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2018-05-31 21:49:23 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# NodeInstance.py - Class implementing a PVC node in pvcnoded
# Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system
2020-01-08 19:38:02 -05:00
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Joshua M. Boniface <joshua@boniface.me>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import sys
import psutil
import socket
import time
import libvirt
import threading
import pvcnoded.log as log
import pvcnoded.zkhandler as zkhandler
import pvcnoded.common as common
2018-10-14 22:14:29 -04:00
class NodeInstance(object):
2018-06-06 22:59:31 -04:00
# Initialization function
def __init__(self, name, this_node, zk_conn, config, logger, d_node, d_network, d_domain, dns_aggregator, metadata_api):
2018-05-31 21:49:23 -04:00
# Passed-in variables on creation
self.name = name
self.this_node = this_node
self.zk_conn = zk_conn
2018-06-08 12:19:48 -04:00
self.config = config
self.logger = logger
# Which node is primary
self.primary_node = None
# States
self.daemon_mode = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/nodes/{}/daemonmode'.format(self.name))
self.daemon_state = 'stop'
self.router_state = 'client'
self.domain_state = 'ready'
# Object lists
self.d_node = d_node
self.d_network = d_network
self.d_domain = d_domain
self.dns_aggregator = dns_aggregator
self.metadata_api = metadata_api
# Printable lists
2018-06-04 16:34:41 -04:00
self.active_node_list = []
self.flushed_node_list = []
self.inactive_node_list = []
self.network_list = []
self.domain_list = []
# Node resources
self.domains_count = 0
self.memused = 0
self.memfree = 0
self.memalloc = 0
self.vcpualloc = 0
2019-12-19 18:58:53 -05:00
# Floating IP configurations
if self.config['enable_networking']:
self.vni_dev = self.config['vni_dev']
self.vni_ipaddr, self.vni_cidrnetmask = self.config['vni_floating_ip'].split('/')
self.upstream_dev = self.config['upstream_dev']
self.upstream_ipaddr, self.upstream_cidrnetmask = self.config['upstream_floating_ip'].split('/')
self.vni_dev = None
self.vni_ipaddr = None
self.vni_cidrnetmask = None
self.upstream_dev = None
self.upstream_ipaddr = None
self.upstream_cidrnetmask = None
# Threads
self.flush_thread = None
# Flags
self.flush_stopper = False
# Zookeeper handlers for changed states
def watch_node_daemonstate(data, stat, event=''):
if event and event.type == 'DELETED':
# The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher
# because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py
return False
data = data.decode('ascii')
except AttributeError:
data = 'stop'
if data != self.daemon_state:
self.daemon_state = data
def watch_node_routerstate(data, stat, event=''):
if event and event.type == 'DELETED':
# The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher
# because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py
return False
data = data.decode('ascii')
except AttributeError:
data = 'client'
if self.name == self.this_node and self.daemon_mode == 'coordinator':
# We're a coordinator so we care about networking
if data != self.router_state:
self.router_state = data
if self.config['enable_networking']:
if self.router_state == 'takeover':
2019-12-19 18:58:53 -05:00
self.logger.out('Setting node {} to primary state'.format(self.name), state='i')
transition_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.become_primary, args=(), kwargs={})
if self.router_state == 'relinquish':
# Skip becoming secondary unless already running
2019-12-25 21:02:46 -05:00
if self.daemon_state == 'run' or self.daemon_state == 'shutdown':
self.logger.out('Setting node {} to secondary state'.format(self.name), state='i')
transition_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.become_secondary, args=(), kwargs={})
# We did nothing, so just become secondary state
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {'/nodes/{}/routerstate'.format(self.name): 'secondary'})
def watch_node_domainstate(data, stat, event=''):
if event and event.type == 'DELETED':
# The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher
# because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py
return False
data = data.decode('ascii')
except AttributeError:
data = 'unknown'
if data != self.domain_state:
self.domain_state = data
# toggle state management of this node
if self.name == self.this_node:
# Stop any existing flush jobs
2019-12-25 21:02:46 -05:00
if self.flush_thread is not None:
self.logger.out('Waiting for previous migration to complete'.format(self.name), state='i')
2019-12-25 21:02:46 -05:00
self.flush_stopper = True
while self.flush_stopper:
2019-12-25 21:02:46 -05:00
# Do flushing in a thread so it doesn't block the migrates out
if self.domain_state == 'flush':
self.flush_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.flush, args=(), kwargs={})
# Do unflushing in a thread so it doesn't block the migrates in
if self.domain_state == 'unflush':
self.flush_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.unflush, args=(), kwargs={})
def watch_node_memfree(data, stat, event=''):
if event and event.type == 'DELETED':
# The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher
# because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py
return False
data = data.decode('ascii')
except AttributeError:
data = 0
if data != self.memfree:
self.memfree = data
def watch_node_memused(data, stat, event=''):
if event and event.type == 'DELETED':
# The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher
# because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py
return False
data = data.decode('ascii')
except AttributeError:
data = 0
if data != self.memused:
self.memused = data
def watch_node_memalloc(data, stat, event=''):
if event and event.type == 'DELETED':
# The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher
# because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py
return False
data = data.decode('ascii')
except AttributeError:
data = 0
if data != self.memalloc:
self.memalloc = data
def watch_node_vcpualloc(data, stat, event=''):
if event and event.type == 'DELETED':
# The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher
# because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py
return False
data = data.decode('ascii')
except AttributeError:
data = 0
if data != self.vcpualloc:
self.vcpualloc = data
def watch_node_runningdomains(data, stat, event=''):
if event and event.type == 'DELETED':
# The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher
# because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py
return False
data = data.decode('ascii').split()
except AttributeError:
data = []
2018-05-31 21:49:23 -04:00
if data != self.domain_list:
self.domain_list = data
def watch_node_domainscount(data, stat, event=''):
if event and event.type == 'DELETED':
# The key has been deleted after existing before; terminate this watcher
# because this class instance is about to be reaped in Daemon.py
return False
2018-05-31 23:40:21 -04:00
data = data.decode('ascii')
except AttributeError:
data = 0
if data != self.domains_count:
self.domains_count = data
2018-05-31 23:01:22 -04:00
# Update value functions
def update_node_list(self, d_node):
self.d_node = d_node
def update_network_list(self, d_network):
self.d_network = d_network
network_list = []
for network in self.d_network:
self.network_list = network_list
def update_domain_list(self, d_domain):
self.d_domain = d_domain
# Phases of node transition
# Current Primary Candidate Secondary
# -> secondary -> primary
# def become_secondary() def become_primary()
# A ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYNC (candidate)
# B ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYNC (current)
# 1. Stop DNS aggregator ||
# 2. Stop DHCP servers ||
# 4a) network 1 ||
# 4b) network 2 ||
# etc. ||
# 3. Stop client API ||
# 4. Stop metadata API ||
# --
# C ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYNC (candidate)
# 5. Remove upstream floating IP 1. Add upstream floating IP ||
# --
# D ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYNC (candidate)
# 6. Remove cluster floating IP 2. Add cluster floating IP ||
# --
# E ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYNC (candidate)
# 7. Remove metadata floating IP 3. Add metadata floating IP ||
# --
# F ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYNC (candidate)
# 8. Remove gateway IPs 4. Add gateway IPs ||
# 8a) network 1 4a) network 1 ||
# 8b) network 2 4b) network 2 ||
# etc. etc. ||
# --
# G ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYNC (candidate)
# 5. Transition Patroni primary ||
# 6. Start client API ||
# 7. Start metadata API ||
# 8. Start DHCP servers ||
# 5a) network 1 ||
# 5b) network 2 ||
# etc. ||
# 9. Start DNS aggregator ||
# --
def become_primary(self):
Acquire primary coordinator status from a peer node
# Lock the primary node until transition is complete
Improve handling of primary contention Previously, contention could occasionally cause a flap/dual primary contention state due to the lack of checking within this function. This could cause a state where a node transitions to primary than is almost immediately shifted away, which could cause undefined behaviour in the cluster. The solution includes several elements: * Implement an exclusive lock operation in zkhandler * Switch the become_primary function to use this exclusive lock * Implement exclusive locking during the contention process * As a failsafe, check stat versions before setting the node as the primary node, in case another node already has * Delay the start of takeover/relinquish operations by slightly longer than the lock timeout * Make the current router_state conditions more explicit (positive conditionals rather than negative conditionals) The new scenario ensures that during contention, only one secondary will ever succeed at acquiring the lock. Ideally, the other would then grab the lock and pass, but in testing this does not seem to be the case - the lock always times out, so the failsafe check is technically not needed but has been left as an added safety mechanism. With this setup, the node that fails the contention will never block the switchover nor will it try to force itself onto the cluster after another node has successfully won contention. Timeouts may need to be adjusted in the future, but the base timeout of 0.4 seconds (and transition delay of 0.5 seconds) seems to work reliably during preliminary tests.
2020-04-12 03:40:17 -04:00
primary_lock = zkhandler.exclusivelock(self.zk_conn, '/primary_node')
# Ensure our lock key is populated
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {'/locks/primary_node': ''})
# Synchronize nodes A (I am writer)
lock = zkhandler.writelock(self.zk_conn, '/locks/primary_node')
self.logger.out('Acquiring write lock for synchronization A', state='i')
self.logger.out('Acquired write lock for synchronization A', state='o')
time.sleep(1) # Time for reader to acquire the lock
self.logger.out('Releasing write lock for synchronization A', state='i')
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {'/locks/primary_node': ''})
self.logger.out('Released write lock for synchronization A', state='o')
time.sleep(0.1) # Time for new writer to acquire the lock
# Synchronize nodes B (I am reader)
lock = zkhandler.readlock(self.zk_conn, '/locks/primary_node')
self.logger.out('Acquiring read lock for synchronization B', state='i')
self.logger.out('Acquired read lock for synchronization B', state='o')
self.logger.out('Releasing read lock for synchronization B', state='i')
self.logger.out('Released read lock for synchronization B', state='o')
# Synchronize nodes C (I am writer)
lock = zkhandler.writelock(self.zk_conn, '/locks/primary_node')
self.logger.out('Acquiring write lock for synchronization C', state='i')
self.logger.out('Acquired write lock for synchronization C', state='o')
time.sleep(0.5) # Time for reader to acquire the lock
# 1. Add Upstream floating IP
'Creating floating upstream IP {}/{} on interface {}'.format(
common.createIPAddress(self.upstream_ipaddr, self.upstream_cidrnetmask, 'brupstream')
self.logger.out('Releasing write lock for synchronization C', state='i')
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {'/locks/primary_node': ''})
self.logger.out('Released write lock for synchronization C', state='o')
# Synchronize nodes D (I am writer)
lock = zkhandler.writelock(self.zk_conn, '/locks/primary_node')
self.logger.out('Acquiring write lock for synchronization D', state='i')
self.logger.out('Acquired write lock for synchronization D', state='o')
time.sleep(0.2) # Time for reader to acquire the lock
# 2. Add Cluster floating IP
'Creating floating management IP {}/{} on interface {}'.format(
common.createIPAddress(self.vni_ipaddr, self.vni_cidrnetmask, 'brcluster')
self.logger.out('Releasing write lock for synchronization D', state='i')
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {'/locks/primary_node': ''})
self.logger.out('Released write lock for synchronization D', state='o')
# Synchronize nodes E (I am writer)
lock = zkhandler.writelock(self.zk_conn, '/locks/primary_node')
self.logger.out('Acquiring write lock for synchronization E', state='i')
self.logger.out('Acquired write lock for synchronization E', state='o')
time.sleep(0.2) # Time for reader to acquire the lock
# 3. Add Metadata link-local IP
'Creating Metadata link-local IP {}/{} on interface {}'.format(
common.createIPAddress('', '32', 'lo')
self.logger.out('Releasing write lock for synchronization E', state='i')
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {'/locks/primary_node': ''})
self.logger.out('Released write lock for synchronization E', state='o')
# Synchronize nodes F (I am writer)
lock = zkhandler.writelock(self.zk_conn, '/locks/primary_node')
self.logger.out('Acquiring write lock for synchronization F', state='i')
self.logger.out('Acquired write lock for synchronization F', state='o')
time.sleep(0.2) # Time for reader to acquire the lock
# 4. Add gateway IPs
for network in self.d_network:
self.logger.out('Releasing write lock for synchronization F', state='i')
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {'/locks/primary_node': ''})
self.logger.out('Released write lock for synchronization F', state='o')
# Synchronize nodes G (I am writer)
lock = zkhandler.writelock(self.zk_conn, '/locks/primary_node')
self.logger.out('Acquiring write lock for synchronization G', state='i')
self.logger.out('Acquired write lock for synchronization G', state='o')
time.sleep(0.2) # Time for reader to acquire the lock
# 5. Transition Patroni primary
self.logger.out('Setting Patroni leader to this node', state='i')
tick = 1
2019-12-19 18:58:53 -05:00
patroni_failed = True
# As long as we're in takeover, keep trying to set the Patroni leader to us
while self.router_state == 'takeover':
# Switch Patroni leader to the local instance
retcode, stdout, stderr = common.run_os_command(
-c /etc/patroni/config.yml
-d zookeeper://localhost:2181
--candidate {}
# Combine the stdout and stderr and strip the output
# Patronictl's output is pretty junky
if stderr:
stdout += stderr
stdout = stdout.strip()
# Handle our current Patroni leader being us
if stdout and stdout.split('\n')[-1].split() == ["Error:", "Switchover", "target", "and", "source", "are", "the", "same."]:
self.logger.out('Failed to switch Patroni leader to ourselves; this is fine\n{}'.format(stdout), state='w')
2020-03-12 13:22:12 -04:00
patroni_failed = False
# Handle a failed switchover
elif stdout and (stdout.split('\n')[-1].split()[:2] == ["Switchover", "failed,"] or stdout.strip().split('\n')[-1].split()[:1] == ["Error"]):
if tick > 4:
self.logger.out('Failed to switch Patroni leader after 5 tries; aborting', state='e')
self.logger.out('Failed to switch Patroni leader; retrying [{}/5]\n{}\n'.format(tick, stdout), state='e')
tick += 1
# Otherwise, we succeeded
self.logger.out('Successfully switched Patroni leader\n{}'.format(stdout), state='o')
2019-12-19 18:58:53 -05:00
patroni_failed = False
# 6. Start client API (and provisioner worker)
if self.config['enable_api']:
self.logger.out('Starting PVC API client service', state='i')
common.run_os_command("systemctl start pvcapid.service")
self.logger.out('Starting PVC Provisioner Worker service', state='i')
common.run_os_command("systemctl start pvcapid-worker.service")
# 7. Start metadata API; just continue if we fail
# 8. Start DHCP servers
for network in self.d_network:
# 9. Start DNS aggregator; just continue if we fail
2019-12-19 18:58:53 -05:00
if not patroni_failed:
self.logger.out('Not starting DNS aggregator due to Patroni failures', state='e')
self.logger.out('Releasing write lock for synchronization G', state='i')
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {'/locks/primary_node': ''})
self.logger.out('Released write lock for synchronization G', state='o')
# Wait 2 seconds for everything to stabilize before we declare all-done
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {'/nodes/{}/routerstate'.format(self.name): 'primary'})
self.logger.out('Node {} transitioned to primary state'.format(self.name), state='o')
def become_secondary(self):
Relinquish primary coordinator status to a peer node
time.sleep(0.2) # Initial delay for the first writer to grab the lock
# Synchronize nodes A (I am reader)
lock = zkhandler.readlock(self.zk_conn, '/locks/primary_node')
self.logger.out('Acquiring read lock for synchronization A', state='i')
self.logger.out('Acquired read lock for synchronization A', state='o')
self.logger.out('Releasing read lock for synchronization A', state='i')
self.logger.out('Released read lock for synchronization A', state='o')
# Synchronize nodes B (I am writer)
lock = zkhandler.writelock(self.zk_conn, '/locks/primary_node')
self.logger.out('Acquiring write lock for synchronization B', state='i')
self.logger.out('Acquired write lock for synchronization B', state='o')
time.sleep(0.2) # Time for reader to acquire the lock
# 1. Stop DNS aggregator
# 2. Stop DHCP servers
for network in self.d_network:
self.logger.out('Releasing write lock for synchronization B', state='i')
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {'/locks/primary_node': ''})
self.logger.out('Released write lock for synchronization B', state='o')
# 3. Stop client API
if self.config['enable_api']:
self.logger.out('Stopping PVC API client service', state='i')
common.run_os_command("systemctl stop pvcapid.service")
# 4. Stop metadata API
time.sleep(0.1) # Time for new writer to acquire the lock
# Synchronize nodes C (I am reader)
lock = zkhandler.readlock(self.zk_conn, '/locks/primary_node')
self.logger.out('Acquiring read lock for synchronization C', state='i')
self.logger.out('Acquired read lock for synchronization C', state='o')
# 5. Remove Upstream floating IP
'Removing floating upstream IP {}/{} from interface {}'.format(
common.removeIPAddress(self.upstream_ipaddr, self.upstream_cidrnetmask, 'brupstream')
self.logger.out('Releasing read lock for synchronization C', state='i')
self.logger.out('Released read lock for synchronization C', state='o')
# Synchronize nodes D (I am reader)
lock = zkhandler.readlock(self.zk_conn, '/locks/primary_node')
self.logger.out('Acquiring read lock for synchronization D', state='i')
self.logger.out('Acquired read lock for synchronization D', state='o')
# 6. Remove Cluster floating IP
'Removing floating management IP {}/{} from interface {}'.format(
common.removeIPAddress(self.vni_ipaddr, self.vni_cidrnetmask, 'brcluster')
self.logger.out('Releasing read lock for synchronization D', state='i')
self.logger.out('Released read lock for synchronization D', state='o')
# Synchronize nodes E (I am reader)
lock = zkhandler.readlock(self.zk_conn, '/locks/primary_node')
self.logger.out('Acquiring read lock for synchronization E', state='i')
self.logger.out('Acquired read lock for synchronization E', state='o')
# 7. Remove Metadata link-local IP
'Removing Metadata link-local IP {}/{} from interface {}'.format(
common.removeIPAddress('', '32', 'lo')
self.logger.out('Releasing read lock for synchronization E', state='i')
self.logger.out('Released read lock for synchronization E', state='o')
# Synchronize nodes F (I am reader)
lock = zkhandler.readlock(self.zk_conn, '/locks/primary_node')
self.logger.out('Acquiring read lock for synchronization F', state='i')
self.logger.out('Acquired read lock for synchronization F', state='o')
# 8. Remove gateway IPs
for network in self.d_network:
self.logger.out('Releasing read lock for synchronization F', state='i')
self.logger.out('Released read lock for synchronization F', state='o')
# Synchronize nodes G (I am reader)
lock = zkhandler.readlock(self.zk_conn, '/locks/primary_node')
self.logger.out('Acquiring read lock for synchronization G', state='i')
2019-12-19 18:58:53 -05:00
lock.acquire(timeout=60) # Don't wait forever and completely block us
self.logger.out('Acquired read lock for synchronization G', state='o')
self.logger.out('Releasing read lock for synchronization G', state='i')
self.logger.out('Released read lock for synchronization G', state='o')
# Wait 2 seconds for everything to stabilize before we declare all-done
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {'/nodes/{}/routerstate'.format(self.name): 'secondary'})
self.logger.out('Node {} transitioned to secondary state'.format(self.name), state='o')
2018-05-31 22:31:20 -04:00
# Flush all VMs on the host
2018-06-04 16:34:41 -04:00
def flush(self):
# Begin flush
self.logger.out('Flushing node "{}" of running VMs'.format(self.name), state='i')
self.logger.out('VM list: {}'.format(', '.join(self.domain_list)), state='i')
fixed_domain_list = self.domain_list.copy()
for dom_uuid in fixed_domain_list:
# Allow us to cancel the operation
if self.flush_stopper:
self.logger.out('Aborting node flush'.format(self.name), state='i')
self.flush_thread = None
self.flush_stopper = False
self.logger.out('Selecting target to migrate VM "{}"'.format(dom_uuid), state='i')
target_node = common.findTargetNode(self.zk_conn, self.config, dom_uuid)
# Don't replace the previous node if the VM is already migrated
2019-07-10 00:43:55 -04:00
if zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid)):
current_node = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid))
current_node = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid))
if target_node is None:
self.logger.out('Failed to find migration target for VM "{}"; shutting down and setting autostart flag'.format(dom_uuid), state='e')
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'shutdown' })
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/domains/{}/node_autostart'.format(dom_uuid): 'True' })
# Wait for the VM to shut down
while zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) in ['shutdown']:
2020-02-04 17:52:37 -05:00
self.logger.out('Migrating VM "{}" to node "{}"'.format(dom_uuid, target_node), state='i')
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {
'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'migrate',
'/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): target_node,
'/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): current_node
# Wait for the VM to migrate so the next VM's free RAM count is accurate (they migrate in serial anyways)
while zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) in ['migrate', 'unmigrate', 'shutdown']:
2020-02-04 17:52:37 -05:00
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/runningdomains'.format(self.name): '' })
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/domainstate'.format(self.name): 'flushed' })
self.flush_thread = None
self.flush_stopper = False
2018-06-04 03:09:51 -04:00
def unflush(self):
self.logger.out('Restoring node {} to active service.'.format(self.name), state='i')
fixed_domain_list = self.d_domain.copy()
for dom_uuid in fixed_domain_list:
# Allow us to cancel the operation
if self.flush_stopper:
self.logger.out('Aborting node unflush'.format(self.name), state='i')
self.flush_thread = None
self.flush_stopper = False
# Handle autostarts
autostart = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node_autostart'.format(dom_uuid))
node = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid))
if autostart == 'True' and node == self.name:
self.logger.out('Starting autostart VM "{}"'.format(dom_uuid), state='i')
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {
'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'start',
'/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): self.name,
'/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): '',
'/domains/{}/node_autostart'.format(dom_uuid): 'False'
last_node = zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid))
if last_node != self.name:
self.logger.out('Setting unmigration for VM "{}"'.format(dom_uuid), state='i')
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, {
'/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid): 'migrate',
'/domains/{}/node'.format(dom_uuid): self.name,
'/domains/{}/lastnode'.format(dom_uuid): ''
2018-06-04 03:09:51 -04:00
# Wait for the VM to migrate back
while zkhandler.readdata(self.zk_conn, '/domains/{}/state'.format(dom_uuid)) in ['migrate', 'unmigrate', 'shutdown']:
2020-02-04 17:52:37 -05:00
zkhandler.writedata(self.zk_conn, { '/nodes/{}/domainstate'.format(self.name): 'ready' })
self.flush_thread = None
self.flush_stopper = False