#!/usr/bin/env python3 import kazoo.client, socket, time, click import pvcf from lxml import objectify zk_host = '' this_host = socket.gethostname() CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help']) # Creates a new domain based on an XML file def define_domain(domxmlfile, target_hypervisor): with open(domxmlfile, 'r') as f_domxmlfile: data = f_domxmlfile.read() f_domxmlfile.close() parsed_xml = objectify.fromstring(data) domuuid = parsed_xml.uuid.text domname = parsed_xml.name.text print('Adding new VM with Name %s and UUID %s to database' % (domname, domuuid)) zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) transaction = zk.transaction() transaction.create('/domains/%s' % domuuid, domname.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/domains/%s/state' % domuuid, 'stop'.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/domains/%s/hypervisor' % domuuid, target_hypervisor.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/domains/%s/formerhypervisor' % domuuid, ''.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/domains/%s/name' % domuuid, data.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/domains/%s/xml' % domuuid, data.encode('ascii')) results = transaction.commit() print(results) pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) def delete_domain(domuuid): zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) # Set the domain into delete mode transaction = zk.transaction() transaction.set_data('/domains/%s/state' % domuuid, 'delete'.encode('ascii')) results = transaction.commit() print(results) # Wait for 3 seconds to allow state to flow to all hypervisors time.sleep(3) # Delete the configurations transaction = zk.transaction() transaction.delete('/domains/%s/state' % domuuid) transaction.delete('/domains/%s/hypervisor' % domuuid) transaction.delete('/domains/%s/formerhypervisor' % domuuid) transaction.delete('/domains/%s/xml' % domuuid) transaction.delete('/domains/%s' % domuuid) results = transaction.commit() print(results) pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) # Start up a domain def start_domain(domuuid): zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) transaction = zk.transaction() transaction.set_data('/domains/%s/state' % domuuid, 'start'.encode('ascii')) results = transaction.commit() print(results) pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) # Shut down a domain def shutdown_domain(domuuid): zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) transaction = zk.transaction() transaction.set_data('/domains/%s/state' % domuuid, 'shutdown'.encode('ascii')) results = transaction.commit() print(results) pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) # Stop a domain def stop_domain(domuuid): zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) transaction = zk.transaction() transaction.set_data('/domains/%s/state' % domuuid, 'stop'.encode('ascii')) results = transaction.commit() print(results) pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) # Migrate VM to target_hypervisor def migrate_domain(domuuid, target_hypervisor): zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) current_hypervisor = zk.get('/domains/%s/hypervisor' % domuuid)[0].decode('ascii') former_hypervisor = zk.get('/domains/%s/formerhypervisor' % domuuid)[0].decode('ascii') if former_hypervisor != '': print('The VM %s has been previously migrated from %s to %s. You must unmigrate it before migrating it again!' % (domuuid, former_hypervisor, current_hypervisor)) pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) return print('Migrating VM with UUID %s from hypervisor %s to hypervisor %s' % (domuuid, current_hypervisor, target_hypervisor)) transaction = zk.transaction() transaction.set_data('/domains/%s/state' % domuuid, 'migrate'.encode('ascii')) transaction.set_data('/domains/%s/hypervisor' % domuuid, target_hypervisor.encode('ascii')) transaction.set_data('/domains/%s/formerhypervisor' % domuuid, current_hypervisor.encode('ascii')) results = transaction.commit() print(results) pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) # Unmigrate VM back from previous hypervisor def unmigrate_domain(domuuid): zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) target_hypervisor = zk.get('/domains/%s/formerhypervisor' % domuuid)[0].decode('ascii') if target_hypervisor == '': print('The VM %s has not been previously migrated and cannot be unmigrated.' % domuuid) pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) return print('Unmigrating VM with UUID %s back to hypervisor %s' % (domuuid, target_hypervisor)) transaction = zk.transaction() transaction.set_data('/domains/%s/state' % domuuid, 'migrate'.encode('ascii')) transaction.set_data('/domains/%s/hypervisor' % domuuid, target_hypervisor.encode('ascii')) transaction.set_data('/domains/%s/formerhypervisor' % domuuid, ''.encode('ascii')) results = transaction.commit() print(results) pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) ######################## ######################## ## ## ## CLICK COMPONENTS ## ## ## ######################## ######################## ############################################################################### # pvc node ############################################################################### @click.group(name='node', short_help='Manage a PVC hypervisor node', context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.option( '-n', '--name', 'node_name', default=this_host, show_default=True, help='The PVC node to operate on.' ) def node(): """ Manage the state of a node in the PVC cluster. Notes: * The '--name' option defaults to the current host if not set, which is likely not what you want when running this command from a remote host! """ pass ############################################################################### # pvc node flush ############################################################################### @click.command(name='flush', short_help='Take a node out of service') def flush_host(): """ Take a node out of active service and migrate away all VMs. """ pass ############################################################################### # pvc node ready ############################################################################### @click.command(name='ready', short_help='Restore node to service') def ready_host(): """ Restore a host to active service and migrate back all VMs. """ pass ############################################################################### # pvc vm ############################################################################### @click.group(name='vm', short_help='Manage a PVC virtual machine', context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) def vm(): """ Manage the state of a virtual machine in the PVC cluster. Notes: * PVC virtual machines are always managed by UUID. To find a name-to-UUID mapping, use the 'search' command. """ pass ############################################################################### # pvc vm define ############################################################################### @click.command(name='define', short_help='Define a new virtual machine from a Libvirt XML file.') @click.option( '-x', '--xml', 'xml_config_file', help='The XML config file to define the domain from.' ) @click.option( '-v', '--hypervisor', 'target_hypervisor', default=this_host, show_default=True, help='The home hypervisor for this domain.' ) def define_vm(xml_config_file, target_hypervisor): """ Define a new virtual machine from a Libvirt XML configuration file. Notes: * The '--hypervisor' option defaults to the current host if not set, which is likely not what you want when running this command from a remote host! """ define_domain(xml_config_file, target_hypervisor) ############################################################################### # pvc vm start ############################################################################### @click.command(name='start', short_help='Start up a defined virtual machine.') @click.option( '-n', '--name', 'dom_name', cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, mutually_exclusive=["dom_uuid"], help='Search for this human-readable name.' ) @click.option( '-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid', cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, mutually_exclusive=["dom_name"], help='Search for this UUID.' ) def start_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid): """ Start up a virtual machine on its configured hypervisor. """ # Ensure at least one search method is set if dom_name == None and dom_uuid == None: click.echo("You must specify either a '--name' or '--uuid' value.") return # Open a Zookeeper connection zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) # If the --name value was passed, get the UUID if dom_name != None: dom_uuid = pvcf.searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name) # Set the VM to start zk.set('/domains/%s/state' % dom_uuid, 'start'.encode('ascii')) # Close the zookeeper connection pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) ############################################################################### # pvc vm shutdown ############################################################################### @click.command(name='shutdown', short_help='Gracefully shut down a running virtual machine.') @click.option( '-n', '--name', 'dom_name', cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, mutually_exclusive=["dom_uuid"], help='Search for this human-readable name.' ) @click.option( '-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid', cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, mutually_exclusive=["dom_name"], help='Search for this UUID.' ) def shutdown_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid): """ Gracefully shut down a running virtual machine. """ # Ensure at least one search method is set if dom_name == None and dom_uuid == None: click.echo("You must specify either a '--name' or '--uuid' value.") return # Open a Zookeeper connection zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) # If the --name value was passed, get the UUID if dom_name != None: dom_uuid = pvcf.searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name) # Set the VM to start zk.set('/domains/%s/state' % dom_uuid, 'shutdown'.encode('ascii')) # Close the zookeeper connection pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) ############################################################################### # pvc vm stop ############################################################################### @click.command(name='stop', short_help='Forcibly halt a running virtual machine.') @click.option( '-n', '--name', 'dom_name', cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, mutually_exclusive=["dom_uuid"], help='Search for this human-readable name.' ) @click.option( '-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid', cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, mutually_exclusive=["dom_name"], help='Search for this UUID.' ) def stop_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid): """ Forcibly halt (destroy) a running virtual machine. """ # Ensure at least one search method is set if dom_name == None and dom_uuid == None: click.echo("You must specify either a '--name' or '--uuid' value.") return # Open a Zookeeper connection zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) # If the --name value was passed, get the UUID if dom_name != None: dom_uuid = pvcf.searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name) # Set the VM to start zk.set('/domains/%s/state' % dom_uuid, 'stop'.encode('ascii')) # Close the zookeeper connection pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) @click.command(name='migrate', short_help='Migrate a virtual machine to another node.') def migrate_vm(): """ Migrate a running virtual machine, via live migration if possible, to another hypervisor node. """ pass @click.command(name='unmigrate', short_help='Restore a migrated virtual machine to its original node.') def unmigrate_vm(): """ Restore a previously migrated virtual machine, via live migration if possible, to its original hypervisor node. """ pass # # Search-level commands # @click.command(name='search', short_help='Search for a VM object') @click.option( '-n', '--name', 'dom_name', cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, mutually_exclusive=["dom_uuid"], help='Search for this human-readable name.' ) @click.option( '-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid', cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, mutually_exclusive=["dom_name"], help='Search for this UUID.' ) @click.option( '-l', '--long', 'long_output', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Display more detailed information.' ) def search(dom_name, dom_uuid, long_output): """ Search the cluster for a virtual machine's information. """ zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) if dom_name != None: dom_uuid = pvcf.searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name) if dom_uuid != None: dom_name = pvcf.searchClusterByUUID(zk, dom_uuid) information = pvcf.getInformationFromXML(zk, dom_uuid, long_output) click.echo(information) pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) #define_domain('/var/home/joshua/debian9.xml') #start_domain('b1dc4e21-544f-47aa-9bb7-8af0bc443b78') #stop_domain('b1dc4e21-544f-47aa-9bb7-8af0bc443b78') #migrate_domain('b1dc4e21-544f-47aa-9bb7-8af0bc443b78', 'test1.i.bonilan.net') #migrate_domain('b1dc4e21-544f-47aa-9bb7-8af0bc443b78', 'test2.i.bonilan.net') #unmigrate_domain('b1dc4e21-544f-47aa-9bb7-8af0bc443b78') @click.command() def help(): print('pvc - Parallel Virtual Cluster command-line utility') @click.group(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) def cli(): """Parallel Virtual Cluster CLI management tool""" pass # # Click command tree # node.add_command(flush_host) node.add_command(ready_host) #node.add_command(get_details) vm.add_command(define_vm) vm.add_command(start_vm) vm.add_command(shutdown_vm) vm.add_command(stop_vm) vm.add_command(migrate_vm) vm.add_command(unmigrate_vm) #vm.add_command(get_details) cli.add_command(node) cli.add_command(vm) cli.add_command(search) # # Main entry point # def main(): return cli(obj={}) if __name__ == '__main__': main()