#!/usr/bin/env python3 # network.py - PVC client function library, Network fuctions # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### import os import socket import time import uuid import re import tempfile import subprocess import difflib import colorama import click import lxml.objectify import configparser import kazoo.client import client_lib.ansiiprint as ansiiprint import client_lib.zkhandler as zkhandler import client_lib.common as common # # Cluster search functions # def getClusterNetworkList(zk_conn): # Get a list of VNIs by listing the children of /networks vni_list = zk_conn.get_children('/networks') description_list = [] # For each VNI, get the corresponding description from the data for vni in vni_list: description_list.append(zk_conn.get('/networks/{}'.format(vni))[0].decode('ascii')) return vni_list, description_list def searchClusterByVNI(zk_conn, vni): try: # Get the lists vni_list, description_list = getClusterNetworkList(zk_conn) # We're looking for UUID, so find that element ID index = vni_list.index(vni) # Get the name_list element at that index description = description_list[index] except ValueError: # We didn't find anything return None return description def searchClusterByDescription(zk_conn, description): try: # Get the lists vni_list, description_list = getClusterNetworkList(zk_conn) # We're looking for name, so find that element ID index = description_list.index(description) # Get the uuid_list element at that index vni = vni_list[index] except ValueError: # We didn't find anything return None return vni def getNetworkVNI(zk_conn, network): # Validate and obtain alternate passed value if network.isdigit(): net_description = searchClusterByVNI(zk_conn, network) net_vni = searchClusterByDescription(zk_conn, net_description) else: net_vni = searchClusterByDescription(zk_conn, network) net_description = searchClusterByVNI(zk_conn, net_vni) return net_vni def getNetworkDescription(zk_conn, network): # Validate and obtain alternate passed value if network.isdigit(): net_description = searchClusterByVNI(zk_conn, network) net_vni = searchClusterByDescription(zk_conn, net_description) else: net_vni = searchClusterByDescription(zk_conn, network) net_description = searchClusterByVNI(zk_conn, net_vni) return net_description def getNetworkDHCPReservations(zk_conn, vni): n_dhcp_reservations = zk_conn.get_children('/networks/{}/dhcp_reservations'.format(vni)) return None def getNetworkFirewallRules(zk_conn, vni): n_firewall_rules = zk_conn.get_children('/networks/{}/firewall_rules'.format(vni)) return None def getNetworkInformation(zk_conn, vni): # Obtain basic information description = zk_conn.get('/networks/{}'.format(vni))[0].decode('ascii') ip_network = zk_conn.get('/networks/{}/ip_network'.format(vni))[0].decode('ascii') ip_gateway = zk_conn.get('/networks/{}/ip_gateway'.format(vni))[0].decode('ascii') dhcp_flag = zk_conn.get('/networks/{}/dhcp_flag'.format(vni))[0].decode('ascii') # Add a human-friendly space return description, ip_network, ip_gateway, dhcp_flag def formatNetworkInformation(zk_conn, vni, long_output): description, ip_network, ip_gateway, dhcp_flag = getNetworkInformation(zk_conn, vni) # Format a nice output: do this line-by-line then concat the elements at the end ainformation = [] ainformation.append('{}Virtual network information:{}'.format(ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end())) ainformation.append('') # Basic information ainformation.append('{}VNI:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), vni)) ainformation.append('{}Description:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), description)) ainformation.append('{}IP network:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), ip_network)) ainformation.append('{}IP gateway:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), ip_gateway)) ainformation.append('{}DHCP enabled:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dhcp_flag)) if long_output: dhcp_reservations = getNetworkDHCPReservations(zk_conn, vni) if dhcp_reservations: ainformation.append('') ainformation.append('{}Client DHCP reservations:{}'.format(ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end())) ainformation.append('') firewall_rules = getNetworkFirewallRules(zk_conn, vni) if firewall_rules: ainformation.append('') ainformation.append('{}Network firewall rules:{}'.format(ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end())) ainformation.append('') # Join it all together information = '\n'.join(ainformation) return information # # Direct functions # def add_network(zk_conn, vni, description, ip_network, ip_gateway, dhcp_flag): if description == '': description = vni # Check if a network with this VNI already exists if zk_conn.exists('/networks/{}'.format(vni)): return False, 'ERROR: A network with VNI {} already exists!'.format(vni) # Add the new network to Zookeeper transaction = zk_conn.transaction() transaction.create('/networks/{}'.format(vni), description.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/networks/{}/ip_network'.format(vni), ip_network.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/networks/{}/ip_gateway'.format(vni), ip_gateway.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/networks/{}/dhcp_flag'.format(vni), str(dhcp_flag).encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/networks/{}/dhcp_reservations'.format(vni), ''.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/networks/{}/firewall_rules'.format(vni), ''.encode('ascii')) results = transaction.commit() return True, 'Network "{}" added successfully!'.format(description) def modify_network(zk_conn, vni, **parameters): # Add the new network to Zookeeper transaction = zk_conn.transaction() if parameters['description'] != None: transaction.set_data('/networks/{}'.format(vni), parameters['description'].encode('ascii')) if parameters['ip_network'] != None: transaction.set_data('/networks/{}/ip_network'.format(vni), parameters['ip_network'].encode('ascii')) if parameters['ip_gateway'] != None: transaction.set_data('/networks/{}/ip_gateway'.format(vni), parameters['ip_gateway'].encode('ascii')) if parameters['dhcp_flag'] != None: transaction.set_data('/networks/{}/dhcp_flag'.format(vni), str(parameters['dhcp_flag']).encode('ascii')) results = transaction.commit() return True, 'Network "{}" modified successfully!'.format(vni) def remove_network(zk_conn, network): # Validate and obtain alternate passed value vni = getNetworkVNI(zk_conn, network) description = getNetworkDescription(zk_conn, network) if not vni: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find network "{}" in the cluster!'.format(network) # Delete the configuration try: zk_conn.delete('/networks/{}'.format(vni), recursive=True) except: pass return True, 'Network "{}" removed successfully!'.format(description) def get_info(zk_conn, network, long_output): # Validate and obtain alternate passed value net_vni = getNetworkVNI(zk_conn, network) if net_vni == None: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find network "{}" in the cluster!'.format(network) information = formatNetworkInformation(zk_conn, net_vni, long_output) click.echo(information) click.echo('') return True, '' def get_list(zk_conn, limit): net_list = [] full_net_list = zk_conn.get_children('/networks') for net in full_net_list: description = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/networks/{}'.format(net)) if limit != None: try: # Implcitly assume fuzzy limits if re.match('\^.*', limit) == None: limit = '.*' + limit if re.match('.*\$', limit) == None: limit = limit + '.*' if re.match(limit, net) != None: net_list.append(net) if re.match(limit, description) != None: net_list.append(net) except Exception as e: return False, 'Regex Error: {}'.format(e) else: net_list.append(net) print(net_list) net_list_output = [] description = {} ip_network = {} ip_gateway = {} dhcp_flag = {} # Gather information for printing for net in net_list: # get info description[net], ip_network[net], ip_gateway[net], dhcp_flag[net] = getNetworkInformation(zk_conn, net) # Determine optimal column widths # Dynamic columns: node_name, hypervisor, migrated net_vni_length = 5 net_description_length = 13 net_ip_network_length = 12 net_ip_gateway_length = 9 for net in net_list: # vni column _net_vni_length = len(net) + 1 if _net_vni_length > net_vni_length: net_vni_length = _net_vni_length # description column _net_description_length = len(description[net]) + 1 if _net_description_length > net_description_length: net_description_length = _net_description_length # ip_network column _net_ip_network_length = len(ip_network[net]) + 1 if _net_ip_network_length > net_ip_network_length: net_ip_network_length = _net_ip_network_length # ip_gateway column _net_ip_gateway_length = len(ip_gateway[net]) + 1 if _net_ip_gateway_length > net_ip_gateway_length: net_ip_gateway_length = _net_ip_gateway_length # Format the string (header) net_list_output_header = '{bold}\ {net_vni: <{net_vni_length}} \ {net_description: <{net_description_length}} \ {net_ip_network: <{net_ip_network_length}} \ {net_ip_gateway: <{net_ip_gateway_length}} \ {net_dhcp_flag: <8}\ {end_bold}'.format( bold=ansiiprint.bold(), end_bold=ansiiprint.end(), net_vni_length=net_vni_length, net_description_length=net_description_length, net_ip_network_length=net_ip_network_length, net_ip_gateway_length=net_ip_gateway_length, net_vni='VNI', net_description='Description', net_ip_network='Network', net_ip_gateway='Gateway', net_dhcp_flag='DHCP' ) for net in net_list: net_list_output.append( '{bold}\ {net_vni: <{net_vni_length}} \ {net_description: <{net_description_length}} \ {net_ip_network: <{net_ip_network_length}} \ {net_ip_gateway: <{net_ip_gateway_length}} \ {net_dhcp_flag: <8}\ {end_bold}'.format( bold='', end_bold='', net_vni_length=net_vni_length, net_description_length=net_description_length, net_ip_network_length=net_ip_network_length, net_ip_gateway_length=net_ip_gateway_length, net_vni=net, net_description=description[net], net_ip_network=ip_network[net], net_ip_gateway=ip_gateway[net], net_dhcp_flag=dhcp_flag[net] ) ) click.echo(net_list_output_header) click.echo('\n'.join(sorted(net_list_output))) return True, ''