#!/usr/bin/env python3 # pvcd.py - PVC hypervisor node daemon # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### import kazoo.client import libvirt import sys import os import signal import socket import psutil import subprocess import uuid import time import configparser import apscheduler.schedulers.background import pvcd.ansiiprint as ansiiprint import pvcd.VMInstance as VMInstance import pvcd.NodeInstance as NodeInstance print(ansiiprint.bold() + "pvcd - Parallel Virtual Cluster management daemon" + ansiiprint.end()) # Get the config file variable from the environment try: pvcd_config_file = os.environ['PVCD_CONFIG_FILE'] except: print('ERROR: The "PVCD_CONFIG_FILE" environment variable must be set before starting pvcd.') exit(1) myhostname = socket.gethostname() myshorthostname = myhostname.split('.', 1)[0] mydomainname = ''.join(myhostname.split('.', 1)[1:]) # Config values dictionary config_values = [ 'zookeeper', 'keepalive_interval', 'ipmi_hostname', 'ipmi_username', 'ipmi_password' ] def readConfig(pvcd_config_file, myhostname): print('Loading configuration from file {}'.format(pvcd_config_file)) o_config = configparser.ConfigParser() o_config.read(pvcd_config_file) config = {} try: entries = o_config[myhostname] except: try: entries = o_config['default'] except Exception as e: print('ERROR: Config file is not valid!') exit(1) for entry in config_values: try: config[entry] = entries[entry] except: try: config[entry] = o_config['default'][entry] except: print('ERROR: Config file missing required value "{}" for this host!'.format(entry)) exit(1) # Handle an empty ipmi_hostname if config['ipmi_hostname'] == '': config['ipmi_hostname'] = myshorthostname + '-lom.' + mydomainname return config # Get config config = readConfig(pvcd_config_file, myhostname) # Check that libvirtd is listening TCP libvirt_check_name = "qemu+tcp://" try: print('Connecting to Libvirt instance at {}'.format(libvirt_check_name)) lv_conn = libvirt.open(libvirt_check_name) if lv_conn == None: raise except: print('ERROR: Failed to open local libvirt connection via TCP; required for PVC!') exit(1) lv_conn.close() # Connect to local zookeeper zk_conn = kazoo.client.KazooClient(hosts=config['zookeeper']) try: print('Connecting to Zookeeper instance at {}'.format(config['zookeeper'])) zk_conn.start() except: print('ERROR: Failed to connect to Zookeeper') exit(1) # Handle zookeeper failures def zk_listener(state): global zk_conn, update_timer if state == kazoo.client.KazooState.SUSPENDED: ansiiprint.echo('Connection to Zookeeper lost; retrying', '', 'e') # Stop keepalive thread stopKeepaliveTimer(update_timer) while True: _zk_conn = kazoo.client.KazooClient(hosts=config['zookeeper']) try: _zk_conn.start() zk_conn = _zk_conn break except: time.sleep(1) elif state == kazoo.client.KazooState.CONNECTED: ansiiprint.echo('Connection to Zookeeper started', '', 'o') # Start keepalive thread update_timer = createKeepaliveTimer() else: pass zk_conn.add_listener(zk_listener) # Cleanup function def cleanup(): ansiiprint.echo('Clearing daemon', '', 'w') # Set stop state in Zookeeper zk_conn.set('/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(myhostname), 'stop'.encode('ascii')) # Close the Zookeeper connection zk_conn.close() # Stop keepalive thread stopKeepaliveTimer(update_timer) # Flush function def flush(): this_node = t_node[myhostname] this_node.flush() # Shutdown function def dshutdown(signum, frame): ansiiprint.echo('Flushing this node', '', 'w') flush() ansiiprint.echo('NOTE: This node must be unflushed by the administrator after daemon startup', '', 'i') cleanup() sys.exit(0) # Reload shutdown function def dreload(signum, frame): cleanup() python = sys.executable os.exec(python, python, *sys.argv) # Handle signals gracefully signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, dshutdown) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, dshutdown) signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, dshutdown) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, dreload) # Gather useful data about our host for staticdata # Static data format: 'cpu_count', 'arch', 'os', 'kernel' staticdata = [] staticdata.append(str(psutil.cpu_count())) staticdata.append(subprocess.run(['uname', '-r'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('ascii').strip()) staticdata.append(subprocess.run(['uname', '-o'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('ascii').strip()) staticdata.append(subprocess.run(['uname', '-m'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('ascii').strip()) # Print static data on start print('{0}Node hostname:{1} {2}'.format(ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end(), myhostname)) print('{0}IPMI hostname:{1} {2}'.format(ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end(), config['ipmi_hostname'])) print('{0}Machine details:{1}'.format(ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end())) print(' {0}CPUs:{1} {2}'.format(ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end(), staticdata[0])) print(' {0}Arch:{1} {2}'.format(ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end(), staticdata[1])) print(' {0}OS:{1} {2}'.format(ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end(), staticdata[2])) print(' {0}Kernel:{1} {2}'.format(ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end(), staticdata[3])) # Check if our node exists in Zookeeper, and create it if not if zk_conn.exists('/nodes/{}'.format(myhostname)): print("Node is " + ansiiprint.green() + "present" + ansiiprint.end() + " in Zookeeper") # Update static data just in case it's changed zk_conn.set('/nodes/{}/staticdata'.format(myhostname), ' '.join(staticdata).encode('ascii')) else: print("Node is " + ansiiprint.red() + "absent" + ansiiprint.end() + " in Zookeeper; adding new node") keepalive_time = int(time.time()) transaction = zk_conn.transaction() transaction.create('/nodes/{}'.format(myhostname), 'hypervisor'.encode('ascii')) # Basic state information transaction.create('/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(myhostname), 'stop'.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/nodes/{}/domainstate'.format(myhostname), 'ready'.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/nodes/{}/staticdata'.format(myhostname), ' '.join(staticdata).encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/nodes/{}/memfree'.format(myhostname), '0'.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/nodes/{}/memused'.format(myhostname), '0'.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/nodes/{}/cpuload'.format(myhostname), '0.0'.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/nodes/{}/runningdomains'.format(myhostname), ''.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/nodes/{}/domainscount'.format(myhostname), '0'.encode('ascii')) # Keepalives and fencing information transaction.create('/nodes/{}/keepalive'.format(myhostname), str(keepalive_time).encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/nodes/{}/ipmihostname'.format(myhostname), config['ipmi_hostname'].encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/nodes/{}/ipmiusername'.format(myhostname), config['ipmi_username'].encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/nodes/{}/ipmipassword'.format(myhostname), config['ipmi_password'].encode('ascii')) transaction.commit() zk_conn.set('/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(myhostname), 'init'.encode('ascii')) t_node = dict() s_domain = dict() node_list = [] domain_list = [] @zk_conn.ChildrenWatch('/nodes') def updatenodes(new_node_list): global node_list node_list = new_node_list print(ansiiprint.blue() + 'Node list: ' + ansiiprint.end() + '{}'.format(' '.join(node_list))) for node in node_list: if node in t_node: t_node[node].updatenodelist(t_node) else: t_node[node] = NodeInstance.NodeInstance(myhostname, node, t_node, s_domain, zk_conn, config) @zk_conn.ChildrenWatch('/domains') def updatedomains(new_domain_list): global domain_list domain_list = new_domain_list print(ansiiprint.blue() + 'Domain list: ' + ansiiprint.end() + '{}'.format(' '.join(domain_list))) for domain in domain_list: if not domain in s_domain: s_domain[domain] = VMInstance.VMInstance(domain, zk_conn, config, t_node[myhostname]); for node in node_list: if node in t_node: t_node[node].updatedomainlist(s_domain) # Set up our update function this_node = t_node[myhostname] update_zookeeper = this_node.update_zookeeper # Create timer to update this node in Zookeeper def createKeepaliveTimer(): interval = int(config['keepalive_interval']) ansiiprint.echo('Starting keepalive timer ({} second interval)'.format(interval), '', 'o') update_timer = apscheduler.schedulers.background.BackgroundScheduler() update_timer.add_job(update_zookeeper, 'interval', seconds=interval) update_timer.start() return update_timer def stopKeepaliveTimer(update_timer): ansiiprint.echo('Stopping keepalive timer', '', 'c') update_timer.shutdown() # Start keepalive thread update_timer = createKeepaliveTimer() # Tick loop while True: try: time.sleep(0.1) except: break