#!/usr/bin/env python3 # vm.py - PVC client function library, VM fuctions # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### import os import socket import time import uuid import re import subprocess import difflib import colorama import click import lxml.objectify import configparser import kazoo.client import client_lib.ansiprint as ansiprint import client_lib.zkhandler as zkhandler import client_lib.common as common # # XML information parsing functions # def getInformationFromXML(zk_conn, uuid, long_output): # Obtain the contents of the XML from Zookeeper try: dstate = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(uuid)) dnode = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node'.format(uuid)) dlastnode = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(uuid)) except: return None if dlastnode == '': dlastnode = 'N/A' parsed_xml = common.getDomainXML(zk_conn, uuid) duuid, dname, ddescription, dmemory, dvcpu, dvcputopo = common.getDomainMainDetails(parsed_xml) dnets = common.getDomainNetworks(parsed_xml) if long_output == True: dtype, darch, dmachine, dconsole, demulator = common.getDomainExtraDetails(parsed_xml) dfeatures = common.getDomainCPUFeatures(parsed_xml) ddisks = common.getDomainDisks(parsed_xml) dcontrollers = common.getDomainControllers(parsed_xml) # Format a nice output; do this line-by-line then concat the elements at the end ainformation = [] ainformation.append('{}Virtual machine information:{}'.format(ansiprint.bold(), ansiprint.end())) ainformation.append('') # Basic information ainformation.append('{}UUID:{} {}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), duuid)) ainformation.append('{}Name:{} {}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), dname)) ainformation.append('{}Description:{} {}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), ddescription)) ainformation.append('{}Memory (M):{} {}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), dmemory)) ainformation.append('{}vCPUs:{} {}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), dvcpu)) ainformation.append('{}Topology (S/C/T):{} {}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), dvcputopo)) if long_output == True: # Virtualization information ainformation.append('') ainformation.append('{}Emulator:{} {}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), demulator)) ainformation.append('{}Type:{} {}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), dtype)) ainformation.append('{}Arch:{} {}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), darch)) ainformation.append('{}Machine:{} {}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), dmachine)) ainformation.append('{}Features:{} {}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), ' '.join(dfeatures))) # PVC cluster information ainformation.append('') dstate_colour = { 'start': ansiprint.green(), 'restart': ansiprint.yellow(), 'shutdown': ansiprint.yellow(), 'stop': ansiprint.red(), 'failed': ansiprint.red(), 'migrate': ansiprint.blue(), 'unmigrate': ansiprint.blue() } ainformation.append('{}State:{} {}{}{}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), dstate_colour[dstate], dstate, ansiprint.end())) ainformation.append('{}Current Node:{} {}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), dnode)) ainformation.append('{}Previous Node:{} {}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), dlastnode)) # Network list net_list = [] for net in dnets: # Split out just the numerical (VNI) part of the brXXXX name net_vnis = re.findall(r'\d+', net['source']) if net_vnis: net_vni = net_vnis[0] else: net_vni = re.sub('br', '', net['source']) net_exists = zkhandler.exists(zk_conn, '/networks/{}'.format(net_vni)) if not net_exists and net_vni != 'cluster': net_list.append(ansiprint.red() + net_vni + ansiprint.end() + ' [invalid]') else: net_list.append(net_vni) ainformation.append('') ainformation.append('{}Networks:{} {}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), ', '.join(net_list))) if long_output == True: # Disk list ainformation.append('') name_length = 0 for disk in ddisks: _name_length = len(disk['name']) + 1 if _name_length > name_length: name_length = _name_length ainformation.append('{0}Disks:{1} {2}ID Type {3: <{width}} Dev Bus{4}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), ansiprint.bold(), 'Name', ansiprint.end(), width=name_length)) for disk in ddisks: ainformation.append(' {0: <3} {1: <5} {2: <{width}} {3: <4} {4: <5}'.format(ddisks.index(disk), disk['type'], disk['name'], disk['dev'], disk['bus'], width=name_length)) ainformation.append('') ainformation.append('{}Interfaces:{} {}ID Type Source Model MAC{}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), ansiprint.bold(), ansiprint.end())) for net in dnets: ainformation.append(' {0: <3} {1: <8} {2: <10} {3: <8} {4}'.format(dnets.index(net), net['type'], net['source'], net['model'], net['mac'])) # Controller list ainformation.append('') ainformation.append('{}Controllers:{} {}ID Type Model{}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), ansiprint.bold(), ansiprint.end())) for controller in dcontrollers: ainformation.append(' {0: <3} {1: <14} {2: <8}'.format(dcontrollers.index(controller), controller['type'], controller['model'])) # Join it all together information = '\n'.join(ainformation) return information # # Cluster search functions # def getClusterDomainList(zk_conn): # Get a list of UUIDs by listing the children of /domains uuid_list = zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/domains') name_list = [] # For each UUID, get the corresponding name from the data for uuid in uuid_list: name_list.append(zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/%s' % uuid)) return uuid_list, name_list def searchClusterByUUID(zk_conn, uuid): try: # Get the lists uuid_list, name_list = getClusterDomainList(zk_conn) # We're looking for UUID, so find that element ID index = uuid_list.index(uuid) # Get the name_list element at that index name = name_list[index] except ValueError: # We didn't find anything return None return name def searchClusterByName(zk_conn, name): try: # Get the lists uuid_list, name_list = getClusterDomainList(zk_conn) # We're looking for name, so find that element ID index = name_list.index(name) # Get the uuid_list element at that index uuid = uuid_list[index] except ValueError: # We didn't find anything return None return uuid def getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain): # Validate and obtain alternate passed value if common.validateUUID(domain): dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zk_conn, domain) dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk_conn, dom_name) else: dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk_conn, domain) dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zk_conn, dom_uuid) return dom_uuid def getDomainName(zk_conn, domain): # Validate and obtain alternate passed value if common.validateUUID(domain): dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zk_conn, domain) dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk_conn, dom_name) else: dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk_conn, domain) dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zk_conn, dom_uuid) return dom_name # # Direct functions # def define_vm(zk_conn, config_data, target_node, selector): # Parse the XML data parsed_xml = lxml.objectify.fromstring(config_data) dom_uuid = parsed_xml.uuid.text dom_name = parsed_xml.name.text click.echo('Adding new VM with Name "{}" and UUID "{}" to database.'.format(dom_name, dom_uuid)) if target_node == None: target_node = common.findTargetNode(zk_conn, selector, dom_uuid) # Verify node is valid common.verifyNode(zk_conn, target_node) # Add the new domain to Zookeeper zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/domains/{}'.format(dom_uuid): dom_name, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'stop', '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): target_node, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): '', '/domains/{}/failedreason'.format(dom_uuid): '', '/domains/{}/xml'.format(dom_uuid): config_data }) return True, '' def modify_vm(zk_conn, domain, restart, new_vm_config): dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain) if dom_uuid == None: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) dom_name = getDomainName(zk_conn, domain) # Add the modified config to Zookeeper zk_data = { '/domains/{}'.format(dom_uuid): dom_name, '/domains/{}/xml'.format(dom_uuid): new_vm_config } if restart == True: zk_data.update({'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'restart'}) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, zk_data) return True, '' def dump_vm(zk_conn, domain): dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain) if dom_uuid == None: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Gram the domain XML and dump it to stdout vm_xml = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/xml'.format(dom_uuid)) click.echo(vm_xml) return True, '' def undefine_vm(zk_conn, domain): # Validate and obtain alternate passed value dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain) if dom_uuid == None: common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Shut down the VM try: current_vm_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) if current_vm_state != 'stop': click.echo('Forcibly stopping VM "{}".'.format(dom_uuid)) # Set the domain into stop mode zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'stop'}) # Wait for 3 seconds to allow state to flow to all nodes click.echo('Waiting for cluster to update.') time.sleep(1) except: pass # Gracefully terminate the class instances try: click.echo('Deleting VM "{}" from nodes.'.format(dom_uuid)) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'delete'}) time.sleep(5) except: pass # Delete the configurations try: click.echo('Undefining VM "{}".'.format(dom_uuid)) zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/domains/{}') except: pass return True, '' def start_vm(zk_conn, domain): # Validate and obtain alternate passed value dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain) if dom_uuid == None: common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Set the VM to start click.echo('Starting VM "{}".'.format(dom_uuid)) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'start'}) return True, '' def restart_vm(zk_conn, domain): # Validate and obtain alternate passed value dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain) if dom_uuid == None: common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Get state and verify we're OK to proceed current_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) if current_state != 'start': common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is not in "start" state!'.format(dom_uuid) # Set the VM to start click.echo('Restarting VM "{}".'.format(dom_uuid)) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'restart'}) return True, '' def shutdown_vm(zk_conn, domain): # Validate and obtain alternate passed value dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain) if dom_uuid == None: return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Get state and verify we're OK to proceed current_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) if current_state != 'start': common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is not in "start" state!'.format(dom_uuid) # Set the VM to shutdown click.echo('Shutting down VM "{}".'.format(dom_uuid)) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'shutdown'}) return True, '' def stop_vm(zk_conn, domain): # Validate and obtain alternate passed value dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain) if dom_uuid == None: common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Get state and verify we're OK to proceed current_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) if current_state != 'start': common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is not in "start" state!'.format(dom_uuid) # Set the VM to start click.echo('Forcibly stopping VM "{}".'.format(dom_uuid)) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'stop'}) return True, '' def move_vm(zk_conn, domain, target_node, selector): # Validate and obtain alternate passed value dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain) if dom_uuid == None: common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) current_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid)) if target_node == None: target_node = common.findTargetNode(zk_conn, selector, dom_uuid) else: if target_node == current_node: common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is already running on node "{}".'.format(dom_uuid, current_node) # Verify node is valid common.verifyNode(zk_conn, target_node) current_vm_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) if current_vm_state == 'start': click.echo('Permanently migrating VM "{}" to node "{}".'.format(dom_uuid, target_node)) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'migrate', '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): target_node, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): '' }) else: click.echo('Permanently moving VM "{}" to node "{}".'.format(dom_uuid, target_node)) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): target_node, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): '' }) return True, '' def migrate_vm(zk_conn, domain, target_node, selector, force_migrate): # Validate and obtain alternate passed value dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain) if dom_uuid == None: common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Get state and verify we're OK to proceed current_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) if current_state != 'start': target_state = 'start' else: target_state = 'migrate' current_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid)) last_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid)) if last_node != '' and force_migrate != True: click.echo('ERROR: VM "{}" has been previously migrated.'.format(dom_uuid)) click.echo('> Last node: {}'.format(last_node)) click.echo('> Current node: {}'.format(current_node)) click.echo('Run `vm unmigrate` to restore the VM to its previous node, or use `--force` to override this check.') common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return False, '' if target_node == None: target_node = common.findTargetNode(zk_conn, selector, dom_uuid) else: if target_node == current_node: common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" is already running on node "{}".'.format(dom_uuid, current_node) # Verify node is valid common.verifyNode(zk_conn, target_node) click.echo('Migrating VM "{}" to node "{}".'.format(dom_uuid, target_node)) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'migrate', '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): target_node, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): current_node }) return True, '' def unmigrate_vm(zk_conn, domain): # Validate and obtain alternate passed value dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain) if dom_uuid == None: common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Get state and verify we're OK to proceed current_state = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) if current_state != 'start': target_state = 'start' else: target_state = 'migrate' target_node = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid)) if target_node == '': common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return False, 'ERROR: VM "{}" has not been previously migrated.'.format(dom_uuid) click.echo('Unmigrating VM "{}" back to node "{}".'.format(dom_uuid, target_node)) zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, { '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): target_state, '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): target_node, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): '' }) return True, '' def get_info(zk_conn, domain, long_output): # Validate and obtain alternate passed value dom_uuid = getDomainUUID(zk_conn, domain) if dom_uuid == None: common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) return False, 'ERROR: Could not find VM "{}" in the cluster!'.format(domain) # Gather information from XML config and print it information = getInformationFromXML(zk_conn, dom_uuid, long_output) click.echo(information) # Get a failure reason if applicable failedreason = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/failedreason'.format(dom_uuid)) if failedreason != '': click.echo('') click.echo('{}Failure reason:{} {}'.format(ansiprint.purple(), ansiprint.end(), failedreason)) click.echo('') return True, '' def get_list(zk_conn, node, limit, raw): if node != None: # Verify node is valid common.verifyNode(zk_conn, node) full_vm_list = zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/domains') vm_list = [] vm_list_output = [] vm_node = {} vm_state = {} vm_migrated = {} vm_uuid = {} vm_name = {} vm_description = {} vm_memory = {} vm_vcpu = {} vm_nets = {} # If we're limited, remove other nodes' VMs for vm in full_vm_list: # Check we don't match the limit name = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}'.format(vm)) vm_node[vm] = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node'.format(vm)) if limit != None: try: # Implcitly assume fuzzy limits if re.match('\^.*', limit) == None: limit = '.*' + limit if re.match('.*\$', limit) == None: limit = limit + '.*' if re.match(limit, vm) != None: if node == None: vm_list.append(vm) else: if vm_node[vm] == node: vm_list.append(vm) if re.match(limit, name) != None: if node == None: vm_list.append(vm) else: if vm_node[vm] == node: vm_list.append(vm) except Exception as e: return False, 'Regex Error: {}'.format(e) else: # Check node to avoid unneeded ZK calls if node == None: vm_list.append(vm) else: if vm_node[vm] == node: vm_list.append(vm) # Gather information for printing for vm in vm_list: vm_state[vm] = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(vm)) vm_lastnode = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(vm)) if vm_lastnode != '': vm_migrated[vm] = 'from {}'.format(vm_lastnode) else: vm_migrated[vm] = 'no' try: vm_xml = common.getDomainXML(zk_conn, vm) vm_uuid[vm], vm_name[vm], vm_description[vm], vm_memory[vm], vm_vcpu[vm], vm_vcputopo = common.getDomainMainDetails(vm_xml) dnets = common.getDomainNetworks(vm_xml) vm_nets[vm] = [] for net in dnets: # Split out just the numerical (VNI) part of the brXXXX name net_vnis = re.findall(r'\d+', net['source']) if net_vnis: net_vni = net_vnis[0] else: net_vni = re.sub('br', '', net['source']) vm_nets[vm].append(net_vni) except AttributeError: click.echo('Error: Domain {} does not exist.'.format(domain)) if raw: for vm in sorted(vm_name.values()): click.echo(vm) return True, '' # Determine optimal column widths # Dynamic columns: node_name, node, migrated vm_name_length = 5 vm_uuid_length = 37 vm_state_length = 6 vm_nets_length = 9 vm_ram_length = 8 vm_vcpu_length = 6 vm_node_length = 8 vm_migrated_length = 10 for vm in vm_list: # vm_name column _vm_name_length = len(vm_name[vm]) + 1 if _vm_name_length > vm_name_length: vm_name_length = _vm_name_length # vm_state column _vm_state_length = len(vm_state[vm]) + 1 if _vm_state_length > vm_state_length: vm_state_length = _vm_state_length # vm_nets column _vm_nets_length = len(','.join(vm_nets[vm])) + 1 if _vm_nets_length > vm_nets_length: vm_nets_length = _vm_nets_length # vm_node column _vm_node_length = len(vm_node[vm]) + 1 if _vm_node_length > vm_node_length: vm_node_length = _vm_node_length # vm_migrated column _vm_migrated_length = len(vm_migrated[vm]) + 1 if _vm_migrated_length > vm_migrated_length: vm_migrated_length = _vm_migrated_length # Format the string (header) vm_list_output.append( '{bold}{vm_name: <{vm_name_length}} {vm_uuid: <{vm_uuid_length}} \ {vm_state_colour}{vm_state: <{vm_state_length}}{end_colour} \ {vm_networks: <{vm_nets_length}} \ {vm_memory: <{vm_ram_length}} {vm_vcpu: <{vm_vcpu_length}} \ {vm_node: <{vm_node_length}} \ {vm_migrated: <{vm_migrated_length}}{end_bold}'.format( vm_name_length=vm_name_length, vm_uuid_length=vm_uuid_length, vm_state_length=vm_state_length, vm_nets_length=vm_nets_length, vm_ram_length=vm_ram_length, vm_vcpu_length=vm_vcpu_length, vm_node_length=vm_node_length, vm_migrated_length=vm_migrated_length, bold=ansiprint.bold(), end_bold=ansiprint.end(), vm_state_colour='', end_colour='', vm_name='Name', vm_uuid='UUID', vm_state='State', vm_networks='Networks', vm_memory='RAM (M)', vm_vcpu='vCPUs', vm_node='Node', vm_migrated='Migrated' ) ) # Format the string (elements) for vm in vm_list: if vm_state[vm] == 'start': vm_state_colour = ansiprint.green() elif vm_state[vm] == 'restart': vm_state_colour = ansiprint.yellow() elif vm_state[vm] == 'shutdown': vm_state_colour = ansiprint.yellow() elif vm_state[vm] == 'stop': vm_state_colour = ansiprint.red() elif vm_state[vm] == 'failed': vm_state_colour = ansiprint.red() else: vm_state_colour = ansiprint.blue() # Handle colouring for an invalid network config net_list = [] vm_nets_colour = ansiprint.end() for net in vm_nets[vm]: net_exists = zkhandler.exists(zk_conn, '/networks/{}'.format(net)) net_list.append(net) if not net_exists and net != 'cluster': vm_nets_colour = ansiprint.red() vm_nets[vm] = ','.join(net_list) vm_list_output.append( '{bold}{vm_name: <{vm_name_length}} {vm_uuid: <{vm_uuid_length}} \ {vm_state_colour}{vm_state: <{vm_state_length}}{end_colour} \ {vm_nets_colour}{vm_networks: <{vm_nets_length}}{end_colour} \ {vm_memory: <{vm_ram_length}} {vm_vcpu: <{vm_vcpu_length}} \ {vm_node: <{vm_node_length}} \ {vm_migrated: <{vm_migrated_length}}{end_bold}'.format( vm_name_length=vm_name_length, vm_uuid_length=vm_uuid_length, vm_state_length=vm_state_length, vm_nets_length=vm_nets_length, vm_ram_length=vm_ram_length, vm_vcpu_length=vm_vcpu_length, vm_node_length=vm_node_length, vm_migrated_length=vm_migrated_length, bold='', end_bold='', vm_state_colour=vm_state_colour, vm_nets_colour=vm_nets_colour, end_colour=ansiprint.end(), vm_name=vm_name[vm], vm_uuid=vm_uuid[vm], vm_state=vm_state[vm], vm_networks=vm_nets[vm], vm_memory=vm_memory[vm], vm_vcpu=vm_vcpu[vm], vm_node=vm_node[vm], vm_migrated=vm_migrated[vm] ) ) click.echo('\n'.join(sorted(vm_list_output))) return True, ''