Move all the stuff from into to keep everything in a single "binary"

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Boniface 2018-06-14 11:57:36 -04:00
parent 91259fc2b2
commit 705f7a9b29
2 changed files with 432 additions and 450 deletions

View File

@ -20,10 +20,361 @@
# #
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
import kazoo.client, os, socket, time, click, lxml.objectify, pvcf, ansiiprint, configparser import kazoo.client, os, socket, time, click, lxml.objectify, ansiiprint, configparser
myhostname = socket.gethostname() ###############################################################################
zk_host = '' # Supplemental functions
# Validate a UUID
def validateUUID(dom_uuid):
return True
return False
# Connect and disconnect from Zookeeper
def startZKConnection(zk_host):
zk = kazoo.client.KazooClient(hosts=zk_host)
return zk
def stopZKConnection(zk):
return 0
# XML information parsing functions
# Get the main details for a VM object from XML
def getDomainMainDetails(parsed_xml):
# Get the information we want from it
duuid = str(parsed_xml.uuid)
dname = str(
dmemory = str(parsed_xml.memory)
dmemory_unit = str(parsed_xml.memory.attrib['unit'])
if dmemory_unit == 'KiB':
dmemory = str(int(dmemory) * 1024)
elif dmemory_unit == 'GiB':
dmemory = str(int(dmemory) / 1024)
dvcpu = str(parsed_xml.vcpu)
dvcputopo = '{}/{}/{}'.format(parsed_xml.cpu.topology.attrib['sockets'], parsed_xml.cpu.topology.attrib['cores'], parsed_xml.cpu.topology.attrib['threads'])
dvcputopo = 'N/A'
return duuid, dname, dmemory, dvcpu, dvcputopo
# Get long-format details
def getDomainExtraDetails(parsed_xml):
dtype = parsed_xml.os.type
darch = parsed_xml.os.type.attrib['arch']
dmachine = parsed_xml.os.type.attrib['machine']
dconsole = parsed_xml.devices.console.attrib['type']
demulator = parsed_xml.devices.emulator
return dtype, darch, dmachine, dconsole, demulator
# Get CPU features
def getDomainCPUFeatures(parsed_xml):
dfeatures = []
for feature in parsed_xml.features.getchildren():
return dfeatures
# Get disk devices
def getDomainDisks(parsed_xml):
ddisks = []
for device in parsed_xml.devices.getchildren():
if device.tag == 'disk':
disk_attrib = device.source.attrib
disk_target =
disk_type = device.attrib['type']
if disk_type == 'network':
disk_obj = { 'type': disk_attrib.get('protocol'), 'name': disk_attrib.get('name'), 'dev': disk_target.get('dev'), 'bus': disk_target.get('bus') }
elif disk_type == 'file':
disk_obj = { 'type': 'file', 'name': disk_attrib.get('file'), 'dev': disk_target.get('dev'), 'bus': disk_target.get('bus') }
disk_obj = {}
return ddisks
# Get network devices
def getDomainNetworks(parsed_xml):
dnets = []
for device in parsed_xml.devices.getchildren():
if device.tag == 'interface':
net_type = device.attrib['type']
net_mac = device.mac.attrib['address']
net_bridge = device.source.attrib[net_type]
net_model = device.model.attrib['type']
net_obj = { 'type': net_type, 'mac': net_mac, 'source': net_bridge, 'model': net_model }
return dnets
# Get controller devices
def getDomainControllers(parsed_xml):
dcontrollers = []
for device in parsed_xml.devices.getchildren():
if device.tag == 'controller':
controller_type = device.attrib['type']
controller_model = device.attrib['model']
except KeyError:
controller_model = 'none'
controller_obj = { 'type': controller_type, 'model': controller_model }
return dcontrollers
# Parse an XML object
def getDomainXML(zk, dom_uuid):
xml = zk.get('/domains/%s/xml' % dom_uuid)[0].decode('ascii')
return None
# Parse XML using lxml.objectify
parsed_xml = lxml.objectify.fromstring(xml)
return parsed_xml
# Root functions
def getInformationFromNode(zk, node_name, long_output):
node_daemon_state = zk.get('/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii')
node_domain_state = zk.get('/nodes/{}/domainstate'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii')
node_cpu_count = zk.get('/nodes/{}/staticdata'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii').split()[0]
node_arch = zk.get('/nodes/{}/staticdata'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii').split()[1]
node_os = zk.get('/nodes/{}/staticdata'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii').split()[2]
node_kernel = zk.get('/nodes/{}/staticdata'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii').split()[3]
node_mem_used = zk.get('/nodes/{}/memused'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii')
node_mem_free = zk.get('/nodes/{}/memfree'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii')
node_mem_total = int(node_mem_used) + int(node_mem_free)
node_domains_count = zk.get('/nodes/{}/domainscount'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii')
node_running_domains = zk.get('/nodes/{}/runningdomains'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii').split()
node_mem_allocated = 0
for domain in node_running_domains:
parsed_xml = getDomainXML(zk, domain)
duuid, dname, dmemory, dvcpu, dvcputopo = getDomainMainDetails(parsed_xml)
node_mem_allocated += int(dmemory)
if node_daemon_state == 'run':
daemon_state_colour =
elif node_daemon_state == 'stop':
daemon_state_colour =
elif node_daemon_state == 'init':
daemon_state_colour = ansiiprint.yellow()
elif node_daemon_state == 'dead':
daemon_state_colour = + ansiiprint.bold()
daemon_state_colour =
if node_domain_state == 'ready':
domain_state_colour =
domain_state_colour =
# Format a nice output; do this line-by-line then concat the elements at the end
ainformation = []
ainformation.append('{}Hypervisor Node information:{}'.format(ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end()))
# Basic information
ainformation.append('{}Name:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_name))
ainformation.append('{}Daemon State:{} {}{}{}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), daemon_state_colour, node_daemon_state, ansiiprint.end()))
ainformation.append('{}Domain State:{} {}{}{}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), domain_state_colour, node_domain_state, ansiiprint.end()))
ainformation.append('{}Active Domain Count:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_domains_count))
if long_output == True:
ainformation.append('{}Architecture:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_arch))
ainformation.append('{}Operating System:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_os))
ainformation.append('{}Kernel Version:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_kernel))
ainformation.append('{}CPUs:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_cpu_count))
ainformation.append('{}Total RAM (MiB):{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_mem_total))
ainformation.append('{}Used RAM (MiB):{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_mem_used))
ainformation.append('{}Free RAM (MiB):{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_mem_free))
ainformation.append('{}Allocated RAM (MiB):{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_mem_allocated))
# Join it all together
information = '\n'.join(ainformation)
return information
def getInformationFromXML(zk, uuid, long_output):
# Obtain the contents of the XML from Zookeeper
dstate = zk.get('/domains/{}/state'.format(uuid))[0].decode('ascii')
dhypervisor = zk.get('/domains/{}/hypervisor'.format(uuid))[0].decode('ascii')
dlasthypervisor = zk.get('/domains/{}/lasthypervisor'.format(uuid))[0].decode('ascii')
return None
if dlasthypervisor == '':
dlasthypervisor = 'N/A'
parsed_xml = getDomainXML(zk, uuid)
duuid, dname, dmemory, dvcpu, dvcputopo = getDomainMainDetails(parsed_xml)
if long_output == True:
dtype, darch, dmachine, dconsole, demulator = getDomainExtraDetails(parsed_xml)
dfeatures = getDomainCPUFeatures(parsed_xml)
ddisks = getDomainDisks(parsed_xml)
dnets = getDomainNetworks(parsed_xml)
dcontrollers = getDomainControllers(parsed_xml)
# Format a nice output; do this line-by-line then concat the elements at the end
ainformation = []
ainformation.append('{}Virtual machine information:{}'.format(ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end()))
# Basic information
ainformation.append('{}UUID:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), duuid))
ainformation.append('{}Name:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dname))
ainformation.append('{}Memory (MiB):{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dmemory))
ainformation.append('{}vCPUs:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dvcpu))
ainformation.append('{}Topology (S/C/T):{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dvcputopo))
if long_output == True:
# Virtualization information
ainformation.append('{}Emulator:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), demulator))
ainformation.append('{}Type:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dtype))
ainformation.append('{}Arch:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), darch))
ainformation.append('{}Machine:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dmachine))
ainformation.append('{}Features:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), ' '.join(dfeatures)))
# PVC cluster information
dstate_colour = {
'restart': ansiiprint.yellow(),
'shutdown': ansiiprint.yellow(),
ainformation.append('{}State:{} {}{}{}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dstate_colour[dstate], dstate, ansiiprint.end()))
ainformation.append('{}Active Hypervisor:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dhypervisor))
ainformation.append('{}Last Hypervisor:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dlasthypervisor))
if long_output == True:
# Disk list
name_length = 0
for disk in ddisks:
_name_length = len(disk['name']) + 1
if _name_length > name_length:
name_length = _name_length
ainformation.append('{0}Disks:{1} {2}ID Type {3: <{width}} Dev Bus{4}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), ansiiprint.bold(), 'Name', ansiiprint.end(), width=name_length))
for disk in ddisks:
ainformation.append(' {0: <3} {1: <5} {2: <{width}} {3: <4} {4: <5}'.format(ddisks.index(disk), disk['type'], disk['name'], disk['dev'], disk['bus'], width=name_length))
# Network list
ainformation.append('{}Interfaces:{} {}ID Type Source Model MAC{}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end()))
for net in dnets:
ainformation.append(' {0: <3} {1: <8} {2: <10} {3: <8} {4}'.format(dnets.index(net), net['type'], net['source'], net['model'], net['mac']))
# Controller list
ainformation.append('{}Controllers:{} {}ID Type Model{}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end()))
for controller in dcontrollers:
ainformation.append(' {0: <3} {1: <14} {2: <8}'.format(dcontrollers.index(controller), controller['type'], controller['model']))
# Join it all together
information = '\n'.join(ainformation)
return information
# Cluster search functions
def getClusterDomainList(zk):
# Get a list of UUIDs by listing the children of /domains
uuid_list = zk.get_children('/domains')
name_list = []
# For each UUID, get the corresponding name from the data
for uuid in uuid_list:
name_list.append(zk.get('/domains/%s' % uuid)[0].decode('ascii'))
return uuid_list, name_list
def searchClusterByUUID(zk, uuid):
# Get the lists
uuid_list, name_list = getClusterDomainList(zk)
# We're looking for UUID, so find that element ID
index = uuid_list.index(uuid)
# Get the name_list element at that index
name = name_list[index]
except ValueError:
# We didn't find anything
return None
return name
def searchClusterByName(zk, name):
# Get the lists
uuid_list, name_list = getClusterDomainList(zk)
# We're looking for name, so find that element ID
index = name_list.index(name)
# Get the uuid_list element at that index
uuid = uuid_list[index]
except ValueError:
# We didn't find anything
return None
return uuid
# Allow mutually exclusive options in Click
class MutuallyExclusiveOption(click.Option):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
meargs = kwargs.pop('mutually_exclusive', [])
_me_arg = []
_me_func = []
for arg in meargs:
self.me_arg = set(_me_arg)
self.me_func = set(_me_func)
help = kwargs.get('help', '')
if self.me_func:
ex_str = ', '.join(self.me_arg)
kwargs['help'] = help + (
' Mutually exclusive with `' + ex_str + '`.'
super(MutuallyExclusiveOption, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def handle_parse_result(self, ctx, opts, args):
if self.me_func.intersection(opts) and in opts:
raise click.UsageError(
"Illegal usage: `{}` is mutually exclusive with "
"arguments `{}`.".format(
', '.join(self.me_arg)
return super(MutuallyExclusiveOption, self).handle_parse_result(
######################## ########################
######################## ########################
@ -33,6 +384,9 @@ zk_host = ''
######################## ########################
######################## ########################
myhostname = socket.gethostname()
zk_host = ''
CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help'], max_content_width=120) CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help'], max_content_width=120)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -64,7 +418,7 @@ def flush_host(node_name):
""" """
# Open a Zookeeper connection # Open a Zookeeper connection
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
# Verify node is valid # Verify node is valid
try: try:
@ -81,7 +435,7 @@ def flush_host(node_name):
results = transaction.commit() results = transaction.commit()
# Close the Zookeeper connection # Close the Zookeeper connection
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -102,7 +456,7 @@ def ready_host(node_name):
""" """
# Open a Zookeeper connection # Open a Zookeeper connection
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
# Verify node is valid # Verify node is valid
try: try:
@ -119,7 +473,7 @@ def ready_host(node_name):
results = transaction.commit() results = transaction.commit()
# Close the Zookeeper connection # Close the Zookeeper connection
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -140,7 +494,7 @@ def node_info(node_name, long_output):
""" """
# Open a Zookeeper connection # Open a Zookeeper connection
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
# Verify node is valid # Verify node is valid
try: try:
@ -150,7 +504,7 @@ def node_info(node_name, long_output):
exit(1) exit(1)
# Get information about node in a pretty format # Get information about node in a pretty format
information = pvcf.getInformationFromNode(zk, node_name, long_output) information = getInformationFromNode(zk, node_name, long_output)
if information == None: if information == None:
click.echo('ERROR: Could not find a domain matching that name or UUID.') click.echo('ERROR: Could not find a domain matching that name or UUID.')
@ -166,7 +520,7 @@ def node_info(node_name, long_output):
_vm_list(node_name) _vm_list(node_name)
# Close the Zookeeper connection # Close the Zookeeper connection
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -179,7 +533,7 @@ def node_list():
""" """
# Open a Zookeeper connection # Open a Zookeeper connection
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
node_list = zk.get_children('/nodes') node_list = zk.get_children('/nodes')
node_list_output = [] node_list_output = []
@ -206,8 +560,8 @@ def node_list():
node_running_domains[node_name] = zk.get('/nodes/{}/runningdomains'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii').split() node_running_domains[node_name] = zk.get('/nodes/{}/runningdomains'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii').split()
node_mem_allocated[node_name] = 0 node_mem_allocated[node_name] = 0
for domain in node_running_domains[node_name]: for domain in node_running_domains[node_name]:
parsed_xml = pvcf.getDomainXML(zk, domain) parsed_xml = getDomainXML(zk, domain)
duuid, dname, dmemory, dvcpu, dvcputopo = pvcf.getDomainMainDetails(parsed_xml) duuid, dname, dmemory, dvcpu, dvcputopo = getDomainMainDetails(parsed_xml)
node_mem_allocated[node_name] += int(dmemory) node_mem_allocated[node_name] += int(dmemory)
# Determine optimal column widths # Determine optimal column widths
@ -287,7 +641,7 @@ RAM (MiB): {node_mem_total: <6} {node_mem_used: <6} {node_mem_free: <6} {node_me
click.echo('\n'.join(sorted(node_list_output))) click.echo('\n'.join(sorted(node_list_output)))
# Close the Zookeeper connection # Close the Zookeeper connection
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -334,7 +688,7 @@ def define_vm(xml_config_file, target_hypervisor):
click.echo('Adding new VM with Name "{}" and UUID "{}" to database.'.format(dom_name, dom_uuid)) click.echo('Adding new VM with Name "{}" and UUID "{}" to database.'.format(dom_name, dom_uuid))
# Open a Zookeeper connection # Open a Zookeeper connection
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
# Add the new domain to Zookeeper # Add the new domain to Zookeeper
transaction = zk.transaction() transaction = zk.transaction()
@ -346,7 +700,7 @@ def define_vm(xml_config_file, target_hypervisor):
results = transaction.commit() results = transaction.commit()
# Close the Zookeeper connection # Close the Zookeeper connection
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -355,13 +709,13 @@ def define_vm(xml_config_file, target_hypervisor):
@click.command(name='undefine', short_help='Undefine and stop a virtual machine.') @click.command(name='undefine', short_help='Undefine and stop a virtual machine.')
@click.option( @click.option(
'-n', '--name', 'dom_name', '-n', '--name', 'dom_name',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }],
help='Search for this human-readable name.' help='Search for this human-readable name.'
) )
@click.option( @click.option(
'-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid', '-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }],
help='Search for this UUID.' help='Search for this UUID.'
) )
@ -376,14 +730,14 @@ def undefine_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
return return
# Open a Zookeeper connection # Open a Zookeeper connection
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
# If the --name value was passed, get the UUID # If the --name value was passed, get the UUID
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
dom_uuid = pvcf.searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name) dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name)
# Verify we got a result or abort # Verify we got a result or abort
if not pvcf.validateUUID(dom_uuid): if not validateUUID(dom_uuid):
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
message_name = dom_name message_name = dom_name
else: else:
@ -414,7 +768,7 @@ def undefine_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
transaction.commit() transaction.commit()
# Close the Zookeeper connection # Close the Zookeeper connection
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -423,13 +777,13 @@ def undefine_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
@click.command(name='start', short_help='Start up a defined virtual machine.') @click.command(name='start', short_help='Start up a defined virtual machine.')
@click.option( @click.option(
'-n', '--name', 'dom_name', '-n', '--name', 'dom_name',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }],
help='Search for this human-readable name.' help='Search for this human-readable name.'
) )
@click.option( @click.option(
'-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid', '-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }],
help='Search for this UUID.' help='Search for this UUID.'
) )
@ -444,14 +798,14 @@ def start_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
return return
# Open a Zookeeper connection # Open a Zookeeper connection
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
# If the --name value was passed, get the UUID # If the --name value was passed, get the UUID
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
dom_uuid = pvcf.searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name) dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name)
# Verify we got a result or abort # Verify we got a result or abort
if not pvcf.validateUUID(dom_uuid): if not validateUUID(dom_uuid):
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
message_name = dom_name message_name = dom_name
else: else:
@ -464,7 +818,7 @@ def start_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
zk.set('/domains/%s/state' % dom_uuid, 'start'.encode('ascii')) zk.set('/domains/%s/state' % dom_uuid, 'start'.encode('ascii'))
# Close the Zookeeper connection # Close the Zookeeper connection
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -473,13 +827,13 @@ def start_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
@click.command(name='restart', short_help='Restart virtual machine.') @click.command(name='restart', short_help='Restart virtual machine.')
@click.option( @click.option(
'-n', '--name', 'dom_name', '-n', '--name', 'dom_name',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }],
help='Search for this human-readable name.' help='Search for this human-readable name.'
) )
@click.option( @click.option(
'-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid', '-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }],
help='Search for this UUID.' help='Search for this UUID.'
) )
@ -494,14 +848,14 @@ def restart_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
return return
# Open a Zookeeper connection # Open a Zookeeper connection
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
# If the --name value was passed, get the UUID # If the --name value was passed, get the UUID
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
dom_uuid = pvcf.searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name) dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name)
# Verify we got a result or abort # Verify we got a result or abort
if not pvcf.validateUUID(dom_uuid): if not validateUUID(dom_uuid):
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
message_name = dom_name message_name = dom_name
else: else:
@ -514,7 +868,7 @@ def restart_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
zk.set('/domains/%s/state' % dom_uuid, 'restart'.encode('ascii')) zk.set('/domains/%s/state' % dom_uuid, 'restart'.encode('ascii'))
# Close the Zookeeper connection # Close the Zookeeper connection
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -523,13 +877,13 @@ def restart_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
@click.command(name='shutdown', short_help='Gracefully shut down a running virtual machine.') @click.command(name='shutdown', short_help='Gracefully shut down a running virtual machine.')
@click.option( @click.option(
'-n', '--name', 'dom_name', '-n', '--name', 'dom_name',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }],
help='Search for this human-readable name.' help='Search for this human-readable name.'
) )
@click.option( @click.option(
'-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid', '-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }],
help='Search for this UUID.' help='Search for this UUID.'
) )
@ -544,14 +898,14 @@ def shutdown_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
return return
# Open a Zookeeper connection # Open a Zookeeper connection
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
# If the --name value was passed, get the UUID # If the --name value was passed, get the UUID
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
dom_uuid = pvcf.searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name) dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name)
# Verify we got a result or abort # Verify we got a result or abort
if not pvcf.validateUUID(dom_uuid): if not validateUUID(dom_uuid):
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
message_name = dom_name message_name = dom_name
else: else:
@ -564,7 +918,7 @@ def shutdown_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
zk.set('/domains/%s/state' % dom_uuid, 'shutdown'.encode('ascii')) zk.set('/domains/%s/state' % dom_uuid, 'shutdown'.encode('ascii'))
# Close the Zookeeper connection # Close the Zookeeper connection
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -573,13 +927,13 @@ def shutdown_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
@click.command(name='stop', short_help='Forcibly halt a running virtual machine.') @click.command(name='stop', short_help='Forcibly halt a running virtual machine.')
@click.option( @click.option(
'-n', '--name', 'dom_name', '-n', '--name', 'dom_name',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }],
help='Search for this human-readable name.' help='Search for this human-readable name.'
) )
@click.option( @click.option(
'-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid', '-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }],
help='Search for this UUID.' help='Search for this UUID.'
) )
@ -594,14 +948,14 @@ def stop_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
return return
# Open a Zookeeper connection # Open a Zookeeper connection
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
# If the --name value was passed, get the UUID # If the --name value was passed, get the UUID
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
dom_uuid = pvcf.searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name) dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name)
# Verify we got a result or abort # Verify we got a result or abort
if not pvcf.validateUUID(dom_uuid): if not validateUUID(dom_uuid):
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
message_name = dom_name message_name = dom_name
else: else:
@ -614,7 +968,7 @@ def stop_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
zk.set('/domains/%s/state' % dom_uuid, 'stop'.encode('ascii')) zk.set('/domains/%s/state' % dom_uuid, 'stop'.encode('ascii'))
# Close the Zookeeper connection # Close the Zookeeper connection
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -623,13 +977,13 @@ def stop_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
@click.command(name='move', short_help='Permanently move a virtual machine to another node.') @click.command(name='move', short_help='Permanently move a virtual machine to another node.')
@click.option( @click.option(
'-n', '--name', 'dom_name', '-n', '--name', 'dom_name',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }],
help='Search for this human-readable name.' help='Search for this human-readable name.'
) )
@click.option( @click.option(
'-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid', '-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }],
help='Search for this UUID.' help='Search for this UUID.'
) )
@ -648,14 +1002,14 @@ def move_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid, target_hypervisor):
return return
# Open a Zookeeper connection # Open a Zookeeper connection
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
# If the --name value was passed, get the UUID # If the --name value was passed, get the UUID
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
dom_uuid = pvcf.searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name) dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name)
# Verify we got a result or abort # Verify we got a result or abort
if not pvcf.validateUUID(dom_uuid): if not validateUUID(dom_uuid):
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
message_name = dom_name message_name = dom_name
else: else:
@ -699,7 +1053,7 @@ def move_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid, target_hypervisor):
transaction.commit() transaction.commit()
# Close the Zookeeper connection # Close the Zookeeper connection
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -708,13 +1062,13 @@ def move_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid, target_hypervisor):
@click.command(name='migrate', short_help='Migrate a virtual machine to another node.') @click.command(name='migrate', short_help='Migrate a virtual machine to another node.')
@click.option( @click.option(
'-n', '--name', 'dom_name', '-n', '--name', 'dom_name',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }],
help='Search for this human-readable name.' help='Search for this human-readable name.'
) )
@click.option( @click.option(
'-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid', '-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }],
help='Search for this UUID.' help='Search for this UUID.'
) )
@ -737,14 +1091,14 @@ def migrate_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid, target_hypervisor, force_migrate):
return return
# Open a Zookeeper connection # Open a Zookeeper connection
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
# If the --name value was passed, get the UUID # If the --name value was passed, get the UUID
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
dom_uuid = pvcf.searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name) dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name)
# Verify we got a result or abort # Verify we got a result or abort
if not pvcf.validateUUID(dom_uuid): if not validateUUID(dom_uuid):
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
message_name = dom_name message_name = dom_name
else: else:
@ -789,7 +1143,7 @@ def migrate_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid, target_hypervisor, force_migrate):
transaction.commit() transaction.commit()
# Close the Zookeeper connection # Close the Zookeeper connection
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -798,13 +1152,13 @@ def migrate_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid, target_hypervisor, force_migrate):
@click.command(name='unmigrate', short_help='Restore a migrated virtual machine to its original node.') @click.command(name='unmigrate', short_help='Restore a migrated virtual machine to its original node.')
@click.option( @click.option(
'-n', '--name', 'dom_name', '-n', '--name', 'dom_name',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }],
help='Search for this human-readable name.' help='Search for this human-readable name.'
) )
@click.option( @click.option(
'-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid', '-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }],
help='Search for this UUID.' help='Search for this UUID.'
) )
@ -819,14 +1173,14 @@ def unmigrate_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
return return
# Open a Zookeeper connection # Open a Zookeeper connection
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
# If the --name value was passed, get the UUID # If the --name value was passed, get the UUID
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
dom_uuid = pvcf.searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name) dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name)
# Verify we got a result or abort # Verify we got a result or abort
if not pvcf.validateUUID(dom_uuid): if not validateUUID(dom_uuid):
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
message_name = dom_name message_name = dom_name
else: else:
@ -848,7 +1202,7 @@ def unmigrate_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
transaction.commit() transaction.commit()
# Close the Zookeeper connection # Close the Zookeeper connection
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -857,13 +1211,13 @@ def unmigrate_vm(dom_name, dom_uuid):
@click.command(name='info', short_help='Show details of a VM object') @click.command(name='info', short_help='Show details of a VM object')
@click.option( @click.option(
'-n', '--name', 'dom_name', '-n', '--name', 'dom_name',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_uuid', 'argument': '--uuid' }],
help='Search for this human-readable name.' help='Search for this human-readable name.'
) )
@click.option( @click.option(
'-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid', '-u', '--uuid', 'dom_uuid',
cls=pvcf.MutuallyExclusiveOption, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption,
mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }], mutually_exclusive=[{ 'function': 'dom_name', 'argument': '--name' }],
help='Search for this UUID.' help='Search for this UUID.'
) )
@ -881,20 +1235,20 @@ def vm_info(dom_name, dom_uuid, long_output):
click.echo("ERROR: You must specify either a `--name` or `--uuid` value.") click.echo("ERROR: You must specify either a `--name` or `--uuid` value.")
return return
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
if dom_name != None: if dom_name != None:
dom_uuid = pvcf.searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name) dom_uuid = searchClusterByName(zk, dom_name)
if dom_uuid != None: if dom_uuid != None:
dom_name = pvcf.searchClusterByUUID(zk, dom_uuid) dom_name = searchClusterByUUID(zk, dom_uuid)
information = pvcf.getInformationFromXML(zk, dom_uuid, long_output) information = getInformationFromXML(zk, dom_uuid, long_output)
if information == None: if information == None:
click.echo('ERROR: Could not find a domain matching that name or UUID.') click.echo('ERROR: Could not find a domain matching that name or UUID.')
return return
click.echo(information) click.echo(information)
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -915,7 +1269,7 @@ def _vm_list(hypervisor):
""" """
# Open a Zookeeper connection # Open a Zookeeper connection
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
vm_list_raw = zk.get_children('/domains') vm_list_raw = zk.get_children('/domains')
vm_list = [] vm_list = []
@ -948,8 +1302,8 @@ def _vm_list(hypervisor):
else: else:
vm_migrated[vm] = 'no' vm_migrated[vm] = 'no'
vm_xml = pvcf.getDomainXML(zk, vm) vm_xml = getDomainXML(zk, vm)
vm_uuid[vm], vm_name[vm], vm_memory[vm], vm_vcpu[vm], vm_vcputopo = pvcf.getDomainMainDetails(vm_xml) vm_uuid[vm], vm_name[vm], vm_memory[vm], vm_vcpu[vm], vm_vcputopo = getDomainMainDetails(vm_xml)
# Determine optimal column widths # Determine optimal column widths
# Dynamic columns: node_name, hypervisor, migrated # Dynamic columns: node_name, hypervisor, migrated
@ -1034,7 +1388,7 @@ def _vm_list(hypervisor):
click.echo('\n'.join(sorted(vm_list_output))) click.echo('\n'.join(sorted(vm_list_output)))
# Close the Zookeeper connection # Close the Zookeeper connection
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
@ -1052,7 +1406,7 @@ def init_cluster():
click.echo('Initializing a new cluster with Zookeeper address "{}".'.format(zk_host)) click.echo('Initializing a new cluster with Zookeeper address "{}".'.format(zk_host))
# Open a Zookeeper connection # Open a Zookeeper connection
zk = pvcf.startZKConnection(zk_host) zk = startZKConnection(zk_host)
# Destroy the existing data # Destroy the existing data
try: try:
@ -1068,7 +1422,7 @@ def init_cluster():
transaction.commit() transaction.commit()
# Close the Zookeeper connection # Close the Zookeeper connection
pvcf.stopZKConnection(zk) stopZKConnection(zk)
click.echo('Successfully initialized new cluster. Any running PVC daemons will need to be restarted.') click.echo('Successfully initialized new cluster. Any running PVC daemons will need to be restarted.')
@ -1122,3 +1476,4 @@ def main():
if __name__ == '__main__': if __name__ == '__main__':
main() main()

View File

@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# - Supplemental functions for the PVC CLI client
# Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system
# Copyright (C) 2018 Joshua M. Boniface <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import os, sys, libvirt, uuid, kazoo.client, lxml.objectify, click, ansiiprint
# Validate a UUID
def validateUUID(dom_uuid):
return True
return False
# Connect and disconnect from Zookeeper
def startZKConnection(zk_host):
zk = kazoo.client.KazooClient(hosts=zk_host)
return zk
def stopZKConnection(zk):
return 0
# XML information parsing functions
# Get the main details for a VM object from XML
def getDomainMainDetails(parsed_xml):
# Get the information we want from it
duuid = str(parsed_xml.uuid)
dname = str(
dmemory = str(parsed_xml.memory)
dmemory_unit = str(parsed_xml.memory.attrib['unit'])
if dmemory_unit == 'KiB':
dmemory = str(int(dmemory) * 1024)
elif dmemory_unit == 'GiB':
dmemory = str(int(dmemory) / 1024)
dvcpu = str(parsed_xml.vcpu)
dvcputopo = '{}/{}/{}'.format(parsed_xml.cpu.topology.attrib['sockets'], parsed_xml.cpu.topology.attrib['cores'], parsed_xml.cpu.topology.attrib['threads'])
dvcputopo = 'N/A'
return duuid, dname, dmemory, dvcpu, dvcputopo
# Get long-format details
def getDomainExtraDetails(parsed_xml):
dtype = parsed_xml.os.type
darch = parsed_xml.os.type.attrib['arch']
dmachine = parsed_xml.os.type.attrib['machine']
dconsole = parsed_xml.devices.console.attrib['type']
demulator = parsed_xml.devices.emulator
return dtype, darch, dmachine, dconsole, demulator
# Get CPU features
def getDomainCPUFeatures(parsed_xml):
dfeatures = []
for feature in parsed_xml.features.getchildren():
return dfeatures
# Get disk devices
def getDomainDisks(parsed_xml):
ddisks = []
for device in parsed_xml.devices.getchildren():
if device.tag == 'disk':
disk_attrib = device.source.attrib
disk_target =
disk_type = device.attrib['type']
if disk_type == 'network':
disk_obj = { 'type': disk_attrib.get('protocol'), 'name': disk_attrib.get('name'), 'dev': disk_target.get('dev'), 'bus': disk_target.get('bus') }
elif disk_type == 'file':
disk_obj = { 'type': 'file', 'name': disk_attrib.get('file'), 'dev': disk_target.get('dev'), 'bus': disk_target.get('bus') }
disk_obj = {}
return ddisks
# Get network devices
def getDomainNetworks(parsed_xml):
dnets = []
for device in parsed_xml.devices.getchildren():
if device.tag == 'interface':
net_type = device.attrib['type']
net_mac = device.mac.attrib['address']
net_bridge = device.source.attrib[net_type]
net_model = device.model.attrib['type']
net_obj = { 'type': net_type, 'mac': net_mac, 'source': net_bridge, 'model': net_model }
return dnets
# Get controller devices
def getDomainControllers(parsed_xml):
dcontrollers = []
for device in parsed_xml.devices.getchildren():
if device.tag == 'controller':
controller_type = device.attrib['type']
controller_model = device.attrib['model']
except KeyError:
controller_model = 'none'
controller_obj = { 'type': controller_type, 'model': controller_model }
return dcontrollers
# Parse an XML object
def getDomainXML(zk, dom_uuid):
xml = zk.get('/domains/%s/xml' % dom_uuid)[0].decode('ascii')
return None
# Parse XML using lxml.objectify
parsed_xml = lxml.objectify.fromstring(xml)
return parsed_xml
# Root functions
def getInformationFromNode(zk, node_name, long_output):
node_daemon_state = zk.get('/nodes/{}/daemonstate'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii')
node_domain_state = zk.get('/nodes/{}/domainstate'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii')
node_cpu_count = zk.get('/nodes/{}/staticdata'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii').split()[0]
node_arch = zk.get('/nodes/{}/staticdata'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii').split()[1]
node_os = zk.get('/nodes/{}/staticdata'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii').split()[2]
node_kernel = zk.get('/nodes/{}/staticdata'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii').split()[3]
node_mem_used = zk.get('/nodes/{}/memused'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii')
node_mem_free = zk.get('/nodes/{}/memfree'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii')
node_mem_total = int(node_mem_used) + int(node_mem_free)
node_domains_count = zk.get('/nodes/{}/domainscount'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii')
node_running_domains = zk.get('/nodes/{}/runningdomains'.format(node_name))[0].decode('ascii').split()
node_mem_allocated = 0
for domain in node_running_domains:
parsed_xml = getDomainXML(zk, domain)
duuid, dname, dmemory, dvcpu, dvcputopo = getDomainMainDetails(parsed_xml)
node_mem_allocated += int(dmemory)
if node_daemon_state == 'run':
daemon_state_colour =
elif node_daemon_state == 'stop':
daemon_state_colour =
elif node_daemon_state == 'init':
daemon_state_colour = ansiiprint.yellow()
elif node_daemon_state == 'dead':
daemon_state_colour = + ansiiprint.bold()
daemon_state_colour =
if node_domain_state == 'ready':
domain_state_colour =
domain_state_colour =
# Format a nice output; do this line-by-line then concat the elements at the end
ainformation = []
ainformation.append('{}Hypervisor Node information:{}'.format(ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end()))
# Basic information
ainformation.append('{}Name:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_name))
ainformation.append('{}Daemon State:{} {}{}{}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), daemon_state_colour, node_daemon_state, ansiiprint.end()))
ainformation.append('{}Domain State:{} {}{}{}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), domain_state_colour, node_domain_state, ansiiprint.end()))
ainformation.append('{}Active Domain Count:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_domains_count))
if long_output == True:
ainformation.append('{}Architecture:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_arch))
ainformation.append('{}Operating System:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_os))
ainformation.append('{}Kernel Version:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_kernel))
ainformation.append('{}CPUs:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_cpu_count))
ainformation.append('{}Total RAM (MiB):{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_mem_total))
ainformation.append('{}Used RAM (MiB):{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_mem_used))
ainformation.append('{}Free RAM (MiB):{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_mem_free))
ainformation.append('{}Allocated RAM (MiB):{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), node_mem_allocated))
# Join it all together
information = '\n'.join(ainformation)
return information
def getInformationFromXML(zk, uuid, long_output):
# Obtain the contents of the XML from Zookeeper
dstate = zk.get('/domains/{}/state'.format(uuid))[0].decode('ascii')
dhypervisor = zk.get('/domains/{}/hypervisor'.format(uuid))[0].decode('ascii')
dlasthypervisor = zk.get('/domains/{}/lasthypervisor'.format(uuid))[0].decode('ascii')
return None
if dlasthypervisor == '':
dlasthypervisor = 'N/A'
parsed_xml = getDomainXML(zk, uuid)
duuid, dname, dmemory, dvcpu, dvcputopo = getDomainMainDetails(parsed_xml)
if long_output == True:
dtype, darch, dmachine, dconsole, demulator = getDomainExtraDetails(parsed_xml)
dfeatures = getDomainCPUFeatures(parsed_xml)
ddisks = getDomainDisks(parsed_xml)
dnets = getDomainNetworks(parsed_xml)
dcontrollers = getDomainControllers(parsed_xml)
# Format a nice output; do this line-by-line then concat the elements at the end
ainformation = []
ainformation.append('{}Virtual machine information:{}'.format(ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end()))
# Basic information
ainformation.append('{}UUID:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), duuid))
ainformation.append('{}Name:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dname))
ainformation.append('{}Memory (MiB):{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dmemory))
ainformation.append('{}vCPUs:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dvcpu))
ainformation.append('{}Topology (S/C/T):{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dvcputopo))
if long_output == True:
# Virtualization information
ainformation.append('{}Emulator:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), demulator))
ainformation.append('{}Type:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dtype))
ainformation.append('{}Arch:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), darch))
ainformation.append('{}Machine:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dmachine))
ainformation.append('{}Features:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), ' '.join(dfeatures)))
# PVC cluster information
dstate_colour = {
'restart': ansiiprint.yellow(),
'shutdown': ansiiprint.yellow(),
ainformation.append('{}State:{} {}{}{}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dstate_colour[dstate], dstate, ansiiprint.end()))
ainformation.append('{}Active Hypervisor:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dhypervisor))
ainformation.append('{}Last Hypervisor:{} {}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), dlasthypervisor))
if long_output == True:
# Disk list
name_length = 0
for disk in ddisks:
_name_length = len(disk['name']) + 1
if _name_length > name_length:
name_length = _name_length
ainformation.append('{0}Disks:{1} {2}ID Type {3: <{width}} Dev Bus{4}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), ansiiprint.bold(), 'Name', ansiiprint.end(), width=name_length))
for disk in ddisks:
ainformation.append(' {0: <3} {1: <5} {2: <{width}} {3: <4} {4: <5}'.format(ddisks.index(disk), disk['type'], disk['name'], disk['dev'], disk['bus'], width=name_length))
# Network list
ainformation.append('{}Interfaces:{} {}ID Type Source Model MAC{}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end()))
for net in dnets:
ainformation.append(' {0: <3} {1: <8} {2: <10} {3: <8} {4}'.format(dnets.index(net), net['type'], net['source'], net['model'], net['mac']))
# Controller list
ainformation.append('{}Controllers:{} {}ID Type Model{}'.format(ansiiprint.purple(), ansiiprint.end(), ansiiprint.bold(), ansiiprint.end()))
for controller in dcontrollers:
ainformation.append(' {0: <3} {1: <14} {2: <8}'.format(dcontrollers.index(controller), controller['type'], controller['model']))
# Join it all together
information = '\n'.join(ainformation)
return information
# Cluster search functions
def getClusterDomainList(zk):
# Get a list of UUIDs by listing the children of /domains
uuid_list = zk.get_children('/domains')
name_list = []
# For each UUID, get the corresponding name from the data
for uuid in uuid_list:
name_list.append(zk.get('/domains/%s' % uuid)[0].decode('ascii'))
return uuid_list, name_list
def searchClusterByUUID(zk, uuid):
# Get the lists
uuid_list, name_list = getClusterDomainList(zk)
# We're looking for UUID, so find that element ID
index = uuid_list.index(uuid)
# Get the name_list element at that index
name = name_list[index]
except ValueError:
# We didn't find anything
return None
return name
def searchClusterByName(zk, name):
# Get the lists
uuid_list, name_list = getClusterDomainList(zk)
# We're looking for name, so find that element ID
index = name_list.index(name)
# Get the uuid_list element at that index
uuid = uuid_list[index]
except ValueError:
# We didn't find anything
return None
return uuid
# Allow mutually exclusive options in Click
class MutuallyExclusiveOption(click.Option):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
meargs = kwargs.pop('mutually_exclusive', [])
_me_arg = []
_me_func = []
for arg in meargs:
self.me_arg = set(_me_arg)
self.me_func = set(_me_func)
help = kwargs.get('help', '')
if self.me_func:
ex_str = ', '.join(self.me_arg)
kwargs['help'] = help + (
' Mutually exclusive with `' + ex_str + '`.'
super(MutuallyExclusiveOption, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def handle_parse_result(self, ctx, opts, args):
if self.me_func.intersection(opts) and in opts:
raise click.UsageError(
"Illegal usage: `{}` is mutually exclusive with "
"arguments `{}`.".format(
', '.join(self.me_arg)
return super(MutuallyExclusiveOption, self).handle_parse_result(