#!/usr/bin/env python3 # vm.py - PVC client function library, VM fuctions # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### import time import re import lxml.objectify import lxml.etree from distutils.util import strtobool from uuid import UUID from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import daemon_lib.common as common import daemon_lib.ceph as ceph from daemon_lib.network import set_sriov_vf_vm, unset_sriov_vf_vm # # Cluster search functions # def getClusterDomainList(zkhandler): # Get a list of UUIDs by listing the children of /domains uuid_list = zkhandler.children('base.domain') name_list = [] # For each UUID, get the corresponding name from the data for uuid in uuid_list: name_list.append(zkhandler.read(('domain', uuid))) return uuid_list, name_list def searchClusterByUUID(zkhandler, uuid): try: # Get the lists uuid_list, name_list = getClusterDomainList(zkhandler) # We're looking for UUID, so find that element ID index = uuid_list.index(uuid) # Get the name_list element at that index name = name_list[index] except ValueError: # We didn't find anything return None return name def searchClusterByName(zkhandler, name): try: # Get the lists uuid_list, name_list = getClusterDomainList(zkhandler) # We're looking for name, so find that element ID index = name_list.index(name) # Get the uuid_list element at that index uuid = uuid_list[index] except ValueError: # We didn't find anything return None return uuid def getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain): # Validate that VM exists in cluster if common.validateUUID(domain): dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zkhandler, domain) dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zkhandler, dom_name) else: dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zkhandler, domain) dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zkhandler, dom_uuid) return dom_uuid def getDomainName(zkhandler, domain): # Validate that VM exists in cluster if common.validateUUID(domain): dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zkhandler, domain) dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zkhandler, dom_name) else: dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zkhandler, domain) dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zkhandler, dom_uuid) return dom_name # # Helper functions # def change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, new_state): lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) with lock: zkhandler.write([ (('domain.state', dom_uuid), new_state) ]) # Wait for 1/2 second to allow state to flow to all nodes time.sleep(0.5) # # Direct functions # def is_migrated(zkhandler, domain): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) last_node = zkhandler.read(('domain.last_node', dom_uuid)) if last_node: return True else: return False def flush_locks(zkhandler, domain): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Verify that the VM is in a stopped state; freeing locks is not safe otherwise state = zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) if state != 'stop': return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is not in stopped state; flushing RBD locks on a running VM is dangerous.'.format(domain) # Tell the cluster to create a new OSD for the host flush_locks_string = 'flush_locks {}'.format(dom_uuid) zkhandler.write([ ('base.cmd.domain', flush_locks_string) ]) # Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working time.sleep(0.5) # Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively lock = zkhandler.readlock('base.cmd.domain') with lock: try: result = zkhandler.read('base.cmd.domain').split()[0] if result == 'success-flush_locks': message = 'Flushed locks on VM "{}"'.format(domain) success = True else: message = 'ERROR: Failed to flush locks on VM "{}"; check node logs for details.'.format(domain) success = False except Exception: message = 'ERROR: Command ignored by node.' success = False # Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly lock = zkhandler.writelock('base.cmd.domain') with lock: time.sleep(0.5) zkhandler.write([ ('base.cmd.domain', '') ]) return success, message def define_vm(zkhandler, config_data, target_node, node_limit, node_selector, node_autostart, migration_method=None, profile=None, tags=[], initial_state='stop'): # Parse the XML data try: parsed_xml = lxml.objectify.fromstring(config_data) except Exception: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to parse XML data.' dom_uuid = parsed_xml.uuid.text dom_name = parsed_xml.name.text # Ensure that the UUID and name are unique if searchClusterByUUID(zkhandler, dom_uuid) or searchClusterByName(zkhandler, dom_name): return False, 'ERROR: Specified VM "{}" or UUID "{}" matches an existing VM on the cluster'.format(dom_name, dom_uuid) if not target_node: target_node = common.findTargetNode(zkhandler, dom_uuid) else: # Verify node is valid valid_node = common.verifyNode(zkhandler, target_node) if not valid_node: return False, 'ERROR: Specified node "{}" is invalid.'.format(target_node) # Validate the new RAM against the current active node node_total_memory = int(zkhandler.read(('node.memory.total', target_node))) if int(parsed_xml.memory.text) >= node_total_memory: return False, 'ERROR: VM configuration specifies more memory ({} MiB) than node "{}" has available ({} MiB).'.format(parsed_xml.memory.text, target_node, node_total_memory) # Validate the number of vCPUs against the current active node node_total_cpus = int(zkhandler.read(('node.data.static', target_node)).split()[0]) if (node_total_cpus - 2) <= int(parsed_xml.vcpu.text): return False, 'ERROR: VM configuration specifies more vCPUs ({}) than node "{}" has available ({} minus 2).'.format(parsed_xml.vcpu.text, target_node, node_total_cpus) # If a SR-IOV network device is being added, set its used state dnetworks = common.getDomainNetworks(parsed_xml, {}) for network in dnetworks: if network['type'] in ['direct', 'hostdev']: dom_node = zkhandler.read(('domain.node', dom_uuid)) # Check if the network is already in use is_used = zkhandler.read(('node.sriov.vf', dom_node, 'sriov_vf.used', network['source'])) if is_used == 'True': used_by_name = searchClusterByUUID(zkhandler, zkhandler.read(('node.sriov.vf', dom_node, 'sriov_vf.used_by', network['source']))) return False, 'ERROR: Attempted to use SR-IOV network "{}" which is already used by VM "{}" on node "{}".'.format(network['source'], used_by_name, dom_node) # We must update the "used" section set_sriov_vf_vm(zkhandler, dom_uuid, dom_node, network['source'], network['mac'], network['type']) # Obtain the RBD disk list using the common functions ddisks = common.getDomainDisks(parsed_xml, {}) rbd_list = [] for disk in ddisks: if disk['type'] == 'rbd': rbd_list.append(disk['name']) # Join the limit if isinstance(node_limit, list) and node_limit: formatted_node_limit = ','.join(node_limit) else: formatted_node_limit = '' # Join the RBD list if isinstance(rbd_list, list) and rbd_list: formatted_rbd_list = ','.join(rbd_list) else: formatted_rbd_list = '' # Add the new domain to Zookeeper zkhandler.write([ (('domain', dom_uuid), dom_name), (('domain.xml', dom_uuid), config_data), (('domain.state', dom_uuid), initial_state), (('domain.profile', dom_uuid), profile), (('domain.stats', dom_uuid), ''), (('domain.node', dom_uuid), target_node), (('domain.last_node', dom_uuid), ''), (('domain.failed_reason', dom_uuid), ''), (('domain.storage.volumes', dom_uuid), formatted_rbd_list), (('domain.console.log', dom_uuid), ''), (('domain.console.vnc', dom_uuid), ''), (('domain.meta.autostart', dom_uuid), node_autostart), (('domain.meta.migrate_method', dom_uuid), migration_method), (('domain.meta.node_limit', dom_uuid), formatted_node_limit), (('domain.meta.node_selector', dom_uuid), node_selector), (('domain.meta.tags', dom_uuid), ''), (('domain.migrate.sync_lock', dom_uuid), ''), ]) for tag in tags: tag_name = tag['name'] zkhandler.write([ (('domain.meta.tags', dom_uuid, 'tag.name', tag_name), tag['name']), (('domain.meta.tags', dom_uuid, 'tag.type', tag_name), tag['type']), (('domain.meta.tags', dom_uuid, 'tag.protected', tag_name), tag['protected']), ]) return True, 'Added new VM with Name "{}" and UUID "{}" to database.'.format(dom_name, dom_uuid) def attach_vm_device(zkhandler, domain, device_spec_xml): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Verify that the VM is in a stopped state; freeing locks is not safe otherwise state = zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) if state != 'start': return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is not in started state; live-add unneccessary.'.format(domain) # Tell the cluster to attach the device attach_device_string = 'attach_device {} {}'.format(dom_uuid, device_spec_xml) zkhandler.write([ ('base.cmd.domain', attach_device_string) ]) # Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working time.sleep(0.5) # Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively lock = zkhandler.readlock('base.cmd.domain') with lock: try: result = zkhandler.read('base.cmd.domain').split()[0] if result == 'success-attach_device': message = 'Attached device on VM "{}"'.format(domain) success = True else: message = 'ERROR: Failed to attach device on VM "{}"; check node logs for details.'.format(domain) success = False except Exception: message = 'ERROR: Command ignored by node.' success = False # Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly lock = zkhandler.writelock('base.cmd.domain') with lock: time.sleep(0.5) zkhandler.write([ ('base.cmd.domain', '') ]) return success, message def detach_vm_device(zkhandler, domain, device_spec_xml): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Verify that the VM is in a stopped state; freeing locks is not safe otherwise state = zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) if state != 'start': return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is not in started state; live-add unneccessary.'.format(domain) # Tell the cluster to detach the device detach_device_string = 'detach_device {} {}'.format(dom_uuid, device_spec_xml) zkhandler.write([ ('base.cmd.domain', detach_device_string) ]) # Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working time.sleep(0.5) # Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively lock = zkhandler.readlock('base.cmd.domain') with lock: try: result = zkhandler.read('base.cmd.domain').split()[0] if result == 'success-detach_device': message = 'Attached device on VM "{}"'.format(domain) success = True else: message = 'ERROR: Failed to detach device on VM "{}"; check node logs for details.'.format(domain) success = False except Exception: message = 'ERROR: Command ignored by node.' success = False # Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly lock = zkhandler.writelock('base.cmd.domain') with lock: time.sleep(0.5) zkhandler.write([ ('base.cmd.domain', '') ]) return success, message def modify_vm_metadata(zkhandler, domain, node_limit, node_selector, node_autostart, provisioner_profile, migration_method): dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) update_list = list() if node_limit is not None: update_list.append((('domain.meta.node_limit', dom_uuid), node_limit)) if node_selector is not None: update_list.append((('domain.meta.node_selector', dom_uuid), node_selector)) if node_autostart is not None: update_list.append((('domain.meta.autostart', dom_uuid), node_autostart)) if provisioner_profile is not None: update_list.append((('domain.profile', dom_uuid), provisioner_profile)) if migration_method is not None: update_list.append((('domain.meta.migrate_method', dom_uuid), migration_method)) if len(update_list) < 1: return False, 'ERROR: No updates to apply.' zkhandler.write(update_list) return True, 'Successfully modified PVC metadata of VM "{}".'.format(domain) def modify_vm_tag(zkhandler, domain, action, tag, protected=False): dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) if action == 'add': zkhandler.write([ (('domain.meta.tags', dom_uuid, 'tag.name', tag), tag), (('domain.meta.tags', dom_uuid, 'tag.type', tag), 'user'), (('domain.meta.tags', dom_uuid, 'tag.protected', tag), protected), ]) return True, 'Successfully added tag "{}" to VM "{}".'.format(tag, domain) elif action == 'remove': if not zkhandler.exists(('domain.meta.tags', dom_uuid, 'tag', tag)): return False, 'The tag "{}" does not exist.'.format(tag) if zkhandler.read(('domain.meta.tags', dom_uuid, 'tag.type', tag)) != 'user': return False, 'The tag "{}" is not a user tag and cannot be removed.'.format(tag) if bool(strtobool(zkhandler.read(('domain.meta.tags', dom_uuid, 'tag.protected', tag)))): return False, 'The tag "{}" is protected and cannot be removed.'.format(tag) zkhandler.delete([ (('domain.meta.tags', dom_uuid, 'tag', tag)) ]) return True, 'Successfully removed tag "{}" from VM "{}".'.format(tag, domain) else: return False, 'Specified tag action is not available.' def modify_vm(zkhandler, domain, restart, new_vm_config): dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) dom_name = getDomainName(zkhandler, domain) # Parse and valiate the XML try: parsed_xml = lxml.objectify.fromstring(new_vm_config) except Exception: return False, 'ERROR: Failed to parse new XML data.' # Get our old network list for comparison purposes old_vm_config = zkhandler.read(('domain.xml', dom_uuid)) old_parsed_xml = lxml.objectify.fromstring(old_vm_config) old_dnetworks = common.getDomainNetworks(old_parsed_xml, {}) # Validate the new RAM against the current active node node_name = zkhandler.read(('domain.node', dom_uuid)) node_total_memory = int(zkhandler.read(('node.memory.total', node_name))) if int(parsed_xml.memory.text) >= node_total_memory: return False, 'ERROR: Updated VM configuration specifies more memory ({} MiB) than node "{}" has available ({} MiB).'.format(parsed_xml.memory.text, node_name, node_total_memory) # Validate the number of vCPUs against the current active node node_total_cpus = int(zkhandler.read(('node.data.static', node_name)).split()[0]) if (node_total_cpus - 2) <= int(parsed_xml.vcpu.text): return False, 'ERROR: Updated VM configuration specifies more vCPUs ({}) than node "{}" has available ({} minus 2).'.format(parsed_xml.vcpu.text, node_name, node_total_cpus) # If a SR-IOV network device is being added, set its used state dnetworks = common.getDomainNetworks(parsed_xml, {}) for network in dnetworks: # Ignore networks that are already there if network['source'] in [net['source'] for net in old_dnetworks]: continue if network['type'] in ['direct', 'hostdev']: dom_node = zkhandler.read(('domain.node', dom_uuid)) # Check if the network is already in use is_used = zkhandler.read(('node.sriov.vf', dom_node, 'sriov_vf.used', network['source'])) if is_used == 'True': used_by_name = searchClusterByUUID(zkhandler, zkhandler.read(('node.sriov.vf', dom_node, 'sriov_vf.used_by', network['source']))) return False, 'ERROR: Attempted to use SR-IOV network "{}" which is already used by VM "{}" on node "{}".'.format(network['source'], used_by_name, dom_node) # We must update the "used" section set_sriov_vf_vm(zkhandler, dom_uuid, dom_node, network['source'], network['mac'], network['type']) # If a SR-IOV network device is being removed, unset its used state for network in old_dnetworks: if network['type'] in ['direct', 'hostdev']: if network['mac'] not in [n['mac'] for n in dnetworks]: dom_node = zkhandler.read(('domain.node', dom_uuid)) # We must update the "used" section unset_sriov_vf_vm(zkhandler, dom_node, network['source']) # Obtain the RBD disk list using the common functions ddisks = common.getDomainDisks(parsed_xml, {}) rbd_list = [] for disk in ddisks: if disk['type'] == 'rbd': rbd_list.append(disk['name']) # Join the RBD list if isinstance(rbd_list, list) and rbd_list: formatted_rbd_list = ','.join(rbd_list) else: formatted_rbd_list = '' # Add the modified config to Zookeeper zkhandler.write([ (('domain', dom_uuid), dom_name), (('domain.storage.volumes', dom_uuid), formatted_rbd_list), (('domain.xml', dom_uuid), new_vm_config), ]) if restart: change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'restart') return True, 'Successfully modified configuration of VM "{}".'.format(domain) def dump_vm(zkhandler, domain): dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Gram the domain XML and dump it to stdout vm_xml = zkhandler.read(('domain.xml', dom_uuid)) return True, vm_xml def rename_vm(zkhandler, domain, new_domain): dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Verify that the VM is in a stopped state; renaming is not supported otherwise state = zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) if state != 'stop': return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is not in stopped state; VMs cannot be renamed while running.'.format(domain) # Parse and valiate the XML vm_config = common.getDomainXML(zkhandler, dom_uuid) # Obtain the RBD disk list using the common functions ddisks = common.getDomainDisks(vm_config, {}) pool_list = [] rbd_list = [] for disk in ddisks: if disk['type'] == 'rbd': pool_list.append(disk['name'].split('/')[0]) rbd_list.append(disk['name'].split('/')[1]) # Rename each volume in turn for idx, rbd in enumerate(rbd_list): rbd_new = re.sub(r"{}".format(domain), new_domain, rbd) # Skip renaming if nothing changed if rbd_new == rbd: continue ceph.rename_volume(zkhandler, pool_list[idx], rbd, rbd_new) # Replace the name in the config vm_config_new = lxml.etree.tostring(vm_config, encoding='ascii', method='xml').decode().replace(domain, new_domain) # Get VM information _b, dom_info = get_info(zkhandler, dom_uuid) # Undefine the old VM undefine_vm(zkhandler, dom_uuid) # Define the new VM define_vm(zkhandler, vm_config_new, dom_info['node'], dom_info['node_limit'], dom_info['node_selector'], dom_info['node_autostart'], migration_method=dom_info['migration_method'], profile=dom_info['profile'], tags=dom_info['tags'], initial_state='stop') # If the VM is migrated, store that if dom_info['migrated'] != 'no': zkhandler.write([ (('domain.last_node', dom_uuid), dom_info['last_node']) ]) return True, 'Successfully renamed VM "{}" to "{}".'.format(domain, new_domain) def undefine_vm(zkhandler, domain): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Shut down the VM current_vm_state = zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) if current_vm_state != 'stop': change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'stop') # Gracefully terminate the class instances change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'delete') # Delete the configurations zkhandler.delete([ ('domain', dom_uuid) ]) return True, 'Undefined VM "{}" from the cluster.'.format(domain) def remove_vm(zkhandler, domain): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) disk_list = common.getDomainDiskList(zkhandler, dom_uuid) # Shut down the VM current_vm_state = zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) if current_vm_state != 'stop': change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'stop') # Wait for 1 second to allow state to flow to all nodes time.sleep(1) # Remove disks for disk in disk_list: # vmpool/vmname_volume try: disk_pool, disk_name = disk.split('/') except ValueError: continue retcode, message = ceph.remove_volume(zkhandler, disk_pool, disk_name) if not retcode: if re.match('^ERROR: No volume with name', message): continue else: return False, message # Gracefully terminate the class instances change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'delete') # Wait for 1/2 second to allow state to flow to all nodes time.sleep(0.5) # Delete the VM configuration from Zookeeper zkhandler.delete([ ('domain', dom_uuid) ]) return True, 'Removed VM "{}" and its disks from the cluster.'.format(domain) def start_vm(zkhandler, domain): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Set the VM to start change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'start') return True, 'Starting VM "{}".'.format(domain) def restart_vm(zkhandler, domain, wait=False): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Get state and verify we're OK to proceed current_state = zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) if current_state != 'start': return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is not in "start" state!'.format(domain) retmsg = 'Restarting VM "{}".'.format(domain) # Set the VM to restart change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'restart') if wait: while zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) == 'restart': time.sleep(0.5) retmsg = 'Restarted VM "{}"'.format(domain) return True, retmsg def shutdown_vm(zkhandler, domain, wait=False): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Get state and verify we're OK to proceed current_state = zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) if current_state != 'start': return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is not in "start" state!'.format(domain) retmsg = 'Shutting down VM "{}"'.format(domain) # Set the VM to shutdown change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'shutdown') if wait: while zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) == 'shutdown': time.sleep(0.5) retmsg = 'Shut down VM "{}"'.format(domain) return True, retmsg def stop_vm(zkhandler, domain): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Set the VM to stop change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'stop') return True, 'Forcibly stopping VM "{}".'.format(domain) def disable_vm(zkhandler, domain): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Get state and verify we're OK to proceed current_state = zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) if current_state != 'stop': return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" must be stopped before disabling!'.format(domain) # Set the VM to disable change_state(zkhandler, dom_uuid, 'disable') return True, 'Marked VM "{}" as disable.'.format(domain) def update_vm_sriov_nics(zkhandler, dom_uuid, source_node, target_node): # Update all the SR-IOV device states on both nodes, used during migrations but called by the node-side vm_config = zkhandler.read(('domain.xml', dom_uuid)) parsed_xml = lxml.objectify.fromstring(vm_config) dnetworks = common.getDomainNetworks(parsed_xml, {}) retcode = True retmsg = '' for network in dnetworks: if network['type'] in ['direct', 'hostdev']: # Check if the network is already in use is_used = zkhandler.read(('node.sriov.vf', target_node, 'sriov_vf.used', network['source'])) if is_used == 'True': used_by_name = searchClusterByUUID(zkhandler, zkhandler.read(('node.sriov.vf', target_node, 'sriov_vf.used_by', network['source']))) if retcode: retcode_this = False retmsg = 'Attempting to use SR-IOV network "{}" which is already used by VM "{}"'.format(network['source'], used_by_name) else: retcode_this = True # We must update the "used" section if retcode_this: # This conditional ensure that if we failed the is_used check, we don't try to overwrite the information of a VF that belongs to another VM set_sriov_vf_vm(zkhandler, dom_uuid, target_node, network['source'], network['mac'], network['type']) # ... but we still want to free the old node in an case unset_sriov_vf_vm(zkhandler, source_node, network['source']) if not retcode_this: retcode = retcode_this return retcode, retmsg def move_vm(zkhandler, domain, target_node, wait=False, force_live=False): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Get state and verify we're OK to proceed current_state = zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) if current_state != 'start': # If the current state isn't start, preserve it; we're not doing live migration target_state = current_state else: if force_live: target_state = 'migrate-live' else: target_state = 'migrate' current_node = zkhandler.read(('domain.node', dom_uuid)) if not target_node: target_node = common.findTargetNode(zkhandler, dom_uuid) else: # Verify node is valid valid_node = common.verifyNode(zkhandler, target_node) if not valid_node: return False, 'ERROR: Specified node "{}" is invalid.'.format(target_node) # Check if node is within the limit node_limit = zkhandler.read(('domain.meta.node_limit', dom_uuid)) if node_limit and target_node not in node_limit.split(','): return False, 'ERROR: Specified node "{}" is not in the allowed list of nodes for VM "{}".'.format(target_node, domain) # Verify if node is current node if target_node == current_node: last_node = zkhandler.read(('domain.last_node', dom_uuid)) if last_node: zkhandler.write([ (('domain.last_node', dom_uuid), '') ]) return True, 'Making temporary migration permanent for VM "{}".'.format(domain) return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is already running on node "{}".'.format(domain, current_node) if not target_node: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find a valid migration target for VM "{}".'.format(domain) retmsg = 'Permanently migrating VM "{}" to node "{}".'.format(domain, target_node) lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) with lock: zkhandler.write([ (('domain.state', dom_uuid), target_state), (('domain.node', dom_uuid), target_node), (('domain.last_node', dom_uuid), '') ]) # Wait for 1/2 second for migration to start time.sleep(0.5) # Update any SR-IOV NICs update_vm_sriov_nics(zkhandler, dom_uuid, current_node, target_node) if wait: while zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) == target_state: time.sleep(0.5) retmsg = 'Permanently migrated VM "{}" to node "{}"'.format(domain, target_node) return True, retmsg def migrate_vm(zkhandler, domain, target_node, force_migrate, wait=False, force_live=False): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Get state and verify we're OK to proceed current_state = zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) if current_state != 'start': # If the current state isn't start, preserve it; we're not doing live migration target_state = current_state else: if force_live: target_state = 'migrate-live' else: target_state = 'migrate' current_node = zkhandler.read(('domain.node', dom_uuid)) last_node = zkhandler.read(('domain.last_node', dom_uuid)) if last_node and not force_migrate: return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" has been previously migrated.'.format(domain) if not target_node: target_node = common.findTargetNode(zkhandler, dom_uuid) else: # Verify node is valid valid_node = common.verifyNode(zkhandler, target_node) if not valid_node: return False, 'ERROR: Specified node "{}" is invalid.'.format(target_node) # Check if node is within the limit node_limit = zkhandler.read(('domain.meta.node_limit', dom_uuid)) if node_limit and target_node not in node_limit.split(','): return False, 'ERROR: Specified node "{}" is not in the allowed list of nodes for VM "{}".'.format(target_node, domain) # Verify if node is current node if target_node == current_node: return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is already running on node "{}".'.format(domain, current_node) if not target_node: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find a valid migration target for VM "{}".'.format(domain) # Don't overwrite an existing last_node when using force_migrate real_current_node = current_node # Used for the SR-IOV update if last_node and force_migrate: current_node = last_node retmsg = 'Migrating VM "{}" to node "{}".'.format(domain, target_node) lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) with lock: zkhandler.write([ (('domain.state', dom_uuid), target_state), (('domain.node', dom_uuid), target_node), (('domain.last_node', dom_uuid), current_node) ]) # Wait for 1/2 second for migration to start time.sleep(0.5) # Update any SR-IOV NICs update_vm_sriov_nics(zkhandler, dom_uuid, real_current_node, target_node) if wait: while zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) == target_state: time.sleep(0.5) retmsg = 'Migrated VM "{}" to node "{}"'.format(domain, target_node) return True, retmsg def unmigrate_vm(zkhandler, domain, wait=False, force_live=False): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Get state and verify we're OK to proceed current_state = zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) if current_state != 'start': # If the current state isn't start, preserve it; we're not doing live migration target_state = current_state else: if force_live: target_state = 'migrate-live' else: target_state = 'migrate' current_node = zkhandler.read(('domain.node', dom_uuid)) target_node = zkhandler.read(('domain.last_node', dom_uuid)) if target_node == '': return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" has not been previously migrated.'.format(domain) retmsg = 'Unmigrating VM "{}" back to node "{}".'.format(domain, target_node) lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) with lock: zkhandler.write([ (('domain.state', dom_uuid), target_state), (('domain.node', dom_uuid), target_node), (('domain.last_node', dom_uuid), '') ]) # Wait for 1/2 second for migration to start time.sleep(0.5) # Update any SR-IOV NICs update_vm_sriov_nics(zkhandler, dom_uuid, current_node, target_node) if wait: while zkhandler.read(('domain.state', dom_uuid)) == target_state: time.sleep(0.5) retmsg = 'Unmigrated VM "{}" back to node "{}"'.format(domain, target_node) return True, retmsg def get_console_log(zkhandler, domain, lines=1000): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Get the data from ZK console_log = zkhandler.read(('domain.console.log', dom_uuid)) if console_log is None: return True, '' # Shrink the log buffer to length lines shrunk_log = console_log.split('\n')[-lines:] loglines = '\n'.join(shrunk_log) return True, loglines def get_info(zkhandler, domain): # Validate that VM exists in cluster dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zkhandler, domain) if not dom_uuid: return False, 'ERROR: No VM named "{}" is present in the cluster.'.format(domain) # Gather information from XML config and print it domain_information = common.getInformationFromXML(zkhandler, dom_uuid) if not domain_information: return False, 'ERROR: Could not get information about VM "{}".'.format(domain) return True, domain_information def get_list(zkhandler, node, state, tag, limit, is_fuzzy=True): if node: # Verify node is valid if not common.verifyNode(zkhandler, node): return False, 'Specified node "{}" is invalid.'.format(node) if state: valid_states = ['start', 'restart', 'shutdown', 'stop', 'disable', 'fail', 'migrate', 'unmigrate', 'provision'] if state not in valid_states: return False, 'VM state "{}" is not valid.'.format(state) full_vm_list = zkhandler.children('base.domain') # Set our limit to a sensible regex if limit: # Check if the limit is a UUID is_limit_uuid = False try: uuid_obj = UUID(limit, version=4) limit = str(uuid_obj) is_limit_uuid = True except ValueError: pass if is_fuzzy and not is_limit_uuid: try: # Implcitly assume fuzzy limits if not re.match(r'\^.*', limit): limit = '.*' + limit if not re.match(r'.*\$', limit): limit = limit + '.*' except Exception as e: return False, 'Regex Error: {}'.format(e) get_vm_info = dict() for vm in full_vm_list: name = zkhandler.read(('domain', vm)) is_limit_match = False is_tag_match = False is_node_match = False is_state_match = False # Check on limit if limit: # Try to match the limit against the UUID (if applicable) and name try: if is_limit_uuid and re.match(limit, vm): is_limit_match = True if re.match(limit, name): is_limit_match = True except Exception as e: return False, 'Regex Error: {}'.format(e) else: is_limit_match = True if tag: vm_tags = zkhandler.children(('domain.meta.tags', vm)) if tag in vm_tags: is_tag_match = True else: is_tag_match = True # Check on node if node: vm_node = zkhandler.read(('domain.node', vm)) if vm_node == node: is_node_match = True else: is_node_match = True # Check on state if state: vm_state = zkhandler.read(('domain.state', vm)) if vm_state == state: is_state_match = True else: is_state_match = True get_vm_info[vm] = True if is_limit_match and is_tag_match and is_node_match and is_state_match else False # Obtain our VM data in a thread pool # This helps parallelize the numerous Zookeeper calls a bit, within the bounds of the GIL, and # should help prevent this task from becoming absurdly slow with very large numbers of VMs. # The max_workers is capped at 32 to avoid creating an absurd number of threads especially if # the list gets called multiple times simultaneously by the API, but still provides a noticeable # speedup. vm_execute_list = [vm for vm in full_vm_list if get_vm_info[vm]] vm_data_list = list() with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=32, thread_name_prefix='vm_list') as executor: futures = [] for vm_uuid in vm_execute_list: futures.append(executor.submit(common.getInformationFromXML, zkhandler, vm_uuid)) for future in futures: try: vm_data_list.append(future.result()) except Exception: pass return True, vm_data_list