#!/bin/bash # A useful script for testing out changes to PVC by building the debs and deploying them out to a # set of hosts automatically, including restarting the daemon (with a pause between) on the remote # side. Mostly just useful for quickly testing/debugging changes as Ansible should be used for # production upgrades. # Check if we're root, or not if [[ $( id -u ) -eq 0 ]]; then SUDO="" else SUDO="sudo" fi HOSTS=( ${@} ) echo "> Deploying to host(s): ${HOSTS[@]}" # Build the packages echo -n "Building packages... " version="$( ./build-unstable-deb.sh 2>/dev/null )" echo "done. Package version ${version}." # Install the client(s) locally echo -n "Installing client packages locally... " $SUDO dpkg -i ../pvc-client*_${version}*.deb &>/dev/null echo "done". for HOST in ${HOSTS[@]}; do echo "> Deploying packages to host ${HOST}" echo -n "Copying packages... " ssh $HOST $SUDO rm -rf /tmp/pvc &>/dev/null ssh $HOST mkdir /tmp/pvc &>/dev/null scp ../pvc-*_${version}*.deb $HOST:/tmp/pvc/ &>/dev/null echo "done." echo -n "Installing packages... " ssh $HOST $SUDO dpkg -i /tmp/pvc/{pvc-client-cli,pvc-daemon-common,pvc-daemon-api,pvc-daemon-node}*.deb &>/dev/null ssh $HOST rm -rf /tmp/pvc &>/dev/null echo "done." echo -n "Restarting PVC daemons... " ssh $HOST $SUDO systemctl restart pvcapid &>/dev/null ssh $HOST $SUDO systemctl restart pvcapid-worker &>/dev/null ssh $HOST $SUDO systemctl restart pvcnoded &>/dev/null echo "done." echo -n "Waiting 15s for host to stabilize... " sleep 15 echo "done." done