#!/usr/bin/env python3 # VXNetworkInstance.py - Class implementing a PVC VM network (router-side) and run by pvcrd # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### import os import sys from textwrap import dedent import daemon_lib.ansiiprint as ansiiprint import daemon_lib.zkhandler as zkhandler import daemon_lib.common as common class VXNetworkInstance(): # Initialization function def __init__ (self, vni, zk_conn, config, this_router): self.vni = vni self.zk_conn = zk_conn self.this_router = this_router self.vni_dev = config['vni_dev'] self.old_description = None self.description = None self.domain = None self.ip_gateway = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/networks/{}/ip_gateway'.format(self.vni)) self.ip_network = None self.ip_cidrnetmask = None self.dhcp_flag = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/networks/{}/dhcp_flag'.format(self.vni)) self.dhcp_start = None self.dhcp_end = None self.vxlan_nic = 'vxlan{}'.format(self.vni) self.bridge_nic = 'br{}'.format(self.vni) self.nftables_update_filename = '{}/update'.format(config['nftables_rules_dir']) self.nftables_netconf_filename = '{}/networks/{}.nft'.format(config['nftables_rules_dir'], self.vni) self.firewall_rules = [] self.dhcp_server_daemon = None self.dnsmasq_hostsdir = '{}/{}'.format(config['dnsmasq_hosts_dir'], self.vni) self.dhcp_reservations = [] # Zookeper handlers for changed states @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/networks/{}'.format(self.vni)) def watch_network_description(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False if data and self.description != data.decode('ascii'): self.old_description = self.description self.description = data.decode('ascii') @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/networks/{}/domain'.format(self.vni)) def watch_network_domain(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False if data and self.domain != data.decode('ascii'): domain = data.decode('ascii') self.domain = domain @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/networks/{}/ip_network'.format(self.vni)) def watch_network_ip_network(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False if data and self.ip_network != data.decode('ascii'): ip_network = data.decode('ascii') self.ip_network = ip_network self.ip_cidrnetmask = ip_network.split('/')[-1] @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/networks/{}/ip_gateway'.format(self.vni)) def watch_network_gateway(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False if data and self.ip_gateway != data.decode('ascii'): orig_gateway = self.ip_gateway self.ip_gateway = data.decode('ascii') if self.this_router.network_state == 'primary': if orig_gateway: self.removeGatewayAddress() self.createGatewayAddress() @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/networks/{}/dhcp_flag'.format(self.vni)) def watch_network_dhcp_status(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False if data and self.dhcp_flag != data.decode('ascii'): self.dhcp_flag = ( data.decode('ascii') == 'True' ) if self.dhcp_flag and self.this_router.network_state == 'primary': self.startDHCPServer() elif self.this_router.network_state == 'primary': self.stopDHCPServer() @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/networks/{}/dhcp_start'.format(self.vni)) def watch_network_dhcp_start(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False if data and self.dhcp_start != data.decode('ascii'): self.dhcp_start = data.decode('ascii') @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/networks/{}/dhcp_end'.format(self.vni)) def watch_network_dhcp_end(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False if data and self.dhcp_end != data.decode('ascii'): self.dhcp_end = data.decode('ascii') @self.zk_conn.ChildrenWatch('/networks/{}/dhcp_reservations'.format(self.vni)) def watch_network_dhcp_reservations(new_reservations, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False if self.dhcp_reservations != new_reservations: old_reservations = self.dhcp_reservations self.dhcp_reservations = new_reservations self.updateDHCPReservations(old_reservations, new_reservations) @self.zk_conn.ChildrenWatch('/networks/{}/firewall_rules'.format(self.vni)) def watch_network_firewall_rules(new_rules, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False if self.firewall_rules != new_rules: old_rules = self.firewall_rules self.firewall_rules = new_rules self.updateFirewallRules(old_rules, new_rules) self.createNetwork() self.createFirewall() def getvni(self): return self.vni def updateDHCPReservations(self, old_reservations_list, new_reservations_list): for reservation in new_reservations_list: if reservation not in old_reservations_list: # Add new reservation file filename = '{}/{}'.format(self.dnsmasq_hostsdir, reservation) ipaddr = zkhandler.readdata( self.zk_conn, '/networks/{}/dhcp_reservations/{}/ipaddr'.format( self.vni, reservation ) ) entry = '{},{}'.format(reservation, ipaddr) outfile = open(filename, 'w') outfile.write(entry) outfile.close() for reservation in old_reservations_list: if reservation not in new_reservations_list: # Remove old reservation file filename = '{}/{}'.format(self.dnsmasq_hostsdir, reservation) try: os.remove(filename) self.dhcp_server_daemon.signal('hup') except: pass def updateFirewallRules(self, old_rules_list, new_rules_list): for rule in new_rules_list: if rule not in old_rules_list: # Add new rule entry pass for rule in old_rules_list: if rule not in new_rules_list: pass def createNetwork(self): ansiiprint.echo( 'Creating VNI {} device on interface {}'.format( self.vni, self.vni_dev ), '', 'o' ) common.run_os_command( 'ip link add {} type vxlan id {} dstport 4789 dev {}'.format( self.vxlan_nic, self.vni, self.vni_dev ) ) common.run_os_command( 'brctl addbr {}'.format( self.bridge_nic ) ) common.run_os_command( 'brctl addif {} {}'.format( self.bridge_nic, self.vxlan_nic ) ) common.run_os_command( 'ip link set {} up'.format( self.vxlan_nic ) ) common.run_os_command( 'ip link set {} up'.format( self.bridge_nic ) ) def createFirewall(self): nftables_network_rules = """# Rules for network {chainname} add chain inet filter {chainname} add rule inet filter {chainname} counter # Jump from forward chain to this chain when matching netaddr add rule inet filter forward ip saddr {netaddr} counter jump {chainname} add rule inet filter forward ip daddr {netaddr} counter jump {chainname} """.format( netaddr=self.ip_network, chainname=self.vxlan_nic ) print(nftables_network_rules) with open(self.nftables_netconf_filename, 'w') as nfbasefile: nfbasefile.write(dedent(nftables_network_rules)) open(self.nftables_update_filename, 'a').close() pass def createGatewayAddress(self): if self.this_router.getnetworkstate() == 'primary': ansiiprint.echo( 'Creating gateway {} on interface {} (VNI {})'.format( self.ip_gateway, self.bridge_nic, self.vni ), '', 'o' ) print('ip address add {}/{} dev {}'.format( self.ip_gateway, self.ip_cidrnetmask, self.bridge_nic )) common.run_os_command( 'ip address add {}/{} dev {}'.format( self.ip_gateway, self.ip_cidrnetmask, self.bridge_nic ) ) common.run_os_command( 'arping -A -c2 -I {} {}'.format( self.bridge_nic, self.ip_gateway ), background=True ) def startDHCPServer(self): if self.this_router.getnetworkstate() == 'primary': ansiiprint.echo( 'Starting dnsmasq DHCP server on interface {} (VNI {})'.format( self.bridge_nic, self.vni ), '', 'o' ) # Create the network hostsdir common.run_os_command( '/bin/mkdir --parents {}'.format( self.dnsmasq_hostsdir ) ) # Recreate the environment we need for dnsmasq pvcrd_config_file = os.environ['PVCRD_CONFIG_FILE'] dhcp_environment = { 'DNSMASQ_INTERFACE': self.bridge_nic, 'PVCRD_CONFIG_FILE': pvcrd_config_file } # Define the dnsmasq config dhcp_configuration = [ '--domain-needed', '--bogus-priv', '--no-resolv', '--filterwin2k', '--expand-hosts', '--domain={}'.format(self.domain), '--local=/{}/'.format(self.domain), '--listen-address={}'.format(self.ip_gateway), '--bind-interfaces', '--leasefile-ro', '--dhcp-script=/usr/share/pvc/pvcrd/dnsmasq-zookeeper-leases.py', '--dhcp-range={},{},4h'.format(self.dhcp_start, self.dhcp_end), '--dhcp-lease-max=99', '--dhcp-hostsdir={}'.format(self.dnsmasq_hostsdir), '--log-facility=DAEMON', '--keep-in-foreground' ] # Start the dnsmasq process in a thread self.dhcp_server_daemon = common.run_os_daemon( '/usr/sbin/dnsmasq {}'.format( ' '.join(dhcp_configuration) ), environment=dhcp_environment, return_pid=True ) def removeNetwork(self): ansiiprint.echo( 'Removing VNI {} device on interface {}'.format( self.vni, self.vni_dev ), '', 'o' ) common.run_os_command( 'ip link set {} down'.format( self.bridge_nic ) ) common.run_os_command( 'ip link set {} down'.format( self.vxlan_nic ) ) common.run_os_command( 'brctl delif {} {}'.format( self.bridge_nic, self.vxlan_nic ) ) common.run_os_command( 'brctl delbr {}'.format( self.bridge_nic ) ) common.run_os_command( 'ip link delete {}'.format( self.vxlan_nic ) ) def removeFirewall(self): os.remove(self.nftables_netconf_filename) open(self.nftables_update_filename, 'a').close() pass def removeGatewayAddress(self): ansiiprint.echo( 'Removing gateway {} from interface {} (VNI {})'.format( self.ip_gateway, self.bridge_nic, self.vni ), '', 'o' ) common.run_os_command( 'ip address delete {}/{} dev {}'.format( self.ip_gateway, self.ip_cidrnetmask, self.bridge_nic ) ) def stopDHCPServer(self): if self.dhcp_server_daemon: ansiiprint.echo( 'Stopping dnsmasq DHCP server on interface {} (VNI {})'.format( self.bridge_nic, self.vni ), '', 'o' ) self.dhcp_server_daemon.signal('term')