Improve flush handling slightly

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Boniface 2020-05-09 13:42:43 -04:00
parent e724e73140
commit 95c59ba629
1 changed files with 17 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -639,35 +639,36 @@ class NodeInstance(object):
self.logger.out('Selecting target to migrate VM "{}"'.format(dom_uuid), state='i')
target_node = common.findTargetNode(self.zk_conn, self.config, dom_uuid)
# Don't replace the previous node if the VM is already migrated
if zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid)):
current_node = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid))
current_node = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid))
target_node = common.findTargetNode(self.zk_conn, self.config, dom_uuid)
if target_node == current_node:
target_node = None
if target_node is None:
self.logger.out('Failed to find migration target for VM "{}"; shutting down and setting autostart flag'.format(dom_uuid), state='e')
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'shutdown' })
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/domains/{}/node_autostart'.format(dom_uuid): 'True' })
# Wait for the VM to shut down
while zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) in ['shutdown']:
self.logger.out('Migrating VM "{}" to node "{}"'.format(dom_uuid, target_node), state='i')
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {
'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'migrate',
'/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): target_node,
'/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): current_node
self.logger.out('Migrating VM "{}" to node "{}"'.format(dom_uuid, target_node), state='i')
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {
'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'migrate',
'/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): target_node,
'/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): current_node
# Wait for the VM to migrate so the next VM's free RAM count is accurate (they migrate in serial anyways)
ticks = 0
while zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) in ['migrate', 'unmigrate', 'shutdown']:
ticks += 1
if ticks > 600:
# Abort if we've waited for 120 seconds, the VM is messed and just continue
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/runningdomains'.format( '' })
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/domainstate'.format( 'flushed' })