#!/usr/bin/env python3 # CephInstance.py - Class implementing a PVC node Ceph instance # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### import time import json import psutil import daemon_lib.common as common from distutils.util import strtobool class CephOSDInstance(object): def __init__(self, zkhandler, this_node, osd_id): self.zkhandler = zkhandler self.this_node = this_node self.osd_id = osd_id self.node = None self.size = None self.stats = dict() @self.zkhandler.zk_conn.DataWatch(self.zkhandler.schema.path('osd.node', self.osd_id)) def watch_osd_node(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = '' if data and data != self.node: self.node = data @self.zkhandler.zk_conn.DataWatch(self.zkhandler.schema.path('osd.stats', self.osd_id)) def watch_osd_stats(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = '' if data and data != self.stats: self.stats = json.loads(data) @staticmethod def add_osd(zkhandler, logger, node, device, weight, ext_db_flag=False, ext_db_ratio=0.05): # We are ready to create a new OSD on this node logger.out('Creating new OSD disk on block device {}'.format(device), state='i') try: # 1. Create an OSD; we do this so we know what ID will be gen'd retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd create') if retcode: print('ceph osd create') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise osd_id = stdout.rstrip() # 2. Remove that newly-created OSD retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd rm {}'.format(osd_id)) if retcode: print('ceph osd rm') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise # 3a. Zap the disk to ensure it is ready to go logger.out('Zapping disk {}'.format(device), state='i') retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph-volume lvm zap --destroy {}'.format(device)) if retcode: print('ceph-volume lvm zap') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise dev_flags = "--data {}".format(device) # 3b. Prepare the logical volume if ext_db_flag if ext_db_flag: _, osd_size_bytes, _ = common.run_os_command('blockdev --getsize64 {}'.format(device)) osd_size_bytes = int(osd_size_bytes) result = CephOSDInstance.create_osd_db_lv(zkhandler, logger, osd_id, ext_db_ratio, osd_size_bytes) if not result: raise db_device = "osd-db/osd-{}".format(osd_id) dev_flags += " --block.db {}".format(db_device) else: db_device = "" # 3c. Create the OSD for real logger.out('Preparing LVM for new OSD disk with ID {} on {}'.format(osd_id, device), state='i') retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command( 'ceph-volume lvm prepare --bluestore {devices}'.format( osdid=osd_id, devices=dev_flags ) ) if retcode: print('ceph-volume lvm prepare') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise # 4a. Get OSD FSID logger.out('Getting OSD FSID for ID {} on {}'.format(osd_id, device), state='i') retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command( 'ceph-volume lvm list {device}'.format( osdid=osd_id, device=device ) ) for line in stdout.split('\n'): if 'osd fsid' in line: osd_fsid = line.split()[-1] if not osd_fsid: print('ceph-volume lvm list') print('Could not find OSD fsid in data:') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise # 4b. Activate the OSD logger.out('Activating new OSD disk with ID {}'.format(osd_id, device), state='i') retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command( 'ceph-volume lvm activate --bluestore {osdid} {osdfsid}'.format( osdid=osd_id, osdfsid=osd_fsid ) ) if retcode: print('ceph-volume lvm activate') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise # 5. Add it to the crush map logger.out('Adding new OSD disk with ID {} to CRUSH map'.format(osd_id), state='i') retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command( 'ceph osd crush add osd.{osdid} {weight} root=default host={node}'.format( osdid=osd_id, weight=weight, node=node ) ) if retcode: print('ceph osd crush add') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise time.sleep(0.5) # 6. Verify it started retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command( 'systemctl status ceph-osd@{osdid}'.format( osdid=osd_id ) ) if retcode: print('systemctl status') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise # 7. Add the new OSD to the list logger.out('Adding new OSD disk with ID {} to Zookeeper'.format(osd_id), state='i') zkhandler.write([ (('osd', osd_id), ''), (('osd.node', osd_id), node), (('osd.device', osd_id), device), (('osd.db_device', osd_id), db_device), (('osd.stats', osd_id), '{}'), ]) # Log it logger.out('Created new OSD disk with ID {}'.format(osd_id), state='o') return True except Exception as e: # Log it logger.out('Failed to create new OSD disk: {}'.format(e), state='e') return False @staticmethod def remove_osd(zkhandler, logger, osd_id, osd_obj): logger.out('Removing OSD disk {}'.format(osd_id), state='i') try: # 1. Verify the OSD is present retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd ls') osd_list = stdout.split('\n') if osd_id not in osd_list: logger.out('Could not find OSD {} in the cluster'.format(osd_id), state='e') return True # 1. Set the OSD out so it will flush logger.out('Setting out OSD disk with ID {}'.format(osd_id), state='i') retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd out {}'.format(osd_id)) if retcode: print('ceph osd out') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise # 2. Wait for the OSD to flush logger.out('Flushing OSD disk with ID {}'.format(osd_id), state='i') osd_string = str() while True: try: retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph pg dump osds --format json') dump_string = json.loads(stdout) for osd in dump_string: if str(osd['osd']) == osd_id: osd_string = osd num_pgs = osd_string['num_pgs'] if num_pgs > 0: time.sleep(5) else: raise except Exception: break # 3. Stop the OSD process and wait for it to be terminated logger.out('Stopping OSD disk with ID {}'.format(osd_id), state='i') retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('systemctl stop ceph-osd@{}'.format(osd_id)) if retcode: print('systemctl stop') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise # FIXME: There has to be a better way to do this /shrug while True: is_osd_up = False # Find if there is a process named ceph-osd with arg '--id {id}' for p in psutil.process_iter(attrs=['name', 'cmdline']): if 'ceph-osd' == p.info['name'] and '--id {}'.format(osd_id) in ' '.join(p.info['cmdline']): is_osd_up = True # If there isn't, continue if not is_osd_up: break # 4. Determine the block devices retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('readlink /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-{}/block'.format(osd_id)) vg_name = stdout.split('/')[-2] # e.g. /dev/ceph-/osd-block- retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('vgs --separator , --noheadings -o pv_name {}'.format(vg_name)) pv_block = stdout.strip() # 5. Zap the volumes logger.out('Zapping OSD disk with ID {} on {}'.format(osd_id, pv_block), state='i') retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph-volume lvm zap --destroy {}'.format(pv_block)) if retcode: print('ceph-volume lvm zap') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise # 6. Purge the OSD from Ceph logger.out('Purging OSD disk with ID {}'.format(osd_id), state='i') retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd purge {} --yes-i-really-mean-it'.format(osd_id)) if retcode: print('ceph osd purge') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise # 7. Remove the DB device if zkhandler.exists(('osd.db_device', osd_id)): db_device = zkhandler.read(('osd.db_device', osd_id)) logger.out('Removing OSD DB logical volume "{}"'.format(db_device), state='i') retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('lvremove --yes --force {}'.format(db_device)) # 8. Delete OSD from ZK logger.out('Deleting OSD disk with ID {} from Zookeeper'.format(osd_id), state='i') zkhandler.delete(('osd', osd_id), recursive=True) # Log it logger.out('Removed OSD disk with ID {}'.format(osd_id), state='o') return True except Exception as e: # Log it logger.out('Failed to purge OSD disk with ID {}: {}'.format(osd_id, e), state='e') return False @staticmethod def add_db_vg(zkhandler, logger, device): logger.out('Creating new OSD database volume group on block device {}'.format(device), state='i') try: # 0. Check if an existsing volume group exists retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command( 'vgdisplay osd-db' ) if retcode != 5: logger.out('Ceph OSD database VG "osd-db" already exists', state='e') return False # 1. Create an empty partition table logger.out('Creating empty partiton table on block device {}'.format(device), state='i') retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command( 'echo -e "o\ny\nn\n\n\n\n8e00\nw\ny\n" | sudo gdisk {}'.format(device) ) if retcode: print('gdisk partitioning') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise # 2. Create the PV logger.out('Creating PV on block device {}1'.format(device), state='i') retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command( 'pvcreate --force {}1'.format(device) ) if retcode: print('pv creation') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise # 2. Create the VG (named 'osd-db') logger.out('Creating VG "osd-db" on block device {}1'.format(device), state='i') retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command( 'vgcreate --force osd-db {}1'.format(device) ) if retcode: print('vg creation') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise # Log it logger.out('Created new OSD database volume group on block device {}'.format(device), state='o') return True except Exception as e: # Log it logger.out('Failed to create OSD database volume group: {}'.format(e), state='e') return False @staticmethod def create_osd_db_lv(zkhandler, logger, osd_id, ext_db_ratio, osd_size_bytes): logger.out('Creating new OSD database logical volume for OSD ID {}'.format(osd_id), state='i') try: # 0. Check if an existsing logical volume exists retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command( 'lvdisplay osd-db/osd{}'.format(osd_id) ) if retcode != 5: logger.out('Ceph OSD database LV "osd-db/osd{}" already exists'.format(osd_id), state='e') return False # 1. Determine LV sizing osd_db_size = int(osd_size_bytes * ext_db_ratio / 1024 / 1024) # 2. Create the LV logger.out('Creating DB LV "osd-db/osd-{}" of {}M ({} * {})'.format(osd_id, osd_db_size, osd_size_bytes, ext_db_ratio), state='i') retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command( 'lvcreate --yes --name osd-{} --size {} osd-db'.format(osd_id, osd_db_size) ) if retcode: print('db lv creation') print(stdout) print(stderr) raise # Log it logger.out('Created new OSD database logical volume "osd-db/osd-{}"'.format(osd_id), state='o') return True except Exception as e: # Log it logger.out('Failed to create OSD database logical volume: {}'.format(e), state='e') return False class CephPoolInstance(object): def __init__(self, zkhandler, this_node, name): self.zkhandler = zkhandler self.this_node = this_node self.name = name self.pgs = '' self.stats = dict() @self.zkhandler.zk_conn.DataWatch(self.zkhandler.schema.path('pool.pgs', self.name)) def watch_pool_node(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = '' if data and data != self.pgs: self.pgs = data @self.zkhandler.zk_conn.DataWatch(self.zkhandler.schema.path('pool.stats', self.name)) def watch_pool_stats(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = '' if data and data != self.stats: self.stats = json.loads(data) class CephVolumeInstance(object): def __init__(self, zkhandler, this_node, pool, name): self.zkhandler = zkhandler self.this_node = this_node self.pool = pool self.name = name self.stats = dict() @self.zkhandler.zk_conn.DataWatch(self.zkhandler.schema.path('volume.stats', f'{self.pool}/{self.name}')) def watch_volume_stats(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = '' if data and data != self.stats: self.stats = json.loads(data) class CephSnapshotInstance(object): def __init__(self, zkhandler, this_node, pool, volume, name): self.zkhandler = zkhandler self.this_node = this_node self.pool = pool self.volume = volume self.name = name self.stats = dict() @self.zkhandler.zk_conn.DataWatch(self.zkhandler.schema.path('snapshot.stats', f'{self.pool}/{self.volume}/{self.name}')) def watch_snapshot_stats(data, stat, event=''): if event and event.type == 'DELETED': # The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher # because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py return False try: data = data.decode('ascii') except AttributeError: data = '' if data and data != self.stats: self.stats = json.loads(data) # Primary command function # This command pipe is only used for OSD adds and removes def ceph_command(zkhandler, logger, this_node, data, d_osd): # Get the command and args command, args = data.split() # Adding a new OSD if command == 'osd_add': node, device, weight, ext_db_flag, ext_db_ratio = args.split(',') ext_db_flag = bool(strtobool(ext_db_flag)) ext_db_ratio = float(ext_db_ratio) if node == this_node.name: # Lock the command queue zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock('base.cmd.ceph') with zk_lock: # Add the OSD result = CephOSDInstance.add_osd(zkhandler, logger, node, device, weight, ext_db_flag, ext_db_ratio) # Command succeeded if result: # Update the command queue zkhandler.write([ ('base.cmd.ceph', 'success-{}'.format(data)) ]) # Command failed else: # Update the command queue zkhandler.write([ ('base.cmd.ceph', 'failure-{}'.format(data)) ]) # Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock time.sleep(1) # Removing an OSD elif command == 'osd_remove': osd_id = args # Verify osd_id is in the list if d_osd[osd_id] and d_osd[osd_id].node == this_node.name: # Lock the command queue zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock('base.cmd.ceph') with zk_lock: # Remove the OSD result = CephOSDInstance.remove_osd(zkhandler, logger, osd_id, d_osd[osd_id]) # Command succeeded if result: # Update the command queue zkhandler.write([ ('base.cmd.ceph', 'success-{}'.format(data)) ]) # Command failed else: # Update the command queue zkhandler.write([ ('base.cmd.ceph', 'failure-{}'.format(data)) ]) # Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock time.sleep(1) # Adding a new DB VG elif command == 'db_vg_add': node, device = args.split(',') if node == this_node.name: # Lock the command queue zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock('base.cmd.ceph') with zk_lock: # Add the VG result = CephOSDInstance.add_db_vg(zkhandler, logger, device) # Command succeeded if result: # Update the command queue zkhandler.write([ ('base.cmd.ceph', 'success-{}'.format(data)) ]) # Command failed else: # Update the command queue zkhandler.write([ ('base.cmd.ceph', 'failure={}'.format(data)) ]) # Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock time.sleep(1)