--- # PVC system configuration - example file # # This configuration file defines the details of a PVC cluster. # It is used by several daemons on the system, including pvcnoded, pvcapid, pvcworkerd, and pvchealthd. # # This file will normally be written by the PVC Ansible framework; this example is provided for reference # Paths configuration path: # Plugin directory plugin_directory: "/usr/share/pvc/plugins" # Dynamic directory dynamic_directory: "/run/pvc" # System log directory system_log_directory: "/var/log/pvc" # VM Console log directory (set by Libvirt) console_log_directory: "/var/log/libvirt" # Ceph configuration directory (set by Ceph/Ansible) ceph_directory: "/etc/ceph" # Subsystem configuration # Changing these values can be used to turn on or off various parts of PVC # Normally, all should be enabled ("yes") except in very custom clusters subsystem: # Enable or disable hypervisor functionality enable_hypervisor: yes # Enable or disable virtual networking and routing functionality enable_networking: yes # Enable or disable Ceph storage management functionality enable_storage: yes # Enable or disable the worker client enable_worker: yes # Enable or disable the API client, if installed, when node is Primary enable_api: yes # Cluster configuration cluster: # The name of the cluster name: pvc1 # The full list of nodes in this cluster all_nodes: - pvchv1 - pvchv2 - pvchv3 # The list of coorrdinator nodes in this cluster (subset of nodes) coordinator_nodes: - pvchv1 - pvchv2 - pvchv3 # Hardcoded networks (upstream/cluster/storage) networks: # Upstream network, used for inbound and outbound connectivity, API management, etc. upstream: # Domain name domain: "mydomain.net" # Device device: ens4 # MTU mtu: 1500 # IPv4 configuration ipv4: # CIDR netmask netmask: 24 # Network address network_address: # Floating address floating_address: # Upstream/default gateway address gateway_address: # Node IP selection mechanism (either "by-id", or a static IP, no netmask, in the above network) node_ip_selection: by-id # Cluster network, used for inter-node communication (VM- and Network-layer), unrouted cluster: # Domain name domain: "pvc.local" # Device device: ens4 # MTU mtu: 1500 # IPv4 configuration ipv4: # CIDR netmask netmask: 24 # Network address network_address: # Floating address floating_address: # Node IP selection mechanism (either "by-id", or a static IP, no netmask, in the above network) node_ip_selection: by-id # Storage network, used for inter-node communication (Storage-layer), unrouted storage: # Domain name domain: "storage.local" # Device device: ens4 # MTU mtu: 1500 # IPv4 configuration ipv4: # CIDR netmask netmask: 24 # Network address network_address: # Floating address floating_address: # Node IP selection mechanism (either "by-id", or a static IP, no netmask, in the above network) node_ip_selection: by-id # Database configuration database: # Zookeeper client configuration zookeeper: # Port number port: 2181 # KeyDB/Redis client configuration keydb: # Port number port: 6379 # Hostname; use `cluster` network floating IP address hostname: # Path, usually "/0" path: "/0" # PostgreSQL client configuration postgres: # Port number port: 5432 # Hostname; use `cluster` network floating IP address hostname: # Credentials credentials: # API database api: # Database name database: pvcapi # Username username: pvcapi # Password password: pvcapiPassw0rd # DNS database dns: # Database name database: pvcdns # Username username: pvcdns # Password password: pvcdnsPassw0rd # Timer information timer: # VM shutdown timeout (seconds) vm_shutdown_timeout: 180 # Node keepalive interval (seconds) keepalive_interval: 5 # Monitoring interval (seconds) monitoring_interval: 60 # Fencing configuration fencing: # Disable fencing or not on IPMI failure at startup # Setting this value to "no" will allow fencing to be enabled even if does not respond during node daemon # startup. This will allow future fencing to be attempted if it later recovers. disable_on_ipmi_failure: no # Fencing intervals intervals: # Fence intervals (number of keepalives) fence_intervals: 6 # Suicide intervals (number of keepalives; 0 to disable) suicide_intervals: 0 # Fencing actions actions: # Successful fence action ("migrate" or "none") successful_fence: migrate # Failed fence action ("migrate" or "none") failed_fence: none # IPMI details ipmi: # Hostname format, using a "{node_id}" entry hostname_format: "pvchv{node_id}-lom.mydomain.tld" # IPMI username username: admin # IPMI password password: S3cur3IPMIP4ssw0rd # VM migration configuration migration: # Target selection default value (mem, memprov, load, vcpus, vms) target_selector: mem # Logging configuration logging: # Enable or disable debug logging (all services) debug_logging: yes # Enable or disable file logging file_logging: no # Enable or disable stdout logging (to journald) stdout_logging: yes # Enable or disable Zookeeper logging (for "pvc node log" functionality) zookeeper_logging: yes # Enable or disable ANSI colour sequences in logs log_colours: yes # Enable or disable dates in logs log_dates: yes # Enale or disable keepalive event logging log_keepalives: yes # Enable or disable cluster detail logging during keepalive events log_cluster_details: yes # Enable or disable monitoring detail logging during keepalive events log_monitoring_details: yes # Number of VM console log lines to store in Zookeeper (per VM) console_log_lines: 1000 # Number of node log lines to store in Zookeeper (per node) node_log_lines: 2000 # Guest networking configuration guest_networking: # Bridge device for "bridged"-type networks bridge_device: ens4 # Bridge device MTU bridge_mtu: 1500 # Enable or disable SR-IOV functionality sriov_enable: no # SR-IOV configuration (list of PFs) sriov_device: # SR-IOV device; if this device isn't found, it is ignored on a given node - device: ens1f1 # SR-IOV device MTU mtu: 9000 # Number of VFs on this device vfcount: 4 # Ceph configuration ceph: # Main config file name ceph_config_file: "ceph.conf" # Admin keyring file name ceph_keyring_file: "ceph.client.admin.keyring" # Monitor port, usually 6789 monitor_port: 6789 # Monitor host(s), enable only you want to use hosts other than the coordinators #monitor_hosts: # - pvchv1 # - pvchv2 # - pvchv3 # Storage secret UUID, generated during Ansible cluster bootstrap secret_uuid: "" # API configuration api: # API listening configuration listen: # Listen address, usually upstream floating IP address: # Listen port, usually 7370 port: 7370 # Authentication configuration authentication: # Enable or disable authentication enabled: yes # Secret key for API cookies (long and secure password or UUID) secret_key: "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" # Authentication source (token, others in future) source: token # Token configuration token: # A friendly description - description: "testing" # The token (long and secure password or UUID) token: "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" # SSL configuration ssl: # Enable or disable SSL operation enabled: no # Certificate file path certificate: "" # Private key file path private_key: "" # Automatic backups autobackup: # Backup root path on the node, used as the remote mountpoint # Must be an absolute path beginning with '/' # If remote_mount is enabled, the remote mount will be mounted on this directory # If remote_mount is enabled, it is recommended to use a path under `/tmp` for this # If remote_mount is disabled, a real filesystem must be mounted here (PVC system volumes are small!) backup_root_path: "/tmp/backups" # Suffix to the backup root path, used to allow multiple PVC systems to write to a single root path # Must begin with '/'; leave empty to use the backup root path directly # Note that most remote mount options can fake this if needed, but provided to ensure local compatability backup_root_suffix: "/mycluster" # VM tag(s) to back up # Only VMs with at least one of the given tag(s) will be backed up; all others will be skipped backup_tags: - "backup" - "mytag" # Backup schedule: when and what format to take backups backup_schedule: full_interval: 7 # Number of total backups between full backups; others are incremental # > If this number is 1, every backup will be a full backup and no incremental # backups will be taken # > If this number is 2, every second backup will be a full backup, etc. full_retention: 2 # Keep this many full backups; the oldest will be deleted when a new one is # taken, along with all child incremental backups of that backup # > Should usually be at least 2 when using incrementals (full_interval > 1) to # avoid there being too few backups after cleanup from a new full backup # Automatic mount settings # These settings permit running an arbitrary set of commands, ideally a "mount" command or similar, to # ensure that a remote filesystem is mounted on the backup root path # While the examples here show absolute paths, that is not required; they will run with the $PATH of the # executing environment (either the "pvc" command on a CLI or a cron/systemd timer) # A "{backup_root_path}" f-string/str.format type variable MAY be present in any cmds string to represent # the above configured root backup path, which is interpolated at runtime # If multiple commands are given, they will be executed in the order given; if no commands are given, # nothing is executed, but the keys MUST be present auto_mount: enabled: no # Enable automatic mount/unmount support # These commands are executed at the start of the backup run and should mount a filesystem mount_cmds: # This example shows an NFS mount leveraging the backup_root_path variable - "/usr/sbin/mount.nfs -o nfsvers=3 {backup_root_path}" # These commands are executed at the end of the backup run and should unmount a filesystem unmount_cmds: # This example shows a generic umount leveraging the backup_root_path variable - "/usr/bin/umount {backup_root_path}" # VIM modeline, requires "set modeline" in your VIMRC # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 filetype=yaml