#!/usr/bin/env python3 # pvcd.py - PVC client command-line interface # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### import locale import socket import click import tempfile import sys import os import tempfile import subprocess import difflib import re import yaml import colorama import netifaces import ipaddress import urllib.request import tarfile from dialog import Dialog import client_lib.common as pvc_common import client_lib.node as pvc_node # Repository configurations #deb_mirror = "ftp.debian.org" deb_mirror = "deb1.i.bonilan.net:3142" deb_release = "buster" deb_arch = "amd64" deb_packages = "mdadm,lvm2,parted,gdisk,debootstrap,grub-pc,linux-image-amd64" # Scripts cluster_floating_ip = "" bootstrap_script = """#!/bin/bash # Check in and get our nodename, pvcd.conf, and install script output="$( curl {}:10080/node_checkin )" # Export node_id node_id="$( jq -r '.node_id' <<<"${output}" )" export node_id # Export pvcd.conf pvcd_conf="$( jq -r '.pvcd_conf' <<<"${output}" )" export pvcd_conf # Execute install script jq -r '.install_script' <<<"${output}" | bash """ install_script = """#!/bin/bash # """ # Run a oneshot command, optionally without blocking def run_os_command(command_string, environment=None): command = command_string.split() try: command_output = subprocess.run( command, env=environment, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) except FileNotFoundError: return 1, "", "" retcode = command_output.returncode try: stdout = command_output.stdout.decode('ascii') except: stdout = '' try: stderr = command_output.stderr.decode('ascii') except: stderr = '' return retcode, stdout, stderr # Start the initalization of a new cluster def orun(): locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') # You may want to use 'autowidgetsize=True' here (requires pythondialog >= 3.1) d = Dialog(dialog="dialog", autowidgetsize=True) de = Dialog(dialog="dialog", autowidgetsize=True) # Dialog.set_background_title() requires pythondialog 2.13 or later d.set_background_title("PVC Cluster Initialization") # Initial message d.msgbox("""Welcome to the PVC cluster initalization tool. This tool will ask you several questions about the cluster, and then perform the required tasks to bootstrap the cluster. PLEASE READ ALL SCREENS CAREFULLY. Before proceeding, ensure that: (a) This system is connected, wired if possible, to a switch. (b) This system has a second network connection with Internet connectivity and is able to download files. (c) The initial nodes are powered off, connected to the mentioned switch, and are configured to boot from PXE. (d) All non-system disks are disconnected from all nodes. Storage disks will be added after bootstrapping. Once these prerequisites are complete, press Enter to proceed. """) # # Phase 0 - get our local interface # interfaces = netifaces.interfaces() interface_list = list() for idx, val in enumerate(interfaces): interface_list.append(("{}".format(idx), "{}".format(val))) code, index = d.menu("""Select a network interface to use for cluster bootstrapping.""", choices=interface_list) if code == d.CANCEL: print("Aborted.") exit(0) interface = interfaces[int(index)] # # Phase 1 - coordinator list # code, coordinator_count = d.menu("Select the number of initial (coordinator) nodes:", choices=[("1", "Testing and very small non-redundant deployments"), ("3", "Standard (3-20) hypervisor deployments"), ("5", "Large (21-99) hypervisor deployments")]) coordinator_count = int(coordinator_count) if code == d.CANCEL: print("Aborted.") exit(0) # # Phase 2 - Get the networks # d.msgbox("""The next screens will ask for the cluster networks in CIDR format as well as a floating IP in each. The networks are: (a) Cluster: Used by the nodes to communicate VXLANs and pass virtualization (migration) traffic between each other. Each node will be assigned an address in this network equal to its node ID (e.g. node1 at .1, etc.). Each node with IPMI support will be assigned an IPMI address in this network equal to its node ID plus 120 (e.g. node1-lom at .121, etc.). IPs 241-254 will be reserved for cluster management; the floating IP should be in this range. (b) Storage: Used by the nodes to pass storage traffic between each other, both for Ceph OSDs and for RBD access. Each node will be assigned an address in this network equal to its node ID. IPs 241-254 will be reserved for cluster management; the floating IP should be in this range. (c) Upstream: Used by the nodes to communicate upstream outside of the cluster. This network has several functions depending on the configuration of the virtual networks; relevant questions will be asked later in the configuration. * The first two networks are dedicated to the cluster. They should be RFC1918 private networks and be sized sufficiently for the future growth of the cluster; a /24 is recommended for most situations and will support up to 99 nodes. * The third network, as mentioned, has several potential functions depending on the final network configuration of the cluster. It should already exist, and nodes may or may not have individual addresses in this network. Further questions about this network will be asked later during setup. * All networks should have a DNS domain which will be asked during this stage. For the first two networks, the domain may be private and unresolvable outside the network if desired; the third should be a valid but will generally be unused in the administration of the cluster. The FQDNs of each node will contain the Cluster domain. """) # Get the primary cluster network valid_network = False message = "Enter the new cluster's primary network in CIDR format." while not valid_network: code, network = d.inputbox(message) if code == d.CANCEL: print("Aborted.") exit(0) try: cluster_network = ipaddress.ip_network(network) valid_network = True except ValueError: message = "Error - network {} is not valid.\n\nEnter the new cluster's primary network in CIDR format.".format(network) continue valid_address = False message = "Enter the CIDR floating IP address for the cluster's primary network." while not valid_address: code, address = d.inputbox(message) if code == d.CANCEL: print("Aborted.") exit (0) try: cluster_floating_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(address) if not cluster_floating_ip in list(cluster_network.hosts()): message = "Error - address {} is not in network {}.\n\nEnter the CIDR floating IP address for the cluster's primary network.".format(cluster_floating_ip, cluster_network) continue valid_address = True except ValueError: message = "Error - address {} is not valid.\n\nEnter the CIDR floating IP address for the cluster's primary network.".format(cluster_floating_ip, cluster_network) continue code, cluster_domain = d.inputbox("""Enter the new cluster's primary DNS domain.""") if code == d.CANCEL: print("Aborted.") exit(0) # Get the storage network valid_network = False message = "Enter the new cluster's storage network in CIDR format." while not valid_network: code, network = d.inputbox(message) if code == d.CANCEL: print("Aborted.") exit(0) try: storage_network = ipaddress.ip_network(network) valid_network = True except ValueError: message = "Error - network {} is not valid.\n\nEnter the new cluster's storage network in CIDR format.".format(network) continue valid_address = False message = "Enter the CIDR floating IP address for the cluster's storage network." while not valid_address: code, address = d.inputbox(message) if code == d.CANCEL: print("Aborted.") exit (0) try: storage_floating_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(address) if not storage_floating_ip in list(storage_network.hosts()): message = "Error - address {} is not in network {}.\n\nEnter the CIDR floating IP address for the cluster's storage network.".format(storage_floating_ip, storage_network) continue valid_address = True except ValueError: message = "Error - address {} is not valid.\n\nEnter the CIDR floating IP address for the cluster's storage network.".format(storage_floating_ip, storage_network) continue code, storage_domain = d.inputbox("""Enter the new cluster's storage DNS domain.""") if code == d.CANCEL: print("Aborted.") exit(0) # Get the upstream network valid_network = False message = "Enter the new cluster's upstream network in CIDR format." while not valid_network: code, network = d.inputbox(message) if code == d.CANCEL: print("Aborted.") exit(0) try: upstream_network = ipaddress.ip_network(network) valid_network = True except ValueError: message = "Error - network {} is not valid.\n\nEnter the new cluster's upstream network in CIDR format.".format(network) continue valid_address = False message = "Enter the CIDR floating IP address for the cluster's upstream network." while not valid_address: code, address = d.inputbox(message) if code == d.CANCEL: print("Aborted.") exit (0) try: upstream_floating_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(address) if not upstream_floating_ip in list(upstream_network.hosts()): message = "Error - address {} is not in network {}.\n\nEnter the CIDR floating IP address for the cluster's upstream network.".format(upstream_floating_ip, upstream_network) continue valid_address = True except ValueError: message = "Error - address {} is not valid.\n\nEnter the CIDR floating IP address for the cluster's upstream network.".format(upstream_floating_ip, upstream_network) continue code, upstream_domain = d.inputbox("""Enter the new cluster's upstream DNS domain.""") if code == d.CANCEL: print("Aborted.") exit(0) # # Phase 3 - Upstream settings # d.msgbox("""The next screens will present several questions regarding the upstream and guest network configuration for the new cluster, in an attempt to determine some default values for the initial template files. Most of these options can be overridden later by the client configuration tool or by manual modification of the node configuration files, but will shape the initial VM configuration and node config file. """) if d.yesno("""Should the PVC cluster manage client IP addressing?""") == d.OK: enable_routing = True else: enable_routing = False if d.yesno("""Should the PVC cluster provide NAT functionality?""") == d.OK: enable_nat = True else: enable_nat = False if d.yesno("""Should the PVC cluster manage client DNS records?""") == d.OK: enable_dns = True else: enable_dns = False # # Phase 4 - Configure templates # d.msgbox("""The next screens will present templates for several configuration files in your $EDITOR, based on the options selected above. These templates will be distributed to the cluster nodes during bootstrapping. Various values are indicated for '' by you, as 'TEMPLATE' values to be filled in from other information, gained during these dialogs, or as default values. Once you are finished editing the files, write and quit the editor. For more information on any particular field, see the PVC documentation. """) # Generate the node interfaces file template interfaces_configuration = """# # pvc node network interfaces file # # Writing this template requires knowledge of the default # persistent network names of the target server class. # # Configure any required bonding here, however do not # configure any vLANs or VXLANs as those are managed # by the PVC daemon itself. # # Make note of the interfaces specified for each type, # as these will be required in the daemon config as # well. # # Note that the Cluster and Storage networks *may* use # the same underlying network device; in which case, # only define one here and specify the same device # for both networks in the daemon config. auto lo iface lo inet loopback # Upstream physical interface auto iface inet manual # Cluster physical interface auto iface inet manual # Storage physical interface auto iface inet manual """ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tmp") as tf: EDITOR = os.environ.get('EDITOR', 'vi') tf.write(interfaces_configuration.encode("utf-8")) tf.flush() subprocess.call([EDITOR, tf.name]) tf.seek(0) interfaces_configuration = tf.read().decode("utf-8") # Generate the configuration file template coordinator_list = list() for i in range(0,coordinator_count): coordinator_list.append("node{}".format(i + 1)) dnssql_password = "Sup3rS3cr37SQL" ipmi_password = "Sup3rS3cr37IPMI" pvcd_configuration = { "pvc": { "node": "NODENAME", "cluster": { "coordinators": coordinator_list, "networks": { "upstream": { "domain": upstream_domain, "network": str(upstream_network), "floating_ip": str(upstream_floating_ip) }, "cluster": { "domain": cluster_domain, "network": str(cluster_network), "floating_ip": str(cluster_floating_ip) }, "storage": { "domain": storage_domain, "network": str(storage_network), "floating_ip": str(storage_floating_ip) }, } }, "coordinator": { "dns": { "database": { "host": "localhost", "port": "3306", "name": "pvcdns", "user": "pvcdns", "pass": dnssql_password } } }, "system": { "fencing": { "intervals": { "keepalive_interval": "5", "fence_intervals": "6", "suicide_intervals": "0" }, "actions": { "successful_fence": "migrate", "failed_fence": "None" }, "ipmi": { "address": "by-id", "user": "pvcipmi", "pass": ipmi_password } }, "migration": { "target_selector": "mem" }, "configuration":{ "directories": { "dynamic_directory": "/run/pvc", "log_directory": "/var/log/pvc" }, "logging": { "file_logging": "True", "stdout_logging": "True" }, "networking": { "upstream": { "device": "", "address": "None" }, "cluster": { "device": "", "address": "by-id" }, "storage": { "device": "", "address": "by-id" } } } } } } pvcd_configuration_header = """# # pvcd node configuration file # # For full details on the available options, consult the PVC documentation. # # The main pertanent replacements are: # : the upstream device name from the interface template # : the cluster device name from the interface template # : the storage device name from the interface template """ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tmp") as tf: EDITOR = os.environ.get('EDITOR', 'vi') pvcd_configuration_string = pvcd_configuration_header + yaml.dump(pvcd_configuration, default_style='"', default_flow_style=False) tf.write(pvcd_configuration_string.encode("utf-8")) tf.flush() subprocess.call([EDITOR, tf.name]) tf.seek(0) pvcd_configuration = yaml.load(tf.read().decode("utf-8")) # We now have all the details to begin # - interface # - coordinator_count # - cluster_network # - cluster_floating_ip # - cluster_domain # - storage_network # - storage_floating_ip # - storage_domain # - upstream_network # - upstream_floating_ip # - upstream_domain # - enable_routing # - enable_nat # - enable_dns # - interfaces_configuration [template] # - coordinator_list # - dnssql_password # - ipmi_password # - pvcd_configuration [ template] d.msgbox("""Information gathering complete. The PVC bootstrap utility will now prepare the local system: (a) Generate the node bootstrap image(s). (b) Start up dnsmasq listening on the interface. """) def run(): # Begin preparing the local system - install required packages required_packages = [ 'dnsmasq', 'debootstrap', 'debconf-utils', 'squashfs-tools', 'live-boot', 'ansible' ] apt_command = "sudo apt install -y " + ' '.join(required_packages) retcode, stdout, stderr = run_os_command(apt_command) print(stdout) if retcode: print("ERROR: Package installation failed. Aborting setup.") print(stderr) exit(1) # # Generate a TFTP image for the installer # # Create our temporary working directory print("Create temporary directory...") tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() print(" > " + tempdir) # Download the netboot files print("Download PXE boot files...") download_path = "http://{mirror}/debian/dists/{release}/main/installer-{arch}/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz".format( mirror=deb_mirror, release=deb_release, arch=deb_arch ) bootarchive_file, headers = urllib.request.urlretrieve (download_path, tempdir + "/netboot.tar.gz") print(" > " + bootarchive_file) # Extract the netboot files print("Extract PXE boot files...") with tarfile.open(bootarchive_file) as tar: tar.extractall(tempdir + "/bootfiles") # Prepare a bare system with debootstrap print("Prepare installer debootstrap install...") debootstrap_command = "sudo -u root debootstrap --include={instpkg} {release} {tempdir}/rootfs http://{mirror}/debian".format( instpkg=deb_packages, release=deb_release, tempdir=tempdir, mirror=deb_mirror ) retcode, stdout, stderr = run_os_command(debootstrap_command) if retcode: print("ERROR: Debootstrap failed. Aborting setup.") print(stdout) exit(1) # Prepare some useful configuration tweaks print("Tweaking installed image for boot...") sedtty_command = """sudo -u root sed -i 's|/sbin/agetty --noclear|/sbin/agetty --noclear --autologin root|g' {}/rootfs/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service""".format(tempdir) retcode, stdout, stderr = run_os_command(sedtty_command) # "Fix" permissions so we can write retcode, stdout, stderr = run_os_command("sudo chmod 777 {}/rootfs/root".format(tempdir)) retcode, stdout, stderr = run_os_command("sudo chmod 666 {}/rootfs/root/.bashrc".format(tempdir)) # Write the install script to root's bashrc with open("{}/rootfs/root/.bashrc".format(tempdir), "w") as bashrcf: bashrcf.write(bootstrap_script) # Restore permissions retcode, stdout, stderr = run_os_command("sudo chmod 600 {}/rootfs/root/.bashrc".format(tempdir)) retcode, stdout, stderr = run_os_command("sudo chmod 700 {}/rootfs/root".format(tempdir)) # Create the squashfs print("Create the squashfs...") squashfs_command = "sudo nice mksquashfs {tempdir}/rootfs {tempdir}/bootfiles/installer.squashfs".format( tempdir=tempdir ) retcode, stdout, stderr = run_os_command(squashfs_command) if retcode: print("ERROR: SquashFS creation failed. Aborting setup.") print(stderr) exit(1) # # Prepare the DHCP and TFTP dnsmasq daemon # # # Prepare the HTTP listenener for the first node # # # Initialize the Zookeeper cluster # def init_zookeeper(zk_host): click.echo('Initializing a new cluster with Zookeeper address "{}".'.format(zk_host)) # Open a Zookeeper connection zk_conn = pvc_common.startZKConnection(zk_host) # Destroy the existing data try: zk_conn.delete('/networks', recursive=True) zk_conn.delete('/domains', recursive=True) zk_conn.delete('/nodes', recursive=True) zk_conn.delete('/primary_node', recursive=True) zk_conn.delete('/ceph', recursive=True) except: pass # Create the root keys transaction = zk_conn.transaction() transaction.create('/nodes', ''.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/primary_node', 'none'.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/domains', ''.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/networks', ''.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/ceph', ''.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/ceph/osds', ''.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/ceph/pools', ''.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/locks', ''.encode('ascii')) transaction.create('/locks/flush_lock', 'False'.encode('ascii')) transaction.commit() # Close the Zookeeper connection pvc_common.stopZKConnection(zk_conn) click.echo('Successfully initialized new cluster. Any running PVC daemons will need to be restarted.')