Some major tweaks to make DHCP reservations work with the server

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Boniface 2018-09-30 12:43:56 -04:00
parent 3775edf415
commit 4d350ced7e
3 changed files with 63 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -747,11 +747,6 @@ def net_dhcp():
# pvc network dhcp add
@click.command(name='add', short_help='Add a DHCP reservation to a virtual network.')
'-d', '--description', 'description',
help='Description of the DHCP reservation; defaults to MACADDR if unspecified; should not contain whitespace.'
@ -761,13 +756,16 @@ def net_dhcp():
def net_dhcp_add(net, ipaddr, macaddr, description):
def net_dhcp_add(net, ipaddr, macaddr, hostname):
Add a new DHCP reservation of IP address IPADDR for MAC address MACADDR to virtual network NET; NET can be either a VNI or description.
Add a new DHCP reservation of host HOSTNAME with IP address IPADDR for MAC address MACADDR to virtual network NET; NET can be either a VNI or description.
zk_conn = pvc_common.startZKConnection(zk_host)
retcode, retmsg = pvc_network.add_dhcp_reservation(zk_conn, net, ipaddr, macaddr, description)
retcode, retmsg = pvc_network.add_dhcp_reservation(zk_conn, net, ipaddr, macaddr, hostname)
cleanup(retcode, retmsg, zk_conn)

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@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ def getNetworkDescription(zk_conn, network):
return net_description
def getNetworkDHCPReservations(zk_conn, vni):
# Get a list of VNIs by listing the children of /networks/<vni>/dhcp_reservations
# Get a list of VNIs by listing the children of /networks/<vni>/dhcp_leases
dhcp_reservations = []
dhcp_leases = zk_conn.get_children('/networks/{}/dhcp_leases'.format(vni))
for lease in dhcp_leases:
@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ def getNetworkInformation(zk_conn, vni):
return description, domain, ip_network, ip_gateway, dhcp_flag, dhcp_start, dhcp_end
def getDHCPReservationInformation(zk_conn, vni, macaddr):
description = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/networks/{}/dhcp_leases/{}/description'.format(vni, macaddr))
hostname = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/networks/{}/dhcp_leases/{}/hostname'.format(vni, macaddr))
ip_address = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/networks/{}/dhcp_leases/{}/ipaddr'.format(vni, macaddr))
mac_address = macaddr
return description, ip_address, mac_address
return hostname, ip_address, mac_address
def formatNetworkInformation(zk_conn, vni, long_output):
description, domain, ip_network, ip_gateway, dhcp_flag, dhcp_start, dhcp_end = getNetworkInformation(zk_conn, vni)
@ -301,26 +301,26 @@ def formatNetworkList(zk_conn, net_list):
def formatDHCPReservationList(zk_conn, vni, dhcp_reservations_list):
dhcp_reservation_list_output = []
description = {}
hostname = {}
ip_address = {}
mac_address = {}
# Gather information for printing
for dhcp_reservation in dhcp_reservations_list:
# get info
description[dhcp_reservation], ip_address[dhcp_reservation], mac_address[dhcp_reservation] = getDHCPReservationInformation(zk_conn, vni, dhcp_reservation)
hostname[dhcp_reservation], ip_address[dhcp_reservation], mac_address[dhcp_reservation] = getDHCPReservationInformation(zk_conn, vni, dhcp_reservation)
# Determine optimal column widths
# Dynamic columns: node_name, hypervisor, migrated
reservation_description_length = 13
reservation_hostname_length = 13
reservation_ip_address_length = 11
reservation_mac_address_length = 13
for dhcp_reservation in dhcp_reservations_list:
# description column
_reservation_description_length = len(description[dhcp_reservation]) + 1
if _reservation_description_length > reservation_description_length:
reservation_description_length = _reservation_description_length
# hostname column
_reservation_hostname_length = len(hostname[dhcp_reservation]) + 1
if _reservation_hostname_length > reservation_hostname_length:
reservation_hostname_length = _reservation_hostname_length
# ip_network column
_reservation_ip_address_length = len(ip_address[dhcp_reservation]) + 1
if _reservation_ip_address_length > reservation_ip_address_length:
@ -332,32 +332,32 @@ def formatDHCPReservationList(zk_conn, vni, dhcp_reservations_list):
# Format the string (header)
dhcp_reservation_list_output_header = '{bold}\
{reservation_description: <{reservation_description_length}} \
{reservation_hostname: <{reservation_hostname_length}} \
{reservation_ip_address: <{reservation_ip_address_length}} \
{reservation_mac_address: <{reservation_mac_address_length}} \
reservation_ip_address='IP Address',
reservation_mac_address='MAC Address'
for dhcp_reservation in dhcp_reservations_list:
{reservation_description: <{reservation_description_length}} \
{reservation_hostname: <{reservation_hostname_length}} \
{reservation_ip_address: <{reservation_ip_address_length}} \
{reservation_mac_address: <{reservation_mac_address_length}} \
@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ def add_network(zk_conn, vni, description, domain, ip_network, ip_gateway, dhcp_
'/networks/{}/dhcp_flag'.format(vni): str(dhcp_flag),
'/networks/{}/dhcp_start'.format(vni): dhcp_start,
'/networks/{}/dhcp_end'.format(vni): dhcp_end,
'/networks/{}/dhcp_reservations'.format(vni): '',
'/networks/{}/dhcp_leases'.format(vni): '',
'/networks/{}/firewall_rules'.format(vni): ''
@ -434,7 +434,6 @@ def modify_network(zk_conn, vni, **parameters):
if parameters['dhcp_flag'] != None:
zk_data.update({'/networks/{}/dhcp_flag'.format(vni): str(parameters['dhcp_flag'])})
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, zk_data)
return True, 'Network "{}" modified successfully!'.format(vni)
@ -455,7 +454,7 @@ def remove_network(zk_conn, network):
return True, 'Network "{}" removed successfully!'.format(description)
def add_dhcp_reservation(zk_conn, network, ipaddress, macaddress, description):
def add_dhcp_reservation(zk_conn, network, ipaddress, macaddress, hostname):
# Validate and obtain standard passed value
net_vni = getNetworkVNI(zk_conn, network)
if net_vni == None:
@ -470,23 +469,20 @@ def add_dhcp_reservation(zk_conn, network, ipaddress, macaddress, description):
if not isValidIP(ipaddress):
return False, 'ERROR: IP address "{}" is not valid!'.format(macaddress)
if not description:
description = macaddress
if zk_conn.exists('/networks/{}/dhcp_leases/{}'.format(net_vni, macaddress)):
return False, 'ERROR: A reservation with MAC "{}" already exists!'.format(macaddress)
# Add the new network to ZK
# Add the new static lease to ZK
zkhandler.writedata(zk_conn, {
'/networks/{}/dhcp_reservations/{}'.format(net_vni, macaddr): description,
'/networks/{}/dhcp_reservations/{}/description'.format(net_vni, macaddr): description,
'/networks/{}/dhcp_reservations/{}/ipaddr'.format(net_vni, macaddr): ipaddress
'/networks/{}/dhcp_leases/{}'.format(net_vni, macaddress): 'static',
'/networks/{}/dhcp_leases/{}/hostname'.format(net_vni, macaddress): hostname,
'/networks/{}/dhcp_leases/{}/ipaddr'.format(net_vni, macaddress): ipaddress
except Exception as e:
return False, 'ERROR: Failed to write to Zookeeper! Exception: "{}".'.format(e)
return True, 'DHCP reservation "{}" added successfully!'.format(description)
return True, 'DHCP reservation "{}" added successfully!'.format(macaddress)
def remove_dhcp_reservation(zk_conn, network, reservation):
# Validate and obtain standard passed value
@ -499,12 +495,12 @@ def remove_dhcp_reservation(zk_conn, network, reservation):
# Check if the reservation matches a description, a mac, or an IP address currently in the database
reservation_list = zk_conn.get_children('/networks/{}/dhcp_leases'.format(net_vni))
for macaddr in reservation_list:
timestamp = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, macaddr)
timestamp = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/networks/{}/dhcp_leases/{}'.format(net_vni, macaddr))
if timestamp != 'static':
description = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/networks/{}/dhcp_leases/{}/description'.format(net_vni, macaddr))
hostname = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/networks/{}/dhcp_leases/{}/hostname'.format(net_vni, macaddr))
ipaddress = zkhandler.readdata(zk_conn, '/networks/{}/dhcp_leases/{}/ipaddr'.format(net_vni, macaddr))
if reservation == macaddr or reservation == description or reservation == ipaddress:
if reservation == macaddr or reservation == hostname or reservation == ipaddress:
match_description = macaddr
if not match_description:

View File

@ -610,50 +610,58 @@ class CSVDatabase(object):
class ZKDatabase(object):
# Store DHCP leases in zookeeper
# /networks/<VNI>/dhcp_leases/<MAC>:<timestamp>/{ipaddr,description/hostname}
# /networks/<VNI>/dhcp_leases/<MAC>:<timestamp>/{ipaddr,hostname}
# Line:
# ['52:54:00:21:34:11', '', 'test1', '1538287572']
def __init__(self, zk_conn, key):
self.zk_conn = zk_conn
self.key = key
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { self.key: '' }) # Create base key
def get(self, pattern):
pattern = list(pattern)
return [line for line in self.all() if pattern == line]
pattern = list(pattern)
return [line for line in self.all() if pattern[0] == line[0] or pattern[1] == line[1] or pattern[2] == line[2]]
def isstatic(self, pattern):
macaddr = pattern[0]
timestamp = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}'.format(self.key, macaddr))
if timestamp == 'static':
return True
return False
except Exception:
return False
def add(self, line):
macaddr = line[0]
ipaddr = line[1]
description = line[2]
hostname = line[2]
timestamp = line[3]
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {
'{}/{}'.format(self.key, macaddr): timestamp,
'{}/{}/ipaddr'.format(self.key, macaddr): ipaddr,
'{}/{}/description'.format(self.key, macaddr): description
'{}/{}/hostname'.format(self.key, macaddr): hostname
def delete(self, pattern):
macaddr = pattern[0]
timestamp = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}'.format(self.key, macaddr))
if timestamp != 'static':
zkhandler.delete(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}'.format(self.key, macaddr))
return True
zkhandler.delete(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}'.format(self.key, macaddr))
except Exception:
return False
def all(self):
leases = []
mac_list = zkhandler.listchildren(self.zk_conn, self.key)
for macaddr in mac_list:
timestamp = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}'.format(self.key, macaddr))
if timestamp == 'static':
timestamp = 0
ipaddr = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}/ipaddr'.format(self.key, macaddr))
description = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}/description'.format(self.key, macaddr))
leases.append([macaddr, ipaddr, description, timestamp])
hostname = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '{}/{}/hostname'.format(self.key, macaddr))
leases.append([macaddr, ipaddr, hostname, timestamp])
return leases
@ -716,11 +724,15 @@ class HostDatabase(object):
pattern = host.to_pattern()
def isstatic(self, host):
return self.db.isstatic(host.to_tuple())
def all(self):
return list(map(Host.from_tuple, self.db.all()))
def replace(self, host):
if self.delete(host):
if not self.isstatic(host):
def sorted_hosts(hosts):
@ -752,14 +764,16 @@ class DHCPServer(object):
def update(self, timeout = 0):
reads =[self.socket], [], [], timeout)[0]
except ValueError:
except ValueError as e:
# ValueError: file descriptor cannot be a negative integer (-1)
for socket in reads:
packet = ReadBootProtocolPacket(*socket.recvfrom(4096))
except OSError:
except OSError as e:
# OSError: [WinError 10038] An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket
@ -793,7 +807,7 @@ class DHCPServer(object):
known_hosts = self.hosts.get(mac = CASEINSENSITIVE(mac_address))
ip = None
if known_hosts:
# 1. choose known ip address
# 1. choose known ip address (including static lease)
for host in known_hosts:
if self.is_valid_client_address(host.ip):
ip = host.ip