#!/usr/bin/env python3 # NodeInstance.py - Class implementing a PVC node in pvcd # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### import os import sys import psutil import socket import time import libvirt import threading import subprocess import pvcd.log as log import pvcd.zkhandler as zkhandler import pvcd.common as common class NodeInstance(object): # Initialization function def __init__(self, name, this_node, zk_conn, config, logger, d_node, d_network, d_domain): # Passed-in variables on creation self.name = name self.this_node = this_node self.zk_conn = zk_conn self.config = config self.logger = logger # The IPMI hostname for fencing self.ipmi_hostname = self.config['ipmi_hostname'] # Which node is primary self.primary_node = None # States self.daemon_mode = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/daemonmode'.format(self.name)) self.daemon_state = 'stop' self.router_state = 'client' self.domain_state = 'ready' # Object lists self.d_node = d_node self.d_network = d_network self.d_domain = d_domain # Printable lists self.active_node_list = [] self.flushed_node_list = [] self.inactive_node_list = [] self.network_list = [] self.domain_list = [] # Node resources self.networks_count = 0 self.domains_count = 0 self.memused = 0 self.memfree = 0 self.memalloc = 0 self.vcpualloc = 0 # Flags self.inflush = False # Zookeeper handlers for changed states @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(self.name)) def watch_node_daemonstate(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = 'stop' if data != self.daemon_state: self.daemon_state = data @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/nodes/{}/routerstate'.format(self.name)) def watch_node_routerstate(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = 'client' if self.name == self.this_node and self.daemon_mode == 'coordinator': # We're a coordinator so we care about networking if data != self.router_state: self.router_state = data if self.router_state == 'primary': self.become_primary() else: self.become_secondary() @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/nodes/{}/domainstate'.format(self.name)) def watch_node_domainstate(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = 'unknown' if data != self.domain_state: self.domain_state = data # toggle state management of this node if self.name == self.this_node: if self.domain_state == 'flush' and self.inflush == False: # Do flushing in a thread so it doesn't block the migrates out flush_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.flush, args=(), kwargs={}) flush_thread.start() if self.domain_state == 'unflush' and self.inflush == False: self.unflush() @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/primary_node') def watch_primary_node(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = 'none' if data != self.primary_node: if self.daemon_mode == 'coordinator': # We're a coordinator so we care about networking if data == 'none': # Toggle state management of routing functions if self.name == self.this_node: if self.daemon_state == 'run' and self.router_state != 'primary': # Contend for primary self.logger.out('Contending for primary routing state', state='i') zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {'/primary_node': self.name }) elif data == self.this_node: if self.name == self.this_node: zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/routerstate'.format(self.name): 'primary' }) self.primary_node = data else: if self.name == self.this_node: zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/routerstate'.format(self.name): 'secondary' }) self.primary_node = data else: self.primary_node = data @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/nodes/{}/memfree'.format(self.name)) def watch_node_memfree(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = 0 if data != self.memfree: self.memfree = data @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/nodes/{}/memused'.format(self.name)) def watch_node_memused(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = 0 if data != self.memused: self.memused = data @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/nodes/{}/memalloc'.format(self.name)) def watch_node_memalloc(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = 0 if data != self.memalloc: self.memalloc = data @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/nodes/{}/vcpualloc'.format(self.name)) def watch_node_vcpualloc(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = 0 if data != self.vcpualloc: self.vcpualloc = data @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/nodes/{}/runningdomains'.format(self.name)) def watch_node_runningdomains(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii').split() except AttributeError: data = [] if data != self.domain_list: self.domain_list = data @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/nodes/{}/networkscount'.format(self.name)) def watch_node_networkscount(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = 0 if data != self.networks_count: self.networks_count = data @self.zk_conn.DataWatch('/nodes/{}/domainscount'.format(self.name)) def watch_node_domainscount(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = 0 if data != self.domains_count: self.domains_count = data # Update value functions def update_node_list(self, d_node): self.d_node = d_node def update_network_list(self, d_network): self.d_network = d_network network_list = [] for network in self.d_network: network_list.append(d_network[network].vni) self.network_list = network_list def update_domain_list(self, d_domain): self.d_domain = d_domain # Routing primary/secondary states def become_secondary(self): self.logger.out('Setting router {} to secondary state'.format(self.name), state='i') self.logger.out('Network list: {}'.format(', '.join(self.network_list))) time.sleep(0.5) for network in self.d_network: self.d_network[network].stopDHCPServer() self.d_network[network].removeGatewayAddress() def become_primary(self): self.logger.out('Setting router {} to primary state.'.format(self.name), state='i') self.logger.out('Network list: {}'.format(', '.join(self.network_list))) for network in self.d_network: self.d_network[network].createGatewayAddress() self.d_network[network].startDHCPServer() # Flush all VMs on the host def flush(self): self.inflush = True self.logger.out('Flushing node "{}" of running VMs'.format(self.name), state='i') self.logger.out('Domain list: {}'.format(', '.join(self.domain_list))) fixed_domain_list = self.domain_list.copy() for dom_uuid in fixed_domain_list: self.logger.out('Selecting target to migrate VM "{}"'.format(dom_uuid), state='i') current_node = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid)) target_node = findTargetHypervisor(self.zk_conn, 'mem', dom_uuid) if target_node == None: self.logger.out('Failed to find migration target for VM "{}"; shutting down'.format(dom_uuid), state='e') zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'shutdown' }) else: self.logger.out('Migrating VM "{}" to node "{}"'.format(dom_uuid, target_node), state='i') zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'migrate', '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): target_node, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): current_node }) # Wait for the VM to migrate so the next VM's free RAM count is accurate (they migrate in serial anyways) while True: time.sleep(1) vm_current_state = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) if vm_current_state == "start": break zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/runningdomains'.format(self.name): '' }) zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/domainstate'.format(self.name): 'flushed' }) self.inflush = False def unflush(self): self.inflush = True self.logger.out('Restoring node {} to active service.'.format(self.name), state='i') zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/domainstate'.format(self.name): 'ready' }) fixed_domain_list = self.d_domain.copy() for dom_uuid in fixed_domain_list: try: last_node = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid)) except: continue if last_node != self.name: continue self.logger.out('Setting unmigration for VM "{}"'.format(dom_uuid), state='i') zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'migrate', '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): self.name, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): '' }) self.inflush = False def update_zookeeper(self): # Connect to libvirt libvirt_name = "qemu:///system" lv_conn = libvirt.open(libvirt_name) if lv_conn == None: self.logger.out('Failed to open connection to "{}"'.format(libvirt_name), state='e') return # Get past state and update if needed past_state = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(self.name)) if past_state != 'run': self.daemon_state = 'run' zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(self.name): 'run' }) else: self.daemon_state = 'run' # Ensure the primary key is properly set if self.name == self.this_node: if self.router_state == 'primary': if zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/primary_node') != self.name: zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {'/primary_node': self.name}) # Toggle state management of dead VMs to restart them memalloc = 0 vcpualloc = 0 for domain, instance in self.d_domain.items(): if domain in self.domain_list: # Add the allocated memory to our memalloc value memalloc += instance.getmemory() vcpualloc += instance.getvcpus() if instance.getstate() == 'start' and instance.getnode() == self.name: if instance.getdom() != None: try: if instance.getdom().state()[0] != libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING: raise except Exception as e: # Toggle a state "change" zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/domains/{}/state'.format(domain): instance.getstate() }) # Ensure that any running VMs are readded to the domain_list running_domains = lv_conn.listAllDomains(libvirt.VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_ACTIVE) for domain in running_domains: domain_uuid = domain.UUIDString() if domain_uuid not in self.domain_list: self.domain_list.append(domain_uuid) # Set our information in zookeeper #self.name = lv_conn.getHostname() self.memused = int(psutil.virtual_memory().used / 1024 / 1024) self.memfree = int(psutil.virtual_memory().free / 1024 / 1024) self.memalloc = memalloc self.vcpualloc = vcpualloc self.cpuload = os.getloadavg()[0] self.domains_count = len(lv_conn.listDomainsID()) keepalive_time = int(time.time()) try: zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/memused'.format(self.name): str(self.memused), '/nodes/{}/memfree'.format(self.name): str(self.memfree), '/nodes/{}/memalloc'.format(self.name): str(self.memalloc), '/nodes/{}/vcpualloc'.format(self.name): str(self.vcpualloc), '/nodes/{}/cpuload'.format(self.name): str(self.cpuload), '/nodes/{}/networkscount'.format(self.name): str(self.networks_count), '/nodes/{}/domainscount'.format(self.name): str(self.domains_count), '/nodes/{}/runningdomains'.format(self.name): ' '.join(self.domain_list), '/nodes/{}/keepalive'.format(self.name): str(keepalive_time) }) except: self.logger.out('Failed to set keepalive data', state='e') return # Close the Libvirt connection lv_conn.close() # Display node information to the terminal self.logger.out('{}{} keepalive{}'.format(self.logger.fmt_purple, self.name, self.logger.fmt_end), state='t') self.logger.out( '{bold}Domains:{nobold} {domcount} ' '{bold}Networks:{nobold} {netcount} ' '{bold}VM memory [MiB]:{nobold} {allocmem} ' '{bold}Free memory [MiB]:{nobold} {freemem} ' '{bold}Used memory [MiB]:{nobold} {usedmem} ' '{bold}Load:{nobold} {load}'.format( bold=self.logger.fmt_bold, nobold=self.logger.fmt_end, domcount=self.domains_count, freemem=self.memfree, usedmem=self.memused, load=self.cpuload, allocmem=self.memalloc, netcount=self.networks_count ), ) # Update our local node lists for node_name in self.d_node: try: node_daemon_state = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(node_name)) node_domain_state = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/domainstate'.format(node_name)) node_keepalive = int(zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/keepalive'.format(node_name))) except: node_daemon_state = 'unknown' node_domain_state = 'unknown' node_keepalive = 0 # Handle deadtime and fencng if needed # (A node is considered dead when its keepalive timer is >6*keepalive_interval seconds # out-of-date while in 'start' state) node_deadtime = int(time.time()) - ( int(self.config['keepalive_interval']) * int(self.config['fence_intervals']) ) if node_keepalive < node_deadtime and node_daemon_state == 'run': self.logger.out('Node {} seems dead - starting monitor for fencing'.format(node_name), state='w') zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(node_name): 'dead' }) fence_thread = threading.Thread(target=fenceNode, args=(node_name, self.zk_conn, self.config, self.logger), kwargs={}) fence_thread.start() # Update the arrays if node_daemon_state == 'run' and node_domain_state != 'flushed' and node_name not in self.active_node_list: self.active_node_list.append(node_name) try: self.flushed_node_list.remove(node_name) except ValueError: pass try: self.inactive_node_list.remove(node_name) except ValueError: pass if node_daemon_state != 'run' and node_domain_state != 'flushed' and node_name not in self.inactive_node_list: self.inactive_node_list.append(node_name) try: self.active_node_list.remove(node_name) except ValueError: pass try: self.flushed_node_list.remove(node_name) except ValueError: pass if node_domain_state == 'flushed' and node_name not in self.flushed_node_list: self.flushed_node_list.append(node_name) try: self.active_node_list.remove(node_name) except ValueError: pass try: self.inactive_node_list.remove(node_name) except ValueError: pass # List of the non-primary coordinators secondary_node_list = self.config['coordinators'].split(',') if secondary_node_list: secondary_node_list.remove(self.primary_node) for node in secondary_node_list: if node in self.inactive_node_list: secondary_node_list.remove(node) # Display cluster information to the terminal self.logger.out('{}Cluster status{}'.format(self.logger.fmt_purple, self.logger.fmt_end), state='t') self.logger.out('{}Primary coordinator:{} {}'.format(self.logger.fmt_bold, self.logger.fmt_end, self.primary_node)) self.logger.out('{}Secondary coordinators:{} {}'.format(self.logger.fmt_bold, self.logger.fmt_end, ' '.join(secondary_node_list))) self.logger.out('{}Active hypervisors:{} {}'.format(self.logger.fmt_bold, self.logger.fmt_end, ' '.join(self.active_node_list))) self.logger.out('{}Flushed hypervisors:{} {}'.format(self.logger.fmt_bold, self.logger.fmt_end, ' '.join(self.flushed_node_list))) self.logger.out('{}Inactive nodes:{} {}'.format(self.logger.fmt_bold, self.logger.fmt_end, ' '.join(self.inactive_node_list))) # # Find a migration target # def findTargetHypervisor(zk_conn, search_field, dom_uuid): if search_field == 'mem': return findTargetHypervisorMem(zk_conn, dom_uuid) if search_field == 'load': return findTargetHypervisorLoad(zk_conn, dom_uuid) if search_field == 'vcpus': return findTargetHypervisorVCPUs(zk_conn, dom_uuid) if search_field == 'vms': return findTargetHypervisorVMs(zk_conn, dom_uuid) return None # Get the list of valid target nodes def getHypervisors(zk_conn, dom_uuid): valid_node_list = [] full_node_list = zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/nodes') current_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid)) for node in full_node_list: daemon_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(node)) domain_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/domainstate'.format(node)) if node == current_node: continue if daemon_state != 'run' or domain_state != 'ready': continue valid_node_list.append(node) return valid_node_list # via free memory (relative to allocated memory) def findTargetHypervisorMem(zk_conn, dom_uuid): most_allocfree = 0 target_node = None node_list = getHypervisors(zk_conn, dom_uuid) for node in node_list: memalloc = int(zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/memalloc'.format(node))) memused = int(zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/memused'.format(node))) memfree = int(zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/memfree'.format(node))) memtotal = memused + memfree allocfree = memtotal - memalloc if allocfree > most_allocfree: most_allocfree = allocfree target_node = node return target_node # via load average def findTargetHypervisorLoad(zk_conn, dom_uuid): least_load = 9999 target_node = None node_list = getHypervisors(zk_conn, dom_uuid) for node in node_list: load = int(zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/load'.format(node))) if load < least_load: least_load = load target_hypevisor = node return target_node # via total vCPUs def findTargetHypervisorVCPUs(zk_conn, dom_uuid): least_vcpus = 9999 target_node = None node_list = getHypervisors(zk_conn, dom_uuid) for node in node_list: vcpus = int(zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/vcpualloc'.format(node))) if vcpus < least_vcpus: least_vcpus = vcpus target_node = node return target_node # via total VMs def findTargetHypervisorVMs(zk_conn, dom_uuid): least_vms = 9999 target_node = None node_list = getHypervisors(zk_conn, dom_uuid) for node in node_list: vms = int(zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/domainscount'.format(node))) if vms < least_vms: least_vms = vms target_node = node return target_node # # Fence thread entry function # def fenceNode(node_name, zk_conn, config, logger): failcount = 0 # We allow exactly 3 saving throws for the host to come back online while failcount < 3: # Wait 5 seconds time.sleep(5) # Get the state node_daemon_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(node_name)) # Is it still 'dead' if node_daemon_state == 'dead': failcount += 1 logger.out('Node "{}" failed {} saving throws'.format(node_name, failcount), state='w') # It changed back to something else so it must be alive else: logger.out('Node "{}" passed a saving throw; canceling fence'.format(node_name), state='o') return logger.out('Fencing node "{}" via IPMI reboot signal'.format(node_name), state='e') # Get IPMI information ipmi_hostname = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/ipmihostname'.format(node_name)) ipmi_username = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/ipmiusername'.format(node_name)) ipmi_password = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/ipmipassword'.format(node_name)) # Shoot it in the head fence_status = rebootViaIPMI(ipmi_hostname, ipmi_username, ipmi_password, logger) # Hold to ensure the fence takes effect time.sleep(3) # Force into secondary network state if needed if node_name in config['coordinators'].split(','): zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/routerstate'.format(node_name): 'secondary' }) if zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/primary_node') == node_name: zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/primary_node': 'none' }) # If the fence succeeded and successful_fence is migrate if fence_status == True and config['successful_fence'] == 'migrate': migrateFromFencedNode(zk_conn, node_name, logger) # If the fence failed and failed_fence is migrate if fence_status == False and config['failed_fence'] == 'migrate' and config['suicide_intervals'] != '0': migrateFromFencedNode(zk_conn, node_name, logger) # Migrate hosts away from a fenced node def migrateFromFencedNode(zk_conn, node_name, logger): logger.out('Moving VMs from dead node "{}" to new hosts'.format(node_name), state='i') dead_node_running_domains = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/runningdomains'.format(node_name)).split() for dom_uuid in dead_node_running_domains: target_node = findTargetHypervisor(zk_conn, 'mem', dom_uuid) logger.out('Moving VM "{}" to node "{}"'.format(dom_uuid, target_node), state='i') zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'start', '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): target_node, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): node_name }) # Set node in flushed state for easy remigrating when it comes back zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/domainstate'.format(node_name): 'flushed' }) # # Perform an IPMI fence # def rebootViaIPMI(ipmi_hostname, ipmi_user, ipmi_password, logger): ipmi_command = ['/usr/bin/ipmitool', '-I', 'lanplus', '-H', ipmi_hostname, '-U', ipmi_user, '-P', ipmi_password, 'chassis', 'power', 'reset'] ipmi_command_output = subprocess.run(ipmi_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if ipmi_command_output.returncode == 0: logger.out('Successfully rebooted dead node', state='o') return True else: logger.out('Failed to reboot dead node', state='e') return False