expected location "{}".'.format(mapped_volume) # 2. Unap the volume retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd unmap {}'.format(mapped_volume)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to unmap RBD volume at "{}": {}'.format(mapped_volume, stderr) return True, 'Unmapped RBD volume at "{}".'.format(mapped_volume) def get_list_volume(zk_conn, pool, limit, is_fuzzy=True): volume_list = [] if pool and not verifyPool(zk_conn, pool): return False, 'ERROR: No pool with name "{}" is present in the cluster.'.format(pool) full_volume_list = getCephVolumes(zk_conn, pool) if limit: if not is_fuzzy: limit = '^' + limit + '$' else: # Implicitly assume fuzzy limits if not re.match(r'\^.*', limit): limit = '.*' + limit if not re.match(r'.*\$', limit): limit = limit + '.*' for volume in full_volume_list: pool_name, volume_name = volume.split('/') if limit: try: if re.match(limit, volume_name): volume_list.append(getVolumeInformation(zk_conn, pool_name, volume_name)) except Exception as e: return False, 'Regex Error: {}'.format(e) else: volume_list.append(getVolumeInformation(zk_conn, pool_name, volume_name)) return True, sorted(volume_list, key=lambda x: str(x['name'])) # # Snapshot functions # def getCephSnapshots(zk_conn, pool, volume): snapshot_list = list() volume_list = list() volume_list = getCephVolumes(zk_conn, pool) if volume: for volume_entry in volume_list: volume_pool, volume_name = volume_entry.split('/') if volume_name == volume: volume_list = ['{}/{}'.format(volume_pool, volume_name)] for volume_entry in volume_list: for snapshot_name in zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/ceph/snapshots/{}'.format(volume_entry)): snapshot_list.append('{}@{}'.format(volume_entry, snapshot_name)) return snapshot_list def add_snapshot(zk_conn, pool, volume, name): if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, volume): return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(volume, pool) # 1. Create the snapshot retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd snap create {}/{}@{}'.format(pool, volume, name)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to create RBD snapshot "{}" of volume "{}" in pool "{}": {}'.format(name, volume, pool, stderr) # 2. Add the snapshot to Zookeeper zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}'.format(pool, volume, name): '', '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, volume, name): '{}' }) # 3. Update the count of snapshots on this volume volume_stats_raw = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, volume)) volume_stats = dict(json.loads(volume_stats_raw)) # Format the size to something nicer volume_stats['snapshot_count'] = volume_stats['snapshot_count'] + 1 volume_stats_raw = json.dumps(volume_stats) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, volume): volume_stats_raw }) return True, 'Created RBD snapshot "{}" of volume "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, volume, pool) def rename_snapshot(zk_conn, pool, volume, name, new_name): if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, volume): return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(volume, pool) if not verifySnapshot(zk_conn, pool, volume, name): return False, 'ERROR: No snapshot with name "{}" is present for volume "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, volume, pool) # 1. Rename the snapshot retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd snap rename {}/{}@{} {}'.format(pool, volume, name, new_name)) if retcode: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to rename RBD snapshot "{}" to "{}" for volume "{}" in pool "{}": {}'.format(name, new_name, volume, pool, stderr) # 2. Rename the snapshot in ZK zkhandler.renamekey(zk_conn, { '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}'.format(pool, volume, name): '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}'.format(pool, volume, new_name) }) return True, 'Renamed RBD snapshot "{}" to "{}" for volume "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, new_name, volume, pool) def remove_snapshot(zk_conn, pool, volume, name): if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, volume): return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(volume, pool) if not verifySnapshot(zk_conn, pool, volume, name): return False, 'ERROR: No snapshot with name "{}" is present of volume {} in pool {}.'.format(name, volume, pool) # 1. Remove the snapshot retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd snap rm {}/{}@{}'.format(pool, volume, name)) if retcode: return False, 'Failed to remove RBD snapshot "{}" of volume "{}" in pool "{}": {}'.format(name, volume, pool, stderr) # 2. Delete snapshot from Zookeeper zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}'.format(pool, volume, name)) # 3. Update the count of snapshots on this volume volume_stats_raw = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, volume)) volume_stats = dict(json.loads(volume_stats_raw)) # Format the size to something nicer volume_stats['snapshot_count'] = volume_stats['snapshot_count'] - 1 volume_stats_raw = json.dumps(volume_stats) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, volume): volume_stats_raw }) return True, 'Removed RBD snapshot "{}" of volume "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, volume, pool) def get_list_snapshot(zk_conn, pool, volume, limit, is_fuzzy=True): snapshot_list = [] if pool and not verifyPool(zk_conn, pool): return False, 'ERROR: No pool with name "{}" is present in the cluster.'.format(pool) if volume and not verifyPool(zk_conn, volume): return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in the cluster.'.format(volume) full_snapshot_list = getCephSnapshots(zk_conn, pool, volume) if is_fuzzy and limit: # Implicitly assume fuzzy limits if not re.match(r'\^.*', limit): limit = '.*' + limit if not re.match(r'.*\$', limit): limit = limit + '.*' for snapshot in full_snapshot_list: volume, snapshot_name = snapshot.split('@') pool_name, volume_name = volume.split('/') if limit: try: if re.match(limit, snapshot_name): snapshot_list.append({'pool': pool_name, 'volume': volume_name, 'snapshot': snapshot_name}) except Exception as e: return False, 'Regex Error: {}'.format(e) else: snapshot_list.append({'pool': pool_name, 'volume': volume_name, 'snapshot': snapshot_name}) return True, sorted(snapshot_list, key=lambda x: str(x['snapshot']))