@ -205,6 +205,8 @@ def getOutputColoursOSD(osd_information):
return osd_up_flag, osd_up_colour, osd_in_flag, osd_in_colour
# OSD addition and removal uses the /cmd/ceph pipe
# These actions must occur on the specific node they reference
def add_osd(zk_conn, node, device, weight):
# Verify the target node exists
if not common.verifyNode(zk_conn, node):
@ -279,118 +281,35 @@ def in_osd(zk_conn, osd_id):
if not verifyOSD(zk_conn, osd_id):
return False, 'ERROR: No OSD with ID "{}" is present in the cluster.'.format(osd_id)
# Tell the cluster to online an OSD
in_osd_string = 'osd_in {}'.format(osd_id)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': in_osd_string})
# Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working
# Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively
lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0]
if result == 'success-osd_in':
message = 'Set OSD {} online in the cluster.'.format(osd_id)
success = True
message = 'ERROR: Failed to set OSD online; check node logs for details.'
success = False
success = False
message = 'ERROR Command ignored by node.'
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd in {}'.format(osd_id))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to enable OSD {}: {}'.format(osd_id, stderr)
# Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly
lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''})
return success, message
return True, 'Set OSD {} online.'.format(osd_id)
def out_osd(zk_conn, osd_id):
if not verifyOSD(zk_conn, osd_id):
return False, 'ERROR: No OSD with ID "{}" is present in the cluster.'.format(osd_id)
# Tell the cluster to offline an OSD
out_osd_string = 'osd_out {}'.format(osd_id)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': out_osd_string})
# Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working
# Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively
lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0]
if result == 'success-osd_out':
message = 'Set OSD {} offline in the cluster.'.format(osd_id)
success = True
message = 'ERROR: Failed to set OSD offline; check node logs for details.'
success = False
success = False
message = 'ERROR Command ignored by node.'
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd out {}'.format(osd_id))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to disable OSD {}: {}'.format(osd_id, stderr)
# Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly
lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''})
return success, message
return True, 'Set OSD {} offline.'.format(osd_id)
def set_osd(zk_conn, option):
# Tell the cluster to set an OSD property
set_osd_string = 'osd_set {}'.format(option)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': set_osd_string})
# Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working
# Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively
lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0]
if result == 'success-osd_set':
message = 'Set OSD property {} on the cluster.'.format(option)
success = True
message = 'ERROR: Failed to set OSD property; check node logs for details.'
success = False
success = False
message = 'ERROR Command ignored by node.'
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd set {}'.format(option))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to set property "{}": {}'.format(option, stderr)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''})
return success, message
return True, 'Set OSD property "{}".'.format(option)
def unset_osd(zk_conn, option):
# Tell the cluster to unset an OSD property
unset_osd_string = 'osd_unset {}'.format(option)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': unset_osd_string})
# Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working
# Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively
lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0]
if result == 'success-osd_unset':
message = 'Unset OSD property {} on the cluster.'.format(option)
success = True
message = 'ERROR: Failed to unset OSD property; check node logs for details.'
success = False
success = False
message = 'ERROR Command ignored by node.'
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd unset {}'.format(option))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to unset property "{}": {}'.format(option, stderr)
# Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly
lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''})
return success, message
return True, 'Unset OSD property "{}".'.format(option)
def get_list_osd(zk_conn, limit, is_fuzzy=True):
osd_list = []
@ -664,65 +583,66 @@ def getPoolInformation(zk_conn, pool):
return pool_information
def add_pool(zk_conn, name, pgs, replcfg):
# Tell the cluster to create a new pool
add_pool_string = 'pool_add {},{},{}'.format(name, pgs, replcfg)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': add_pool_string})
# Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working
# Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively
lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0]
if result == 'success-pool_add':
message = 'Created new RBD pool "{}" with "{}" PGs and replication configuration {}.'.format(name, pgs, replcfg)
success = True
message = 'ERROR: Failed to create new pool; check node logs for details.'
success = False
message = 'ERROR: Command ignored by node.'
success = False
# Prepare the copies/mincopies variables
copies, mincopies = replcfg.split(',')
copies = int(copies.replace('copies=', ''))
mincopies = int(mincopies.replace('mincopies=', ''))
copies = None
mincopies = None
if not copies or not mincopies:
return False, 'ERROR: Replication configuration "{}" is not valid.'.format(replcfg)
# Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly
lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''})
# 1. Create the pool
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd pool create {} {} replicated'.format(name, pgs))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to create pool "{}" with {} PGs: {}'.format(name, pgs, stderr)
# 2. Set the size and minsize
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd pool set {} size {}'.format(name, copies))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to set pool "{}" size of {}: {}'.format(name, copies, stderr)
return success, message
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd pool set {} min_size {}'.format(name, mincopies))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to set pool "{}" minimum size of {}: {}'.format(name, mincopies, stderr)
# 3. Enable RBD application
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd pool application enable {} rbd'.format(name))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to enable RBD application on pool "{}" : {}'.format(name, stderr)
# 4. Add the new pool to Zookeeper
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/pools/{}'.format(name): '',
'/ceph/pools/{}/pgs'.format(name): pgs,
'/ceph/pools/{}/stats'.format(name): '{}',
'/ceph/volumes/{}'.format(name): '',
'/ceph/snapshots/{}'.format(name): '',
return True, 'Created RBD pool "{}" with {} PGs'.format(name, pgs)
def remove_pool(zk_conn, name):
if not verifyPool(zk_conn, name):
return False, 'ERROR: No pool with name "{}" is present in the cluster.'.format(name)
# Tell the cluster to create a new pool
remove_pool_string = 'pool_remove {}'.format(name)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': remove_pool_string})
# Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working
# Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively
lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0]
if result == 'success-pool_remove':
message = 'Removed RBD pool "{}" and all volumes.'.format(name)
success = True
message = 'ERROR: Failed to remove pool; check node logs for details.'
success = False
except Exception as e:
message = 'ERROR: Command ignored by node: {}'.format(e)
success = False
# 1. Remove pool volumes
for volume in zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/ceph/volumes/{}'.format(name)):
remove_volume(zk_conn, logger, name, volume)
# Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly
lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''})
# 2. Remove the pool
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd pool rm {pool} {pool} --yes-i-really-really-mean-it'.format(pool=name))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to remove pool "{}": {}'.format(name, stderr)
return success, message
# 3. Delete pool from Zookeeper
zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/pools/{}'.format(name))
zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/volumes/{}'.format(name))
zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/snapshots/{}'.format(name))
return True, 'Removed RBD pool "{}" and all volumes.'.format(name)
def get_list_pool(zk_conn, limit, is_fuzzy=True):
pool_list = []
@ -967,154 +887,112 @@ def getVolumeInformation(zk_conn, pool, volume):
return volume_information
def add_volume(zk_conn, pool, name, size):
# Tell the cluster to create a new volume
databytes = format_bytes_fromhuman(size)
add_volume_string = 'volume_add {},{},{}'.format(pool, name, databytes)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': add_volume_string})
# Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working
# Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively
lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0]
if result == 'success-volume_add':
message = 'Created new RBD volume "{}" of size "{}" on pool "{}".'.format(name, size, pool)
success = True
message = 'ERROR: Failed to create new volume; check node logs for details.'
success = False
message = 'ERROR: Command ignored by node.'
success = False
# 1. Create the volume
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd create --size {} --image-feature layering,exclusive-lock {}/{}'.format(size, pool, name))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to create RBD volume "{}": {}'.format(name, stderr)
# Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly
lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''})
# 2. Get volume stats
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd info --format json {}/{}'.format(pool, name))
volstats = stdout
return success, message
# 3. Add the new volume to Zookeeper
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '',
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, name): volstats,
'/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '',
return True, 'Created RBD volume "{}/{}" ({})'.format(pool, name, size)
def clone_volume(zk_conn, pool, name_src, name_new):
if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, name_src):
return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(name_src, pool)
# 1. Clone the volume
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd copy {}/{} {}/{}'.format(pool, name_src, pool, name_new))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to clone RBD volume "{}" to "{}" in pool "{}": {}'.format(name_src, new_name, pool, stderr)
# 2. Get volume stats
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd info --format json {}/{}'.format(pool, name_new))
volstats = stdout
# 3. Add the new volume to Zookeeper
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, name_new): '',
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, name_new): volstats,
'/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name_new): '',
return True, 'Cloned RBD volume "{}" to "{}" in pool "{}"'.format(name, name_new, pool)
def resize_volume(zk_conn, pool, name, size):
# Tell the cluster to resize the volume
databytes = format_bytes_fromhuman(size)
resize_volume_string = 'volume_resize {},{},{}'.format(pool, name, databytes)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': resize_volume_string})
# Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working
# Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively
lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0]
if result == 'success-volume_resize':
message = 'Resized RBD volume "{}" to size "{}" on pool "{}".'.format(name, size, pool)
success = True
message = 'ERROR: Failed to resize volume; check node logs for details.'
success = False
message = 'ERROR: Command ignored by node.'
success = False
if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, name):
return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(name, pool)
# Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly
lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''})
# 1. Resize the volume
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd resize --size {} {}/{}'.format(size, pool, name))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to resize RBD volume "{}" to size "{}" in pool "{}": {}'.format(name, size, pool, stderr)
return success, message
# 2. Get volume stats
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd info --format json {}/{}'.format(pool, name))
volstats = stdout
# 3. Add the new volume to Zookeeper
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '',
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, name): volstats,
'/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '',
return True, 'Resized RBD volume "{}" to size "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, size, pool)
def rename_volume(zk_conn, pool, name, new_name):
# Tell the cluster to rename
rename_volume_string = 'volume_rename {},{},{}'.format(pool, name, new_name)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': rename_volume_string})
# Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working
# Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively
lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0]
if result == 'success-volume_rename':
message = 'Renamed RBD volume "{}" to "{}" on pool "{}".'.format(name, new_name, pool)
success = True
message = 'ERROR: Failed to rename volume {} to {}; check node logs for details.'.format(name, new_name)
success = False
message = 'ERROR: Command ignored by node.'
success = False
if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, name):
return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(name, pool)
# Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly
lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''})
# 1. Rename the volume
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd rename {}/{} {}'.format(pool, name, new_name))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to rename volume "{}" to "{}" in pool "{}": {}'.format(name, new_name, pool, stderr)
return success, message
# 2. Rename the volume in Zookeeper
zkhandler.renamekey(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, new_name),
'/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, new_name),
def clone_volume(zk_conn, pool, name, new_name):
# Tell the cluster to clone
clone_volume_string = 'volume_clone {},{},{}'.format(pool, name, new_name)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': clone_volume_string})
# Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working
# Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively
lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0]
if result == 'success-volume_clone':
message = 'Cloned RBD volume "{}" to "{}" on pool "{}".'.format(name, new_name, pool)
success = True
message = 'ERROR: Failed to clone volume {} to {}; check node logs for details.'.format(name, new_name)
success = False
message = 'ERROR: Command ignored by node.'
success = False
# 3. Get volume stats
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd info --format json {}/{}'.format(pool, new_name))
volstats = stdout
# Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly
lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''})
# 4. Update the volume stats in Zookeeper
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, new_name): volstats,
return success, message
return True, 'Renamed RBD volume "{}" to "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, new_name, pool)
def remove_volume(zk_conn, pool, name):
if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, name):
return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool {}.'.format(name, pool)
return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(name, pool)
# Tell the cluster to create a new volume
remove_volume_string = 'volume_remove {},{}'.format(pool, name)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': remove_volume_string})
# Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working
# Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively
lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0]
if result == 'success-volume_remove':
message = 'Removed RBD volume "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, pool)
success = True
message = 'ERROR: Failed to remove volume; check node logs for details.'
success = False
except Exception as e:
message = 'ERROR: Command ignored by node: {}'.format(e)
success = False
# 1. Remove volume snapshots
for snapshot in zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name)):
remove_snapshot(zk_conn, logger, pool, volume, snapshot)
# Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly
lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''})
# 2. Remove the volume
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd rm {}/{}'.format(pool, name))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to remove RBD volume "{}" in pool "{}": {}'.format(name, pool, stderr)
return success, message
# 3. Delete volume from Zookeeper
zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, name))
zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name))
return True, 'Removed RBD volume "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, pool)
def get_list_volume(zk_conn, pool, limit, is_fuzzy=True):
volume_list = []
@ -1276,94 +1154,55 @@ def getCephSnapshots(zk_conn, pool, volume):
return snapshot_list
def add_snapshot(zk_conn, pool, volume, name):
# Tell the cluster to create a new snapshot
add_snapshot_string = 'snapshot_add {},{},{}'.format(pool, volume, name)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': add_snapshot_string})
# Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working
# Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively
lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0]
if result == 'success-snapshot_add':
message = 'Created new RBD snapshot "{}" of volume "{}" on pool "{}".'.format(name, volume, pool)
success = True
message = 'ERROR: Failed to create new snapshot; check node logs for details.'
success = False
message = 'ERROR: Command ignored by node.'
success = False
if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, volume):
return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(volume, pool)
# Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly
lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''})
# 1. Create the snapshot
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd snap create {}/{}@{}'.format(pool, volume, name))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to create RBD snapshot "{}" of volume "{}" in pool "{}": {}'.format(name, volume, pool, stderr)
return success, message
# 2. Add the snapshot to Zookeeper
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}'.format(pool, volume, name): '',
'/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, volume, name): '{}'
return True, 'Created RBD snapshot "{}" of volume "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, volume, pool)
def rename_snapshot(zk_conn, pool, volume, name, new_name):
# Tell the cluster to rename
rename_snapshot_string = 'snapshot_rename {},{},{}'.format(pool, name, new_name)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': rename_snapshot_string})
# Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working
# Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively
lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0]
if result == 'success-snapshot_rename':
message = 'Renamed RBD volume snapshot "{}" to "{}" for volume {} on pool "{}".'.format(name, new_name, volume, pool)
success = True
message = 'ERROR: Failed to rename volume {} to {}; check node logs for details.'.format(name, new_name)
success = False
message = 'ERROR: Command ignored by node.'
success = False
if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, volume):
return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(volume, pool)
if not verifySnapshot(zk_conn, pool, volume, name):
return False, 'ERROR: No snapshot with name "{}" is present for volume "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, volume, pool)
# Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly
lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''})
# 1. Rename the snapshot
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd snap rename {}/{}@{} {}'.format(pool, volume, name, new_name))
if retcode:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to rename RBD snapshot "{}" to "{}" for volume "{}" in pool "{}": {}'.format(name, new_name, volume, pool, stderr)
return success, message
# 2. Rename the snapshot in ZK
zkhandler.renamekey(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}'.format(pool, volume, name): '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}'.format(pool, volume, new_name)
return True, 'Renamed RBD snapshot "{}" to "{}" for volume "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, new_name, volume, pool)
def remove_snapshot(zk_conn, pool, volume, name):
if not verifyVolume(zk_conn, pool, volume):
return False, 'ERROR: No volume with name "{}" is present in pool "{}".'.format(volume, pool)
if not verifySnapshot(zk_conn, pool, volume, name):
return False, 'ERROR: No snapshot with name "{}" is present of volume {} on pool {}.'.format(name, volume, pool)
return False, 'ERROR: No snapshot with name "{}" is present of volume {} in pool {}.'.format(name, volume, pool)
# Tell the cluster to create a new snapshot
remove_snapshot_string = 'snapshot_remove {},{},{}'.format(pool, volume, name)
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': remove_snapshot_string})
# Wait 1/2 second for the cluster to get the message and start working
# Acquire a read lock, so we get the return exclusively
lock = zkhandler.readlock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
result = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph').split()[0]
if result == 'success-snapshot_remove':
message = 'Removed RBD snapshot "{}" of volume "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, volume, pool)
success = True
message = 'ERROR: Failed to remove snapshot; check node logs for details.'
success = False
except Exception as e:
message = 'ERROR: Command ignored by node: {}'.format(e)
success = False
# 1. Remove the snapshot
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd snap rm {}/{}@{}'.format(pool, volume, name))
if retcode:
return False, 'Failed to remove RBD snapshot "{}" of volume "{}" in pool "{}": {}'.format(name, volume, pool, stderr)
# Acquire a write lock to ensure things go smoothly
lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with lock:
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': ''})
# 2. Delete snapshot from Zookeeper
zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}'.format(pool, volume, name))
return success, message
return True, 'Removed RBD snapshot "{}" of volume "{}" in pool "{}".'.format(name, volume, pool)
def get_list_snapshot(zk_conn, pool, volume, limit, is_fuzzy=True):
snapshot_list = []
@ -283,86 +283,6 @@ def remove_osd(zk_conn, logger, osd_id, osd_obj):
logger.out('Failed to purge OSD disk with ID {}: {}'.format(osd_id, e), state='e')
return False
def in_osd(zk_conn, logger, osd_id):
# We are ready to create a new pool on this node
logger.out('Setting OSD {} in'.format(osd_id), state='i')
# 1. Set it in
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd in {}'.format(osd_id))
if retcode:
print('ceph osd in')
# Log it
logger.out('Set OSD {} in'.format(osd_id), state='o')
return True
except Exception as e:
# Log it
logger.out('Failed to set OSD {} in: {}'.format(osd_id, e), state='e')
return False
def out_osd(zk_conn, logger, osd_id):
# We are ready to create a new pool on this node
logger.out('Settoutg OSD {} out'.format(osd_id), state='i')
# 1. Set it out
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd out {}'.format(osd_id))
if retcode:
proutt('ceph osd out')
# Log it
logger.out('Set OSD {} out'.format(osd_id), state='o')
return True
except Exception as e:
# Log it
logger.out('Failed to set OSD {} out: {}'.format(osd_id, e), state='e')
return False
def set_property(zk_conn, logger, option):
# We are ready to create a new pool on this node
logger.out('Setting OSD property {}'.format(option), state='i')
# 1. Set it in
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd set {}'.format(option))
if retcode:
prsett('ceph osd set')
# Log it
logger.out('Set OSD property {}'.format(option), state='o')
return True
except Exception as e:
# Log it
logger.out('Failed to set OSD property {}: {}'.format(option, e), state='e')
return False
def unset_property(zk_conn, logger, option):
# We are ready to create a new pool on this node
logger.out('Unsetting OSD property {}'.format(option), state='i')
# 1. Set it in
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd unset {}'.format(option))
if retcode:
prunsett('ceph osd unset')
# Log it
logger.out('Unset OSD property {}'.format(option), state='o')
return True
except Exception as e:
# Log it
logger.out('Failed to unset OSD property {}: {}'.format(option, e), state='e')
return False
class CephPoolInstance(object):
def __init__(self, zk_conn, this_node, name):
self.zk_conn = zk_conn
@ -401,86 +321,6 @@ class CephPoolInstance(object):
if data and data != self.stats:
self.stats = json.loads(data)
def add_pool(zk_conn, logger, name, pgs, copies, mincopies):
# We are ready to create a new pool on this node
logger.out('Creating new RBD pool {}'.format(name), state='i')
# 1. Create the pool
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd pool create {} {} replicated'.format(name, pgs))
if retcode:
print('ceph osd pool create')
# 2. Set the size and min_size
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd pool set {} size {}'.format(name, copies))
if retcode:
print('ceph osd pool set size')
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd pool set {} min_size {}'.format(name, mincopies))
if retcode:
print('ceph osd pool set min_size')
# 3. Enable RBD application
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd pool application enable {} rbd'.format(name))
if retcode:
print('ceph osd pool application enable')
# 4. Add the new pool to ZK
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/pools/{}'.format(name): '',
'/ceph/pools/{}/pgs'.format(name): pgs,
'/ceph/pools/{}/stats'.format(name): '{}',
'/ceph/volumes/{}'.format(name): '',
'/ceph/snapshots/{}'.format(name): '',
# Log it
logger.out('Created new RBD pool {}'.format(name), state='o')
return True
except Exception as e:
# Log it
logger.out('Failed to create new RBD pool {}: {}'.format(name, e), state='e')
return False
def remove_pool(zk_conn, logger, name):
# We are ready to create a new pool on this node
logger.out('Removing RBD pool {}'.format(name), state='i')
# Remove pool volumes first
for volume in zkhandler.listchildren(zk_conn, '/ceph/volumes/{}'.format(name)):
remove_volume(zk_conn, logger, name, volume)
# Remove the pool
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('ceph osd pool rm {pool} {pool} --yes-i-really-really-mean-it'.format(pool=name))
if retcode:
print('ceph osd pool rm')
# Delete pool from ZK
zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/pools/{}'.format(name))
zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/volumes/{}'.format(name))
zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/snapshots/{}'.format(name))
# Log it
logger.out('Removed RBD pool {}'.format(name), state='o')
return True
except Exception as e:
# Log it
logger.out('Failed to remove RBD pool {}: {}'.format(name, e), state='e')
return False
class CephVolumeInstance(object):
def __init__(self, zk_conn, this_node, pool, name):
self.zk_conn = zk_conn
@ -504,158 +344,6 @@ class CephVolumeInstance(object):
if data and data != self.stats:
self.stats = json.loads(data)
def add_volume(zk_conn, logger, pool, name, size):
# We are ready to create a new volume on this node
logger.out('Creating new RBD volume {} on pool {} of size {}'.format(name, pool, size), state='i')
# Create the volume
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd create --size {} --image-feature layering,exclusive-lock {}/{}'.format(size, pool, name))
if retcode:
print('rbd create')
# Get volume stats
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd info --format json {}/{}'.format(pool, name))
volstats = stdout
# Add the new volume to ZK
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '',
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, name): volstats,
'/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '',
# Log it
logger.out('Created new RBD volume {} on pool {}'.format(name, pool), state='o')
return True
except Exception as e:
# Log it
logger.out('Failed to create new RBD volume {} on pool {}: {}'.format(name, pool, e), state='e')
return False
def clone_volume(zk_conn, logger, pool, name_orig, name_new, prefix):
if not prefix:
# Ensure that prefix is just an empty string if it isn't set
prefix = ''
logger.out('Cloning RBD volume {} to {}{} on pool {}'.format(name_orig, prefix, name_new, pool), state='i')
# Clone the volume
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd copy {}/{} {}/{}{}'.format(pool, name_orig, pool, prefix, name_new))
if retcode:
print('rbd copy')
# Get volume stats
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd info --format json {}/{}{}'.format(pool, prefix, name_new))
volstats = stdout
# Add the new volume to ZK
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}{}'.format(pool, prefix, name_new): '',
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}{}/stats'.format(pool, prefix, name_new): volstats,
'/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}{}'.format(pool, prefix, name_new): '',
# Log it
logger.out('Cloned RBD volume {} to {}{} on pool {}'.format(name_orig, prefix, name_new, pool), stats='o')
return True
except Exception as e:
# Log it
logger.out('Failed to clone RBD volume {} to {}{} on pool {}: {}'.format(name_orig, prefix, name_new, pool, e), state='e')
return False
def resize_volume(zk_conn, logger, pool, name, size):
logger.out('Resizing RBD volume {} on pool {} to size {}'.format(name, pool, size), state='i')
# Resize the volume
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd resize --size {} {}/{}'.format(size, pool, name))
if retcode:
print('rbd resize')
# Get volume stats
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd info --format json {}/{}'.format(pool, name))
volstats = stdout
# Update the volume to ZK
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '',
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, name): volstats,
'/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '',
# Log it
logger.out('Created new RBD volume {} on pool {}'.format(name, pool), state='o')
return True
except Exception as e:
# Log it
logger.out('Failed to resize RBD volume {} on pool {}: {}'.format(name, pool, e), state='e')
return False
def rename_volume(zk_conn, logger, pool, name, new_name):
logger.out('Renaming RBD volume {} to {} on pool {}'.format(name, new_name, pool))
# Rename the volume
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd rename {}/{} {}'.format(pool, name, new_name))
if retcode:
print('rbd rename')
# Rename the volume in ZK
zkhandler.renamekey(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, new_name),
'/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name): '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, new_name),
# Get volume stats
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd info --format json {}/{}'.format(pool, new_name))
volstats = stdout
# Update the volume stats in ZK
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/volumes/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, new_name): volstats,
# Log it
logger.out('Renamed RBD volume {} to {} on pool {}'.format(name, new_name, pool), state='o')
return True
except Exception as e:
# Log it
logger.out('Failed to rename RBD volume {} on pool {}: {}'.format(name, pool, e), state='e')
return False
def remove_volume(zk_conn, logger, pool, name):
# We are ready to create a new volume on this node
logger.out('Removing RBD volume {} from pool {}'.format(name, pool), state='i')
# Remove the volume
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd rm {}/{}'.format(pool, name))
if retcode:
print('ceph osd volume rm')
# Delete volume from ZK
zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/volumes/{}/{}'.format(pool, name))
zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}'.format(pool, name))
# Log it
logger.out('Removed RBD volume {} from pool {}'.format(name, pool), state='o')
return True
except Exception as e:
# Log it
logger.out('Failed to remove RBD volume {} from pool {}: {}'.format(name, pool, e), state='e')
return False
class CephSnapshotInstance(object):
def __init__(self, zk_conn, this_node, name):
self.zk_conn = zk_conn
@ -680,85 +368,8 @@ class CephSnapshotInstance(object):
if data and data != self.stats:
self.stats = json.loads(data)
def add_snapshot(zk_conn, logger, pool, volume, name):
# We are ready to create a new snapshot on this node
logger.out('Creating new RBD snapshot {} of volume {} on pool {}'.format(name, volume, pool), state='i')
# 1. Create the snapshot
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd snap create {}/{}@{}'.format(pool, volume, name))
if retcode:
print('rbd snap create')
# 2. Add the new snapshot to ZK
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}'.format(pool, volume, name): '',
'/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, volume, name): '{}'
# Log it
logger.out('Created new RBD snapshot {} of volume {} on pool {}'.format(name, volume, pool), state='o')
return True
except Exception as e:
# Log it
logger.out('Failed to create new RBD snapshot {} of volume {} on pool {}: {}'.format(name, volume, pool, e), state='e')
return False
def rename_snapshot(zk_conn, logger, pool, volume, name, new_name):
logger.out('Renaming RBD volume snapshot {} to {} for volume {} on pool {}'.format(name, new_name, volume, pool))
# Rename the volume
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd snap rename {}/{}@{} {}'.format(pool, volume, name, new_name))
if retcode:
print('rbd snap rename')
# Rename the snapshot in ZK
zkhandler.renamekey(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}'.format(pool, volume, name): '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}'.format(pool, volume, new_name)
# Update the snapshot stats in ZK
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}/stats'.format(pool, volume, new_name): '{}',
# Log it
logger.out('Renamed RBD volume snapshot {} to {} for volume {} on pool {}'.format(name, new_name, volume, pool), state='o')
return True
except Exception as e:
# Log it
logger.out('Failed to rename RBD volume snapshot {} for volume {} on pool {}: {}'.format(name, volume, pool, e), state='e')
return False
def remove_snapshot(zk_conn, logger, pool, volume, name):
# We are ready to create a new snapshot on this node
logger.out('Removing RBD snapshot {} of volume {} on pool {}'.format(name, volume, pool), state='i')
# Delete snapshot from ZK
zkhandler.deletekey(zk_conn, '/ceph/snapshots/{}/{}/{}'.format(pool, volume, name))
# Remove the snapshot
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command('rbd snap rm {}/{}@{}'.format(pool, volume, name))
if retcode:
print('rbd snap rm')
# Log it
logger.out('Removed RBD snapshot {} of volume {} on pool {}'.format(name, volume, pool), state='o')
return True
except Exception as e:
# Log it
logger.out('Failed to remove RBD snapshot {} of volume {} on pool {}: {}'.format(name, volume, pool, e), state='e')
return False
# Primary command function
# This command pipe is only used for OSD adds and removes
def run_command(zk_conn, logger, this_node, data, d_osd):
# Get the command and args
command, args = data.split()
@ -804,301 +415,3 @@ def run_command(zk_conn, logger, this_node, data, d_osd):
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'failure-{}'.format(data)})
# Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock
# Online an OSD
elif command == 'osd_in':
osd_id = args
# Verify osd_id is in the list
if d_osd[osd_id] and d_osd[osd_id].node ==
# Lock the command queue
zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with zk_lock:
# Online the OSD
result = in_osd(zk_conn, logger, osd_id)
# Command succeeded
if result:
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'success-{}'.format(data)})
# Command failed
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'failure-{}'.format(data)})
# Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock
# Offline an OSD
elif command == 'osd_out':
osd_id = args
# Verify osd_id is in the list
if d_osd[osd_id] and d_osd[osd_id].node ==
# Lock the command queue
zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with zk_lock:
# Offline the OSD
result = out_osd(zk_conn, logger, osd_id)
# Command succeeded
if result:
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'success-{}'.format(data)})
# Command failed
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'failure-{}'.format(data)})
# Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock
# Set a property
elif command == 'osd_set':
option = args
if this_node.router_state == 'primary':
# Lock the command queue
zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with zk_lock:
# Set the property
result = set_property(zk_conn, logger, option)
# Command succeeded
if result:
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'success-{}'.format(data)})
# Command failed
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'failure-{}'.format(data)})
# Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock
# Unset a property
elif command == 'osd_unset':
option = args
if this_node.router_state == 'primary':
# Lock the command queue
zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with zk_lock:
# Unset the property
result = unset_property(zk_conn, logger, option)
# Command succeeded
if result:
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'success-{}'.format(data)})
# Command failed
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'failure-{}'.format(data)})
# Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock
# Adding a new pool
elif command == 'pool_add':
name, pgs, copies, mincopies = args.split(',')
copies = copies.replace('copies=','')
mincopies = mincopies.replace('mincopies=','')
if this_node.router_state == 'primary':
# Lock the command queue
zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with zk_lock:
# Add the pool
result = add_pool(zk_conn, logger, name, pgs, copies, mincopies)
# Command succeeded
if result:
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'success-{}'.format(data)})
# Command failed
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'failure-{}'.format(data)})
# Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock
# Removing a pool
elif command == 'pool_remove':
name = args
if this_node.router_state == 'primary':
# Lock the command queue
zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with zk_lock:
# Remove the pool
result = remove_pool(zk_conn, logger, name)
# Command succeeded
if result:
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'success-{}'.format(data)})
# Command failed
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'failure-{}'.format(data)})
# Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock
# Adding a new volume
elif command == 'volume_add':
pool, name, size = args.split(',')
if this_node.router_state == 'primary':
# Lock the command queue
zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with zk_lock:
# Add the volume
result = add_volume(zk_conn, logger, pool, name, size)
# Command succeeded
if result:
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'success-{}'.format(data)})
# Command failed
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'failure-{}'.format(data)})
# Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock
# Cloning a volume
elif command == 'volume_clone':
pool, name_orig, name_new, prefix = args.split(',')
if this_node.router_state == 'primary':
# Lock the command queue
zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with zk_lock:
# Clone the volume
result = clone_volume(zk_conn, logger, pool, name_orig, name_new, prefix)
# Command succeeded
if result:
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'success-{}'.format(data)})
# Command failed
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'failure-{}'.format(data)})
# Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock
# Resizing a volume
elif command == 'volume_resize':
pool, name, size = args.split(',')
if this_node.router_state == 'primary':
# Lock the command queue
zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with zk_lock:
# Add the volume
result = resize_volume(zk_conn, logger, pool, name, size)
# Command succeeded
if result:
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'success-{}'.format(data)})
# Command failed
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'failure-{}'.format(data)})
# Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock
# Renaming a new volume
elif command == 'volume_rename':
pool, name, new_name = args.split(',')
if this_node.router_state == 'primary':
# Lock the command queue
zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with zk_lock:
# Add the volume
result = rename_volume(zk_conn, logger, pool, name, new_name)
# Command succeeded
if result:
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'success-{}'.format(data)})
# Command failed
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'failure-{}'.format(data)})
# Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock
# Removing a volume
elif command == 'volume_remove':
pool, name = args.split(',')
if this_node.router_state == 'primary':
# Lock the command queue
zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with zk_lock:
# Remove the volume
result = remove_volume(zk_conn, logger, pool, name)
# Command succeeded
if result:
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'success-{}'.format(data)})
# Command failed
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'failure-{}'.format(data)})
# Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock
# Adding a new snapshot
elif command == 'snapshot_add':
pool, volume, name = args.split(',')
if this_node.router_state == 'primary':
# Lock the command queue
zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with zk_lock:
# Add the snapshot
result = add_snapshot(zk_conn, logger, pool, volume, name)
# Command succeeded
if result:
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'success-{}'.format(data)})
# Command failed
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'failure-{}'.format(data)})
# Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock
# Renaming a snapshot
elif command == 'snapshot_rename':
pool, volume, name, new_name = args.split(',')
if this_node.router_state == 'primary':
# Lock the command queue
zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with zk_lock:
# Add the snapshot
result = rename_snapshot(zk_conn, logger, pool, volume, name, new_name)
# Command succeeded
if result:
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'success-{}'.format(data)})
# Command failed
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'failure-{}'.format(data)})
# Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock
# Removing a snapshot
elif command == 'snapshot_remove':
pool, volume, name = args.split(',')
if this_node.router_state == 'primary':
# Lock the command queue
zk_lock = zkhandler.writelock(zk_conn, '/cmd/ceph')
with zk_lock:
# Remove the snapshot
result = remove_snapshot(zk_conn, logger, pool, volume, name)
# Command succeeded
if result:
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'success-{}'.format(data)})
# Command failed
# Update the command queue
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {'/cmd/ceph': 'failure-{}'.format(data)})
# Wait 1 seconds before we free the lock, to ensure the client hits the lock
Reference in New Issue
Block a user