#!/usr/bin/env python3 # provisioner.py - PVC API Provisioner functions # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### import flask import json import psycopg2 import psycopg2.extras import os import re import time import shlex import subprocess from distutils.util import strtobool import daemon_lib.common as pvc_common import daemon_lib.node as pvc_node import daemon_lib.vm as pvc_vm import daemon_lib.network as pvc_network import daemon_lib.ceph as pvc_ceph import pvcapid.libvirt_schema as libvirt_schema from pvcapid.ova import list_ova # # Exceptions (used by Celery tasks) # class ValidationError(Exception): """ An exception that results from some value being un- or mis-defined. """ pass class ClusterError(Exception): """ An exception that results from the PVC cluster being out of alignment with the action. """ pass class ProvisioningError(Exception): """ An exception that results from a failure of a provisioning command. """ pass # # Common functions # # Database connections def open_database(config): conn = psycopg2.connect( host=config['database_host'], port=config['database_port'], dbname=config['database_name'], user=config['database_user'], password=config['database_password'] ) cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor) return conn, cur def close_database(conn, cur, failed=False): if not failed: conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() # # Template List functions # def list_template(limit, table, is_fuzzy=True): if limit: if is_fuzzy: # Handle fuzzy vs. non-fuzzy limits if not re.match('\^.*', limit): limit = '%' + limit else: limit = limit[1:] if not re.match('.*\$', limit): limit = limit + '%' else: limit = limit[:-1] args = (limit, ) query = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE name LIKE %s;".format(table) else: args = () query = "SELECT * FROM {};".format(table) conn, cur = open_database(config) cur.execute(query, args) data = cur.fetchall() if not isinstance(data, list): data = [ data ] if table == 'network_template': for template_id, template_data in enumerate(data): # Fetch list of VNIs from network table query = "SELECT * FROM network WHERE network_template = %s;" args = (template_data['id'],) cur.execute(query, args) vnis = cur.fetchall() data[template_id]['networks'] = vnis if table == 'storage_template': for template_id, template_data in enumerate(data): # Fetch list of VNIs from network table query = 'SELECT * FROM storage WHERE storage_template = %s' args = (template_data['id'],) cur.execute(query, args) disks = cur.fetchall() data[template_id]['disks'] = disks close_database(conn, cur) return data def list_template_system(limit, is_fuzzy=True): """ Obtain a list of system templates. """ data = list_template(limit, 'system_template', is_fuzzy) if data: return data, 200 else: return { 'message': 'No system templates found.' }, 404 def list_template_network(limit, is_fuzzy=True): """ Obtain a list of network templates. """ data = list_template(limit, 'network_template', is_fuzzy) if data: return data, 200 else: return { 'message': 'No network templates found.' }, 404 def list_template_network_vnis(name): """ Obtain a list of network template VNIs. """ data = list_template(name, 'network_template', is_fuzzy=False)[0] networks = data['networks'] if networks: return networks, 200 else: return { 'message': 'No network template networks found.' }, 404 def list_template_storage(limit, is_fuzzy=True): """ Obtain a list of storage templates. """ data = list_template(limit, 'storage_template', is_fuzzy) if data: return data, 200 else: return { 'message': 'No storage templates found.' }, 404 def list_template_storage_disks(name): """ Obtain a list of storage template disks. """ data = list_template(name, 'storage_template', is_fuzzy=False)[0] disks = data['disks'] if disks: return disks, 200 else: return { 'message': 'No storage template disks found.' }, 404 def template_list(limit): system_templates, code = list_template_system(limit) if code != 200: system_templates = [] network_templates, code = list_template_network(limit) if code != 200: network_templates = [] storage_templates, code = list_template_storage(limit) if code != 200: storage_templates = [] return { "system_templates": system_templates, "network_templates": network_templates, "storage_templates": storage_templates } # # Template Create functions # def create_template_system(name, vcpu_count, vram_mb, serial=False, vnc=False, vnc_bind=None, node_limit=None, node_selector=None, node_autostart=False, ova=None): if list_template_system(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 404: retmsg = { 'message': 'The system template "{}" already exists.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode query = "INSERT INTO system_template (name, vcpu_count, vram_mb, serial, vnc, vnc_bind, node_limit, node_selector, node_autostart, ova) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);" args = (name, vcpu_count, vram_mb, serial, vnc, vnc_bind, node_limit, node_selector, node_autostart, ova) conn, cur = open_database(config) try: cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { 'message': 'Added new system template "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create system template "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode def create_template_network(name, mac_template=None): if list_template_network(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 404: retmsg = { 'message': 'The network template "{}" already exists.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "INSERT INTO network_template (name, mac_template) VALUES (%s, %s);" args = (name, mac_template) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { 'message': 'Added new network template "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create network template "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode def create_template_network_element(name, vni): if list_template_network(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200: retmsg = { 'message': 'The network template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode networks, code = list_template_network_vnis(name) if code != 200: networks = [] found_vni = False for network in networks: if int(network['vni']) == vni: found_vni = True if found_vni: retmsg = { 'message': 'The VNI "{}" in network template "{}" already exists.'.format(vni, name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "SELECT id FROM network_template WHERE name = %s;" args = (name,) cur.execute(query, args) template_id = cur.fetchone()['id'] query = "INSERT INTO network (network_template, vni) VALUES (%s, %s);" args = (template_id, vni) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { 'message': 'Added new network "{}" to network template "{}".'.format(vni, name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create entry "{}": {}'.format(vni, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode def create_template_storage(name): if list_template_storage(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 404: retmsg = { 'message': 'The storage template "{}" already exists.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "INSERT INTO storage_template (name) VALUES (%s);" args = (name,) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { 'message': 'Added new storage template "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode def create_template_storage_element(name, disk_id, pool, source_volume=None, disk_size_gb=None, filesystem=None, filesystem_args=[], mountpoint=None): if list_template_storage(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200: retmsg = { 'message': 'The storage template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode disks, code = list_template_storage_disks(name) if code != 200: disks = [] found_disk = False for disk in disks: if disk['disk_id'] == disk_id: found_disk = True if found_disk: retmsg = { 'message': 'The disk "{}" in storage template "{}" already exists.'.format(disk_id, name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode if mountpoint and not filesystem: retmsg = { "message": "A filesystem must be specified along with a mountpoint." } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode if source_volume and (disk_size_gb or filesystem or mountpoint): retmsg = { "message": "Clone volumes are not compatible with disk size, filesystem, or mountpoint specifications." } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "SELECT id FROM storage_template WHERE name = %s;" args = (name,) cur.execute(query, args) template_id = cur.fetchone()['id'] query = "INSERT INTO storage (storage_template, pool, disk_id, source_volume, disk_size_gb, mountpoint, filesystem, filesystem_args) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);" if filesystem_args: fsargs = ' '.join(filesystem_args) else: fsargs = '' args = (template_id, pool, disk_id, source_volume, disk_size_gb, mountpoint, filesystem, fsargs) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { 'message': 'Added new disk "{}" to storage template "{}".'.format(disk_id, name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create entry "{}": {}'.format(disk_id, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode # # Template Modify functions # def modify_template_system(name, vcpu_count=None, vram_mb=None, serial=None, vnc=None, vnc_bind=None, node_limit=None, node_selector=None, node_autostart=None): if list_profile(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200: retmsg = { 'message': 'The system template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode fields = [] if vcpu_count is not None: try: vcpu_count = int(vcpu_count) except: retmsg = { 'message': 'The vcpus value must be an integer.' } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode fields.append({'field': 'vcpu_count', 'data': vcpu_count}) if vram_mb is not None: try: vram_mb = int(vram_mb) except: retmsg = { 'message': 'The vram value must be an integer.' } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode fields.append({'field': 'vram_mb', 'data': vram_mb}) if serial is not None: try: serial = bool(strtobool(serial)) except: retmsg = { 'message': 'The serial value must be a boolean.' } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode fields.append({'field': 'serial', 'data': serial}) if vnc is not None: try: vnc = bool(strtobool(vnc)) except: retmsg = { 'message': 'The vnc value must be a boolean.' } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode fields.append({'field': 'vnc', 'data': vnc}) if vnc_bind is not None: fields.append({'field': 'vnc_bind', 'data': vnc_bind}) if node_limit is not None: fields.append({'field': 'node_limit', 'data': node_limit}) if node_selector is not None: fields.append({'field': 'node_selector', 'data': node_selector}) if node_autostart is not None: try: node_autostart = bool(strtobool(node_autostart)) except: retmsg = { 'message': 'The node_autostart value must be a boolean.' } retcode = 400 fields.append({'field': 'node_autostart', 'data': node_autostart}) conn, cur = open_database(config) try: for field in fields: query = "UPDATE system_template SET {} = %s WHERE name = %s;".format(field.get('field')) args = (field.get('data'), name) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { "message": 'Modified system template "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to modify entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode # # Template Delete functions # def delete_template_system(name): if list_template_system(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200: retmsg = { 'message': 'The system template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "DELETE FROM system_template WHERE name = %s;" args = (name,) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { "message": 'Removed system template "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode def delete_template_network(name): if list_template_network(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200: retmsg = { 'message': 'The network template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "SELECT id FROM network_template WHERE name = %s;" args = (name,) cur.execute(query, args) template_id = cur.fetchone()['id'] query = "DELETE FROM network WHERE network_template = %s;" args = (template_id,) cur.execute(query, args) query = "DELETE FROM network_template WHERE name = %s;" args = (name,) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { "message": 'Removed network template "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode def delete_template_network_element(name, vni): if list_template_network(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200: retmsg = { 'message': 'The network template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode networks, code = list_template_network_vnis(name) found_vni = False for network in networks: if network['vni'] == int(vni): found_vni = True if not found_vni: retmsg = { 'message': 'The VNI "{}" in network template "{}" does not exist.'.format(vni, name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "SELECT id FROM network_template WHERE name = %s;" args = (name,) cur.execute(query, args) template_id = cur.fetchone()['id'] query = "DELETE FROM network WHERE network_template = %s and vni = %s;" args = (template_id, vni) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { "message": 'Removed network "{}" from network template "{}".'.format(vni, name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode def delete_template_storage(name): if list_template_storage(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200: retmsg = { 'message': 'The storage template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "SELECT id FROM storage_template WHERE name = %s;" args = (name,) cur.execute(query, args) template_id = cur.fetchone()['id'] query = "DELETE FROM storage WHERE storage_template = %s;" args = (template_id,) cur.execute(query, args) query = "DELETE FROM storage_template WHERE name = %s;" args = (name,) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { "message": 'Removed storage template "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode def delete_template_storage_element(name, disk_id): if list_template_storage(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200: retmsg = { 'message': 'The storage template "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode disks, code = list_template_storage_disks(name) found_disk = False for disk in disks: if disk['disk_id'] == disk_id: found_disk = True if not found_disk: retmsg = { 'message': 'The disk "{}" in storage template "{}" does not exist.'.format(disk_id, name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "SELECT id FROM storage_template WHERE name = %s;" args = (name,) cur.execute(query, args) template_id = cur.fetchone()['id'] query = "DELETE FROM storage WHERE storage_template = %s and disk_id = %s;" args = (template_id, disk_id) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { "message": 'Removed disk "{}" from storage template "{}".'.format(disk_id, name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode # # Userdata functions # def list_userdata(limit, is_fuzzy=True): if limit: if is_fuzzy: # Handle fuzzy vs. non-fuzzy limits if not re.match('\^.*', limit): limit = '%' + limit else: limit = limit[1:] if not re.match('.*\$', limit): limit = limit + '%' else: limit = limit[:-1] query = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE name LIKE %s;".format('userdata') args = (limit, ) else: query = "SELECT * FROM {};".format('userdata') args = () conn, cur = open_database(config) cur.execute(query, args) data = cur.fetchall() close_database(conn, cur) if data: return data, 200 else: return { 'message': 'No userdata documents found.' }, 404 def create_userdata(name, userdata): if list_userdata(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 404: retmsg = { 'message': 'The userdata document "{}" already exists.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "INSERT INTO userdata (name, userdata) VALUES (%s, %s);" args = (name, userdata) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { "message": 'Created userdata document "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode def update_userdata(name, userdata): if list_userdata(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200: retmsg = { 'message': 'The userdata "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode data, code = list_userdata(name, is_fuzzy=False) tid = data[0]['id'] conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "UPDATE userdata SET userdata = %s WHERE id = %s;" args = (userdata, tid) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { "message": 'Updated userdata document "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to update entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode def delete_userdata(name): if list_userdata(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200: retmsg = { 'message': 'The userdata "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "DELETE FROM userdata WHERE name = %s;" args = (name,) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { "message": 'Removed userdata document "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode # # Script functions # def list_script(limit, is_fuzzy=True): if limit: if is_fuzzy: # Handle fuzzy vs. non-fuzzy limits if not re.match('\^.*', limit): limit = '%' + limit else: limit = limit[1:] if not re.match('.*\$', limit): limit = limit + '%' else: limit = limit[:-1] query = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE name LIKE %s;".format('script') args = (limit, ) else: query = "SELECT * FROM {};".format('script') args = () conn, cur = open_database(config) cur.execute(query, args) data = cur.fetchall() close_database(conn, cur) if data: return data, 200 else: return { 'message': 'No scripts found.' }, 404 def create_script(name, script): if list_script(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 404: retmsg = { 'message': 'The script "{}" already exists.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "INSERT INTO script (name, script) VALUES (%s, %s);" args = (name, script) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { "message": 'Created provisioning script "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode def update_script(name, script): if list_script(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200: retmsg = { 'message': 'The script "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode data, code = list_script(name, is_fuzzy=False) tid = data[0]['id'] conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "UPDATE script SET script = %s WHERE id = %s;" args = (script, tid) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { "message": 'Updated provisioning script "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to update entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode def delete_script(name): if list_script(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200: retmsg = { 'message': 'The script "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "DELETE FROM script WHERE name = %s;" args = (name,) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { "message": 'Removed provisioning script "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode # # Profile functions # def list_profile(limit, is_fuzzy=True): if limit: if is_fuzzy: # Handle fuzzy vs. non-fuzzy limits if not re.match('\^.*', limit): limit = '%' + limit else: limit = limit[1:] if not re.match('.*\$', limit): limit = limit + '%' else: limit = limit[:-1] query = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE name LIKE %s;".format('profile') args = (limit, ) else: query = "SELECT * FROM {};".format('profile') args = () conn, cur = open_database(config) cur.execute(query, args) orig_data = cur.fetchall() data = list() for profile in orig_data: profile_data = dict() profile_data['id'] = profile['id'] profile_data['name'] = profile['name'] profile_data['type'] = profile['profile_type'] # Parse the name of each subelement for etype in 'system_template', 'network_template', 'storage_template', 'userdata', 'script', 'ova': query = 'SELECT name from {} WHERE id = %s'.format(etype) args = (profile[etype],) cur.execute(query, args) try: name = cur.fetchone()['name'] except Exception as e: name = "N/A" profile_data[etype] = name # Split the arguments back into a list profile_data['arguments'] = profile['arguments'].split('|') # Append the new data to our actual output structure data.append(profile_data) close_database(conn, cur) if data: return data, 200 else: return { 'message': 'No profiles found.' }, 404 def create_profile(name, profile_type, system_template, network_template, storage_template, userdata=None, script=None, ova=None, arguments=None): if list_profile(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 404: retmsg = { 'message': 'The profile "{}" already exists.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode if profile_type not in ['provisioner', 'ova']: retmsg = { 'message': 'A valid profile type (provisioner, ova) must be specified.' } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode system_templates, code = list_template_system(None) system_template_id = None for template in system_templates: if template['name'] == system_template: system_template_id = template['id'] if not system_template_id: retmsg = { 'message': 'The system template "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(system_template, name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode network_templates, code = list_template_network(None) network_template_id = None for template in network_templates: if template['name'] == network_template: network_template_id = template['id'] if not network_template_id and profile_type != 'ova': retmsg = { 'message': 'The network template "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(network_template, name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode storage_templates, code = list_template_storage(None) storage_template_id = None for template in storage_templates: if template['name'] == storage_template: storage_template_id = template['id'] if not storage_template_id and profile_type != 'ova': retmsg = { 'message': 'The storage template "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(storage_template, name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode userdatas, code = list_userdata(None) userdata_id = None for template in userdatas: if template['name'] == userdata: userdata_id = template['id'] scripts, code = list_script(None) script_id = None for scr in scripts: if scr['name'] == script: script_id = scr['id'] ovas, code = list_ova(None) ova_id = None for ov in ovas: if ov['name'] == ova: ova_id = ov['id'] if arguments is not None and isinstance(arguments, list): arguments_formatted = '|'.join(arguments) else: arguments_formatted = '' conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "INSERT INTO profile (name, profile_type, system_template, network_template, storage_template, userdata, script, ova, arguments) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);" args = (name, profile_type, system_template_id, network_template_id, storage_template_id, userdata_id, script_id, ova_id, arguments_formatted) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { "message": 'Created VM profile "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to create entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode def modify_profile(name, profile_type, system_template, network_template, storage_template, userdata, script, ova, arguments=None): if list_profile(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200: retmsg = { 'message': 'The profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode fields = [] if profile_type is not None: if profile_type not in ['provisioner', 'ova']: retmsg = { 'message': 'A valid profile type (provisioner, ova) must be specified.' } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode fields.append({'field': 'type', 'data': profile_type}) if system_template is not None: system_templates, code = list_template_system(None) system_template_id = None for template in system_templates: if template['name'] == system_template: system_template_id = template['id'] if not system_template_id: retmsg = { 'message': 'The system template "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(system_template, name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode fields.append({'field': 'system_template', 'data': system_template_id}) if network_template is not None: network_templates, code = list_template_network(None) network_template_id = None for template in network_templates: if template['name'] == network_template: network_template_id = template['id'] if not network_template_id: retmsg = { 'message': 'The network template "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(network_template, name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode fields.append({'field': 'network_template', 'data': network_template_id}) if storage_template is not None: storage_templates, code = list_template_storage(None) storage_template_id = None for template in storage_templates: if template['name'] == storage_template: storage_template_id = template['id'] if not storage_template_id: retmsg = { 'message': 'The storage template "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(storage_template, name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode fields.append({'field': 'storage_template', 'data': storage_template_id}) if userdata is not None: userdatas, code = list_userdata(None) userdata_id = None for template in userdatas: if template['name'] == userdata: userdata_id = template['id'] if not userdata_id: retmsg = { 'message': 'The userdata template "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(userdata, name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode fields.append({'field': 'userdata', 'data': userdata_id}) if script is not None: scripts, code = list_script(None) script_id = None for scr in scripts: if scr['name'] == script: script_id = scr['id'] if not script_id: retmsg = { 'message': 'The script "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(script, name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode fields.append({'field': 'script', 'data': script_id}) if ova is not None: ovas, code = list_ova(None) ova_id = None for ov in ovas: if ov['name'] == ova: ova_id = ov['id'] if not ova_id: retmsg = { 'message': 'The OVA "{}" for profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(ova, name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode fields.append({'field': 'ova', 'data': ova_id}) if arguments is not None: if isinstance(arguments, list): arguments_formatted = '|'.join(arguments) else: arguments_formatted = '' fields.append({'field': 'arguments', 'data': arguments_formatted}) conn, cur = open_database(config) try: for field in fields: query = "UPDATE profile SET {}=%s WHERE name=%s;".format(field.get('field')) args = (field.get('data'), name) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { "message": 'Modified VM profile "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to modify entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode def delete_profile(name): if list_profile(name, is_fuzzy=False)[-1] != 200: retmsg = { 'message': 'The profile "{}" does not exist.'.format(name) } retcode = 400 return retmsg, retcode conn, cur = open_database(config) try: query = "DELETE FROM profile WHERE name = %s;" args = (name,) cur.execute(query, args) retmsg = { "message": 'Removed VM profile "{}".'.format(name) } retcode = 200 except Exception as e: retmsg = { 'message': 'Failed to delete entry "{}": {}'.format(name, e) } retcode = 400 close_database(conn, cur) return retmsg, retcode # # Main VM provisioning function - executed by the Celery worker # def create_vm(self, vm_name, vm_profile, define_vm=True, start_vm=True): # Runtime imports import time import importlib import uuid import datetime import random time.sleep(2) print("Starting provisioning of VM '{}' with profile '{}'".format(vm_name, vm_profile)) # Phase 0 - connect to databases try: db_conn, db_cur = open_database(config) except: print('FATAL - failed to connect to Postgres') raise Exception try: zk_conn = pvc_common.startZKConnection(config['coordinators']) except: print('FATAL - failed to connect to Zookeeper') raise Exception # Phase 1 - setup # * Get the profile elements # * Get the details from these elements # * Assemble a VM configuration dictionary self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 1, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Collecting configuration'}) time.sleep(1) vm_id = re.findall(r'/(\d+)$/', vm_name) if not vm_id: vm_id = 0 else: vm_id = vm_id[0] vm_data = dict() # Get the profile information query = "SELECT * FROM profile WHERE name = %s" args = (vm_profile,) db_cur.execute(query, args) profile_data = db_cur.fetchone() if profile_data.get('arguments'): vm_data['script_arguments'] = profile_data.get('arguments').split('|') else: vm_data['script_arguments'] = [] if profile_data.get('profile_type') == 'ova': is_ova_install = True is_script_install = False # By definition else: is_ova_install = False # Get the system details query = 'SELECT * FROM system_template WHERE id = %s' args = (profile_data['system_template'],) db_cur.execute(query, args) vm_data['system_details'] = db_cur.fetchone() # Get the MAC template query = 'SELECT mac_template FROM network_template WHERE id = %s' args = (profile_data['network_template'],) db_cur.execute(query, args) db_row = db_cur.fetchone() if db_row: vm_data['mac_template'] = db_row.get('mac_template') else: vm_data['mac_template'] = None # Get the networks query = 'SELECT * FROM network WHERE network_template = %s' args = (profile_data['network_template'],) db_cur.execute(query, args) vm_data['networks'] = db_cur.fetchall() # Get the storage volumes # ORDER BY ensures disks are always in the sdX/vdX order, regardless of add order query = 'SELECT * FROM storage WHERE storage_template = %s ORDER BY disk_id' args = (profile_data['storage_template'],) db_cur.execute(query, args) vm_data['volumes'] = db_cur.fetchall() # Get the script query = 'SELECT script FROM script WHERE id = %s' args = (profile_data['script'],) db_cur.execute(query, args) db_row = db_cur.fetchone() if db_row: vm_data['script'] = db_row.get('script') else: vm_data['script'] = None if vm_data['script'] and not is_ova_install: is_script_install = True else: is_script_install = False # Get the OVA details if is_ova_install: query = 'SELECT * FROM ova WHERE id = %s' args = (profile_data['ova'],) db_cur.execute(query, args) vm_data['ova_details'] = db_cur.fetchone() query = 'SELECT * FROM ova_volume WHERE ova = %s' args = (profile_data['ova'],) db_cur.execute(query, args) vm_data['volumes'] = db_cur.fetchall() close_database(db_conn, db_cur) print("VM configuration data:\n{}".format(json.dumps(vm_data, sort_keys=True, indent=2))) # Phase 2 - verification # * Ensure that at least one node has enough free RAM to hold the VM (becomes main host) # * Ensure that all networks are valid # * Ensure that there is enough disk space in the Ceph cluster for the disks # This is the "safe fail" step when an invalid configuration will be caught self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 2, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Verifying configuration against cluster'}) time.sleep(1) # Verify that a VM with this name does not already exist if pvc_vm.searchClusterByName(zk_conn, vm_name): raise ClusterError("A VM with the name '{}' already exists in the cluster.".format(vm_name)) # Verify that at least one host has enough free RAM to run the VM _discard, nodes = pvc_node.get_list(zk_conn, None) target_node = None last_free = 0 for node in nodes: # Skip the node if it is not ready to run VMs if node ['daemon_state'] != "run" or node['domain_state'] != "ready": continue # Skip the node if its free memory is less than the new VM's size, plus a 512MB buffer if node['memory']['free'] < (vm_data['system_details']['vram_mb'] + 512): continue # If this node has the most free, use it if node['memory']['free'] > last_free: last_free = node['memory']['free'] target_node = node['name'] # Raise if no node was found if not target_node: raise ClusterError("No ready cluster node contains at least {}+512 MB of free RAM.".format(vm_data['system_details']['vram_mb'])) print('Selecting target node "{}" with "{}" MB free RAM'.format(target_node, last_free)) # Verify that all configured networks are present on the cluster cluster_networks, _discard = pvc_network.getClusterNetworkList(zk_conn) for network in vm_data['networks']: vni = str(network['vni']) if not vni in cluster_networks: raise ClusterError('The network VNI "{}" is not present on the cluster.'.format(vni)) print("All configured networks for VM are valid") # Verify that there is enough disk space free to provision all VM disks pools = dict() for volume in vm_data['volumes']: if volume.get('source_volume') is not None: if not volume['pool'] in pools: volume_data, status = pvc_ceph.getVolumeInformation(zk_conn, volume['pool'], volume['source_volume']) pools[volume['pool']] = volume_data['disk_size_gb'] if not status: raise ClusterError('The source volume {}/{} could not be found.'.format(volume['pool'], volume['source_volume'])) else: volume_data, status = pvc_ceph.getVolumeInformation(zk_conn, volume['pool'], volume['source_volume']) pools[volume['pool']] += volume_data['disk_size_gb'] if not status: raise ClusterError('The source volume {}/{} could not be found.'.format(volume['pool'], volume['source_volume'])) else: if not volume['pool'] in pools: pools[volume['pool']] = volume['disk_size_gb'] else: pools[volume['pool']] += volume['disk_size_gb'] for pool in pools: pool_information = pvc_ceph.getPoolInformation(zk_conn, pool) if not pool_information: raise ClusterError('Pool "{}" is not present on the cluster.'.format(pool)) pool_free_space_gb = int(pool_information['stats']['free_bytes'] / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) pool_vm_usage_gb = int(pools[pool]) if pool_vm_usage_gb >= pool_free_space_gb: raise ClusterError('Pool "{}" has only {} GB free and VM requires {} GB.'.format(pool, pool_free_space_gb, pool_vm_usage_gb)) print("There is enough space on cluster to store VM volumes") if not is_ova_install: # Verify that every specified filesystem is valid used_filesystems = list() for volume in vm_data['volumes']: if volume['source_volume'] is not None: continue if volume['filesystem'] and volume['filesystem'] not in used_filesystems: used_filesystems.append(volume['filesystem']) for filesystem in used_filesystems: if filesystem == 'swap': retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("which mkswap") if retcode: raise ProvisioningError("Failed to find binary for mkswap: {}".format(filesystem, stderr)) else: retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("which mkfs.{}".format(filesystem)) if retcode: raise ProvisioningError("Failed to find binary for mkfs.{}: {}".format(filesystem, stderr)) print("All selected filesystems are valid") # Phase 3 - provisioning script preparation # * Import the provisioning script as a library with importlib # * Ensure the required function(s) are present self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 3, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Preparing provisioning script'}) time.sleep(1) if is_script_install: # Write the script out to a temporary file retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("mktemp") if retcode: raise ProvisioningError("Failed to create a temporary file: {}".format(stderr)) script_file = stdout.strip() with open(script_file, 'w') as fh: fh.write(vm_data['script']) fh.write('\n') # Import the script file loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('installer_script', script_file) spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(loader.name, loader) installer_script = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) loader.exec_module(installer_script) # Verify that the install() function is valid if not "install" in dir(installer_script): raise ProvisioningError("Specified script does not contain an install() function.") print("Provisioning script imported successfully") # Phase 4 - configuration creation # * Create the libvirt XML configuration self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 4, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Preparing Libvirt XML configuration'}) time.sleep(1) print("Creating Libvirt configuration") # Get information about VM vm_uuid = uuid.uuid4() vm_description = "PVC provisioner @ {}, profile '{}'".format(datetime.datetime.now(), vm_profile) retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("uname -m") system_architecture = stdout.strip() # Begin assembling libvirt schema vm_schema = "" vm_schema += libvirt_schema.libvirt_header.format( vm_name=vm_name, vm_uuid=vm_uuid, vm_description=vm_description, vm_memory=vm_data['system_details']['vram_mb'], vm_vcpus=vm_data['system_details']['vcpu_count'], vm_architecture=system_architecture ) # Add network devices network_id = 0 for network in vm_data['networks']: vni = network['vni'] eth_bridge = "vmbr{}".format(vni) vm_id_hex = '{:x}'.format(int(vm_id % 16)) net_id_hex = '{:x}'.format(int(network_id % 16)) if vm_data.get('mac_template') is not None: mac_prefix = '52:54:01' macgen_template = vm_data['mac_template'] eth_macaddr = macgen_template.format( prefix=mac_prefix, vmid=vm_id_hex, netid=net_id_hex, ) else: mac_prefix = '52:54:00' random_octet_A = '{:x}'.format(random.randint(16,238)) random_octet_B = '{:x}'.format(random.randint(16,238)) random_octet_C = '{:x}'.format(random.randint(16,238)) macgen_template = '{prefix}:{octetA}:{octetB}:{octetC}' eth_macaddr = macgen_template.format( prefix=mac_prefix, octetA=random_octet_A, octetB=random_octet_B, octetC=random_octet_C ) vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_net_interface.format( eth_macaddr=eth_macaddr, eth_bridge=eth_bridge ) network_id += 1 # Add disk devices monitor_list = list() coordinator_names = config['storage_hosts'] for coordinator in coordinator_names: monitor_list.append("{}.{}".format(coordinator, config['storage_domain'])) ceph_storage_secret = config['ceph_storage_secret_uuid'] for volume in vm_data['volumes']: vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_disk_header.format( ceph_storage_secret=ceph_storage_secret, disk_pool=volume['pool'], vm_name=vm_name, disk_id=volume['disk_id'] ) for monitor in monitor_list: vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_disk_coordinator.format( coordinator_name=monitor, coordinator_ceph_mon_port=config['ceph_monitor_port'] ) vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_disk_footer vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_vhostmd # Add default devices vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_default # Add serial device if vm_data['system_details']['serial']: vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_serial.format( vm_name=vm_name ) # Add VNC device if vm_data['system_details']['vnc']: if vm_data['system_details']['vnc_bind']: vm_vnc_bind = vm_data['system_details']['vnc_bind'] else: vm_vnc_bind = "" vm_vncport = 5900 vm_vnc_autoport = "yes" vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_vnc.format( vm_vncport=vm_vncport, vm_vnc_autoport=vm_vnc_autoport, vm_vnc_bind=vm_vnc_bind ) # Add SCSI controller vm_schema += libvirt_schema.devices_scsi_controller # Add footer vm_schema += libvirt_schema.libvirt_footer print("Final VM schema:\n{}\n".format(vm_schema)) # Phase 5 - definition # * Create the VM in the PVC cluster self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 5, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Defining VM on the cluster'}) time.sleep(1) if define_vm: print("Defining VM on cluster") node_limit = vm_data['system_details']['node_limit'] if node_limit: node_limit = node_limit.split(',') node_selector = vm_data['system_details']['node_selector'] node_autostart = vm_data['system_details']['node_autostart'] retcode, retmsg = pvc_vm.define_vm(zk_conn, vm_schema.strip(), target_node, node_limit, node_selector, node_autostart, vm_profile, initial_state='provision') print(retmsg) else: print("Skipping VM definition") # Phase 6 - disk creation # * Create each Ceph storage volume for the disks self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 6, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Creating storage volumes'}) time.sleep(1) for volume in vm_data['volumes']: if volume.get('source_volume') is not None: success, message = pvc_ceph.clone_volume(zk_conn, volume['pool'], "{}_{}".format(vm_name, volume['disk_id']), volume['source_volume']) print(message) if not success: raise ClusterError('Failed to clone volume "{}" to "{}".'.format(volume['source_volume'], volume['disk_id'])) else: success, message = pvc_ceph.add_volume(zk_conn, volume['pool'], "{}_{}".format(vm_name, volume['disk_id']), "{}G".format(volume['disk_size_gb'])) print(message) if not success: raise ClusterError('Failed to create volume "{}".'.format(volume['disk_id'])) # Phase 7 - disk mapping # * Map each volume to the local host in order # * Format each volume with any specified filesystems # * If any mountpoints are specified, create a temporary mount directory # * Mount any volumes to their respective mountpoints self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 7, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Mapping, formatting, and mounting storage volumes locally'}) time.sleep(1) for volume in vm_data['volumes']: dst_volume_name = "{}_{}".format(vm_name, volume['disk_id']) dst_volume = "{}/{}".format(volume['pool'], dst_volume_name) if is_ova_install: src_volume_name = volume['volume_name'] src_volume = "{}/{}".format(volume['pool'], src_volume_name) # Map the target RBD device retcode, retmsg = pvc_ceph.map_volume(zk_conn, volume['pool'], dst_volume_name) if not retcode: raise ProvisioningError('Failed to map destination volume "{}": {}'.format(dst_volume_name, retmsg)) # Map the source RBD device retcode, retmsg = pvc_ceph.map_volume(zk_conn, volume['pool'], src_volume_name) if not retcode: raise ProvisioningError('Failed to map source volume "{}": {}'.format(src_volume_name, retmsg)) # Convert from source to target retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command( 'qemu-img convert -C -f {} -O raw {} {}'.format( volume['volume_format'], "/dev/rbd/{}".format(src_volume), "/dev/rbd/{}".format(dst_volume) ) ) if retcode: raise ProvisioningError('Failed to convert {} volume "{}" to raw volume "{}": {}'.format(volume['volume_format'], src_volume, dst_volume, stderr)) # Unmap the source RBD device (don't bother later) retcode, retmsg = pvc_ceph.unmap_volume(zk_conn, volume['pool'], src_volume_name) if not retcode: raise ProvisioningError('Failed to unmap source volume "{}": {}'.format(src_volume_name, retmsg)) # Unmap the target RBD device (don't bother later) retcode, retmsg = pvc_ceph.unmap_volume(zk_conn, volume['pool'], dst_volume_name) if not retcode: raise ProvisioningError('Failed to unmap destination volume "{}": {}'.format(dst_volume_name, retmsg)) print('Converted {} source volume {} to raw format on {}'.format(volume['volume_format'], src_volume, dst_volume)) else: if volume.get('source_volume') is not None: continue if volume.get('filesystem') is None: continue filesystem_args_list = list() for arg in volume['filesystem_args'].split(): arg_entry, arg_data = arg.split('=') filesystem_args_list.append(arg_entry) filesystem_args_list.append(arg_data) filesystem_args = ' '.join(filesystem_args_list) # Map the RBD device retcode, retmsg = pvc_ceph.map_volume(zk_conn, volume['pool'], dst_volume_name) if not retcode: raise ProvisioningError('Failed to map volume "{}": {}'.format(dst_volume, retmsg)) # Create the filesystem if volume['filesystem'] == 'swap': retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("mkswap -f /dev/rbd/{}".format(dst_volume)) if retcode: raise ProvisioningError('Failed to create swap on "{}": {}'.format(dst_volume, stderr)) else: retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("mkfs.{} {} /dev/rbd/{}".format(volume['filesystem'], filesystem_args, dst_volume)) if retcode: raise ProvisioningError('Failed to create {} filesystem on "{}": {}'.format(volume['filesystem'], dst_volume, stderr)) print("Created {} filesystem on {}:\n{}".format(volume['filesystem'], dst_volume, stdout)) if is_script_install: # Create temporary directory retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("mktemp -d") if retcode: raise ProvisioningError("Failed to create a temporary directory: {}".format(stderr)) temp_dir = stdout.strip() for volume in vm_data['volumes']: if volume['source_volume'] is not None: continue if not volume['mountpoint'] or volume['mountpoint'] == 'swap': continue mapped_dst_volume = "/dev/rbd/{}/{}_{}".format(volume['pool'], vm_name, volume['disk_id']) mount_path = "{}{}".format(temp_dir, volume['mountpoint']) # Ensure the mount path exists (within the filesystems) retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("mkdir -p {}".format(mount_path)) if retcode: raise ProvisioningError('Failed to create mountpoint "{}": {}'.format(mount_path, stderr)) # Mount filesystems to temporary directory retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("mount {} {}".format(mapped_dst_volume, mount_path)) if retcode: raise ProvisioningError('Failed to mount "{}" on "{}": {}'.format(mapped_dst_volume, mount_path, stderr)) print("Successfully mounted {} on {}".format(mapped_dst_volume, mount_path)) # Phase 8 - provisioning script execution # * Execute the provisioning script main function ("install") passing any custom arguments self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 8, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Executing provisioning script'}) time.sleep(1) if is_script_install: print("Running installer script") # Parse the script arguments script_arguments = dict() for argument in vm_data['script_arguments']: argument_name, argument_data = argument.split('=') script_arguments[argument_name] = argument_data # Run the script try: installer_script.install( vm_name=vm_name, vm_id=vm_id, temporary_directory=temp_dir, disks=vm_data['volumes'], networks=vm_data['networks'], **script_arguments ) except: pass # Phase 9 - install cleanup # * Unmount any mounted volumes # * Remove any temporary directories self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 9, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Cleaning up local mounts and directories'}) time.sleep(1) if not is_ova_install: for volume in list(reversed(vm_data['volumes'])): if volume.get('source_volume') is not None: continue if is_script_install: # Unmount the volume if volume.get('mountpoint') is not None and volume.get('mountpoint') != 'swap': print("Cleaning up mount {}{}".format(temp_dir, volume['mountpoint'])) mount_path = "{}{}".format(temp_dir, volume['mountpoint']) retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("umount {}".format(mount_path)) if retcode: raise ProvisioningError('Failed to unmount "{}": {}'.format(mount_path, stderr)) # Unmap the RBD device if volume['filesystem']: print("Cleaning up RBD mapping /dev/rbd/{}/{}_{}".format(volume['pool'], vm_name, volume['disk_id'])) rbd_volume = "/dev/rbd/{}/{}_{}".format(volume['pool'], vm_name, volume['disk_id']) retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("rbd unmap {}".format(rbd_volume)) if retcode: raise ProvisioningError('Failed to unmap volume "{}": {}'.format(rbd_volume, stderr)) print("Cleaning up temporary directories and files") if is_script_install: # Remove temporary mount directory (don't fail if not removed) retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("rmdir {}".format(temp_dir)) if retcode: print('Failed to delete temporary directory "{}": {}'.format(temp_dir, stderr)) # Remote temporary script (don't fail if not removed) retcode, stdout, stderr = pvc_common.run_os_command("rm -f {}".format(script_file)) if retcode: print('Failed to delete temporary script file "{}": {}'.format(script_file, stderr)) # Phase 10 - startup # * Start the VM in the PVC cluster self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={'current': 10, 'total': 10, 'status': 'Starting VM'}) time.sleep(1) if start_vm: retcode, retmsg = pvc_vm.start_vm(zk_conn, vm_name) print(retmsg) pvc_common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return {'status': 'VM "{}" with profile "{}" has been provisioned and started successfully'.format(vm_name, vm_profile), 'current': 10, 'total': 10}