#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Daemon.py - Node daemon # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### # Version string for startup output version = '0.5' import kazoo.client import libvirt import sys import os import signal import atexit import socket import psutil import subprocess import uuid import time import re import configparser import threading import yaml import json import ipaddress import apscheduler.schedulers.background import pvcd.log as log import pvcd.zkhandler as zkhandler import pvcd.fencing as fencing import pvcd.common as common import pvcd.VMInstance as VMInstance import pvcd.NodeInstance as NodeInstance import pvcd.VXNetworkInstance as VXNetworkInstance import pvcd.DNSAggregatorInstance as DNSAggregatorInstance import pvcd.CephInstance as CephInstance ############################################################################### # PVCD - node daemon startup program ############################################################################### # # The PVC daemon starts a node and configures all the required components for # the node to run. It determines which of the 3 daemon modes it should be in # during initial setup based on hostname and the config file, and then starts # any required services. The 3 daemon modes are: # * leader: the cluster leader, follows the Zookeeper leader # * coordinator: a Zookeeper cluster member # * hypervisor: a hypervisor without any cluster intelligence # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Daemon functions ############################################################################### # Create timer to update this node in Zookeeper def startKeepaliveTimer(): # Create our timer object update_timer = apscheduler.schedulers.background.BackgroundScheduler() interval = int(config['keepalive_interval']) logger.out('Starting keepalive timer ({} second interval)'.format(interval), state='s') update_timer.add_job(update_zookeeper, 'interval', seconds=interval) update_timer.start() update_zookeeper() return update_timer def stopKeepaliveTimer(): global update_timer try: update_timer.shutdown() logger.out('Stopping keepalive timer', state='s') except: pass ############################################################################### # PHASE 1a - Configuration parsing ############################################################################### # Get the config file variable from the environment try: pvcd_config_file = os.environ['PVCD_CONFIG_FILE'] except: print('ERROR: The "PVCD_CONFIG_FILE" environment variable must be set before starting pvcd.') exit(1) # Set local hostname and domain variables myfqdn = socket.gethostname() #myfqdn = 'pvc-hv1.domain.net' myhostname = myfqdn.split('.', 1)[0] mydomainname = ''.join(myfqdn.split('.', 1)[1:]) try: mynodeid = re.findall(r'\d+', myhostname)[-1] except IndexError: mynodeid = 1 # Gather useful data about our host # Static data format: 'cpu_count', 'arch', 'os', 'kernel' staticdata = [] staticdata.append(str(psutil.cpu_count())) staticdata.append(subprocess.run(['uname', '-r'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('ascii').strip()) staticdata.append(subprocess.run(['uname', '-o'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('ascii').strip()) staticdata.append(subprocess.run(['uname', '-m'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('ascii').strip()) # Read and parse the config file def readConfig(pvcd_config_file, myhostname): print('Loading configuration from file "{}"'.format(pvcd_config_file)) with open(pvcd_config_file, 'r') as cfgfile: try: o_config = yaml.load(cfgfile) except Exception as e: print('ERROR: Failed to parse configuration file: {}'.format(e)) exit(1) # Handle the basic config (hypervisor-only) try: config_general = { 'coordinators': o_config['pvc']['cluster']['coordinators'], 'enable_hypervisor': o_config['pvc']['functions']['enable_hypervisor'], 'enable_networking': o_config['pvc']['functions']['enable_networking'], 'enable_storage': o_config['pvc']['functions']['enable_storage'], 'enable_api': o_config['pvc']['functions']['enable_api'], 'enable_provisioner': o_config['pvc']['functions']['enable_provisioner'], 'dynamic_directory': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['directories']['dynamic_directory'], 'log_directory': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['directories']['log_directory'], 'console_log_directory': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['directories']['console_log_directory'], 'file_logging': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['logging']['file_logging'], 'stdout_logging': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['logging']['stdout_logging'], 'log_colours': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['logging']['log_colours'], 'log_dates': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['logging']['log_dates'], 'log_keepalives': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['logging']['log_keepalives'], 'log_keepalive_cluster_details': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['logging']['log_keepalive_cluster_details'], 'log_keepalive_storage_details': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['logging']['log_keepalive_storage_details'], 'console_log_lines': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['logging']['console_log_lines'], 'keepalive_interval': o_config['pvc']['system']['intervals']['keepalive_interval'], 'fence_intervals': o_config['pvc']['system']['intervals']['fence_intervals'], 'suicide_intervals': o_config['pvc']['system']['intervals']['suicide_intervals'], 'successful_fence': o_config['pvc']['system']['fencing']['actions']['successful_fence'], 'failed_fence': o_config['pvc']['system']['fencing']['actions']['failed_fence'], 'migration_target_selector': o_config['pvc']['system']['migration']['target_selector'], 'ipmi_hostname': o_config['pvc']['system']['fencing']['ipmi']['host'], 'ipmi_username': o_config['pvc']['system']['fencing']['ipmi']['user'], 'ipmi_password': o_config['pvc']['system']['fencing']['ipmi']['pass'] } except Exception as e: print('ERROR: {}!'.format(e)) exit(1) config = config_general # Handle debugging config try: config_debug = { 'debug': o_config['pvc']['debug'] } except: config_debug = { 'debug': False } config = {**config, **config_debug} # Handle the networking config if config['enable_networking']: try: config_networking = { 'cluster_domain': o_config['pvc']['cluster']['networks']['cluster']['domain'], 'vni_floating_ip': o_config['pvc']['cluster']['networks']['cluster']['floating_ip'], 'vni_network': o_config['pvc']['cluster']['networks']['cluster']['network'], 'storage_domain': o_config['pvc']['cluster']['networks']['storage']['domain'], 'storage_floating_ip': o_config['pvc']['cluster']['networks']['storage']['floating_ip'], 'storage_network': o_config['pvc']['cluster']['networks']['storage']['network'], 'upstream_domain': o_config['pvc']['cluster']['networks']['upstream']['domain'], 'upstream_floating_ip': o_config['pvc']['cluster']['networks']['upstream']['floating_ip'], 'upstream_network': o_config['pvc']['cluster']['networks']['upstream']['network'], 'upstream_gateway': o_config['pvc']['cluster']['networks']['upstream']['gateway'], 'pdns_postgresql_host': o_config['pvc']['coordinator']['dns']['database']['host'], 'pdns_postgresql_port': o_config['pvc']['coordinator']['dns']['database']['port'], 'pdns_postgresql_dbname': o_config['pvc']['coordinator']['dns']['database']['name'], 'pdns_postgresql_user': o_config['pvc']['coordinator']['dns']['database']['user'], 'pdns_postgresql_password': o_config['pvc']['coordinator']['dns']['database']['pass'], 'vni_dev': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['networking']['cluster']['device'], 'vni_mtu': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['networking']['cluster']['mtu'], 'vni_dev_ip': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['networking']['cluster']['address'], 'storage_dev': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['networking']['storage']['device'], 'storage_mtu': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['networking']['storage']['mtu'], 'storage_dev_ip': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['networking']['storage']['address'], 'upstream_dev': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['networking']['upstream']['device'], 'upstream_mtu': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['networking']['upstream']['mtu'], 'upstream_dev_ip': o_config['pvc']['system']['configuration']['networking']['upstream']['address'], } except Exception as e: print('ERROR: {}!'.format(e)) exit(1) config = {**config, **config_networking} # Create the by-id address entries for net in [ 'vni', 'storage', 'upstream' ]: address_key = '{}_dev_ip'.format(net) floating_key = '{}_floating_ip'.format(net) network_key = '{}_network'.format(net) # Verify the network provided is valid try: network = ipaddress.ip_network(config[network_key]) except Exception as e: print('ERROR: Network address {} for {} is not valid!'.format(config[network_key], network_key)) exit(1) # If we should be autoselected if config[address_key] == 'by-id': # Construct an IP from the relevant network # The NodeID starts at 1, but indexes start at 0 address_id = int(mynodeid) - 1 # Grab the nth address from the network config[address_key] = '{}/{}'.format(list(network.hosts())[address_id], network.prefixlen) # Verify that the floating IP is valid try: # Set the ipaddr floating_addr = ipaddress.ip_address(config[floating_key].split('/')[0]) # Verify we're in the network if not floating_addr in list(network.hosts()): raise except Exception as e: print('ERROR: Floating address {} for {} is not valid!'.format(config[floating_key], floating_key)) exit(1) # Handle the storage config if config['enable_storage']: try: config_storage = dict() except Exception as e: print('ERROR: {}!'.format(e)) exit(1) config = {**config, **config_storage} # Handle an empty ipmi_hostname if config['ipmi_hostname'] == '': config['ipmi_hostname'] = myshorthostname + '-lom.' + mydomainname return config # Get the config object from readConfig() config = readConfig(pvcd_config_file, myhostname) debug = config['debug'] if debug: print('DEBUG MODE ENABLED') # Handle the enable values enable_hypervisor = config['enable_hypervisor'] enable_networking = config['enable_networking'] enable_storage = config['enable_storage'] ############################################################################### # PHASE 1b - Prepare filesystem directories ############################################################################### # Define our dynamic directory schema # / # dnsmasq/ # pdns/ # nft/ config['dnsmasq_dynamic_directory'] = config['dynamic_directory'] + '/dnsmasq' config['pdns_dynamic_directory'] = config['dynamic_directory'] + '/pdns' config['nft_dynamic_directory'] = config['dynamic_directory'] + '/nft' # Create our dynamic directories if they don't exist if not os.path.exists(config['dynamic_directory']): os.makedirs(config['dynamic_directory']) os.makedirs(config['dnsmasq_dynamic_directory']) os.makedirs(config['pdns_dynamic_directory']) os.makedirs(config['nft_dynamic_directory']) # Define our log directory schema # / # dnsmasq/ # pdns/ # nft/ config['dnsmasq_log_directory'] = config['log_directory'] + '/dnsmasq' config['pdns_log_directory'] = config['log_directory'] + '/pdns' config['nft_log_directory'] = config['log_directory'] + '/nft' # Create our log directories if they don't exist if not os.path.exists(config['log_directory']): os.makedirs(config['log_directory']) os.makedirs(config['dnsmasq_log_directory']) os.makedirs(config['pdns_log_directory']) os.makedirs(config['nft_log_directory']) ############################################################################### # PHASE 1c - Set up logging ############################################################################### logger = log.Logger(config) # Print our startup messages logger.out('Parallel Virtual Cluster node daemon v{}'.format(version)) logger.out('FQDN: {}'.format(myfqdn)) logger.out('Host: {}'.format(myhostname)) logger.out('ID: {}'.format(mynodeid)) logger.out('IPMI hostname: {}'.format(config['ipmi_hostname'])) logger.out('Machine details:') logger.out(' CPUs: {}'.format(staticdata[0])) logger.out(' Arch: {}'.format(staticdata[3])) logger.out(' OS: {}'.format(staticdata[2])) logger.out(' Kernel: {}'.format(staticdata[1])) logger.out('Starting pvcd on host {}'.format(myfqdn), state='s') # Define some colours for future messages if applicable if config['log_colours']: fmt_end = logger.fmt_end fmt_bold = logger.fmt_bold fmt_blue = logger.fmt_blue fmt_cyan = logger.fmt_cyan fmt_green = logger.fmt_green fmt_yellow = logger.fmt_yellow fmt_red = logger.fmt_red fmt_purple = logger.fmt_purple else: fmt_end = '' fmt_bold = '' fmt_blue = '' fmt_green = '' fmt_yellow = '' fmt_red = '' fmt_purple = '' ############################################################################### # PHASE 2a - Create local IP addresses for static networks ############################################################################### if enable_networking: # VNI configuration vni_dev = config['vni_dev'] vni_mtu = config['vni_mtu'] vni_dev_ip = config['vni_dev_ip'] logger.out('Setting up VNI network interface {}'.format(vni_dev, vni_dev_ip), state='i') common.run_os_command('ip link set {} mtu {} up'.format(vni_dev, vni_mtu)) # Cluster bridge configuration logger.out('Setting up Cluster network bridge on interface {} with IP {}'.format(vni_dev, vni_dev_ip), state='i') common.run_os_command('brctl addbr brcluster') common.run_os_command('brctl addif brcluster {}'.format(vni_dev)) common.run_os_command('ip link set brcluster mtu {} up'.format(vni_mtu)) common.run_os_command('ip address add {} dev {}'.format(vni_dev_ip, 'brcluster')) # Storage configuration storage_dev = config['storage_dev'] storage_mtu = config['storage_mtu'] if storage_dev == vni_dev: storage_dev = 'brcluster' storage_mtu = vni_mtu storage_dev_ip = config['storage_dev_ip'] logger.out('Setting up Storage network on interface {} with IP {}'.format(storage_dev, storage_dev_ip), state='i') common.run_os_command('ip link set {} mtu {} up'.format(storage_dev, storage_mtu)) common.run_os_command('ip address add {} dev {}'.format(storage_dev_ip, storage_dev)) # Upstream configuration if config['upstream_dev']: upstream_dev = config['upstream_dev'] upstream_mtu = config['upstream_mtu'] upstream_dev_ip = config['upstream_dev_ip'] upstream_dev_gateway = config['upstream_gateway'] logger.out('Setting up Upstream network on interface {} with IP {}'.format(upstream_dev, upstream_dev_ip), state='i') common.run_os_command('ip link set {} mtu {} up'.format(upstream_dev, upstream_mtu)) common.run_os_command('ip address add {} dev {}'.format(upstream_dev_ip, upstream_dev)) if upstream_dev_gateway: common.run_os_command('ip route add default via {} dev {}'.format(upstream_dev_gateway, upstream_dev)) ############################################################################### # PHASE 2b - Prepare sysctl for pvcd ############################################################################### if enable_networking: # Enable routing functions common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1') common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv6.ip_forward=1') # Send redirects common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects=1') common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects=1') common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.send_redirects=1') common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv6.conf.default.send_redirects=1') # Accept source routes common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route=1') common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route=1') common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_source_route=1') common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_source_route=1') # Disable RP filtering on the VNI dev and bridge interfaces (to allow traffic pivoting) common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.{}.rp_filter=0'.format(config['vni_dev'])) common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.{}.rp_filter=0'.format(config['upstream_dev'])) common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.brcluster.rp_filter=0') common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv6.conf.{}.rp_filter=0'.format(config['vni_dev'])) common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv6.conf.{}.rp_filter=0'.format(config['upstream_dev'])) common.run_os_command('sysctl net.ipv6.conf.brcluster.rp_filter=0') ############################################################################### # PHASE 3a - Determine coordinator mode ############################################################################### # What is the list of coordinator hosts coordinator_nodes = config['coordinators'] if myhostname in coordinator_nodes: # We are indeed a coordinator host config['daemon_mode'] = 'coordinator' # Start the zookeeper service using systemctl logger.out('Node is a ' + fmt_blue + 'coordinator' + fmt_end, state='i') else: config['daemon_mode'] = 'hypervisor' ############################################################################### # PHASE 3b - Start system daemons ############################################################################### if config['daemon_mode'] == 'coordinator': logger.out('Starting Zookeeper daemon', state='i') common.run_os_command('systemctl start zookeeper.service') if enable_hypervisor: logger.out('Starting Libvirt daemon', state='i') common.run_os_command('systemctl start libvirtd.service') if enable_networking: if config['daemon_mode'] == 'coordinator': logger.out('Starting Patroni daemon', state='i') common.run_os_command('systemctl start patroni.service') logger.out('Starting FRRouting daemon', state='i') common.run_os_command('systemctl start frr.service') if enable_storage: if config['daemon_mode'] == 'coordinator': logger.out('Starting Ceph monitor daemon', state='i') common.run_os_command('systemctl start ceph-mon@{}'.format(myhostname)) logger.out('Starting Ceph manager daemon', state='i') common.run_os_command('systemctl start ceph-mgr@{}'.format(myhostname)) logger.out('Waiting 5s for daemons to start', state='s') time.sleep(5) ############################################################################### # PHASE 4 - Attempt to connect to the coordinators and start zookeeper client ############################################################################### # Start the connection to the coordinators zk_conn = kazoo.client.KazooClient(hosts=config['coordinators']) try: logger.out('Connecting to Zookeeper cluster nodes {}'.format(config['coordinators']), state='i') # Start connection zk_conn.start() except Exception as e: logger.out('ERROR: Failed to connect to Zookeeper cluster: {}'.format(e), state='e') exit(1) # Handle zookeeper failures def zk_listener(state): global zk_conn, update_timer if state == kazoo.client.KazooState.CONNECTED: logger.out('Connection to Zookeeper restarted', state='o') # Start keepalive thread if update_timer: update_timer = startKeepaliveTimer() else: # Stop keepalive thread if update_timer: stopKeepaliveTimer() logger.out('Connection to Zookeeper lost; retrying', state='w') while True: time.sleep(1) _zk_conn = kazoo.client.KazooClient(hosts=config['coordinators']) try: _zk_conn.start() except: del _zk_conn continue zk_conn = _zk_conn break zk_conn.add_listener(zk_listener) ############################################################################### # PHASE 5 - Gracefully handle termination ############################################################################### # Cleanup function def cleanup(): global zk_conn, update_timer, d_domain logger.out('Performing final keepalive update', state='s') update_zookeeper() # Set shutdown state in Zookeeper zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(myhostname): 'shutdown' }) logger.out('Terminating pvcd and cleaning up', state='s') # Stop keepalive thread try: stopKeepaliveTimer() except NameError: pass except AttributeError: pass # Stop console logging on all VMs logger.out('Stopping domain console watchers', state='s') for domain in d_domain: if d_domain[domain].getnode() == myhostname: try: d_domain[domain].console_log_instance.stop() except NameError as e: pass except AttributeError as e: pass # Force into secondary network state if needed if zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/routerstate'.format(myhostname)) == 'primary': is_primary = True zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/routerstate'.format(myhostname): 'secondary', '/primary_node': 'none' }) logger.out('Waiting 3 seconds for primary migration', state='s') time.sleep(3) # Set stop state in Zookeeper zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(myhostname): 'stop' }) # Forcibly terminate dnsmasq because it gets stuck sometimes common.run_os_command('killall dnsmasq') # Close the Zookeeper connection try: zk_conn.stop() zk_conn.close() except: pass logger.out('Terminated pvc daemon', state='s') sys.exit(0) # Termination function def term(signum='', frame=''): cleanup() # Hangup (logrotate) function def hup(signum='', frame=''): if config['file_logging']: logger.hup() # Handle signals gracefully signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, term) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, term) signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, term) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, hup) ############################################################################### # PHASE 6 - Prepare host in Zookeeper ############################################################################### # Check if our node exists in Zookeeper, and create it if not if zk_conn.exists('/nodes/{}'.format(myhostname)): logger.out("Node is " + fmt_green + "present" + fmt_end + " in Zookeeper", state='i') if config['daemon_mode'] == 'coordinator': init_routerstate = 'secondary' else: init_routerstate = 'client' # Update static data just in case it's changed zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/daemonmode'.format(myhostname): config['daemon_mode'], '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(myhostname): 'init', '/nodes/{}/routerstate'.format(myhostname): init_routerstate, '/nodes/{}/staticdata'.format(myhostname): ' '.join(staticdata), # Keepalives and fencing information (always load and set from config on boot) '/nodes/{}/ipmihostname'.format(myhostname): config['ipmi_hostname'], '/nodes/{}/ipmiusername'.format(myhostname): config['ipmi_username'], '/nodes/{}/ipmipassword'.format(myhostname): config['ipmi_password'] }) else: logger.out("Node is " + fmt_red + "absent" + fmt_end + " in Zookeeper; adding new node", state='i') keepalive_time = int(time.time()) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}'.format(myhostname): config['daemon_mode'], # Basic state information '/nodes/{}/daemonmode'.format(myhostname): config['daemon_mode'], '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(myhostname): 'init', '/nodes/{}/routerstate'.format(myhostname): 'client', '/nodes/{}/domainstate'.format(myhostname): 'flushed', '/nodes/{}/staticdata'.format(myhostname): ' '.join(staticdata), '/nodes/{}/memtotal'.format(myhostname): '0', '/nodes/{}/memfree'.format(myhostname): '0', '/nodes/{}/memused'.format(myhostname): '0', '/nodes/{}/memalloc'.format(myhostname): '0', '/nodes/{}/vcpualloc'.format(myhostname): '0', '/nodes/{}/cpuload'.format(myhostname): '0.0', '/nodes/{}/networkscount'.format(myhostname): '0', '/nodes/{}/domainscount'.format(myhostname): '0', '/nodes/{}/runningdomains'.format(myhostname): '', # Keepalives and fencing information '/nodes/{}/keepalive'.format(myhostname): str(keepalive_time), '/nodes/{}/ipmihostname'.format(myhostname): config['ipmi_hostname'], '/nodes/{}/ipmiusername'.format(myhostname): config['ipmi_username'], '/nodes/{}/ipmipassword'.format(myhostname): config['ipmi_password'] }) # Check that the primary key exists, and create it with us as master if not try: current_primary = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/primary_node') except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError: current_primary = 'none' if current_primary and current_primary != 'none': logger.out('Current primary node is {}{}{}.'.format(fmt_blue, current_primary, fmt_end), state='i') else: if config['daemon_mode'] == 'coordinator': logger.out('No primary node found; creating with us as primary.', state='i') zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/primary_node': myhostname }) ############################################################################### # PHASE 7 - Ensure Libvirt is working ############################################################################### if enable_hypervisor: # Check that libvirtd is listening TCP libvirt_check_name = "qemu+tcp://{}:16509/system".format(myhostname) logger.out('Connecting to Libvirt daemon at {}'.format(libvirt_check_name), state='i') try: lv_conn = libvirt.open(libvirt_check_name) lv_conn.close() except Exception as e: logger.out('ERROR: Failed to connect to Libvirt daemon: {}'.format(e), state='e') exit(1) ############################################################################### # PHASE 7c - Ensure NFT is running on the local host ############################################################################### if enable_networking: logger.out("Creating NFT firewall configuration", state='i') # Create our config dirs common.run_os_command( '/bin/mkdir --parents {}/networks'.format( config['nft_dynamic_directory'] ) ) common.run_os_command( '/bin/mkdir --parents {}/static'.format( config['nft_dynamic_directory'] ) ) common.run_os_command( '/bin/mkdir --parents {}'.format( config['nft_dynamic_directory'] ) ) # Set up the basic features of the nftables firewall nftables_base_rules = """# Base rules flush ruleset # Add the filter table and chains add table inet filter add chain inet filter forward {{ type filter hook forward priority 0; }} add chain inet filter input {{ type filter hook input priority 0; }} # Include static rules and network rules include "{rulesdir}/static/*" include "{rulesdir}/networks/*" """.format( rulesdir=config['nft_dynamic_directory'] ) # Write the basic firewall config nftables_base_filename = '{}/base.nft'.format(config['nft_dynamic_directory']) with open(nftables_base_filename, 'w') as nfbasefile: nfbasefile.write(nftables_base_rules) common.reload_firewall_rules(logger, nftables_base_filename) ############################################################################### # PHASE 7d - Ensure DNSMASQ is not running ############################################################################### common.run_os_command('systemctl stop dnsmasq.service') ############################################################################### # PHASE 8 - Set up our objects ############################################################################### logger.out('Setting up objects', state='i') d_node = dict() d_network = dict() d_domain = dict() d_osd = dict() d_pool = dict() d_volume = dict() # Dict of Dicts node_list = [] network_list = [] domain_list = [] osd_list = [] pool_list = [] volume_list = dict() # Dict of Lists if enable_networking: # Create an instance of the DNS Aggregator if we're a coordinator if config['daemon_mode'] == 'coordinator': dns_aggregator = DNSAggregatorInstance.DNSAggregatorInstance(zk_conn, config, logger) else: dns_aggregator = None else: dns_aggregator = None # Node objects @zk_conn.ChildrenWatch('/nodes') def update_nodes(new_node_list): global node_list, d_node # Add any missing nodes to the list for node in new_node_list: if not node in node_list: d_node[node] = NodeInstance.NodeInstance(node, myhostname, zk_conn, config, logger, d_node, d_network, d_domain, dns_aggregator) # Remove any deleted nodes from the list for node in node_list: if not node in new_node_list: # Delete the object del(d_node[node]) # Update and print new list node_list = new_node_list logger.out('{}Node list:{} {}'.format(fmt_blue, fmt_end, ' '.join(node_list)), state='i') # Update node objects' list for node in d_node: d_node[node].update_node_list(d_node) # Alias for our local node (passed to network and domain objects) this_node = d_node[myhostname] # Primary node @zk_conn.DataWatch('/primary_node') def update_primary(new_primary, stat, event=''): try: new_primary = new_primary.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: new_primary = 'none' if new_primary != this_node.primary_node: if config['daemon_mode'] == 'coordinator': # We're a coordinator and there is no primary if new_primary == 'none': if this_node.daemon_state == 'run' and this_node.router_state != 'primary': logger.out('Contending for primary coordinator state', state='i') zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/primary_node': myhostname}) elif new_primary == myhostname: zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/nodes/{}/routerstate'.format(myhostname): 'primary'}) else: zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/nodes/{}/routerstate'.format(myhostname): 'secondary'}) else: zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/nodes/{}/routerstate'.format(myhostname): 'client'}) for node in d_node: d_node[node].primary_node = new_primary if enable_networking: # Network objects @zk_conn.ChildrenWatch('/networks') def update_networks(new_network_list): global network_list, d_network # Add any missing networks to the list for network in new_network_list: if not network in network_list: d_network[network] = VXNetworkInstance.VXNetworkInstance(network, zk_conn, config, logger, this_node, dns_aggregator) if config['daemon_mode'] == 'coordinator' and d_network[network].nettype == 'managed': try: dns_aggregator.add_network(d_network[network]) except Exception as e: logger.out('Failed to create DNS Aggregator for network {}'.format(network), 'w') # Start primary functionality if this_node.router_state == 'primary' and d_network[network].nettype == 'managed': d_network[network].createGateways() d_network[network].startDHCPServer() # Remove any deleted networks from the list for network in network_list: if not network in new_network_list: if d_network[network].nettype == 'managed': # Stop primary functionality if this_node.router_state == 'primary': d_network[network].stopDHCPServer() d_network[network].removeGateways() dns_aggregator.remove_network(d_network[network]) # Stop general functionality d_network[network].removeFirewall() d_network[network].removeNetwork() # Delete the object del(d_network[network]) # Update and print new list network_list = new_network_list logger.out('{}Network list:{} {}'.format(fmt_blue, fmt_end, ' '.join(network_list)), state='i') # Update node objects' list for node in d_node: d_node[node].update_network_list(d_network) if enable_hypervisor: # VM command pipeline key @zk_conn.DataWatch('/cmd/domains') def cmd(data, stat, event=''): if data: VMInstance.run_command(zk_conn, logger, this_node, data.decode('ascii')) # VM domain objects @zk_conn.ChildrenWatch('/domains') def update_domains(new_domain_list): global domain_list, d_domain # Add any missing domains to the list for domain in new_domain_list: if not domain in domain_list: d_domain[domain] = VMInstance.VMInstance(domain, zk_conn, config, logger, this_node) # Remove any deleted domains from the list for domain in domain_list: if not domain in new_domain_list: # Delete the object del(d_domain[domain]) # Update and print new list domain_list = new_domain_list logger.out('{}VM list:{} {}'.format(fmt_blue, fmt_end, ' '.join(domain_list)), state='i') # Update node objects' list for node in d_node: d_node[node].update_domain_list(d_domain) if enable_storage: # Ceph command pipeline key @zk_conn.DataWatch('/cmd/ceph') def cmd(data, stat, event=''): if data: CephInstance.run_command(zk_conn, logger, this_node, data.decode('ascii'), d_osd) # OSD objects @zk_conn.ChildrenWatch('/ceph/osds') def update_osds(new_osd_list): global osd_list, d_osd # Add any missing OSDs to the list for osd in new_osd_list: if not osd in osd_list: d_osd[osd] = CephInstance.CephOSDInstance(zk_conn, this_node, osd) # Remove any deleted OSDs from the list for osd in osd_list: if not osd in new_osd_list: # Delete the object del(d_osd[osd]) # Update and print new list osd_list = new_osd_list logger.out('{}OSD list:{} {}'.format(fmt_blue, fmt_end, ' '.join(osd_list)), state='i') # Pool objects @zk_conn.ChildrenWatch('/ceph/pools') def update_pools(new_pool_list): global pool_list, d_pool # Add any missing Pools to the list for pool in new_pool_list: if not pool in pool_list: d_pool[pool] = CephInstance.CephPoolInstance(zk_conn, this_node, pool) d_volume[pool] = dict() volume_list[pool] = [] # Remove any deleted Pools from the list for pool in pool_list: if not pool in new_pool_list: # Delete the object del(d_pool[pool]) # Update and print new list pool_list = new_pool_list logger.out('{}Pool list:{} {}'.format(fmt_blue, fmt_end, ' '.join(pool_list)), state='i') # Volume objects in each pool for pool in pool_list: @zk_conn.ChildrenWatch('/ceph/volumes/{}'.format(pool)) def update_volumes(new_volume_list): global volume_list, d_volume # Add any missing Volumes to the list for volume in new_volume_list: if not volume in volume_list[pool]: d_volume[pool][volume] = CephInstance.CephVolumeInstance(zk_conn, this_node, pool, volume) # Remove any deleted Volumes from the list for volume in volume_list[pool]: if not volume in new_volume_list: # Delete the object del(d_volume[pool][volume]) # Update and print new list volume_list[pool] = new_volume_list logger.out('{}Volume list [{pool}]:{} {plist}'.format(fmt_blue, fmt_end, pool=pool, plist=' '.join(volume_list[pool])), state='i') ############################################################################### # PHASE 9 - Run the daemon ############################################################################### # Zookeeper keepalive update function def update_zookeeper(): # Set the upstream IP in Zookeeper for clients to read if config['enable_networking']: if this_node.router_state == 'primary': try: if zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/upstream_ip') != config['upstream_floating_ip']: raise except: zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/upstream_ip': config['upstream_floating_ip']}) # Get past state and update if needed if debug: print("Get past state and update if needed") past_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(this_node.name)) if past_state != 'run': this_node.daemon_state = 'run' zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(this_node.name): 'run' }) else: this_node.daemon_state = 'run' # Ensure the primary key is properly set if debug: print("Ensure the primary key is properly set") if this_node.router_state == 'primary': if zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/primary_node') != this_node.name: zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/primary_node': this_node.name}) if enable_storage: # Get Ceph cluster health (for local printing) if debug: print("Get Ceph cluster health (for local printing)") retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph health', timeout=1) ceph_health = stdout.rstrip() if 'HEALTH_OK' in ceph_health: ceph_health_colour = fmt_green elif 'HEALTH_WARN' in ceph_health: ceph_health_colour = fmt_yellow else: ceph_health_colour = fmt_red # Set ceph health information in zookeeper (primary only) if this_node.router_state == 'primary': if debug: print("Set ceph health information in zookeeper (primary only)") # Get status info retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph status', timeout=1) ceph_status = stdout try: zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/ceph': str(ceph_status) }) except: logger.out('Failed to set Ceph status data', state='e') return # Set ceph rados df information in zookeeper (primary only) if this_node.router_state == 'primary': if debug: print("Set ceph rados df information in zookeeper (primary only)") # Get rados df info retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rados df', timeout=1) rados_df = stdout try: zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/ceph/radosdf': str(rados_df) }) except: logger.out('Failed to set Rados space data', state='e') return # Set pool information in zookeeper (primary only) if this_node.router_state == 'primary': if debug: print("Set pool information in zookeeper (primary only)") # Get pool info retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph df --format json', timeout=1) try: ceph_pool_df_raw = json.loads(stdout)['pools'] except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: logger.out('Failed to obtain Pool data (ceph df)', state='w') ceph_pool_df_raw = [] retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rados df --format json', timeout=1) try: rados_pool_df_raw = json.loads(stdout)['pools'] except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: logger.out('Failed to obtain Pool data (rados df)', state='w') rados_pool_df_raw = [] pool_count = len(ceph_pool_df_raw) for pool_idx in range(0, pool_count - 1): try: # Combine all the data for this pool ceph_pool_df = ceph_pool_df_raw[pool_idx] rados_pool_df = rados_pool_df_raw[pool_idx] pool = ceph_pool_df pool.update(rados_pool_df) # Ignore any pools that aren't in our pool list if pool['name'] not in pool_list: continue # Assemble a useful data structure pool_df = { 'id': pool['id'], 'free_bytes': pool['stats']['max_avail'], 'used_bytes': pool['stats']['bytes_used'], 'used_percent': pool['stats']['percent_used'], 'num_objects': pool['stats']['objects'], 'num_object_clones': pool['num_object_clones'], 'num_object_copies': pool['num_object_copies'], 'num_objects_missing_on_primary': pool['num_objects_missing_on_primary'], 'num_objects_unfound': pool['num_objects_unfound'], 'num_objects_degraded': pool['num_objects_degraded'], 'read_ops': pool['read_ops'], 'read_bytes': pool['read_bytes'], 'write_ops': pool['write_ops'], 'write_bytes': pool['write_bytes'] } # Write the pool data to Zookeeper zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/ceph/pools/{}/stats'.format(pool['name']): str(json.dumps(pool_df)) }) except Exception as e: # One or more of the status commands timed out, just continue logger.out('Failed to format and send pool data', state='w') pass # Only grab OSD stats if there are OSDs to grab (otherwise `ceph osd df` hangs) osds_this_node = 0 if len(osd_list) > 0: # Get data from Ceph OSDs if debug: print("Get data from Ceph OSDs") # Parse the dump data osd_dump = dict() retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd dump --format json', timeout=1) try: osd_dump_raw = json.loads(stdout)['osds'] except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: logger.out('Failed to obtain OSD data', state='w') osd_dump_raw = [] if debug: print("Loop through OSD dump") for osd in osd_dump_raw: osd_dump.update({ str(osd['osd']): { 'uuid': osd['uuid'], 'up': osd['up'], 'in': osd['in'], 'primary_affinity': osd['primary_affinity'] } }) # Parse the df data if debug: print("Parse the OSD df data") osd_df = dict() retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd df --format json', timeout=1) try: osd_df_raw = json.loads(stdout)['nodes'] except: logger.out('Failed to parse OSD list', state='w') osd_df_raw = [] if debug: print("Loop through OSD df") for osd in osd_df_raw: osd_df.update({ str(osd['id']): { 'utilization': osd['utilization'], 'var': osd['var'], 'pgs': osd['pgs'], 'kb': osd['kb'], 'weight': osd['crush_weight'], 'reweight': osd['reweight'], } }) # Parse the status data if debug: print("Parse the OSD status data") osd_status = dict() retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd status', timeout=1) if debug: print("Loop through OSD status data") for line in stderr.split('\n'): # Strip off colour line = re.sub(r'\x1b(\[.*?[@-~]|\].*?(\x07|\x1b\\))', '', line) # Split it for parsing line = line.split() if len(line) > 1 and line[1].isdigit(): # This is an OSD line so parse it osd_id = line[1] node = line[3].split('.')[0] used = line[5] avail = line[7] wr_ops = line[9] wr_data = line[11] rd_ops = line[13] rd_data = line[15] state = line[17] osd_status.update({ str(osd_id): { 'node': node, 'used': used, 'avail': avail, 'wr_ops': wr_ops, 'wr_data': wr_data, 'rd_ops': rd_ops, 'rd_data': rd_data, 'state': state } }) # Merge them together into a single meaningful dict if debug: print("Merge OSD data together") osd_stats = dict() for osd in osd_list: try: this_dump = osd_dump[osd] this_dump.update(osd_df[osd]) this_dump.update(osd_status[osd]) osd_stats[osd] = this_dump except KeyError: # One or more of the status commands timed out, just continue pass # Trigger updates for each OSD on this node if debug: print("Trigger updates for each OSD on this node") for osd in osd_list: if d_osd[osd].node == myhostname: try: stats = json.dumps(osd_stats[osd]) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/ceph/osds/{}/stats'.format(osd): str(stats) }) except KeyError: # One or more of the status commands timed out, just continue pass osds_this_node += 1 memalloc = 0 vcpualloc = 0 if enable_hypervisor: # Toggle state management of dead VMs to restart them if debug: print("Toggle state management of dead VMs to restart them") for domain, instance in this_node.d_domain.items(): if domain in this_node.domain_list: # Add the allocated memory to our memalloc value memalloc += instance.getmemory() vcpualloc += instance.getvcpus() if instance.getstate() == 'start' and instance.getnode() == this_node.name: if instance.getdom() != None: try: if instance.getdom().state()[0] != libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING: raise except Exception as e: # Toggle a state "change" zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/domains/{}/state'.format(domain): instance.getstate() }) # Connect to libvirt if debug: print("Connect to libvirt") libvirt_name = "qemu:///system" lv_conn = libvirt.open(libvirt_name) if lv_conn == None: logger.out('Failed to open connection to "{}"'.format(libvirt_name), state='e') return # Ensure that any running VMs are readded to the domain_list if debug: print("Ensure that any running VMs are readded to the domain_list") running_domains = lv_conn.listAllDomains(libvirt.VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_ACTIVE) for domain in running_domains: domain_uuid = domain.UUIDString() if domain_uuid not in this_node.domain_list: this_node.domain_list.append(domain_uuid) # Set our information in zookeeper if debug: print("Set our information in zookeeper") #this_node.name = lv_conn.getHostname() this_node.memtotal = int(psutil.virtual_memory().total / 1024 / 1024) this_node.memused = int(psutil.virtual_memory().used / 1024 / 1024) this_node.memfree = int(psutil.virtual_memory().free / 1024 / 1024) this_node.memalloc = memalloc this_node.vcpualloc = vcpualloc this_node.cpuload = os.getloadavg()[0] if enable_hypervisor: this_node.domains_count = len(lv_conn.listDomainsID()) else: this_node.domains_count = 0 keepalive_time = int(time.time()) try: zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/memtotal'.format(this_node.name): str(this_node.memtotal), '/nodes/{}/memused'.format(this_node.name): str(this_node.memused), '/nodes/{}/memfree'.format(this_node.name): str(this_node.memfree), '/nodes/{}/memalloc'.format(this_node.name): str(this_node.memalloc), '/nodes/{}/vcpualloc'.format(this_node.name): str(this_node.vcpualloc), '/nodes/{}/cpuload'.format(this_node.name): str(this_node.cpuload), '/nodes/{}/domainscount'.format(this_node.name): str(this_node.domains_count), '/nodes/{}/runningdomains'.format(this_node.name): ' '.join(this_node.domain_list), '/nodes/{}/keepalive'.format(this_node.name): str(keepalive_time) }) except: logger.out('Failed to set keepalive data', state='e') return if enable_hypervisor: # Close the Libvirt connection lv_conn.close() # Look for dead nodes and fence them if debug: print("Look for dead nodes and fence them") if config['daemon_mode'] == 'coordinator': for node_name in d_node: try: node_daemon_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(node_name)) node_domain_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/domainstate'.format(node_name)) node_keepalive = int(zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/keepalive'.format(node_name))) except: node_daemon_state = 'unknown' node_domain_state = 'unknown' node_keepalive = 0 # Handle deadtime and fencng if needed # (A node is considered dead when its keepalive timer is >6*keepalive_interval seconds # out-of-date while in 'start' state) node_deadtime = int(time.time()) - ( int(config['keepalive_interval']) * int(config['fence_intervals']) ) if node_keepalive < node_deadtime and node_daemon_state == 'run': logger.out('Node {} seems dead - starting monitor for fencing'.format(node_name), state='w') zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(node_name)) with zk_lock: # Ensures that, if we lost the lock race and come out of waiting, # we won't try to trigger our own fence thread. if zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(node_name)) != 'dead': fence_thread = threading.Thread(target=fencing.fenceNode, args=(node_name, zk_conn, config, logger), kwargs={}) fence_thread.start() # Write the updated data after we start the fence thread zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(node_name): 'dead' }) # Display node information to the terminal if config['log_keepalives']: if this_node.router_state == 'primary': cst_colour = fmt_green elif this_node.router_state == 'secondary': cst_colour = fmt_blue else: cst_colour = fmt_cyan logger.out( '{}{} keepalive{} [{}{}{}]'.format( fmt_purple, myhostname, fmt_end, fmt_bold + cst_colour, this_node.router_state, fmt_end ), state='t' ) if config['log_keepalive_cluster_details']: logger.out( '{bold}Active VMs:{nofmt} {domcount} ' '{bold}Networks:{nofmt} {netcount} ' '{bold}Load:{nofmt} {load} ' '{bold}Memory [MiB]: VMs:{nofmt} {allocmem} ' '{bold}Used:{nofmt} {usedmem} ' '{bold}Free:{nofmt} {freemem}'.format( bold=fmt_bold, nofmt=fmt_end, domcount=this_node.domains_count, netcount=len(network_list), load=this_node.cpuload, freemem=this_node.memfree, usedmem=this_node.memused, allocmem=this_node.memalloc, ), state='t' ) if enable_storage and config['log_keepalive_storage_details']: logger.out( '{bold}Ceph cluster status:{nofmt} {health_colour}{health}{nofmt} ' '{bold}Total OSDs:{nofmt} {total_osds} ' '{bold}Node OSDs:{nofmt} {node_osds} ' '{bold}Pools:{nofmt} {total_pools} '.format( bold=fmt_bold, health_colour=ceph_health_colour, nofmt=fmt_end, health=ceph_health, total_osds=len(osd_list), node_osds=osds_this_node, total_pools=len(pool_list) ), state='t' ) # Start keepalive thread update_timer = startKeepaliveTimer() # Tick loop; does nothing since everything else is async while True: try: time.sleep(1) except: break