#!/usr/bin/env python3 # common.py - PVC client function library, common fuctions # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### import uuid import lxml import math import kazoo.client import client_lib.zkhandler as zkhandler ############################################################################### # Supplemental functions ############################################################################### # # Validate a UUID # def validateUUID(dom_uuid): try: uuid.UUID(dom_uuid) return True except: return False # # Connect and disconnect from Zookeeper # def startZKConnection(zk_host): zk_conn = kazoo.client.KazooClient(hosts=zk_host) zk_conn.start() return zk_conn def stopZKConnection(zk_conn): zk_conn.stop() zk_conn.close() return 0 # # Parse a Domain XML object # def getDomainXML(zk_conn, dom_uuid): try: xml = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/xml'.format(dom_uuid)) except: return None # Parse XML using lxml.objectify parsed_xml = lxml.objectify.fromstring(xml) return parsed_xml # # Get the main details for a VM object from XML # def getDomainMainDetails(parsed_xml): # Get the information we want from it duuid = str(parsed_xml.uuid) try: ddescription = str(parsed_xml.description) except AttributeError: ddescription = "N/A" dname = str(parsed_xml.name) dmemory = str(parsed_xml.memory) dmemory_unit = str(parsed_xml.memory.attrib['unit']) if dmemory_unit == 'KiB': dmemory = int(int(dmemory) / 1024) elif dmemory_unit == 'GiB': dmemory = int(int(dmemory) * 1024) dvcpu = str(parsed_xml.vcpu) try: dvcputopo = '{}/{}/{}'.format(parsed_xml.cpu.topology.attrib['sockets'], parsed_xml.cpu.topology.attrib['cores'], parsed_xml.cpu.topology.attrib['threads']) except: dvcputopo = 'N/A' return duuid, dname, ddescription, dmemory, dvcpu, dvcputopo # # Get long-format details # def getDomainExtraDetails(parsed_xml): dtype = str(parsed_xml.os.type) darch = str(parsed_xml.os.type.attrib['arch']) dmachine = str(parsed_xml.os.type.attrib['machine']) dconsole = str(parsed_xml.devices.console.attrib['type']) demulator = str(parsed_xml.devices.emulator) return dtype, darch, dmachine, dconsole, demulator # # Get CPU features # def getDomainCPUFeatures(parsed_xml): dfeatures = [] for feature in parsed_xml.features.getchildren(): dfeatures.append(feature.tag) return dfeatures # # Get disk devices # def getDomainDisks(parsed_xml): ddisks = [] for device in parsed_xml.devices.getchildren(): if device.tag == 'disk': disk_attrib = device.source.attrib disk_target = device.target.attrib disk_type = device.attrib['type'] if disk_type == 'network': disk_obj = { 'type': disk_attrib.get('protocol'), 'name': disk_attrib.get('name'), 'dev': disk_target.get('dev'), 'bus': disk_target.get('bus') } elif disk_type == 'file': disk_obj = { 'type': 'file', 'name': disk_attrib.get('file'), 'dev': disk_target.get('dev'), 'bus': disk_target.get('bus') } else: disk_obj = {} ddisks.append(disk_obj) return ddisks # # Get a list of disk devices # def getDomainDiskList(zk_conn, dom_uuid): domain_information = getInformationFromXML(zk_conn, dom_uuid) disk_list = [] for disk in domain_information['disks']: disk_list.append(disk['name']) return disk_list # # Get domain information from XML # def getInformationFromXML(zk_conn, uuid): """ Gather information about a VM from the Libvirt XML configuration in the Zookeper database and return a dict() containing it. """ domain_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(uuid)) domain_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node'.format(uuid)) domain_lastnode = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(uuid)) domain_failedreason = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/failedreason'.format(uuid)) parsed_xml = getDomainXML(zk_conn, uuid) domain_uuid, domain_name, domain_description, domain_memory, domain_vcpu, domain_vcputopo = getDomainMainDetails(parsed_xml) domain_networks = getDomainNetworks(parsed_xml) domain_type, domain_arch, domain_machine, domain_console, domain_emulator = getDomainExtraDetails(parsed_xml) domain_features = getDomainCPUFeatures(parsed_xml) domain_disks = getDomainDisks(parsed_xml) domain_controllers = getDomainControllers(parsed_xml) if domain_lastnode: domain_migrated = 'from {}'.format(domain_lastnode) else: domain_migrated = 'no' domain_information = { 'name': domain_name, 'uuid': domain_uuid, 'state': domain_state, 'node': domain_node, 'last_node': domain_lastnode, 'migrated': domain_migrated, 'failed_reason': domain_failedreason, 'description': domain_description, 'memory': domain_memory, 'vcpu': domain_vcpu, 'vcpu_topology': domain_vcputopo, 'networks': domain_networks, 'type': domain_type, 'arch': domain_arch, 'machine': domain_machine, 'console': domain_console, 'emulator': domain_emulator, 'features': domain_features, 'disks': domain_disks, 'controllers': domain_controllers } return domain_information # # Get network devices # def getDomainNetworks(parsed_xml): dnets = [] for device in parsed_xml.devices.getchildren(): if device.tag == 'interface': net_type = device.attrib['type'] net_mac = device.mac.attrib['address'] net_bridge = device.source.attrib[net_type] net_model = device.model.attrib['type'] net_obj = { 'type': net_type, 'mac': net_mac, 'source': net_bridge, 'model': net_model } dnets.append(net_obj) return dnets # # Get controller devices # def getDomainControllers(parsed_xml): dcontrollers = [] for device in parsed_xml.devices.getchildren(): if device.tag == 'controller': controller_type = device.attrib['type'] try: controller_model = device.attrib['model'] except KeyError: controller_model = 'none' controller_obj = { 'type': controller_type, 'model': controller_model } dcontrollers.append(controller_obj) return dcontrollers # # Verify node is valid in cluster # def verifyNode(zk_conn, node): if zkhandler.exists(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}'.format(node)): return True else: return False # # Get the primary coordinator node # def getPrimaryNode(zk_conn): failcount = 0 while True: try: primary_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/primary_node') except: primary_node == 'none' if primary_node == 'none': raise time.sleep(1) failcount += 1 continue else: break if failcount > 2: return None return primary_node # # Get the list of valid target nodes # def getNodes(zk_conn, dom_uuid): valid_node_list = [] full_node_list = zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/nodes') try: current_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid)) except: current_node = None for node in full_node_list: daemon_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(node)) domain_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/domainstate'.format(node)) if node == current_node: continue if daemon_state != 'run' or domain_state != 'ready': continue valid_node_list.append(node) if not valid_node_list: # We found no valid nodes; possibly they're all flushed or all down. Return the entire list instead. valid_node_list = full_node_list return valid_node_list # # Find a migration target # def findTargetNode(zk_conn, search_field, dom_uuid): if search_field == 'mem': return findTargetNodeMem(zk_conn, dom_uuid) if search_field == 'load': return findTargetNodeLoad(zk_conn, dom_uuid) if search_field == 'vcpus': return findTargetNodeVCPUs(zk_conn, dom_uuid) if search_field == 'vms': return findTargetNodeVMs(zk_conn, dom_uuid) return None # via allocated memory def findTargetNodeMem(zk_conn, dom_uuid): least_alloc = math.inf target_node = None node_list = getNodes(zk_conn, dom_uuid) for node in node_list: alloc = float(zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/memalloc'.format(node))) if alloc < least_alloc: least_alloc = alloc target_node = node return target_node # via load average def findTargetNodeLoad(zk_conn, dom_uuid): least_load = math.inf target_node = None node_list = getNodes(zk_conn, dom_uuid) for node in node_list: load = float(zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/cpuload'.format(node))) if load < least_load: least_load = load target_node = node return target_node # via total vCPUs def findTargetNodeVCPUs(zk_conn, dom_uuid): least_vcpus = math.inf target_node = None node_list = getNodes(zk_conn, dom_uuid) for node in node_list: vcpus = float(zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/vcpualloc'.format(node))) if vcpus < least_vcpus: least_vcpus = vcpus target_node = node return target_node # via total VMs def findTargetNodeVMs(zk_conn, dom_uuid): least_vms = math.inf target_node = None node_list = getNodes(zk_conn, dom_uuid) for node in node_list: vms = float(zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/domainscount'.format(node))) if vms < least_vms: least_vms = vms target_node = node return target_node # Connect to the primary host and run a command def runRemoteCommand(node, command, become=False): import paramiko import hashlib import dns.resolver import dns.flags # Support doing SSHFP checks class DnssecPolicy(paramiko.client.MissingHostKeyPolicy): def missing_host_key(self, client, hostname, key): sshfp_expect = hashlib.sha1(key.asbytes()).hexdigest() ans = dns.resolver.query(hostname, 'SSHFP') if not ans.response.flags & dns.flags.DO: raise AssertionError('Answer is not DNSSEC signed') for answer in ans.response.answer: for item in answer.items: if sshfp_expect in item.to_text(): client._log(paramiko.common.DEBUG, 'Found {} in SSHFP for host {}'.format(key.get_name(), hostname)) return raise AssertionError('SSHFP not published in DNS') if become: command = 'sudo ' + command ssh_client = paramiko.client.SSHClient() ssh_client.load_system_host_keys() ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(DnssecPolicy()) #ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh_client.connect(node) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(command) return stdout.read().decode('ascii').rstrip(), stderr.read().decode('ascii').rstrip()