#!/usr/bin/env python3 # autobackup.py - PVC API Autobackup functions # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### from datetime import datetime from json import load as jload from json import dump as jdump from os import popen, makedirs, path, scandir from shutil import rmtree from subprocess import run, PIPE from time import time from daemon_lib.common import run_os_command from daemon_lib.config import get_autobackup_configuration from daemon_lib.celery import start, fail, log_info, log_err, update, finish import daemon_lib.ceph as ceph import daemon_lib.vm as vm def send_execution_failure_report( celery_conf, config, recipients=None, total_time=0, error=None ): if recipients is None: return from email.utils import formatdate from socket import gethostname log_message = f"Sending email failure report to {', '.join(recipients)}" log_info(celery_conf[0], log_message) update( celery_conf[0], log_message, current=celery_conf[1] + 1, total=celery_conf[2], ) current_datetime = datetime.now() email_datetime = formatdate(float(current_datetime.strftime("%s"))) email = list() email.append(f"Date: {email_datetime}") email.append( f"Subject: PVC Autobackup execution failure for cluster '{config['cluster']}'" ) email_to = list() for recipient in recipients: email_to.append(f"<{recipient}>") email.append(f"To: {', '.join(email_to)}") email.append(f"From: PVC Autobackup System ") email.append("") email.append( f"A PVC autobackup has FAILED at {current_datetime} in {total_time}s due to an execution error." ) email.append("") email.append("The reported error message is:") email.append(f" {error}") try: with popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail -t", "w") as p: p.write("\n".join(email)) except Exception as e: log_err(f"Failed to send report email: {e}") def send_execution_summary_report( celery_conf, config, recipients=None, total_time=0, summary=dict() ): if recipients is None: return from email.utils import formatdate from socket import gethostname log_message = f"Sending email summary report to {', '.join(recipients)}" log_info(celery_conf[0], log_message) update( celery_conf[0], log_message, current=celery_conf[1] + 1, total=celery_conf[2], ) current_datetime = datetime.now() email_datetime = formatdate(float(current_datetime.strftime("%s"))) email = list() email.append(f"Date: {email_datetime}") email.append(f"Subject: PVC Autobackup report for cluster '{config['cluster']}'") email_to = list() for recipient in recipients: email_to.append(f"<{recipient}>") email.append(f"To: {', '.join(email_to)}") email.append(f"From: PVC Autobackup System ") email.append("") email.append( f"A PVC autobackup has been completed at {current_datetime} in {total_time}s." ) email.append("") email.append( "The following is a summary of all current VM backups after cleanups, most recent first:" ) email.append("") for vm_name in summary.keys(): email.append(f"VM: {vm_name}:") for backup in summary[vm_name]: datestring = backup.get("datestring") backup_date = datetime.strptime(datestring, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") if backup.get("result", False): email.append( f" {backup_date}: Success in {backup.get('runtime_secs', 0)} seconds, ID {datestring}, type {backup.get('type', 'unknown')}" ) email.append( f" Backup contains {len(backup.get('backup_files'))} files totaling {ceph.format_bytes_tohuman(backup.get('backup_size_bytes', 0))} ({backup.get('backup_size_bytes', 0)} bytes)" ) else: email.append( f" {backup_date}: Failure in {backup.get('runtime_secs', 0)} seconds, ID {datestring}, type {backup.get('type', 'unknown')}" ) email.append(f" {backup.get('result_message')}") try: with popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail -t", "w") as p: p.write("\n".join(email)) except Exception as e: log_err(f"Failed to send report email: {e}") def worker_cluster_autobackup( zkhandler, celery, force_full=False, email_recipients=None ): config = get_autobackup_configuration() backup_summary = dict() current_stage = 0 total_stages = 1 if email_recipients is not None: total_stages += 1 start( celery, f"Starting cluster '{config['cluster']}' VM autobackup", current=current_stage, total=total_stages, ) if not config["autobackup_enabled"]: message = "Autobackups are not configured on this cluster." log_info(celery, message) return finish( celery, message, current=total_stages, total=total_stages, ) autobackup_start_time = datetime.now() retcode, vm_list = vm.get_list(zkhandler) if not retcode: error_message = f"Failed to fetch VM list: {vm_list}" log_err(celery, error_message) send_execution_failure_report( (celery, current_stage, total_stages), config, recipients=email_recipients, error=error_message, ) fail(celery, error_message) return False backup_suffixed_path = ( f"{config['backup_root_path']}/{config['backup_root_suffix']}" ) if not path.exists(backup_suffixed_path): makedirs(backup_suffixed_path) full_interval = config["backup_schedule"]["full_interval"] full_retention = config["backup_schedule"]["full_retention"] backup_vms = list() for vm_detail in vm_list: vm_tag_names = [t["name"] for t in vm_detail["tags"]] matching_tags = ( True if len(set(vm_tag_names).intersection(set(config["backup_tags"]))) > 0 else False ) if matching_tags: backup_vms.append(vm_detail) if len(backup_vms) < 1: message = "Found no VMs tagged for autobackup." log_info(celery, message) return finish( celery, message, current=total_stages, total=total_stages, ) if config["auto_mount_enabled"]: total_stages += len(config["mount_cmds"]) total_stages += len(config["unmount_cmds"]) for vm_detail in backup_vms: total_disks = len([d for d in vm_detail["disks"] if d["type"] == "rbd"]) total_stages += 2 + (2 * total_disks) vm_name = vm_detail["name"] vm_backup_path = f"{backup_suffixed_path}/{vm_name}" autobackup_state_file = f"{vm_backup_path}/.autobackup.json" if not path.exists(vm_backup_path) or not path.exists(autobackup_state_file): # There are no existing backups so the list is empty state_data = dict() tracked_backups = list() else: with open(autobackup_state_file) as fh: state_data = jload(fh) tracked_backups = state_data["tracked_backups"] full_backups = [b for b in tracked_backups if b["type"] == "full"] if len(full_backups) > 0: last_full_backup = full_backups[0] last_full_backup_idx = tracked_backups.index(last_full_backup) if force_full or last_full_backup_idx >= full_interval - 1: this_backup_retain_snapshot = True else: this_backup_retain_snapshot = False else: # The very first ackup must be full to start the tree this_backup_retain_snapshot = True if this_backup_retain_snapshot: total_stages += total_disks log_info( celery, f"Found {len(backup_vms)} suitable VM(s) for autobackup: {', '.join([b['name'] for b in backup_vms])}", ) # Handle automount mount commands if config["auto_mount_enabled"]: for cmd in config["mount_cmds"]: current_stage += 1 update( celery, f"Executing mount command '{cmd.split()[0]}'", current=current_stage, total=total_stages, ) ret = run( cmd.split(), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, ) if ret.returncode != 0: error_message = f"Failed to execute mount command '{cmd.split()[0]}': {ret.stderr.decode().strip()}" log_err(celery, error_message) send_execution_failure_report( (celery, current_stage, total_stages), config, recipients=email_recipients, total_time=datetime.now() - autobackup_start_time, error=error_message, ) fail(celery, error_message) return False # Execute the backup: take a snapshot, then export the snapshot for vm_detail in backup_vms: vm_name = vm_detail["name"] dom_uuid = vm_detail["uuid"] vm_backup_path = f"{backup_suffixed_path}/{vm_name}" autobackup_state_file = f"{vm_backup_path}/.autobackup.json" if not path.exists(vm_backup_path) or not path.exists(autobackup_state_file): # There are no existing backups so the list is empty state_data = dict() tracked_backups = list() else: with open(autobackup_state_file) as fh: state_data = jload(fh) tracked_backups = state_data["tracked_backups"] full_backups = [b for b in tracked_backups if b["type"] == "full"] if len(full_backups) > 0: last_full_backup = full_backups[0] last_full_backup_idx = tracked_backups.index(last_full_backup) if force_full: this_backup_incremental_parent = None this_backup_retain_snapshot = True elif last_full_backup_idx >= full_interval - 1: this_backup_incremental_parent = None this_backup_retain_snapshot = True else: this_backup_incremental_parent = last_full_backup["datestring"] this_backup_retain_snapshot = False else: # The very first ackup must be full to start the tree this_backup_incremental_parent = None this_backup_retain_snapshot = True now = datetime.now() datestring = now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") snapshot_name = f"autobackup_{datestring}" # Take the VM snapshot (vm.vm_worker_create_snapshot) snap_list = list() def cleanup_failure(): for snapshot in snap_list: rbd, snapshot_name = snapshot.split("@") pool, volume = rbd.split("/") # We capture no output here, because if this fails too we're in a deep # error chain and will just ignore it ceph.remove_snapshot(zkhandler, pool, volume, snapshot_name) rbd_list = zkhandler.read(("domain.storage.volumes", dom_uuid)).split(",") for rbd in rbd_list: current_stage += 1 update( celery, f"[VM {vm_name}] Creating RBD snapshot of {rbd}", current=current_stage, total=total_stages, ) pool, volume = rbd.split("/") ret, msg = ceph.add_snapshot( zkhandler, pool, volume, snapshot_name, zk_only=False ) if not ret: cleanup_failure() error_message = msg.replace("ERROR: ", "") log_err(celery, error_message) send_execution_failure_report( (celery, current_stage, total_stages), config, recipients=email_recipients, error=error_message, ) fail(celery, error_message) return False else: snap_list.append(f"{pool}/{volume}@{snapshot_name}") current_stage += 1 update( celery, f"[VM {vm_name}] Creating VM configuration snapshot", current=current_stage, total=total_stages, ) # Get the current timestamp tstart = time() # Get the current domain XML vm_config = zkhandler.read(("domain.xml", dom_uuid)) # Add the snapshot entry to Zookeeper zkhandler.write( [ ( ( "domain.snapshots", dom_uuid, "domain_snapshot.name", snapshot_name, ), snapshot_name, ), ( ( "domain.snapshots", dom_uuid, "domain_snapshot.timestamp", snapshot_name, ), tstart, ), ( ( "domain.snapshots", dom_uuid, "domain_snapshot.xml", snapshot_name, ), vm_config, ), ( ( "domain.snapshots", dom_uuid, "domain_snapshot.rbd_snapshots", snapshot_name, ), ",".join(snap_list), ), ] ) # Export the snapshot (vm.vm_worker_export_snapshot) export_target_path = f"{backup_suffixed_path}/{vm_name}/{snapshot_name}/images" try: makedirs(export_target_path) except Exception as e: error_message = ( f"[VM {vm_name}] Failed to create target directory '{export_target_path}': {e}", ) log_err(celery, error_message) send_execution_failure_report( (celery, current_stage, total_stages), config, recipients=email_recipients, error=error_message, ) fail(celery, error_message) return False def export_cleanup(): from shutil import rmtree rmtree(f"{backup_suffixed_path}/{vm_name}/{snapshot_name}") export_type = ( "incremental" if this_backup_incremental_parent is not None else "full" ) # Set the export filetype if this_backup_incremental_parent is not None: export_fileext = "rbddiff" else: export_fileext = "rbdimg" snapshot_volumes = list() for rbdsnap in snap_list: pool, _volume = rbdsnap.split("/") volume, name = _volume.split("@") ret, snapshots = ceph.get_list_snapshot( zkhandler, pool, volume, limit=name, is_fuzzy=False ) if ret: snapshot_volumes += snapshots export_files = list() for snapshot_volume in snapshot_volumes: snap_pool = snapshot_volume["pool"] snap_volume = snapshot_volume["volume"] snap_snapshot_name = snapshot_volume["snapshot"] snap_size = snapshot_volume["stats"]["size"] snap_str = f"{snap_pool}/{snap_volume}@{snap_snapshot_name}" current_stage += 1 update( celery, f"[VM {vm_name}] Exporting {snap_str}", current=current_stage, total=total_stages, ) if this_backup_incremental_parent is not None: retcode, stdout, stderr = run_os_command( f"rbd export-diff --from-snap {this_backup_incremental_parent} {snap_pool}/{snap_volume}@{snap_snapshot_name} {export_target_path}/{snap_pool}.{snap_volume}.{export_fileext}" ) if retcode: error_message = ( f"[VM {vm_name}] Failed to export snapshot for volume(s) '{snap_pool}/{snap_volume}'", ) log_err(celery, error_message) send_execution_failure_report( (celery, current_stage, total_stages), config, recipients=email_recipients, error=error_message, ) fail(celery, error_message) return False else: export_files.append( ( f"images/{snap_pool}.{snap_volume}.{export_fileext}", snap_size, ) ) else: retcode, stdout, stderr = run_os_command( f"rbd export --export-format 2 {snap_pool}/{snap_volume}@{snap_snapshot_name} {export_target_path}/{snap_pool}.{snap_volume}.{export_fileext}" ) if retcode: error_message = ( f"[VM {vm_name}] Failed to export snapshot for volume(s) '{snap_pool}/{snap_volume}'", ) log_err(celery, error_message) send_execution_failure_report( (celery, current_stage, total_stages), config, recipients=email_recipients, error=error_message, ) fail(celery, error_message) return False else: export_files.append( ( f"images/{snap_pool}.{snap_volume}.{export_fileext}", snap_size, ) ) current_stage += 1 update( celery, f"[VM {vm_name}] Writing snapshot details", current=current_stage, total=total_stages, ) def get_dir_size(pathname): total = 0 with scandir(pathname) as it: for entry in it: if entry.is_file(): total += entry.stat().st_size elif entry.is_dir(): total += get_dir_size(entry.path) return total export_files_size = get_dir_size(export_target_path) export_details = { "type": export_type, "datestring": datestring, "snapshot_name": snapshot_name, "incremental_parent": this_backup_incremental_parent, "vm_detail": vm_detail, "export_files": export_files, "export_size_bytes": export_files_size, } try: with open( f"{backup_suffixed_path}/{vm_name}/{snapshot_name}/snapshot.json", "w" ) as fh: jdump(export_details, fh) except Exception as e: error_message = ( f"[VM {vm_name}] Failed to export configuration snapshot: {e}", ) log_err(celery, error_message) send_execution_failure_report( (celery, current_stage, total_stages), config, recipients=email_recipients, error=error_message, ) fail(celery, error_message) return False # Clean up the snapshot (vm.vm_worker_remove_snapshot) if not this_backup_retain_snapshot: for snap in snap_list: current_stage += 1 update( celery, f"[VM {vm_name}] Removing {snap}", current=current_stage, total=total_stages, ) rbd, name = snap.split("@") pool, volume = rbd.split("/") ret, msg = ceph.remove_snapshot(zkhandler, pool, volume, name) if not ret: error_message = msg.replace("ERROR: ", "") log_err(celery, error_message) send_execution_failure_report( (celery, current_stage, total_stages), config, recipients=email_recipients, error=error_message, ) fail(celery, error_message) return False current_stage += 1 update( celery, f"[VM {vm_name}] Removing VM configuration snapshot", current=current_stage, total=total_stages, ) ret = zkhandler.delete( ("domain.snapshots", dom_uuid, "domain_snapshot.name", snapshot_name) ) if not ret: error_message = ( f"[VM {vm_name}] Failed to remove snapshot from Zookeeper", ) log_err(celery, error_message) send_execution_failure_report( (celery, current_stage, total_stages), config, recipients=email_recipients, error=error_message, ) fail(celery, error_message) return False current_stage += 1 update( celery, f"Finding obsolete incremental backups for '{vm_name}'", current=current_stage, total=total_stages, ) # Read export file to get details backup_json_file = f"{vm_backup_path}/{snapshot_name}/snapshot.json" with open(backup_json_file) as fh: backup_json = jload(fh) tracked_backups.insert(0, backup_json) marked_for_deletion = list() # Find any full backups that are expired found_full_count = 0 for backup in tracked_backups: if backup["type"] == "full": found_full_count += 1 if found_full_count > full_retention: marked_for_deletion.append(backup) # Find any incremental backups that depend on marked parents for backup in tracked_backups: if backup["type"] == "incremental" and backup["incremental_parent"] in [ b["datestring"] for b in marked_for_deletion ]: marked_for_deletion.append(backup) current_stage += 1 if len(marked_for_deletion) > 0: update( celery, f"Cleaning up aged out backups for '{vm_name}'", current=current_stage, total=total_stages, ) for backup_to_delete in marked_for_deletion: ret = vm.vm_worker_remove_snapshot( zkhandler, None, vm_name, backup_to_delete["snapshot_name"] ) if ret is False: error_message = f"Failed to remove obsolete backup snapshot '{backup_to_delete['snapshot_name']}', leaving in tracked backups" log_err(celery, error_message) else: rmtree(f"{vm_backup_path}/{backup_to_delete['snapshot_name']}") tracked_backups.remove(backup_to_delete) current_stage += 1 update( celery, "Updating tracked backups", current=current_stage, total=total_stages, ) state_data["tracked_backups"] = tracked_backups with open(autobackup_state_file, "w") as fh: jdump(state_data, fh) backup_summary[vm_detail["name"]] = tracked_backups # Handle automount unmount commands if config["auto_mount_enabled"]: for cmd in config["unmount_cmds"]: current_stage += 1 update( celery, f"Executing unmount command '{cmd.split()[0]}'", current=current_stage, total=total_stages, ) ret = run( cmd.split(), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, ) if ret.returncode != 0: error_message = f"Failed to execute unmount command '{cmd.split()[0]}': {ret.stderr.decode().strip()}" log_err(celery, error_message) send_execution_failure_report( (celery, current_stage, total_stages), config, recipients=email_recipients, total_time=datetime.now() - autobackup_start_time, error=error_message, ) fail(celery, error_message) return False autobackup_end_time = datetime.now() autobackup_total_time = autobackup_end_time - autobackup_start_time send_execution_summary_report( (celery, current_stage, total_stages), config, recipients=email_recipients, total_time=autobackup_total_time, summary=backup_summary, ) current_stage += 1 return finish( celery, f"Successfully completed cluster '{config['cluster']}' VM autobackup", current=current_stage, total=total_stages, )