#!/usr/bin/python3 # DHCPServer.py - PVC router DHCP server with Zookeeper database # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### # # Modified from python_dhcp_server # Source: https://github.com/niccokunzmann/python_dhcp_server # # Copyright (c) 2015 Nicco Kunzmann and released under the MIT license # ############################################################################### import time import threading import struct import queue import collections import traceback import random import base64 import select import ipaddress from socket import * import daemon_lib.ansiiprint as ansiiprint import daemon_lib.zkhandler as zkhandler # see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocol # section DHCP options def inet_ntoaX(data): return ['.'.join(map(str, data[i:i + 4])) for i in range(0, len(data), 4)] def inet_atonX(ips): return b''.join(map(inet_aton, ips)) dhcp_message_types = { 1 : 'DHCPDISCOVER', 2 : 'DHCPOFFER', 3 : 'DHCPREQUEST', 4 : 'DHCPDECLINE', 5 : 'DHCPACK', 6 : 'DHCPNAK', 7 : 'DHCPRELEASE', 8 : 'DHCPINFORM', } reversed_dhcp_message_types = dict() for i, v in dhcp_message_types.items(): reversed_dhcp_message_types[v] = i shortunpack = lambda data: (data[0] << 8) + data[1] shortpack = lambda i: bytes([i >> 8, i & 255]) def macunpack(data): s = base64.b16encode(data) return ':'.join([s[i:i+2].decode('ascii') for i in range(0, 12, 2)]) def macpack(mac): return base64.b16decode(mac.replace(':', '').replace('-', '').encode('ascii')) def unpackbool(data): return data[0] def packbool(bool): return bytes([bool]) options = [ # RFC1497 vendor extensions ('pad', None, None), ('subnet_mask', inet_ntoa, inet_aton), ('time_offset', None, None), ('router', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('time_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('name_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('domain_name_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('log_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('cookie_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('lpr_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('impress_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('resource_location_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('host_name', lambda d: d.decode('ASCII'), lambda d: d.encode('ASCII')), ('boot_file_size', None, None), ('merit_dump_file', None, None), ('domain_name', None, None), ('swap_server', inet_ntoa, inet_aton), ('root_path', None, None), ('extensions_path', None, None), # IP Layer Parameters per Host ('ip_forwarding_enabled', unpackbool, packbool), ('non_local_source_routing_enabled', unpackbool, packbool), ('policy_filer', None, None), ('maximum_datagram_reassembly_size', shortunpack, shortpack), ('default_ip_time_to_live', lambda data: data[0], lambda i: bytes([i])), ('path_mtu_aging_timeout', None, None), ('path_mtu_plateau_table', None, None), # IP Layer Parameters per Interface ('interface_mtu', None, None), ('all_subnets_are_local', unpackbool, packbool), ('broadcast_address', inet_ntoa, inet_aton), ('perform_mask_discovery', unpackbool, packbool), ('mask_supplier', None, None), ('perform_router_discovery', None, None), ('router_solicitation_address', inet_ntoa, inet_aton), ('static_route', None, None), # Link Layer Parameters per Interface ('trailer_encapsulation_option', None, None), ('arp_cache_timeout', None, None), ('ethernet_encapsulation', None, None), # TCP Parameters ('tcp_default_ttl', None, None), ('tcp_keep_alive_interval', None, None), ('tcp_keep_alive_garbage', None, None), # Application and Service Parameters Part 1 ('network_information_service_domain', None, None), ('network_informtaion_servers', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('network_time_protocol_servers', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('vendor_specific_information', None, None), ('netbios_over_tcp_ip_name_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('netbios_over_tcp_ip_datagram_distribution_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('netbios_over_tcp_ip_node_type', None, None), ('netbios_over_tcp_ip_scope', None, None), ('x_window_system_font_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('x_window_system_display_manager', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), # DHCP Extensions ('requested_ip_address', inet_ntoa, inet_aton), ('ip_address_lease_time', lambda d: struct.unpack('>I', d)[0], lambda i: struct.pack('>I', i)), ('option_overload', None, None), ('dhcp_message_type', lambda data: dhcp_message_types.get(data[0], data[0]), (lambda name: bytes([reversed_dhcp_message_types.get(name, name)]))), ('server_identifier', inet_ntoa, inet_aton), ('parameter_request_list', list, bytes), ('message', None, None), ('maximum_dhcp_message_size', shortunpack, shortpack), ('renewal_time_value', None, None), ('rebinding_time_value', None, None), ('vendor_class_identifier', None, None), ('client_identifier', macunpack, macpack), ('tftp_server_name', None, None), ('boot_file_name', None, None), # Application and Service Parameters Part 2 ('network_information_service_domain', None, None), ('network_information_servers', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('', None, None), ('', None, None), ('mobile_ip_home_agent', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('smtp_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('pop_servers', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('nntp_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('default_www_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('default_finger_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('default_irc_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('streettalk_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ('stda_server', inet_ntoaX, inet_atonX), ] assert options[18][0] == 'extensions_path', options[18][0] assert options[25][0] == 'path_mtu_plateau_table', options[25][0] assert options[33][0] == 'static_route', options[33][0] assert options[50][0] == 'requested_ip_address', options[50][0] assert options[64][0] == 'network_information_service_domain', options[64][0] assert options[76][0] == 'stda_server', options[76][0] class ReadBootProtocolPacket(object): for i, o in enumerate(options): locals()[o[0]] = None locals()['option_{0}'.format(i)] = None del i, o def __init__(self, data, address = ('', 0)): self.data = data self.address = address self.host = address[0] self.port = address[1] # wireshark = wikipedia = data[...] self.message_type = self.OP = data[0] self.hardware_type = self.HTYPE = data[1] self.hardware_address_length = self.HLEN = data[2] self.hops = self.HOPS = data[3] self.XID = self.transaction_id = struct.unpack('>I', data[4:8])[0] self.seconds_elapsed = self.SECS = shortunpack(data[8:10]) self.bootp_flags = self.FLAGS = shortunpack(data[8:10]) self.client_ip_address = self.CIADDR = inet_ntoa(data[12:16]) self.your_ip_address = self.YIADDR = inet_ntoa(data[16:20]) self.next_server_ip_address = self.SIADDR = inet_ntoa(data[20:24]) self.relay_agent_ip_address = self.GIADDR = inet_ntoa(data[24:28]) self.client_mac_address = self.CHADDR = macunpack(data[28: 28 + self.hardware_address_length]) index = 236 self.magic_cookie = self.magic_cookie = inet_ntoa(data[index:index + 4]); index += 4 self.options = dict() self.named_options = dict() while index < len(data): option = data[index]; index += 1 if option == 0: # padding # Can be used to pad other options so that they are aligned to the word boundary; is not followed by length byte continue if option == 255: # end break option_length = data[index]; index += 1 option_data = data[index: index + option_length]; index += option_length self.options[option] = option_data if option < len(options): option_name, function, _ = options[option] if function: option_data = function(option_data) if option_name: setattr(self, option_name, option_data) self.named_options[option_name] = option_data setattr(self, 'option_{}'.format(option), option_data) def __getitem__(self, key): print(key, dir(self)) return getattr(self, key, None) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.__dict__ @property def formatted_named_options(self): return "\n".join("{}:\t{}".format(name.replace('_', ' '), value) for name, value in sorted(self.named_options.items())) def __str__(self): return """Message Type: {self.message_type} client MAC address: {self.client_mac_address} client IP address: {self.client_ip_address} your IP address: {self.your_ip_address} next server IP address: {self.next_server_ip_address} {self.formatted_named_options} """.format(self = self) def __gt__(self, other): return id(self) < id(other) data = base64.b16decode(b'02010600f7b41ad100000000c0a800640000000000000000000000007c7a914bca6c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000638253633501053604c0a800010104ffffff000304c0a800010604c0a80001ff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'.upper()) assert data[0] == 2 p = ReadBootProtocolPacket(data) assert p.message_type == 2 assert p.hardware_type == 1 assert p.hardware_address_length == 6 assert p.hops == 0 assert p.transaction_id == 4155775697 assert p.seconds_elapsed == 0 assert p.bootp_flags == 0 assert p.client_ip_address == '' assert p.your_ip_address == '' assert p.next_server_ip_address == '' assert p.relay_agent_ip_address == '' assert p.client_mac_address.lower() == '7c:7a:91:4b:ca:6c' assert p.magic_cookie == '' assert p.dhcp_message_type == 'DHCPACK' assert p.options[53] == b'\x05' assert p.server_identifier == '' assert p.subnet_mask == '' assert p.router == [''] assert p.domain_name_server == [''] str(p) if __name__ == '__main__': s1 = socket(type = SOCK_DGRAM) s1.setsockopt(SOL_IP, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s1.bind(('', 67)) #s2 = socket(type = SOCK_DGRAM) #s2.setsockopt(SOL_IP, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) #s2.bind(('', 68)) while 1: reads = select.select([s1], [], [], 1)[0] for s in reads: packet = ReadBootProtocolPacket(*s.recvfrom(4096)) print(packet) def get_host_ip_addresses(): return gethostbyname_ex(gethostname())[2] class WriteBootProtocolPacket(object): message_type = 2 # 1 for client -> server 2 for server -> client hardware_type = 1 hardware_address_length = 6 hops = 0 transaction_id = None seconds_elapsed = 0 bootp_flags = 0 # unicast client_ip_address = '' your_ip_address = '' next_server_ip_address = '' relay_agent_ip_address = '' client_mac_address = None magic_cookie = '' parameter_order = [] def __init__(self, configuration): for i in range(256): names = ['option_{}'.format(i)] if i < len(options) and hasattr(configuration, options[i][0]): names.append(options[i][0]) for name in names: if hasattr(configuration, name): setattr(self, name, getattr(configuration, name)) def to_bytes(self): result = bytearray(236) result[0] = self.message_type result[1] = self.hardware_type result[2] = self.hardware_address_length result[3] = self.hops result[4:8] = struct.pack('>I', self.transaction_id) result[ 8:10] = shortpack(self.seconds_elapsed) result[10:12] = shortpack(self.bootp_flags) result[12:16] = inet_aton(self.client_ip_address) result[16:20] = inet_aton(self.your_ip_address) result[20:24] = inet_aton(self.next_server_ip_address) result[24:28] = inet_aton(self.relay_agent_ip_address) result[28:28 + self.hardware_address_length] = macpack(self.client_mac_address) result += inet_aton(self.magic_cookie) for option in self.options: value = self.get_option(option) #print(option, value) if value is None: continue result += bytes([option, len(value)]) + value result += bytes([255]) return bytes(result) def get_option(self, option): if option < len(options) and hasattr(self, options[option][0]): value = getattr(self, options[option][0]) elif hasattr(self, 'option_{}'.format(option)): value = getattr(self, 'option_{}'.format(option)) else: return None function = options[option][2] if function and value is not None: value = function(value) return value @property def options(self): done = list() # fulfill wishes for option in self.parameter_order: if option < len(options) and hasattr(self, options[option][0]) or hasattr(self, 'option_{}'.format(option)): # this may break with the specification because we must try to fulfill the wishes if option not in done: done.append(option) # add my stuff for option, o in enumerate(options): if o[0] and hasattr(self, o[0]): if option not in done: done.append(option) for option in range(256): if hasattr(self, 'option_{}'.format(option)): if option not in done: done.append(option) return done def __str__(self): return str(ReadBootProtocolPacket(self.to_bytes())) class DelayWorker(object): def __init__(self): self.closed = False self.queue = queue.PriorityQueue() self.thread = threading.Thread(target = self._delay_response_thread) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() def _delay_response_thread(self): while not self.closed: p = self.queue.get() if self.closed: break t, func, args, kw = p now = time.time() if now < t: time.sleep(0.01) self.queue.put(p) else: func(*args, **kw) def do_after(self, seconds, func, args = (), kw = {}): self.queue.put((time.time() + seconds, func, args, kw)) def close(self): self.closed = True class Transaction(object): def __init__(self, server): self.server = server self.configuration = server.configuration self.packets = [] self.done_time = time.time() + self.configuration.length_of_transaction self.done = False self.do_after = self.server.delay_worker.do_after def is_done(self): return self.done or self.done_time < time.time() def close(self): self.done = True def receive(self, packet): # packet from client <-> packet.message_type == 1 if packet.message_type == 1 and packet.dhcp_message_type == 'DHCPDISCOVER': self.do_after(self.configuration.dhcp_offer_after_seconds, self.received_dhcp_discover, (packet,), ) elif packet.message_type == 1 and packet.dhcp_message_type == 'DHCPREQUEST': self.do_after(self.configuration.dhcp_acknowledge_after_seconds, self.received_dhcp_request, (packet,), ) elif packet.message_type == 1 and packet.dhcp_message_type == 'DHCPINFORM': self.received_dhcp_inform(packet) else: return False return True def received_dhcp_discover(self, discovery): if self.is_done(): return self.configuration.debug('discover:\n {}'.format(str(discovery).replace('\n', '\n\t'))) self.send_offer(discovery) def send_offer(self, discovery): # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2131 offer = WriteBootProtocolPacket(self.configuration) offer.parameter_order = discovery.parameter_request_list mac = discovery.client_mac_address ip = offer.your_ip_address = self.server.get_ip_address(discovery) # offer.client_ip_address = offer.transaction_id = discovery.transaction_id # offer.next_server_ip_address = offer.relay_agent_ip_address = discovery.relay_agent_ip_address offer.client_mac_address = mac offer.client_ip_address = discovery.client_ip_address or '' offer.bootp_flags = discovery.bootp_flags offer.dhcp_message_type = 'DHCPOFFER' offer.client_identifier = mac self.server.broadcast(offer) def received_dhcp_request(self, request): if self.is_done(): return self.server.client_has_chosen(request) self.acknowledge(request) self.close() def acknowledge(self, request): ack = WriteBootProtocolPacket(self.configuration) ack.parameter_order = request.parameter_request_list ack.transaction_id = request.transaction_id # ack.next_server_ip_address = ack.bootp_flags = request.bootp_flags ack.relay_agent_ip_address = request.relay_agent_ip_address mac = request.client_mac_address ack.client_mac_address = mac requested_ip_address = request.requested_ip_address ack.client_ip_address = request.client_ip_address or '' ack.your_ip_address = self.server.get_ip_address(request) ack.dhcp_message_type = 'DHCPACK' self.server.broadcast(ack) def received_dhcp_inform(self, inform): self.close() self.server.client_has_chosen(inform) class DHCPServerConfiguration(object): def __init__(self, zk_conn, ipaddr, iface, vni, network, router, dns_servers): self.dhcp_offer_after_seconds = 1 self.dhcp_acknowledge_after_seconds = 1 self.length_of_transaction = 60 self.zk_conn = zk_conn self.ipaddr = ipaddr self.iface = iface self.vni = vni network_cidr = ipaddress.IPv4Network(network, False) self.network = str(network_cidr.network_address) self.broadcast_address = str(network_cidr.broadcast_address) self.subnet_mask = str(network_cidr.netmask) self.router = router self.domain_name_server = dns_servers # 1 day is 86400 self.ip_address_lease_time = 300 # seconds self.host_file = 'hosts.csv' self.debug = lambda *args, **kw: None def all_ip_addresses(self): ips = ip_addresses(self.network, self.subnet_mask) for i in range(5): next(ips) return ips def network_filter(self): return NETWORK(self.network, self.subnet_mask) def ip_addresses(network, subnet_mask): subnet_mask = struct.unpack('>I', inet_aton(subnet_mask))[0] network = struct.unpack('>I', inet_aton(network))[0] network = network & subnet_mask start = network + 1 end = (network | (~subnet_mask & 0xffffffff)) return (inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', i)) for i in range(start, end)) class ALL(object): def __eq__(self, other): return True def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ ALL = ALL() class GREATER(object): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __eq__(self, other): return type(self.value)(other) > self.value class NETWORK(object): def __init__(self, network, subnet_mask): self.subnet_mask = struct.unpack('>I', inet_aton(subnet_mask))[0] self.network = struct.unpack('>I', inet_aton(network))[0] def __eq__(self, other): ip = struct.unpack('>I', inet_aton(other))[0] return ip & self.subnet_mask == self.network and \ ip - self.network and \ ip - self.network != ~self.subnet_mask & 0xffffffff class CASEINSENSITIVE(object): def __init__(self, s): self.s = s.lower() def __eq__(self, other): return self.s == other.lower() class CSVDatabase(object): delimiter = ';' def __init__(self, file_name): self.file_name = file_name self.file('a').close() # create file def file(self, mode = 'r'): return open(self.file_name, mode) def get(self, pattern): pattern = list(pattern) return [line for line in self.all() if pattern == line] def add(self, line): with self.file('a') as f: f.write(self.delimiter.join(line) + '\n') def delete(self, pattern): lines = self.all() lines_to_delete = self.get(pattern) self.file('w').close() # empty file for line in lines: if line not in lines_to_delete: self.add(line) def all(self): with self.file() as f: return [list(line.strip().split(self.delimiter)) for line in f] class ZKDatabase(object): # Store DHCP leases in zookeeper # /networks//dhcp_leases/:/{ipaddr,hostname} # Line: # ['52:54:00:21:34:11', '', 'test1', '1538287572'] def __init__(self, zk_conn, key): self.zk_conn = zk_conn self.key = key def get(self, pattern): pattern = list(pattern) return [line for line in self.all() if pattern[0] == line[0] or pattern[1] == line[1] or pattern[2] == line[2]] def isstatic(self, pattern): macaddr = pattern[0] try: timestamp = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}'.format(self.key, macaddr)) if timestamp == 'static': return True else: return False except Exception: return False def add(self, line): macaddr = line[0] ipaddr = line[1] hostname = line[2] timestamp = line[3] zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '{}/{}'.format(self.key, macaddr): timestamp, '{}/{}/ipaddr'.format(self.key, macaddr): ipaddr, '{}/{}/hostname'.format(self.key, macaddr): hostname }) def delete(self, pattern): macaddr = pattern[0] try: zkhandler.delete(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}'.format(self.key, macaddr)) except Exception: pass def all(self): leases = [] mac_list = zkhandler.listchildren(self.zk_conn, self.key) for macaddr in mac_list: timestamp = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}'.format(self.key, macaddr)) if timestamp == 'static': timestamp = 0 ipaddr = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}/ipaddr'.format(self.key, macaddr)) hostname = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}/hostname'.format(self.key, macaddr)) leases.append([macaddr, ipaddr, hostname, timestamp]) return leases class Host(object): def __init__(self, mac, ip, hostname, last_used): self.mac = mac.upper() self.ip = ip self.hostname = hostname self.last_used = int(last_used) @classmethod def from_tuple(cls, line): mac, ip, hostname, last_used = line last_used = int(last_used) return cls(mac, ip, hostname, last_used) @classmethod def from_packet(cls, packet): return cls(packet.client_mac_address, packet.requested_ip_address or packet.client_ip_address, packet.host_name or '', int(time.time())) @staticmethod def get_pattern(mac = ALL, ip = ALL, hostname = ALL, last_used = ALL): return [mac, ip, hostname, last_used] def to_tuple(self): return [self.mac, self.ip, self.hostname, str(int(self.last_used))] def to_pattern(self): return self.get_pattern(ip = self.ip, mac = self.mac) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.key) def __eq__(self, other): return self.to_tuple() == other.to_tuple() def has_valid_ip(self): return self.ip and self.ip != '' class HostDatabase(object): def __init__(self, zk_conn, vni): self.db = ZKDatabase(zk_conn, '/networks/{}/dhcp_leases'.format(vni)) def get(self, **kw): pattern = Host.get_pattern(**kw) return list(map(Host.from_tuple, self.db.get(pattern))) def add(self, host): host_tuple = host.to_tuple() self.db.add(host_tuple) def delete(self, host = None, **kw): if host is None: pattern = Host.get_pattern(**kw) else: pattern = host.to_pattern() self.db.delete(pattern) def isstatic(self, host): return self.db.isstatic(host.to_tuple()) def all(self): return list(map(Host.from_tuple, self.db.all())) def replace(self, host): if not self.isstatic(host): self.delete(host) self.add(host) def sorted_hosts(hosts): hosts = list(hosts) hosts.sort(key = lambda host: (host.hostname.lower(), host.mac.lower(), host.ip.lower())) return hosts class DHCPServer(object): def __init__(self, configuration): self.configuration = configuration self.socket = socket(type=SOCK_DGRAM) self.socket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.socket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, 25, self.configuration.iface.encode('ascii')) self.socket.bind(('', 67)) self.delay_worker = DelayWorker() self.closed = False self.transactions = collections.defaultdict(lambda: Transaction(self)) # id: transaction self.hosts = HostDatabase(self.configuration.zk_conn, self.configuration.vni) self.time_started = time.time() def close(self): self.socket.close() self.closed = True self.delay_worker.close() for transaction in list(self.transactions.values()): transaction.close() def update(self, timeout = 0): try: reads = select.select([self.socket], [], [], timeout)[0] except ValueError as e: # ValueError: file descriptor cannot be a negative integer (-1) print(e) return for socket in reads: try: packet = ReadBootProtocolPacket(*socket.recvfrom(4096)) except OSError as e: # OSError: [WinError 10038] An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket print(e) pass else: self.received(packet) for transaction_id, transaction in list(self.transactions.items()): if transaction.is_done(): transaction.close() self.transactions.pop(transaction_id) def received(self, packet): if not self.transactions[packet.transaction_id].receive(packet): self.configuration.debug('received:\n {}'.format(str(packet).replace('\n', '\n\t'))) def client_has_chosen(self, packet): self.configuration.debug('client_has_chosen:\n {}'.format(str(packet).replace('\n', '\n\t'))) host = Host.from_packet(packet) if not host.has_valid_ip(): return self.hosts.replace(host) def is_valid_client_address(self, address): if address is None: return False a = address.split('.') s = self.configuration.subnet_mask.split('.') n = self.configuration.network.split('.') return all(s[i] == '0' or a[i] == n[i] for i in range(4)) def get_ip_address(self, packet): mac_address = packet.client_mac_address requested_ip_address = packet.requested_ip_address known_hosts = self.hosts.get(mac = CASEINSENSITIVE(mac_address)) ip = None if known_hosts: # 1. choose known ip address (including static lease) for host in known_hosts: if self.is_valid_client_address(host.ip): ip = host.ip print('known ip:', ip) if ip is None and self.is_valid_client_address(requested_ip_address): # 2. choose valid requested ip address ip = requested_ip_address print('valid ip:', ip) if ip is None: # 3. choose new, free ip address chosen = False network_hosts = self.hosts.get(ip = self.configuration.network_filter()) for ip in self.configuration.all_ip_addresses(): if not any(host.ip == ip for host in network_hosts): chosen = True break if not chosen: # 4. reuse old valid ip address network_hosts.sort(key = lambda host: host.last_used) ip = network_hosts[0].ip assert self.is_valid_client_address(ip) print('new ip:', ip) if not any([host.ip == ip for host in known_hosts]): print('add', mac_address, ip, packet.host_name) self.hosts.replace(Host(mac_address, ip, packet.host_name or '', time.time())) ansiiprint.echo('DHCP client allocated - {} {} {}'.format(mac_address, ip, packet.host_name), '', 'i') return ip @property def server_identifiers(self): return get_host_ip_addresses() def broadcast(self, packet): self.configuration.debug('broadcasting:\n {}'.format(str(packet).replace('\n', '\n\t'))) for addr in self.server_identifiers: broadcast_socket = socket(type = SOCK_DGRAM) broadcast_socket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) broadcast_socket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1) packet.server_identifier = addr broadcast_socket.bind((self.configuration.ipaddr, 67)) try: data = packet.to_bytes() broadcast_socket.sendto(data, ('', 68)) broadcast_socket.sendto(data, (addr, 68)) finally: broadcast_socket.close() def run(self): while not self.closed: try: self.update(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: break except: traceback.print_exc() def start(self): self.thread = threading.Thread(target = self.run) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() def debug_clients(self): for line in self.ips.all(): line = '\t'.join(line) if line: self.configuration.debug(line) def get_all_hosts(self): return sorted_hosts(self.hosts.get()) def get_current_hosts(self): return sorted_hosts(self.hosts.get(last_used = GREATER(self.time_started)))