Source: pvc
Section: main
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Joshua Boniface <>
Standards-Version: 3.9.8
X-Python3-Version: >= 3.7

Package: pvc-daemon-node
Architecture: all
Depends: systemd, pvc-daemon-common, pvc-daemon-health, pvc-daemon-worker, python3-kazoo, python3-psutil, python3-apscheduler, python3-libvirt, python3-psycopg2, python3-dnspython, python3-yaml, python3-distutils, python3-rados, python3-gevent, ipmitool, libvirt-daemon-system, arping, vlan, bridge-utils, dnsmasq, nftables, pdns-server, pdns-backend-pgsql
Description: Parallel Virtual Cluster node daemon
 A KVM/Zookeeper/Ceph-based VM and private cloud manager
 This package installs the PVC node daemon

Package: pvc-daemon-health
Architecture: all
Depends: systemd, pvc-daemon-common, python3-kazoo, python3-psutil, python3-apscheduler, python3-yaml
Description: Parallel Virtual Cluster health daemon
 A KVM/Zookeeper/Ceph-based VM and private cloud manager
 This package installs the PVC health monitoring daemon

Package: pvc-daemon-worker
Architecture: all
Depends: systemd, pvc-daemon-common, python3-kazoo, python3-celery, python3-redis, python3-yaml, python-celery-common, fio
Description: Parallel Virtual Cluster worker daemon
 A KVM/Zookeeper/Ceph-based VM and private cloud manager
 This package installs the PVC Celery task worker daemon

Package: pvc-daemon-api
Architecture: all
Depends: systemd, pvc-daemon-common, python3-yaml, python3-flask, python3-flask-restful, python3-celery, python3-distutils, python3-redis, python3-lxml, python3-flask-migrate
Description: Parallel Virtual Cluster API daemon
 A KVM/Zookeeper/Ceph-based VM and private cloud manager
 This package installs the PVC API daemon

Package: pvc-daemon-common
Architecture: all
Depends: python3-kazoo, python3-psutil, python3-click, python3-lxml
Description: Parallel Virtual Cluster common libraries
 A KVM/Zookeeper/Ceph-based VM and private cloud manager
 This package installs the common libraries for the daemon and API

Package: pvc-client-cli
Architecture: all
Depends: python3-requests, python3-requests-toolbelt, python3-yaml, python3-lxml, python3-click
Description: Parallel Virtual Cluster CLI client
 A KVM/Zookeeper/Ceph-based VM and private cloud manager
 This package installs the PVC API command-line client