2019-03-21 11:19:28 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
# pvcapi.py - PVC HTTP API interface
2019-03-21 11:19:28 -04:00
# Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system
2019-10-13 12:09:51 -04:00
# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Joshua M. Boniface <joshua@boniface.me>
2019-03-21 11:19:28 -04:00
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-12 16:59:26 -04:00
import json
2019-07-06 01:48:45 -04:00
import yaml
import os
2019-03-21 11:19:28 -04:00
2019-07-06 01:48:45 -04:00
import gevent . pywsgi
2019-07-05 13:20:06 -04:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
import flask
from distutils . util import strtobool
from functools import wraps
from flask_restful import Resource , Api , reqparse , abort
from celery import Celery
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
import api_lib . pvcapi_helper as api_helper
import api_lib . pvcapi_provisioner as api_provisioner
2019-03-21 11:19:28 -04:00
2019-12-23 21:09:58 -05:00
2019-07-06 01:48:45 -04:00
# Parse the configuration file
try :
pvc_config_file = os . environ [ ' PVC_CONFIG_FILE ' ]
except :
print ( ' Error: The " PVC_CONFIG_FILE " environment variable must be set before starting pvc-api. ' )
exit ( 1 )
2019-07-07 15:44:47 -04:00
print ( ' Starting PVC API daemon ' )
2019-07-06 01:48:45 -04:00
# Read in the config
try :
with open ( pvc_config_file , ' r ' ) as cfgfile :
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
o_config = yaml . load ( cfgfile , Loader = yaml . BaseLoader )
2019-07-06 01:48:45 -04:00
except Exception as e :
print ( ' ERROR: Failed to parse configuration file: {} ' . format ( e ) )
exit ( 1 )
try :
# Create the config object
config = {
2019-07-25 15:42:17 -04:00
' debug ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' debug ' ] ,
2019-07-06 02:35:37 -04:00
' coordinators ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' coordinators ' ] ,
2019-07-06 01:48:45 -04:00
' listen_address ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' api ' ] [ ' listen_address ' ] ,
' listen_port ' : int ( o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' api ' ] [ ' listen_port ' ] ) ,
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
' auth_enabled ' : strtobool ( o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' api ' ] [ ' authentication ' ] [ ' enabled ' ] ) ,
2019-07-07 00:15:05 -04:00
' auth_secret_key ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' api ' ] [ ' authentication ' ] [ ' secret_key ' ] ,
' auth_tokens ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' api ' ] [ ' authentication ' ] [ ' tokens ' ] ,
2019-07-06 23:28:29 -04:00
' ssl_enabled ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' api ' ] [ ' ssl ' ] [ ' enabled ' ] ,
' ssl_key_file ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' api ' ] [ ' ssl ' ] [ ' key_file ' ] ,
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
' ssl_cert_file ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' api ' ] [ ' ssl ' ] [ ' cert_file ' ] ,
' database_host ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' provisioner ' ] [ ' database ' ] [ ' host ' ] ,
' database_port ' : int ( o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' provisioner ' ] [ ' database ' ] [ ' port ' ] ) ,
' database_name ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' provisioner ' ] [ ' database ' ] [ ' name ' ] ,
' database_user ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' provisioner ' ] [ ' database ' ] [ ' user ' ] ,
' database_password ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' provisioner ' ] [ ' database ' ] [ ' pass ' ] ,
' queue_host ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' provisioner ' ] [ ' queue ' ] [ ' host ' ] ,
' queue_port ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' provisioner ' ] [ ' queue ' ] [ ' port ' ] ,
' queue_path ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' provisioner ' ] [ ' queue ' ] [ ' path ' ] ,
' storage_hosts ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' provisioner ' ] [ ' ceph_cluster ' ] [ ' storage_hosts ' ] ,
' storage_domain ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' provisioner ' ] [ ' ceph_cluster ' ] [ ' storage_domain ' ] ,
' ceph_monitor_port ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' provisioner ' ] [ ' ceph_cluster ' ] [ ' ceph_monitor_port ' ] ,
' ceph_storage_secret_uuid ' : o_config [ ' pvc ' ] [ ' provisioner ' ] [ ' ceph_cluster ' ] [ ' ceph_storage_secret_uuid ' ]
2019-07-06 01:48:45 -04:00
2019-07-06 23:28:29 -04:00
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
# Use coordinators as storage hosts if not explicitly specified
if not config [ ' storage_hosts ' ] :
config [ ' storage_hosts ' ] = config [ ' coordinators ' ]
# Set the config object in the api_helper namespace
api_helper . config = config
# Set the config object in the api_provisioner namespace
api_provisioner . config = config
2019-07-06 01:48:45 -04:00
except Exception as e :
print ( ' ERROR: {} . ' . format ( e ) )
exit ( 1 )
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
# Create Flask app and set config values
app = flask . Flask ( __name__ )
app . config [ ' CELERY_BROKER_URL ' ] = ' redis:// {} : {} {} ' . format ( config [ ' queue_host ' ] , config [ ' queue_port ' ] , config [ ' queue_path ' ] )
app . config [ ' CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND ' ] = ' redis:// {} : {} {} ' . format ( config [ ' queue_host ' ] , config [ ' queue_port ' ] , config [ ' queue_path ' ] )
2019-07-25 15:42:17 -04:00
if config [ ' debug ' ] :
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
app . config [ ' DEBUG ' ] = True
2019-07-25 15:42:17 -04:00
2019-07-07 00:15:05 -04:00
if config [ ' auth_enabled ' ] :
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
app . config [ " SECRET_KEY " ] = config [ ' auth_secret_key ' ]
# Create Flask blueprint
blueprint = flask . Blueprint ( ' api ' , __name__ , url_prefix = ' /api/v1 ' )
# Create Flask-RESTful definition
api = Api ( blueprint )
app . register_blueprint ( blueprint )
# Create celery definition
celery = Celery ( app . name , broker = app . config [ ' CELERY_BROKER_URL ' ] )
celery . conf . update ( app . config )
# Custom decorators
2019-07-06 23:28:29 -04:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
# Request parser decorator
class RequestParser ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , reqargs ) :
self . reqargs = reqargs
def __call__ ( self , function ) :
if not callable ( function ) :
@wraps ( function )
def wrapped_function ( * args , * * kwargs ) :
parser = reqparse . RequestParser ( )
# Parse and add each argument
for reqarg in self . reqargs :
parser . add_argument (
reqarg . get ( ' name ' , None ) ,
required = reqarg . get ( ' required ' , False ) ,
action = reqarg . get ( ' action ' , None ) ,
choices = reqarg . get ( ' choices ' , ( ) ) ,
help = reqarg . get ( ' helptext ' , None )
reqargs = parser . parse_args ( )
kwargs [ ' reqargs ' ] = reqargs
return function ( * args , * * kwargs )
return wrapped_function
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
2019-07-28 23:12:53 -04:00
# Authentication decorator function
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
def Authenticator ( function ) :
@wraps ( function )
2019-07-06 01:48:45 -04:00
def authenticate ( * args , * * kwargs ) :
2019-07-28 23:12:53 -04:00
# No authentication required
2019-07-07 00:15:05 -04:00
if not config [ ' auth_enabled ' ] :
2019-07-07 00:08:02 -04:00
return function ( * args , * * kwargs )
2019-07-28 23:12:53 -04:00
# Session-based authentication
if ' token ' in flask . session :
return function ( * args , * * kwargs )
# Key header-based authentication
if ' X-Api-Key ' in flask . request . headers :
if any ( token for token in secret_tokens if flask . request . headers . get ( ' X-Api-Key ' ) == token ) :
2019-07-07 00:08:02 -04:00
return function ( * args , * * kwargs )
2019-07-28 23:12:53 -04:00
else :
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
return { " message " : " X-Api-Key Authentication failed " } , 401
2019-07-28 23:12:53 -04:00
# All authentications failed
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
return { " message " : " X-Api-Key Authentication required " } , 401
2019-07-06 01:48:45 -04:00
return authenticate
2019-03-21 11:19:28 -04:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
# Job functions
@celery.task ( bind = True )
def create_vm ( self , vm_name , profile_name ) :
return api_provisioner . create_vm ( self , vm_name , profile_name )
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
# API Root/Authentication
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
# /
class API_Root ( Resource ) :
def get ( self ) :
Return the PVC API version string
- - -
tags :
- root
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : API - Version
properties :
message :
type : string
description : A text message
2019-12-23 21:09:58 -05:00
example : " PVC API version 1.0 "
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
2019-12-23 21:09:58 -05:00
return { " message " : " PVC API version {} " . format ( API_VERSION ) }
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
api . add_resource ( API_Root , ' / ' )
2019-12-24 11:19:06 -05:00
# /doc - NOTE: Until flask_swagger is packaged for Debian this must be disabled
#class API_Doc(Resource):
# def get(self):
# """
# Provide the Swagger API documentation
# ---
# tags:
# - root
# responses:
# 200:
# description: OK
# """
# swagger_data = swagger(pvc_api.app)
# swagger_data['info']['version'] = API_VERSION
# swagger_data['info']['title'] = "PVC Client and Provisioner API"
# swagger_data['host'] = "{}:{}".format(config['listen_address'], config['listen_port'])
# return swagger_data
#api.add_resource(API_Doc, '/doc')
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
# /login
class API_Login ( Resource ) :
def post ( self ) :
Log in to the PVC API with an authentication key
- - -
tags :
- root
parameters :
- in : query
name : token
type : string
required : true
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
properties :
message :
type : string
description : A text message
302 :
description : Authentication disabled
401 :
description : Unauthorized
schema :
type : object
id : Message
if not config [ ' auth_enabled ' ] :
return flask . redirect ( Api . url_for ( api , API_Root ) )
2019-07-07 00:15:05 -04:00
if any ( token for token in config [ ' auth_tokens ' ] if flask . request . values [ ' token ' ] in token [ ' token ' ] ) :
2019-07-07 00:08:02 -04:00
flask . session [ ' token ' ] = flask . request . form [ ' token ' ]
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
return { " message " : " Authentication successful " } , 200
else :
{ " message " : " Authentication failed " } , 401
api . add_resource ( API_Login , ' /login ' )
# /logout
class API_Logout ( Resource ) :
def post ( self ) :
Log out of an existing PVC API session
- - -
tags :
- root
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
302 :
description : Authentication disabled
if not config [ ' auth_enabled ' ] :
return flask . redirect ( Api . url_for ( api , API_Root ) )
flask . session . pop ( ' token ' , None )
return { " message " : " Deauthentication successful " } , 200
api . add_resource ( API_Logout , ' /logout ' )
# /initialize
class API_Initialize ( Resource ) :
def post ( self ) :
Initialize a new PVC cluster
Note : Normally used only once during cluster bootstrap ; checks for the existence of the " /primary_node " key before proceeding and returns 400 if found
- - -
tags :
- root
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
properties :
message :
type : string
description : A text message
400 :
description : Bad request
# TODO: Implement me in api_helper
if api_helper . initialize_cluster ( ) :
return { " message " : " Successfully initialized a new PVC cluster " } , 200
else :
return { " message " : " PVC cluster already initialized " } , 400
api . add_resource ( API_Initialize , ' /initialize ' )
2019-07-07 00:15:05 -04:00
2019-07-07 00:08:02 -04:00
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
# Client API - Node
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
# /node
class API_Node_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' }
] )
def get ( self , reqargs ) :
Return a list of nodes in the cluster
- - -
tags :
- node
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : node
properties :
name :
type : string
description : The name of the node
daemon_state :
type : string
description : The current daemon state
coordinator_state :
type : string
description : The current coordinator state
domain_state :
type : string
description : The current domain ( VM ) state
cpu_count :
type : integer
description : The number of available CPU cores
kernel :
type : string
desription : The running kernel version from uname
os :
type : string
description : The current operating system type
arch :
type : string
description : The architecture of the CPU
load :
type : number
format : float
description : The current 5 - minute CPU load
domains_count :
type : integer
description : The number of running domains ( VMs )
running_domains :
type : string
description : The list of running domains ( VMs ) by UUID
vcpu :
type : object
properties :
total :
type : integer
description : The total number of real CPU cores available
allocated :
type : integer
description : The total number of allocated vCPU cores
memory :
type : object
properties :
total :
type : integer
description : The total amount of node RAM in MB
allocated :
type : integer
description : The total amount of RAM allocated to domains in MB
used :
type : integer
description : The total used RAM on the node in MB
free :
type : integer
description : The total free RAM on the node in MB
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : A search limit ; fuzzy by default , use ^ / $ to force exact matches
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : array
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/node '
return api_helper . node_list ( reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None ) )
api . add_resource ( API_Node_Root , ' /node ' )
# /node/<node>
class API_Node_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , node ) :
Return information about { node }
- - -
tags :
- node
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/node '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . node_list ( node , is_fuzzy = False )
api . add_resource ( API_Node_Element , ' /node/<node> ' )
# /node/<node>/daemon-state
class API_Node_DaemonState ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , node ) :
Return the daemon state of { node }
- - -
tags :
- node
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : NodeDaemonState
properties :
name :
type : string
description : The name of the node
daemon_state :
type : string
description : The current daemon state
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . node_daemon_state ( node )
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
api . add_resource ( API_Node_DaemonState , ' /node/<node>/daemon-state ' )
# /node/<node>/coordinator-state
class API_Node_CoordinatorState ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , node ) :
Return the coordinator state of { node }
- - -
tags :
- node
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : NodeCoordinatorState
properties :
name :
type : string
description : The name of the node
coordinator_state :
type : string
description : The current coordinator state
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . node_coordinator_state ( node )
2019-04-12 16:59:26 -04:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' state ' , ' choices ' : ( ' primary ' , ' secondary ' ) , ' helptext ' : " A valid state must be specified " , ' required ' : True }
] )
def post ( self , node , reqargs ) :
Set the coordinator state of { node }
- - -
tags :
- node
parameters :
- in : query
name : action
type : string
required : true
description : The new coordinator state of the node
enum :
- primary
- secondary
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
if reqargs [ ' state ' ] == ' primary ' :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . node_primary ( node )
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
if reqargs [ ' state ' ] == ' secondary ' :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . node_secondary ( node )
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
abort ( 400 )
api . add_resource ( API_Node_CoordinatorState , ' /node/<node>/coordinator-state ' )
# /node/<node>/domain-state
class API_Node_DomainState ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , node ) :
Return the domain state of { node }
- - -
tags :
- node
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : NodeDomainState
properties :
name :
type : string
description : The name of the node
domain_state :
type : string
description : The current domain state
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . node_domain_state ( node )
2019-07-25 15:42:17 -04:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' state ' , ' choices ' : ( ' ready ' , ' flush ' ) , ' helptext ' : " A valid state must be specified " , ' required ' : True }
] )
def post ( self , node , reqargs ) :
Set the domain state of { node }
- - -
tags :
- node
parameters :
- in : query
name : action
type : string
required : true
description : The new domain state of the node
enum :
- flush
- ready
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
if reqargs [ ' state ' ] == ' flush ' :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . node_flush ( node )
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
if reqargs [ ' state ' ] == ' ready ' :
return api_helper . node_ready ( node )
abort ( 400 )
api . add_resource ( API_Node_DomainState , ' /node/<node>/domain-state ' )
2019-10-12 01:17:39 -04:00
2019-07-26 11:00:11 -04:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
# Client API - VM
2019-07-05 13:20:06 -04:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
# /vm
class API_VM_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' node ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' state ' } ,
] )
def get ( self , reqargs ) :
Return a list of VMs in the cluster
- - -
tags :
- vm
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : vm
properties :
name :
type : string
description : The name of the VM
uuid :
type : string
description : The UUID of the VM
state :
type : string
description : The current state of the VM
node :
type : string
description : The node the VM is currently assigned to
last_node :
type : string
description : The last node the VM was assigned to before migrating
migrated :
type : string
description : Whether the VM has been migrated , either " no " or " from <last_node> "
failed_reason :
type : string
description : Information about why the VM failed to start
node_limit :
type : array
description : The node ( s ) the VM is permitted to be assigned to
items :
type : string
node_selector :
type : string
description : The selector used to determine candidate nodes during migration
node_autostart :
type : boolean
description : Whether to autostart the VM when its node returns to ready domain state
description :
type : string
description : The description of the VM
profile :
type : string
description : The provisioner profile used to create the VM
memory :
type : integer
description : The assigned RAM of the VM in MB
vcpu :
type : integer
description : The assigned vCPUs of the VM
vcpu_topology :
type : string
description : The topology of the assigned vCPUs in Sockets / Cores / Threads format
type :
type : string
description : The type of the VM
arch :
type : string
description : The architecture of the VM
machine :
type : string
description : The QEMU machine type of the VM
console :
type : string
descritpion : The serial console type of the VM
emulator :
type : string
description : The binary emulator of the VM
features :
type : array
description : The available features of the VM
items :
type : string
networks :
type : array
description : The PVC networks attached to the VM
items :
type : object
properties :
type :
type : string
description : The PVC network type
mac :
type : string
description : The MAC address of the VM network interface
source :
type : string
description : The parent network bridge on the node
model :
type : string
description : The virtual network device model
disks :
type : array
description : The PVC storage volumes attached to the VM
items :
type : object
properties :
type :
type : string
description : The type of volume
name :
type : string
description : The full name of the volume in " pool/volume " format
dev :
type : string
description : The device ID of the volume in the VM
bus :
type : string
description : The virtual bus of the volume in the VM
controllers :
type : array
description : The device controllers attached to the VM
items :
type : object
properties :
type :
type : string
description : The type of the controller
model :
type : string
description : The model of the controller
xml :
type : string
description : The raw Libvirt XML definition of the VM
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : A name search limit ; fuzzy by default , use ^ / $ to force exact matches
- in : query
name : node
type : string
required : false
description : Limit list to VMs assigned to this node
- in : query
name : state
type : string
required : false
description : Limit list to VMs in this state
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : array
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/vm '
return api_helper . vm_list (
reqargs . get ( ' node ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' state ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' node ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' selector ' , ' choices ' : ( ' mem ' , ' vcpu ' , ' load ' , ' vms ' ) , ' helptext ' : " A valid selector must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' autostart ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' xml ' , ' required ' : True , ' helptext ' : " A Libvirt XML document must be specified " } ,
] )
def post ( self , reqargs ) :
Create a new virtual machine
- - -
tags :
- vm
parameters :
- in : query
name : xml
type : string
required : true
description : The raw Libvirt XML definition of the VM
- in : query
name : node
type : string
required : false
description : The node the VM should be assigned to ; autoselect if empty or invalid
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : The CSV list of node ( s ) the VM is permitted to be assigned to ; should include " node " and any other valid target nodes ; this limit will be used for autoselection on definition and migration
- in : query
name : selector
type : string
required : false
description : The selector used to determine candidate nodes during migration
default : mem
enum :
- mem
- vcpu
- load
- vms
- in : query
name : autostart
type : boolean
required : false
description : Whether to autostart the VM when its node returns to ready domain state
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . vm_define (
reqargs . get ( ' xml ' ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' node ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' selector ' , ' mem ' ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' autostart ' , False )
api . add_resource ( API_VM_Root , ' /vm ' )
# /vm/<vm>
class API_VM_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , vm ) :
Return information about { vm }
- - -
tags :
- vm
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/vm '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . vm_list ( None , None , vm , is_fuzzy = False )
2019-07-04 12:56:17 -04:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' node ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' selector ' , ' choices ' : ( ' mem ' , ' vcpu ' , ' load ' , ' vms ' ) , ' helptext ' : " A valid selector must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' autostart ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' xml ' , ' required ' : True , ' helptext ' : " A Libvirt XML document must be specified " } ,
] )
def post ( self , vm , reqargs ) :
Create new { vm }
Note : The name { vm } is ignored ; only the " name " value from the Libvirt XML is used
This endpoint is identical to " POST /api/v1/vm "
- - -
tags :
- vm
parameters :
- in : query
name : xml
type : string
required : true
description : The raw Libvirt XML definition of the VM
- in : query
name : node
type : string
required : false
description : The node the VM should be assigned to ; autoselect if empty or invalid
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : The CSV list of node ( s ) the VM is permitted to be assigned to ; should include " node " and any other valid target nodes ; this limit will be used for autoselection on definition and migration
- in : query
name : selector
type : string
required : false
description : The selector used to determine candidate nodes during migration
default : mem
enum :
- mem
- vcpu
- load
- vms
- in : query
name : autostart
type : boolean
required : false
description : Whether to autostart the VM when its node returns to ready domain state
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . vm_define (
reqargs . get ( ' xml ' ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' node ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' selector ' , ' mem ' ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' autostart ' , False )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' restart ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' xml ' , ' required ' : True , ' helptext ' : " A Libvirt XML document must be specified " } ,
] )
def put ( self , vm , reqargs ) :
Update the Libvirt XML of { vm }
- - -
tags :
- vm
parameters :
- in : query
name : xml
type : string
required : true
description : The raw Libvirt XML definition of the VM
- in : query
name : restart
type : boolean
description : Whether to automatically restart the VM to apply the new configuration
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . vm_modify (
vm ,
reqargs . get ( ' restart ' , False ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' xml ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' delete_disks ' } ,
] )
def delete ( self , vm , reqargs ) :
Remove { vm }
- - -
tags :
- vm
parameters :
- in : query
name : delete_disks
type : boolean
default : false
description : Whether to automatically delete all VM disk volumes
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : VM not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
if reqargs . get ( ' delete_disks ' , False ) :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . vm_remove ( vm )
2019-07-25 15:42:17 -04:00
else :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . vm_undefine ( vm )
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
api . add_resource ( API_VM_Element , ' /vm/<vm> ' )
# /vm/<vm>/meta
class API_VM_Metadata ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , vm ) :
Return the metadata of { vm }
- - -
tags :
- vm
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : VMMetadata
properties :
name :
type : string
description : The name of the VM
node_limit :
type : array
description : The node ( s ) the VM is permitted to be assigned to
items :
type : string
node_selector :
type : string
description : The selector used to determine candidate nodes during migration
node_autostart :
type : string
description : Whether to autostart the VM when its node returns to ready domain state
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . get_vm_meta ( vm )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' selector ' , ' choices ' : ( ' mem ' , ' vcpu ' , ' load ' , ' vms ' ) , ' helptext ' : " A valid selector must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' autostart ' } ,
] )
def post ( self , vm , reqargs ) :
Set the metadata of { vm }
- - -
tags :
- vm
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : The CSV list of node ( s ) the VM is permitted to be assigned to ; should include " node " and any other valid target nodes ; this limit will be used for autoselection on definition and migration
- in : query
name : selector
type : string
required : false
description : The selector used to determine candidate nodes during migration
enum :
- mem
- vcpu
- load
- vms
- in : query
name : autostart
type : boolean
required : false
description : Whether to autostart the VM when its node returns to ready domain state
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . update_vm_meta (
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' selector ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' autostart ' , None )
api . add_resource ( API_VM_Metadata , ' /vm/<vm>/meta ' )
# /vm/<vm</state
class API_VM_State ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , vm ) :
Return the state information of { vm }
- - -
tags :
- vm
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : VMState
properties :
name :
type : string
description : The name of the VM
state :
type : string
description : The current state of the VM
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . vm_state ( vm )
2019-07-05 18:24:14 -04:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' state ' , ' choices ' : ( ' start ' , ' shutdown ' , ' stop ' , ' restart ' , ' disable ' ) , ' helptext ' : " A valid state must be specified " , ' required ' : True }
] )
def post ( self , vm , reqargs ) :
Set the state of { vm }
- - -
tags :
- vm
parameters :
- in : query
name : state
type : string
required : true
description : The new state of the VM
enum :
- start
- shutdown
- stop
- restart
- disable
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
state = reqargs . get ( ' state ' , None )
if state == ' start ' :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . vm_start ( vm )
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
if state == ' shutdown ' :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . vm_shutdown ( vm )
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
if state == ' stop ' :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . vm_stop ( vm )
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
if state == ' restart ' :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . vm_restart ( vm )
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
if state == ' disable ' :
return api_helper . vm_disable ( vm )
abort ( 400 )
api . add_resource ( API_VM_State , ' /vm/<vm>/state ' )
# /vm/<vm>/node
class API_VM_Node ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , vm ) :
Return the node information of { vm }
- - -
tags :
- vm
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : VMNode
properties :
name :
type : string
description : The name of the VM
node :
type : string
description : The node the VM is currently assigned to
last_node :
type : string
description : The last node the VM was assigned to before migrating
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . vm_node ( vm )
2019-07-26 11:00:11 -04:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' action ' , ' choices ' : ( ' migrate ' , ' unmigrate ' , ' move ' ) , ' helptext ' : " A valid action must be specified " , ' required ' : True } ,
{ ' name ' : ' node ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' force ' }
] )
def post ( self , vm , reqargs ) :
Set the node of { vm }
- - -
tags :
- vm
parameters :
- in : query
name : action
type : string
required : true
description : The action to take to change nodes
enum :
- migrate
- unmigrate
- move
- in : query
name : node
type : string
description : The node the VM should be assigned to ; autoselect if empty or invalid
- in : query
name : force
type : boolean
description : Whether to force an already - migrated VM to a new node
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
action = reqargs . get ( ' action ' , None )
node = reqargs . get ( ' node ' , None )
force = reqargs . get ( ' force ' , False )
if action == ' move ' :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . vm_move ( vm , node )
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
if action == ' migrate ' :
return api_helper . vm_migrate ( vm , node , force )
if action == ' unmigrate ' :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . vm_unmigrate ( vm )
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
abort ( 400 )
api . add_resource ( API_VM_Node , ' /vm/<vm>/node ' )
# /vm/<vm>/locks
class API_VM_Locks ( Resource ) :
def post ( self , vm ) :
Flush disk locks of { vm }
- - -
tags :
- vm
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
return api_helper . vm_flush_locks ( vm )
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
api . add_resource ( API_VM_Locks , ' /vm/<vm>/locks ' )
2019-08-07 14:24:16 -04:00
2019-07-05 01:19:39 -04:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
# Client API - Network
2019-07-26 11:00:11 -04:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
# /network
class API_Network_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' }
] )
def get ( self , reqargs ) :
Return a list of networks in the cluster
- - -
tags :
- network
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : network
properties :
vni :
type : integer
description : The VNI of the network
description :
type : string
description : The description of the network
type :
type : string
description : The type of network
enum :
- managed
- bridged
domain :
type : string
description : The DNS domain of the network ( " managed " networks only )
name_servers :
type : array
description : The configured DNS nameservers of the network for NS records ( " managed " networks only )
items :
type : string
ip4 :
type : object
description : The IPv4 details of the network ( " managed " networks only )
properties :
network :
type : string
description : The IPv4 network subnet in CIDR format
gateway :
type : string
description : The IPv4 default gateway address
dhcp_flag :
type : boolean
description : Whether DHCP is enabled
dhcp_start :
type : string
description : The IPv4 DHCP pool start address
dhcp_end :
type : string
description : The IPv4 DHCP pool end address
ip6 :
type : object
description : The IPv6 details of the network ( " managed " networks only )
properties :
network :
type : string
description : The IPv6 network subnet in CIDR format
gateway :
type : string
description : The IPv6 default gateway address
dhcp_flag :
type : boolean
description : Whether DHCPv6 is enabled
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : A VNI or description search limit ; fuzzy by default , use ^ / $ to force exact matches
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : array
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/network '
return api_helper . net_list ( reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None ) )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' vni ' , ' required ' : True } ,
{ ' name ' : ' description ' , ' required ' : True } ,
{ ' name ' : ' nettype ' , ' choices ' : ( ' managed ' , ' bridged ' ) , ' helptext ' : ' A valid nettype must be specified ' , ' required ' : True } ,
{ ' name ' : ' domain ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' name_servers ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' ip4_network ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' ip4_gateway ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' ip6_network ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' ip6_gateway ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' dhcp4 ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' dhcp4_start ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' dhcp4_end ' }
] )
def post ( self ) :
Create a new network
- - -
tags :
- network
parameters :
- in : query
name : vni
type : integer
required : true
description : The VNI of the network
- in : query
name : description
type : string
required : true
description : The description of the network
- in : query
name : nettype
type : string
required : true
description : The type of network
enum :
- managed
- bridged
- in : query
name : domain
type : string
description : The DNS domain of the network ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : name_servers
type : string
description : The CSV list of DNS nameservers for network NS records ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : ip4_network
type : string
description : The IPv4 network subnet of the network in CIDR format ; IPv4 disabled if unspecified ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : ip4_gateway
type : string
description : The IPv4 default gateway address of the network ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : dhcp4
type : boolean
description : Whether to enable DHCPv4 for the network ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : dhcp4_start
type : string
description : The DHCPv4 pool start address of the network ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : dhcp4_end
type : string
description : The DHCPv4 pool end address of the network ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : ip6_network
type : string
description : The IPv6 network subnet of the network in CIDR format ; IPv6 disabled if unspecified ; DHCPv6 is always used in IPv6 managed networks ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : ip6_gateway
type : string
description : The IPv6 default gateway address of the network ( " managed " networks only )
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . net_add (
reqargs . get ( ' vni ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' description ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' nettype ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' domain ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' name_servers ' , None ) . split ( ' , ' ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' ip4_network ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' ip4_gateway ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' ip6_network ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' ip6_gateway ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' dhcp4_flag ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' dhcp4_start ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' dhcp4_end ' , None ) ,
api . add_resource ( API_Network_Root , ' /network ' )
# /network/<vni>
class API_Network_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , vni ) :
Return information about network { vni }
- - -
tags :
- network
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/network '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . net_list ( vni , is_fuzzy = False )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' description ' , ' required ' : True } ,
{ ' name ' : ' nettype ' , ' choices ' : ( ' managed ' , ' bridged ' ) , ' helptext ' : ' A valid nettype must be specified ' , ' required ' : True } ,
{ ' name ' : ' domain ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' name_servers ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' ip4_network ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' ip4_gateway ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' ip6_network ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' ip6_gateway ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' dhcp4 ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' dhcp4_start ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' dhcp4_end ' }
] )
def post ( self , vni , reqargs ) :
Create a new network { vni }
- - -
tags :
- network
parameters :
- in : query
name : description
type : string
required : true
description : The description of the network
- in : query
name : nettype
type : string
required : true
description : The type of network
enum :
- managed
- bridged
- in : query
name : domain
type : string
description : The DNS domain of the network ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : name_servers
type : string
description : The CSV list of DNS nameservers for network NS records ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : ip4_network
type : string
description : The IPv4 network subnet of the network in CIDR format ; IPv4 disabled if unspecified ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : ip4_gateway
type : string
description : The IPv4 default gateway address of the network ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : dhcp4
type : boolean
description : Whether to enable DHCPv4 for the network ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : dhcp4_start
type : string
description : The DHCPv4 pool start address of the network ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : dhcp4_end
type : string
description : The DHCPv4 pool end address of the network ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : ip6_network
type : string
description : The IPv6 network subnet of the network in CIDR format ; IPv6 disabled if unspecified ; DHCPv6 is always used in IPv6 managed networks ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : ip6_gateway
type : string
description : The IPv6 default gateway address of the network ( " managed " networks only )
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . net_add (
reqargs . get ( ' vni ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' description ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' nettype ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' domain ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' name_servers ' , None ) . split ( ' , ' ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' ip4_network ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' ip4_gateway ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' ip6_network ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' ip6_gateway ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' dhcp4_flag ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' dhcp4_start ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' dhcp4_end ' , None ) ,
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' description ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' domain ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' name_servers ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' ip4_network ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' ip4_gateway ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' ip6_network ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' ip6_gateway ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' dhcp4 ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' dhcp4_start ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' dhcp4_end ' }
] )
def put ( self , vni ) :
Update details of network { vni }
Note : A network ' s type cannot be changed; the network must be removed and recreated as the new type
- - -
tags :
- network
parameters :
- in : query
name : description
type : string
description : The description of the network
- in : query
name : domain
type : string
description : The DNS domain of the network ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : name_servers
type : string
description : The CSV list of DNS nameservers for network NS records ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : ip4_network
type : string
description : The IPv4 network subnet of the network in CIDR format ; IPv4 disabled if unspecified ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : ip4_gateway
type : string
description : The IPv4 default gateway address of the network ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : dhcp4
type : boolean
description : Whether to enable DHCPv4 for the network ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : dhcp4_start
type : string
description : The DHCPv4 pool start address of the network ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : dhcp4_end
type : string
description : The DHCPv4 pool end address of the network ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : ip6_network
type : string
description : The IPv6 network subnet of the network in CIDR format ; IPv6 disabled if unspecified ; DHCPv6 is always used in IPv6 managed networks ( " managed " networks only )
- in : query
name : ip6_gateway
type : string
description : The IPv6 default gateway address of the network ( " managed " networks only )
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . net_modify (
reqargs . get ( ' description ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' domain ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' name_servers ' , None ) . split ( ' , ' ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' ip4_network ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' ip4_gateway ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' ip6_network ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' ip6_gateway ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' dhcp4_flag ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' dhcp4_start ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' dhcp4_end ' , None ) ,
def delete ( self , vni ) :
Remove network { vni }
- - -
tags :
- network
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . net_remove ( vni )
api . add_resource ( API_Network_Element , ' /network/<vni> ' )
# /network/<vni>/lease
class API_Network_Lease_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' static ' }
] )
def get ( self , vni , reqargs ) :
Return a list of DHCP leases in network { vni }
- - -
tags :
- network
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : lease
properties :
hostname :
type : string
description : The ( short ) hostname of the lease
ip4_address :
type : string
description : The IPv4 address of the lease
mac_address :
type : string
description : The MAC address of the lease
timestamp :
type : integer
description : The UNIX timestamp of the lease creation
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : A MAC address search limit ; fuzzy by default , use ^ / $ to force exact matches
- in : query
name : static
type : boolean
required : false
default : false
description : Whether to show only static leases
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : array
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/lease '
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . net_dhcp_list (
vni ,
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' static ' , False )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' macaddress ' , ' required ' : True } ,
{ ' name ' : ' ipaddress ' , ' required ' : True } ,
{ ' name ' : ' hostname ' }
] )
def post ( self , vni , reqargs ) :
Create a new static DHCP lease in network { vni }
- - -
tags :
- network
parameters :
- in : query
name : macaddress
type : string
required : false
description : A MAC address for the lease
- in : query
name : ipaddress
type : string
required : false
description : An IPv4 address for the lease
- in : query
name : hostname
type : string
required : false
description : An optional hostname for the lease
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . net_dhcp_add (
vni ,
reqargs . get ( ' ipaddress ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' macaddres ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' hostname ' , None )
api . add_resource ( API_Network_Lease_Root , ' /network/<vni>/lease ' )
# /network/<vni>/lease/{mac}
class API_Network_Lease_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , vni , mac ) :
Return information about DHCP lease { mac } in network { vni }
- - -
tags :
- network
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : lease
properties :
hostname :
type : string
description : The ( short ) hostname of the lease
ip4_address :
type : string
description : The IPv4 address of the lease
mac_address :
type : string
description : The MAC address of the lease
timestamp :
type : integer
description : The UNIX timestamp of the lease creation
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : array
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/lease '
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . net_dhcp_list (
network ,
lease ,
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' ipaddress ' , ' required ' : True } ,
{ ' name ' : ' hostname ' }
] )
def post ( self , vni , mac ) :
Create a new static DHCP lease { mac } in network { vni }
- - -
tags :
- network
parameters :
- in : query
name : macaddress
type : string
required : false
description : A MAC address for the lease
- in : query
name : ipaddress
type : string
required : false
description : An IPv4 address for the lease
- in : query
name : hostname
type : string
required : false
description : An optional hostname for the lease
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . net_dhcp_add (
vni ,
reqargs . get ( ' ipaddress ' , None ) ,
mac ,
reqargs . get ( ' hostname ' , None )
def delete ( self , vni , mac ) :
Delete static DHCP lease { mac }
- - -
tags :
- network
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . net_dhcp_remove (
vni ,
api . add_resource ( API_Network_Lease_Element , ' /network/<vni>/lease/<mac> ' )
# /network/<vni>/acl
class API_Network_ACL_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' direction ' , ' choices ' : ( ' in ' , ' out ' ) , ' helpmsg ' : " A valid direction must be specified " }
] )
def get ( self , vni , reqargs ) :
Return a list of ACLs in network { vni }
- - -
tags :
- network
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : acl
properties :
description :
type : string
description : The description of the rule
direction :
type : string
description : The direction the rule applies in
order :
type : integer
description : The order of the rule in the chain
rule :
type : string
description : The NFT - format rule string
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : A description search limit ; fuzzy by default , use ^ / $ to force exact matches
- in : query
name : direction
type : string
required : false
description : The direction of rules to display ; both directions shown if unspecified
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : array
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/acl '
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . net_acl_list (
vni ,
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' direction ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' description ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A whitespace-free description must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' rule ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A rule must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' direction ' , ' choices ' : ( ' in ' , ' out ' ) , ' helpmsg ' : " A valid direction must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' order ' }
] )
def post ( self , vni , reqargs ) :
Create a new ACL in network { vni }
- - -
tags :
- network
parameters :
- in : query
name : description
type : string
required : true
description : A whitespace - free description / name for the ACL
- in : query
name : direction
type : string
required : false
description : The direction of the ACL ; defaults to " in " if unspecified
enum :
- in
- out
- in : query
name : order
type : integer
description : The order of the ACL in the chain ; defaults to the end
- in : query
name : rule
type : string
required : true
description : The raw NFT firewall rule string
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . net_acl_add (
vni ,
reqargs . get ( ' direction ' , ' in ' ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' description ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' rule ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' order ' , None )
api . add_resource ( API_Network_ACL_Root , ' /network/<vni>/acl ' )
# /network/<vni>/acl/<description>
class API_Network_ACL_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , vni , description ) :
Return information about ACL { description } in network { vni }
- - -
tags :
- network
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/acl '
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . net_acl_list (
vni ,
description ,
None ,
is_fuzzy = False
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' rule ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A rule must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' direction ' , ' choices ' : ( ' in ' , ' out ' ) , ' helpmsg ' : " A valid direction must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' order ' }
] )
def post ( self , vni , description , reqargs ) :
Create a new ACL { description } in network { vni }
- - -
tags :
- network
parameters :
- in : query
name : direction
type : string
required : false
description : The direction of the ACL ; defaults to " in " if unspecified
enum :
- in
- out
- in : query
name : order
type : integer
description : The order of the ACL in the chain ; defaults to the end
- in : query
name : rule
type : string
required : true
description : The raw NFT firewall rule string
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . net_acl_add (
vni ,
reqargs . get ( ' direction ' , ' in ' ) ,
description ,
reqargs . get ( ' rule ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' order ' , None )
def delete ( self , vni , description ) :
Delete ACL { description } in network { vni }
- - -
tags :
- network
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . net_acl_remove (
vni ,
api . add_resource ( API_Network_ACL_Element , ' /network/<vni>/acl/<description> ' )
2019-07-26 11:00:11 -04:00
2019-07-05 13:20:06 -04:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
# Client API - Storage
2019-07-10 15:14:17 -04:00
# Note: The prefix `/storage` allows future potential storage subsystems.
# Since Ceph is the only section not abstracted by PVC directly
# (i.e. it references Ceph-specific concepts), this makes more
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
# sense in the long-term.#
# /storage
class API_Storage_Root ( Resource ) :
def get ( self ) :
api . add_resource ( API_Storage_Root , ' /storage ' )
# /storage/ceph
class API_Storage_Ceph_Root ( Resource ) :
def get ( self ) :
api . add_resource ( API_Storage_Ceph_Root , ' /storage/ceph ' )
# /storage/ceph/status
class API_Storage_Ceph_Status ( Resource ) :
def get ( self ) :
Return status data for the PVC Ceph cluster
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
properties :
type :
type : string
description : The type of Ceph data returned
primary_node :
type : string
description : The curent primary node in the cluster
ceph_data :
type : string
description : The raw output data
return api_helper . ceph_status ( )
api . add_resource ( API_Storage_Ceph_Status , ' /storage/ceph/status ' )
# /storage/ceph/utilization
class API_Storage_Ceph_Utilization ( Resource ) :
def get ( self ) :
Return utilization data for the PVC Ceph cluster
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
properties :
type :
type : string
description : The type of Ceph data returned
primary_node :
type : string
description : The curent primary node in the cluster
ceph_data :
type : string
description : The raw output data
return api_helper . ceph_radosdf ( )
api . add_resource ( API_Storage_Ceph_Utilization , ' /storage/ceph/utilization ' )
# /storage/ceph/option
class API_Storage_Ceph_Option ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' option ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A valid option must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' action ' , ' required ' : True , ' choices ' : ( ' set ' , ' unset ' ) , ' helpmsg ' : " A valid action must be specified " } ,
] )
def post ( self , reqargs ) :
Set or unset OSD options on the Ceph cluster
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
parameters :
- in : query
name : option
type : string
required : true
description : The Ceph OSD option to act on ; must be valid to " ceph osd set/unset "
- in : query
name : action
type : string
required : true
description : The action to take
enum :
- set
- unset
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
if reqargs . get ( ' action ' ) == ' set ' :
return api_helper . ceph_osd_set ( reqargs . get ( ' option ' ) )
if reqargs . get ( ' action ' ) == ' unset ' :
return api_helper . ceph_osd_unset ( reqargs . get ( ' option ' ) )
abort ( 400 )
api . add_resource ( API_Storage_Ceph_Option , ' /storage/ceph/option ' )
# /storage/ceph/osd
class API_Storage_Ceph_OSD_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' } ,
] )
def get ( self , reqargs ) :
api_helper . ceph_osd_list (
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' node ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A valid node must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' device ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A valid device must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' weight ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " An OSD weight must be specified " } ,
] )
def post ( self , reqargs ) :
Add a Ceph OSD to the cluster
Note : This task may take up to 30 s to complete and return
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
parameters :
- in : query
name : node
type : string
required : true
description : The PVC node to create the OSD on
- in : query
name : device
type : string
required : true
description : The block device ( e . g . " /dev/sdb " , " /dev/disk/by-path/... " , etc . ) to create the OSD on
- in : query
name : weight
type : number
required : true
description : The Ceph CRUSH weight for the OSD
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . ceph_osd_add (
reqargs . get ( ' node ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' device ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' weight ' , None )
api . add_resource ( API_Storage_Ceph_OSD_Root , ' /storage/ceph/osd ' )
# /storage/ceph/osd/<osdid>
class API_Storage_Ceph_OSD_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , osdid ) :
return api_helper . ceph_osd_list (
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' yes-i-really-mean-it ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " Please confirm that yes-i-really-mean-it " }
] )
def delete ( self , osdid , reqargs ) :
Remove Ceph OSD { osdid }
Note : This task may take up to 30 s to complete and return
Warning : This operation may have unintended consequences for the storage cluster ; ensure the cluster can support removing the OSD before proceeding
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
parameters :
- in : query
name : yes - i - really - mean - it
type : string
required : true
description : A confirmation string to ensure that the API consumer really means it
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . ceph_osd_remove (
api . add_resource ( API_Storage_Ceph_OSD_Element , ' /storage/ceph/osd/<osdid> ' )
# /storage/ceph/osd/<osdid>/state
class API_Storage_Ceph_OSD_State ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , osdid ) :
return api_helper . ceph_osd_state (
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' state ' , ' choices ' : ( ' in ' , ' out ' ) , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A valid state must be specified " } ,
] )
def post ( self , osdid , reqargs ) :
if reqargs . get ( ' state ' , None ) == ' in ' :
return api_helper . ceph_osd_in (
if reqargs . get ( ' state ' , None ) == ' out ' :
return api_helper . ceph_osd_out (
abort ( 400 )
api . add_resource ( API_Storage_Ceph_OSD_State , ' /storage/ceph/osd/<osdid>/state ' )
# /storage/ceph/pool
class API_Storage_Ceph_Pool_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' }
] )
def get ( self , reqargs ) :
Return a list of pools in the cluster
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : pool
properties :
name :
type : string
description : The name of the pool
stats :
type : object
properties :
id :
type : integer
description : The Ceph pool ID
free_bytes :
type : integer
description : The total free space ( in bytes )
used_bytes :
type : integer
description : The total used space ( in bytes )
used_percent :
type : number
description : The ratio of used space to free space
num_objects :
type : integer
description : The number of Ceph objects before replication
num_object_clones :
type : integer
description : The total number of cloned Ceph objects
num_object_copies :
type : integer
description : The total number of Ceph objects after replication
num_objects_missing_on_primary :
type : integer
description : The total number of missing - on - primary Ceph objects
num_objects_unfound :
type : integer
description : The total number of unfound Ceph objects
num_objects_degraded :
type : integer
description : The total number of degraded Ceph objects
read_ops :
type : integer
description : The total read operations on the pool ( pool - lifetime )
read_bytes :
type : integer
description : The total read bytes on the pool ( pool - lifetime )
write_ops :
type : integer
description : The total write operations on the pool ( pool - lifetime )
write_bytes :
type : integer
description : The total write bytes on the pool ( pool - lifetime )
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : A pool name search limit ; fuzzy by default , use ^ / $ to force exact matches
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : array
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/pool '
return api_helper . ceph_pool_list (
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' pool ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A pool name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' pgs ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A placement group count must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' replcfg ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A valid replication configuration must be specified " }
] )
def post ( self , reqargs ) :
Create a new Ceph pool
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
parameters :
- in : query
name : pool
type : string
required : true
description : The name of the pool
- in : query
name : pgs
type : integer
required : true
description : The number of placement groups ( PGs ) for the pool
- in : query
name : replcfg
type : string
required : true
description : The replication configuration ( e . g . " copies=3,mincopies=2 " ) for the pool
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
api_helper . ceph_pool_add (
reqargs . get ( ' pool ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' pgs ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' replcfg ' , None )
api . add_resource ( API_Storage_Ceph_Pool_Root , ' /storage/ceph/pool ' )
# /storage/ceph/pool/<pool>
class API_Storage_Ceph_Pool_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , pool ) :
Return information about { pool }
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/pool '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper , ceph_pool_list (
pool ,
is_fuzzy = False
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' pgs ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A placement group count must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' replcfg ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A valid replication configuration must be specified " }
] )
def post ( self , pool ) :
Create a new Ceph pool { pool }
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
parameters :
- in : query
name : pgs
type : integer
required : true
description : The number of placement groups ( PGs ) for the pool
- in : query
name : replcfg
type : string
required : true
description : The replication configuration ( e . g . " copies=3,mincopies=2 " ) for the pool
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
api_helper . ceph_pool_add (
pool ,
reqargs . get ( ' pgs ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' replcfg ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' yes-i-really-mean-it ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " Please confirm that yes-i-really-mean-it " }
] )
def delete ( self , pool , reqargs ) :
Remove Ceph pool { pool }
Note : This task may take up to 30 s to complete and return
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
parameters :
- in : query
name : yes - i - really - mean - it
type : string
required : true
description : A confirmation string to ensure that the API consumer really means it
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . ceph_pool_remove (
api . add_resource ( API_Storage_Ceph_Pool_Element , ' /storage/ceph/pool/<pool> ' )
# /storage/ceph/volume
class API_Storage_Ceph_Volume_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' pool ' }
] )
def get ( self , reqargs ) :
Return a list of volumes in the cluster
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : volume
properties :
name :
type : string
description : The name of the volume
pool :
type : string
description : The name of the pool containing the volume
stats :
type : object
properties :
name :
type : string
description : The name of the volume
id :
type : string
description : The Ceph volume ID
size :
type : string
description : The size of the volume ( human - readable values )
objects :
type : integer
description : The number of Ceph objects making up the volume
order :
type : integer
description : The Ceph volume order ID
object_size :
type : integer
description : The size of each object in bytes
snapshot_count :
type : integer
description : The number of snapshots of the volume
block_name_prefix :
type : string
description : The Ceph - internal block name prefix
format :
type : integer
description : The Ceph RBD volume format
features :
type : array
items :
type : string
description : The Ceph RBD feature
op_features :
type : array
items :
type : string
description : The Ceph RBD operational features
flags :
type : array
items :
type : string
description : The Ceph RBD volume flags
create_timestamp :
type : string
description : The volume creation timestamp
access_timestamp :
type : string
description : The volume access timestamp
modify_timestamp :
type : string
description : The volume modification timestamp
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : A volume name search limit ; fuzzy by default , use ^ / $ to force exact matches
- in : query
name : pool
type : string
required : false
description : A pool to limit the search to
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : array
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/volume '
return api_helper . ceph_volume_list (
reqargs . get ( ' pool ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' volume ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A volume name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' pool ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A valid pool name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' size ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A volume size in bytes (or with k/M/G/T suffix) must be specified " }
] )
def post ( self , reqargs ) :
Create a new Ceph volume
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
parameters :
- in : query
name : volume
type : string
required : true
description : The name of the volume
- in : query
name : pool
type : integer
required : true
description : The name of the pool to contain the volume
- in : query
name : size
type : string
required : true
description : The volume size in bytes ( or with a metric suffix , i . e . k / M / G / T )
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . ceph_volume_add (
reqargs . get ( ' pool ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' volume ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' size ' , None )
api . add_resource ( API_Storage_Ceph_Volume_Root , ' /storage/ceph/volume ' )
# /storage/ceph/volume/<pool>/<volume>
class API_Storage_Ceph_Volume_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , pool , volume ) :
Return information about volume { volume } in pool { pool }
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/volume '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . ceph_volume_list (
pool ,
volume ,
is_fuzzy = False
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' size ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A volume size in bytes (or with k/M/G/T suffix) must be specified " }
] )
def post ( self , pool , volume , reqargs ) :
Create a new Ceph volume { volume } in pool { pool }
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
parameters :
- in : query
name : size
type : string
required : true
description : The volume size in bytes ( or with a metric suffix , i . e . k / M / G / T )
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . ceph_volume_add (
pool ,
volume ,
reqargs . get ( ' size ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' size ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' new_name ' }
] )
def put ( self , pool , volume , reqargs ) :
Update the size or name of Ceph volume { volume } in pool { pool }
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
parameters :
- in : query
name : size
type : string
required : false
description : The new volume size in bytes ( or with a metric suffix , i . e . k / M / G / T ) ; must be greater than the previous size ( shrinking not supported )
- in : query
name : new_name
type : string
required : false
description : The new volume name
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
if reqargs . get ( ' size ' , None ) and reqargs . get ( ' new_name ' , None ) :
return { " message " : " Can only perform one modification at once " } , 400
if reqargs . get ( ' size ' , None ) :
return api_helper . ceph_volume_resize (
pool ,
volume ,
reqargs . get ( ' size ' )
if reqargs . get ( ' new_name ' , None ) :
return api_helper . ceph_volume_rename (
pool ,
volume ,
reqargs . get ( ' new_name ' )
return { " message " : " At least one modification must be specified " } , 400
def delete ( self , pool , volume ) :
Remove Ceph volume { volume } from pool { pool }
Note : This task may take up to 30 s to complete and return depending on the size of the volume
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . ceph_volume_remove (
pool ,
api . add_resource ( API_Storage_Ceph_Volume_Element , ' /storage/ceph/volume/<pool>/<volume> ' )
# /storage/ceph/volume/<pool>/<volume>/clone
class API_Storage_Ceph_Volume_Element_Clone ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' new_volume ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A new volume name must be specified " }
] )
def post ( self , pool , volume , reqargs ) :
Clone Ceph volume { volume } in pool { pool }
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
parameters :
- in : query
name : new_volume
type : string
required : true
description : The name of the new cloned volume
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . ceph_volume_clone (
pool ,
reqargs . get ( ' new_volume ' , None ) ,
api . add_resource ( API_Storage_Ceph_Volume_Element_Clone , ' /storage/ceph/volume/<pool>/<volume>/clone ' )
# /storage/ceph/snapshot
class API_Storage_Ceph_Snapshot_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' pool ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' volume ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' } ,
] )
def get ( self , reqargs ) :
Return a list of snapshots in the cluster
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : snapshot
properties :
snapshot :
type : string
description : The name of the snapshot
volume :
type : string
description : The name of the volume
pool :
type : string
description : The name of the pool
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : A volume name search limit ; fuzzy by default , use ^ / $ to force exact matches
- in : query
name : pool
type : string
required : false
description : A pool to limit the search to
- in : query
name : volume
type : string
required : false
description : A volume to limit the search to
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : array
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/snapshot '
return api_helper . ceph_volume_snapshot_list (
reqargs . get ( ' pool ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' volume ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' snapshot ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A snapshot name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' volume ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A volume name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' pool ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A pool name must be specified " }
] )
def post ( self , reqargs ) :
Create a new Ceph snapshot
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
parameters :
- in : query
name : snapshot
type : string
required : true
description : The name of the snapshot
- in : query
name : volume
type : string
required : true
description : The name of the volume
- in : query
name : pool
type : integer
required : true
description : The name of the pool
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . ceph_volume_snapshot_add (
reqargs . get ( ' pool ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' volume ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' snapshot ' , None )
api . add_resource ( API_Storage_Ceph_Snapshot_Root , ' /storage/ceph/snapshot ' )
# /storage/ceph/snapshot/<pool>/<volume>/<snapshot>
class API_Storage_Ceph_Snapshot_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , pool , volume , snapshot ) :
Return information about snapshot { snapshot } of volume { volume } in pool { pool }
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/snapshot '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . ceph_volume_snapshot_list (
pool ,
volume ,
snapshot ,
is_fuzzy = False
def post ( self , pool , volume , snapshot ) :
Create a new Ceph snapshot { snapshot } of volume { volume } in pool { pool }
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
parameters :
- in : query
name : snapshot
type : string
required : true
description : The name of the snapshot
- in : query
name : volume
type : string
required : true
description : The name of the volume
- in : query
name : pool
type : integer
required : true
description : The name of the pool
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . ceph_volume_snapshot_add (
pool ,
volume ,
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' new_name ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A new name must be specified " }
] )
def put ( self , pool , volume , snapshot , reqargs ) :
Update the name of Ceph snapshot { snapshot } of volume { volume } in pool { pool }
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
parameters :
- in : query
name : new_name
type : string
required : false
description : The new snaoshot name
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . ceph_volume_snapshot_rename (
pool ,
volume ,
snapshot ,
reqargs . get ( ' new_name ' , None )
def delete ( self , pool , volume , snapshot ) :
Remove Ceph snapshot { snapshot } of volume { volume } from pool { pool }
Note : This task may take up to 30 s to complete and return depending on the size of the snapshot
- - -
tags :
- storage / ceph
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_helper . ceph_volume_snapshot_remove (
pool ,
volume ,
api . add_resource ( API_Storage_Ceph_Snapshot_Element , ' /storage/ceph/snapshot/<pool>/<volume>/<snapshot> ' )
2019-07-26 11:23:19 -04:00
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
# Provisioner API
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
# /provisioner
class API_Provisioner_Root ( Resource ) :
def get ( self ) :
Unused endpoint
abort ( 404 )
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Root , ' /provisioner ' )
# /provisioner/template
class API_Provisioner_Template_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' }
] )
def get ( self , reqargs ) :
Return a list of all templates
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : all - templates
properties :
system - templates :
type : array
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/system-template '
network - templates :
type : array
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/network-template '
storage - templates :
type : array
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/storage-template '
userdata - templates :
type : array
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/userdata-template '
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : A template name search limit ; fuzzy by default , use ^ / $ to force exact matches
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/all-templates '
return api_provisioner . template_list (
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None )
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Template_Root , ' /provisioner/template ' )
# /provisioner/template/system
class API_Provisioner_Template_System_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' }
] )
def get ( self , reqargs ) :
Return a list of system templates
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : system - template
properties :
id :
type : integer
description : Internal provisioner template ID
name :
type : string
description : Template name
vcpu_count :
type : integer
description : vCPU count for VM
vram_mb :
type : integer
description : vRAM size in MB for VM
serial :
type : boolean
description : Whether to enable serial console for VM
vnc :
type : boolean
description : Whether to enable VNC console for VM
vnc_bind :
type : string
description : VNC bind address when VNC console is enabled
node_limit :
type : string
description : CSV list of node ( s ) to limit VM assignment to
node_selector :
type : string
description : Selector to use for VM node assignment on migration / move
node_autostart :
type : boolean
description : Whether to start VM with node ready state ( one - time )
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : A template name search limit ; fuzzy by default , use ^ / $ to force exact matches
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : list
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/system-template '
return api_provisioner . list_template_system (
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' name ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' vcpus ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A vcpus value must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' vram ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A vram value in MB must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' serial ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A serial value must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' vnc ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A vnc value must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' vnc_bind ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' node_limit ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' node_selector ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' node_autostart ' }
] )
def post ( self ) :
Create a new system template
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
parameters :
- in : query
name : name
type : string
required : true
description : Template name
- in : query
name : vcpus
type : integer
required : true
description : vCPU count for VM
- in : query
name : vram
type : integer
required : true
description : vRAM size in MB for VM
- in : query
name : serial
type : boolean
required : true
description : Whether to enable serial console for VM
- in : query
name : vnc
type : boolean
required : true
description : Whether to enable VNC console for VM
- in : query
name : vnc_bind
type : string
required : false
description : VNC bind address when VNC console is enabled
- in : query
name : node_limit
type : string
required : false
description : CSV list of node ( s ) to limit VM assignment to
- in : query
name : node_selector
type : string
required : false
description : Selector to use for VM node assignment on migration / move
- in : query
name : node_autostart
type : boolean
required : false
description : Whether to start VM with node ready state ( one - time )
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
# Validate arguments
if not isinstance ( reqargs . get ( ' vcpus ' ) , int ) :
return { " message " : " A vcpus value must be an integer " } , 400
if not isinstance ( reqargs . get ( ' vram ' ) , int ) :
return { " message " : " A vram value must be an integer " } , 400
# Cast boolean arguments
if bool ( strtobool ( reqargs . get ( ' serial ' ) ) ) :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
serial = True
else :
serial = False
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
if bool ( strtobool ( reqargs . get ( ' vnc ' ) ) ) :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
vnc = True
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
vnc_bind = reqargs . get ( ' vnc_bind ' , None )
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
else :
vnc = False
vnc_bind = None
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
if bool ( strtobool ( reqargs . get ( ' node_autostart ' ) ) ) :
node_autostart = True
else :
node_autostart = False
return api_provisioner . create_template_system (
reqargs . get ( ' name ' ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' vcpus ' ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' vram ' ) ,
serial ,
vnc ,
vnc_bind ,
reqargs . get ( ' node_limit ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' node_selector ' , None ) ,
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Template_System_Root , ' /provisioner/template/system ' )
# /provisioner/template/system/<template>
class API_Provisioner_Template_System_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , template ) :
Return information about system template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/system-template '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . list_template_system (
template ,
is_fuzzy = False
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' vcpus ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A vcpus value must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' vram ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A vram value in MB must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' serial ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A serial value must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' vnc ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A vnc value must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' vnc_bind ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' node_limit ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' node_selector ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' node_autostart ' }
] )
def post ( self , template , reqargs ) :
Create a new system template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
parameters :
- in : query
name : vcpus
type : integer
required : true
description : vCPU count for VM
- in : query
name : vram
type : integer
required : true
description : vRAM size in MB for VM
- in : query
name : serial
type : boolean
required : true
description : Whether to enable serial console for VM
- in : query
name : vnc
type : boolean
required : true
description : Whether to enable VNC console for VM
- in : query
name : vnc_bind
type : string
required : false
description : VNC bind address when VNC console is enabled
- in : query
name : node_limit
type : string
required : false
description : CSV list of node ( s ) to limit VM assignment to
- in : query
name : node_selector
type : string
required : false
description : Selector to use for VM node assignment on migration / move
- in : query
name : node_autostart
type : boolean
required : false
description : Whether to start VM with node ready state ( one - time )
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
# Validate arguments
if not isinstance ( reqargs . get ( ' vcpus ' ) , int ) :
return { " message " : " A vcpus value must be an integer " } , 400
if not isinstance ( reqargs . get ( ' vram ' ) , int ) :
return { " message " : " A vram value must be an integer " } , 400
# Cast boolean arguments
if bool ( strtobool ( reqargs . get ( ' serial ' ) ) ) :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
serial = True
else :
serial = False
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
if bool ( strtobool ( reqargs . get ( ' vnc ' ) ) ) :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
vnc = True
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
vnc_bind = reqargs . get ( ' vnc_bind ' , None )
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
else :
vnc = False
vnc_bind = None
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
if bool ( strtobool ( reqargs . get ( ' node_autostart ' ) ) ) :
node_autostart = True
else :
node_autostart = False
return api_provisioner . create_template_system (
template ,
reqargs . get ( ' vcpus ' ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' vram ' ) ,
serial ,
vnc ,
vnc_bind ,
reqargs . get ( ' node_limit ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' node_selector ' , None ) ,
def put ( self , template ) :
def delete ( self , template ) :
Remove system template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . delete_template_system (
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Template_System_Element , ' /provisioner/template/system/<template> ' )
# /provisioner/template/network
class API_Provisioner_Template_Network_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' }
] )
def get ( self , reqargs ) :
Return a list of network templates
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : network - template - net
properties :
id :
type : integer
description : Internal provisioner template ID
network_template :
type : integer
description : Internal provisioner network template ID
vni :
type : integer
description : PVC network VNI
- schema :
type : object
id : network - template
properties :
id :
type : integer
description : Internal provisioner template ID
name :
type : string
description : Template name
mac_template :
type : string
description : MAC address template for VM
networks :
type : array
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/network-template-net '
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : A template name search limit ; fuzzy by default , use ^ / $ to force exact matches
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : list
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/network-template '
return api_provisioner . list_template_network (
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' name ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A template name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' mac_template ' }
] )
def post ( self , reqargs ) :
Create a new network template
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
parameters :
- in : query
name : name
type : string
required : true
description : Template name
- in : query
name : mac_template
type : string
required : false
description : MAC address template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . create_template_network (
reqargs . get ( ' name ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' mac_template ' , None )
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Template_Network_Root , ' /provisioner/template/network ' )
# /provisioner/template/network/<template>
class API_Provisioner_Template_Network_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , template ) :
Return information about network template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/network-template '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . list_template_network (
template ,
is_fuzzy = False
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' mac_template ' }
] )
def post ( self , template , reqargs ) :
Create a new network template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
parameters :
- in : query
name : mac_template
type : string
required : false
description : MAC address template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . create_template_network (
template ,
reqargs . get ( ' mac_template ' , None )
def delete ( self , template ) :
Remove network template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . delete_template_network (
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Template_Network_Element , ' /provisioner/template/network/<template> ' )
# /provisioner/template/network/<template>/net
class API_Provisioner_Template_Network_Net_Root ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , template ) :
Return a list of networks in network template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : list
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/network-template-net '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
templates = api_provisioner . list_template_network (
template ,
is_fuzzy = False
if templates :
return templates [ ' networks ' ]
else :
return { ' message ' : ' Template not found ' } , 404
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' vni ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A valid VNI must be specified " }
] )
def post ( self , reqargs ) :
Create a new network in network template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
parameters :
- in : query
name : vni
type : integer
required : false
description : PVC network VNI
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . create_template_network_element (
template ,
reqargs . get ( ' vni ' , None )
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Template_Network_Net_Root , ' /provisioner/template/network/<template>/net ' )
# /provisioner/template/network/<template>/net/<vni>
class API_Provisioner_Template_Network_Net_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , template , vni ) :
Return information about network { vni } in network template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/network-template-net '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
vni_list = api_provisioner . list_template_network (
template ,
is_fuzzy = False
) [ ' networks ' ]
for _vni in vni_list :
if int ( _vni [ ' vni ' ] ) == int ( vni ) :
return _vni , 200
abort ( 404 )
def post ( self , template , vni ) :
Create a new network { vni } in network template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . create_template_network_element (
template ,
def delete ( self , template , vni ) :
Remove network { vni } from network template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . delete_template_network_element (
template ,
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Template_Network_Net_Element , ' /provisioner/template/network/<template>/net/<vni> ' )
# /provisioner/template/storage
class API_Provisioner_Template_Storage_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' }
] )
def get ( self , reqargs ) :
Return a list of storage templates
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : storage - template - disk
properties :
id :
type : integer
description : Internal provisioner disk ID
storage_template :
type : integer
description : Internal provisioner storage template ID
pool :
type : string
description : Ceph storage pool for disk
disk_id :
type : string
description : Disk identifier
disk_size_gb :
type : string
description : Disk size in GB
mountpoint :
type : string
description : In - VM mountpoint for disk
filesystem :
type : string
description : Filesystem for disk
filesystem_args :
type : array
items :
type : string
description : Filesystem mkfs arguments
- schema :
type : object
id : storage - template
properties :
id :
type : integer
description : Internal provisioner template ID
name :
type : string
description : Template name
disks :
type : array
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/storage-template-disk '
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : A template name search limit ; fuzzy by default , use ^ / $ to force exact matches
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : list
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/storage-template '
return api_provisioner . list_template_storage (
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' name ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A template name must be specified " }
] )
def post ( self , reqargs ) :
Create a new storage template
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
parameters :
- in : query
name : name
type : string
required : true
description : Template name
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . create_template_storage (
reqargs . get ( ' name ' , None )
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Template_Storage_Root , ' /provisioner/template/storage ' )
# /provisioner/template/storage/<template>
class API_Provisioner_Template_Storage_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , template ) :
Return information about storage template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/storage-template '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . list_template_storage (
template ,
is_fuzzy = False
def post ( self , template ) :
Create a new storage template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . create_template_storage (
def delete ( self , template ) :
Remove storage template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . delete_template_storage (
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Template_Storage_Element , ' /provisioner/template/storage/<template> ' )
# /provisioner/template/storage/<template>/disk
class API_Provisioner_Template_Storage_Disk_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' }
] )
def get ( self , template , reqargs ) :
Return a list of disks in network template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : list
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/storage-template-disk '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
templates = api_provisioner . list_template_storage (
template ,
is_fuzzy = False
if templates :
return templates [ ' disks ' ]
else :
return { ' message ' : ' Template not found ' } , 404
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' disk_id ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A disk identifier in sdX or vdX format must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' pool ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A storage pool must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' disk_size ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A disk size in GB must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' filesystem ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' filesystem_arg ' , ' action ' : ' append ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' mountpoint ' }
] )
def post ( self , template , reqargs ) :
Create a new disk in storage template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
parameters :
- in : query
name : disk_id
type : string
required : true
description : Disk identifier in " sdX " / " vdX " format ( e . g . " sda " , " vdb " , etc . )
- in : query
name : pool
type : string
required : true
description : ceph storage pool for disk
- in : query
name : disk_size
type : integer
required : true
description : Disk size in GB
- in : query
name : filesystem
type : string
required : false
description : Filesystem for disk
- in : query
name : filesystem_arg
type : string
required : false
description : Filesystem mkfs argument in " -X=foo " format ; may be specified multiple times to add multiple arguments
- in : query
name : mountpoint
type : string
required : false
description : In - VM mountpoint for disk
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . create_template_storage_element (
template ,
reqargs . get ( ' disk_id ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' pool ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' disk_size ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' filesystem ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' filesystem_arg ' , [ ] ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' mountpoint ' , None )
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Template_Storage_Disk_Root , ' /provisioner/template/storage/<template>/disk ' )
# /provisioner/template/storage/<template>/disk/<disk_id>
class API_Provisioner_Template_Storage_Disk_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , template , disk_id ) :
Return information about disk { disk_id } in storage template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/storage-template-disk '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
disk_list = api_provisioner . list_template_storage (
template ,
is_fuzzy = False
) [ ' disks ' ]
for _disk in disk_list :
if _disk [ ' disk_id ' ] == disk_id :
return _disk , 200
abort ( 404 )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' pool ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A storage pool must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' disk_size ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A disk size in GB must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' filesystem ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' filesystem_arg ' , ' action ' : ' append ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' mountpoint ' }
] )
def post ( self , template , disk_id , reqargs ) :
Create a new disk { disk_id } in storage template { template }
Alternative to " POST /provisioner/template/storage/<template>/disk?disk_id=<disk_id> "
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
parameters :
- in : query
name : pool
type : string
required : true
description : ceph storage pool for disk
- in : query
name : disk_size
type : integer
required : true
description : Disk size in GB
- in : query
name : filesystem
type : string
required : false
description : Filesystem for disk
- in : query
name : filesystem_arg
type : string
required : false
description : Filesystem mkfs argument in " -X=foo " format ; may be specified multiple times to add multiple arguments
- in : query
name : mountpoint
type : string
required : false
description : In - VM mountpoint for disk
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . create_template_storage_element (
template ,
disk_id ,
reqargs . get ( ' pool ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' disk_size ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' filesystem ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' filesystem_arg ' , [ ] ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' mountpoint ' , None )
def delete ( self , template , disk_id ) :
Remove disk { disk_id } from storage template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
api_provisioner . delete_template_storage_element (
template ,
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Template_Storage_Disk_Element , ' /provisioner/template/storage/<template>/disk/<disk_id> ' )
# /provisioner/template/userdata
class API_Provisioner_Template_Userdata_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' }
] )
def get ( self , reqargs ) :
Return a list of userdata templates
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : userdata - template
properties :
id :
type : integer
description : Internal provisioner template ID
name :
type : string
description : Template name
userdata :
type : string
description : Raw userdata configuration document
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : A template name search limit ; fuzzy by default , use ^ / $ to force exact matches
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : list
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/userdata-template '
return api_provisioner . list_template_userdata (
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' name ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A template name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' data ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A userdata document must be specified " }
] )
def post ( self , reqargs ) :
Create a new userdata template
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
parameters :
- in : query
name : name
type : string
required : true
description : Template name
- in : query
name : data
type : string
required : true
description : Raw userdata configuration document
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . create_template_userdata (
reqargs . get ( ' name ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' data ' , None )
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Template_Userdata_Root , ' /provisioner/template/userdata ' )
# /provisioner/template/userdata/<template>
class API_Provisioner_Template_Userdata_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , template ) :
Return information about userdata template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/userdata-template '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . list_template_userdata (
template ,
is_fuzzy = False
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' data ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A userdata document must be specified " }
] )
def post ( self , template , reqargs ) :
Create a new userdata template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
parameters :
- in : query
name : data
type : string
required : true
description : Raw userdata configuration document
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . create_template_userdata (
template ,
reqargs . get ( ' data ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' data ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A userdata document must be specified " }
] )
def put ( self , template ) :
Update userdata template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
parameters :
- in : query
name : data
type : string
required : true
description : Raw userdata configuration document
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . update_template_userdata (
template ,
reqargs . get ( ' data ' , None )
def delete ( self , template ) :
Remove userdata template { template }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner / template
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . delete_template_userdata (
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Template_Userdata_Element , ' /provisioner/template/userdata/<template> ' )
# /provisioner/script
class API_Provisioner_Script_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' }
] )
def get ( self , reqargs ) :
Return a list of scripts
- - -
tags :
- provisioner
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : script
properties :
id :
type : integer
description : Internal provisioner script ID
name :
type : string
description : Script name
script :
type : string
description : Raw Python script document
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : A script name search limit ; fuzzy by default , use ^ / $ to force exact matches
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : list
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/script '
return api_provisioner . list_script (
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' name ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A script name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' data ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A script document must be specified " }
] )
def post ( self , reqargs ) :
Create a new script
- - -
tags :
- provisioner
parameters :
- in : query
name : name
type : string
required : true
description : Script name
- in : query
name : data
type : string
required : true
description : Raw Python script document
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . create_script (
reqargs . get ( ' name ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' data ' , None )
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Script_Root , ' /provisioner/script ' )
# /provisioner/script/<script>
class API_Provisioner_Script_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , script ) :
Return information about script { script }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/script '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . list_script (
script ,
is_fuzzy = False
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' data ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A script document must be specified " }
] )
def post ( self , script ) :
Create a new script { script }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner
parameters :
- in : query
name : data
type : string
required : true
description : Raw Python script document
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . create_script (
script ,
reqargs . get ( ' data ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' data ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A script document must be specified " }
] )
def put ( self , script ) :
Update script { script }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner
parameters :
- in : query
name : data
type : string
required : true
description : Raw Python script document
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . update_script (
script ,
reqargs . get ( ' data ' , None )
def delete ( self , script ) :
Remove script { script }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . delete_script (
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Script_Element , ' /provisioner/script/<script> ' )
# /provisioner/profile
class API_Provisioner_Profile_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' limit ' }
] )
def get ( self , reqargs ) :
Return a list of profiles
- - -
tags :
- provisioner
definitions :
- schema :
type : object
id : profile
properties :
id :
type : integer
description : Internal provisioner profile ID
name :
type : string
description : Profile name
script :
type : string
description : Script name
system_template :
type : string
description : System template name
network_template :
type : string
description : Network template name
storage_template :
type : string
description : Storage template name
userdata_template :
type : string
description : Userdata template name
arguments :
type : array
items :
type : string
description : Script install ( ) function keyword arguments in " arg=data " format
parameters :
- in : query
name : limit
type : string
required : false
description : A profile name search limit ; fuzzy by default , use ^ / $ to force exact matches
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : list
items :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/profile '
return api_provisioner . list_profile (
reqargs . get ( ' limit ' , None )
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' name ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A profile name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' system_template ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A system template name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' network_template ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A network template name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' storage_template ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A storage template name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' userdata_template ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A userdata template name must be specified (use ' empty ' if no template is desired) " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' script ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A system name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' arg ' , ' action ' : ' append ' }
] )
def post ( self , reqargs ) :
Create a new profile
- - -
tags :
- provisioner
parameters :
- in : query
name : name
type : string
required : true
description : Profile name
- in : query
name : script
type : string
required : true
description : Script name
- in : query
name : system_template
type : string
required : true
description : System template name
- in : query
name : network_template
type : string
required : true
description : Network template name
- in : query
name : storage_template
type : string
required : true
description : Storage template name
- in : query
name : userdata_template
type : string
required : true
description : Userdata template name
- in : query
name : arg
type : string
description : Script install ( ) function keywork argument in " arg=data " format ; may be specified multiple times to add multiple arguments
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . create_profile (
reqargs . get ( ' name ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' system_template ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' network_template ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' storage_template ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' userdata_template ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' script ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' arg ' , None )
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Profile_Root , ' /provisioner/profile ' )
# /provisioner/profile/<profile>
class API_Provisioner_Profile_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , profile ) :
Return information about profile { profile }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
$ ref : ' #/definitions/profile '
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . list_profile (
profile ,
is_fuzzy = False
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' system_template ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A system template name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' network_template ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A network template name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' storage_template ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A storage template name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' userdata_template ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A userdata template name must be specified (use ' empty ' if no template is desired) " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' script ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A system name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' arg ' , ' action ' : ' append ' }
] )
def post ( self , profile , reqargs ) :
Create a new profile { profile }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner
parameters :
- in : query
name : script
type : string
required : true
description : Script name
- in : query
name : system_template
type : string
required : true
description : System template name
- in : query
name : network_template
type : string
required : true
description : Network template name
- in : query
name : storage_template
type : string
required : true
description : Storage template name
- in : query
name : userdata_template
type : string
required : true
description : Userdata template name
- in : query
name : arg
type : string
description : Script install ( ) function keywork argument in " arg=data " format ; may be specified multiple times to add multiple arguments
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
return api_provisioner . create_profile (
profile ,
reqargs . get ( ' system_template ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' network_template ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' storage_template ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' userdata_template ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' script ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' arg ' , None )
def delete ( self , profile ) :
Remove profile { profile }
- - -
tags :
- provisioner
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
id : Message
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
api_provisioner . delete_profile (
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Profile_Element , ' /provisioner/profile/<profile> ' )
# /provisioner/create
class API_Provisioner_Create_Root ( Resource ) :
@RequestParser ( [
{ ' name ' : ' name ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A VM name must be specified " } ,
{ ' name ' : ' profile ' , ' required ' : True , ' helpmsg ' : " A profile name must be specified " }
] )
def post ( self , reqargs ) :
Create a new virtual machine
Note : Starts a background job in the pvc - provisioner - worker Celery worker while returning a task ID ; the task ID can be used to query the " GET /provisioner/status/<task_id> " endpoint for the job status
- - -
tags :
- provisioner
parameters :
- in : query
name : name
type : string
required : true
description : Virtual machine name
- in : query
name : profile
type : string
required : true
description : Profile name
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
properties :
task_id :
type : string
description : Task ID for the provisioner Celery worker
400 :
description : Bad request
schema :
type : object
id : Message
task = create_vm . delay (
reqargs . get ( ' name ' , None ) ,
reqargs . get ( ' profile ' , None )
return { " task_id " : task . id } , 202 , { ' Location ' : Api . url_for ( api , API_Provisioner_Status_Element , task_id = task . id ) }
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Create_Root , ' /provisioner/create ' )
# /provisioner/status/<task_id>
class API_Provisioner_Status_Element ( Resource ) :
def get ( self , task_id ) :
View status of a provisioner Celery worker job
- - -
tags :
- provisioner
responses :
200 :
description : OK
schema :
type : object
properties :
total :
type : integer
description : Total number of steps
current :
type : integer
description : Current steps completed
state :
type : string
description : Current job state
status :
type : string
description : Status details about job
404 :
description : Not found
schema :
type : object
id : Message
task = create_vm . AsyncResult ( task_id )
if task . state == ' PENDING ' :
response = {
' state ' : task . state ,
' current ' : 0 ,
' total ' : 1 ,
' status ' : ' Pending job start '
elif task . state != ' FAILURE ' :
response = {
' state ' : task . state ,
' current ' : task . info . get ( ' current ' , 0 ) ,
' total ' : task . info . get ( ' total ' , 1 ) ,
' status ' : task . info . get ( ' status ' , ' ' )
if ' result ' in task . info :
response [ ' result ' ] = task . info [ ' result ' ]
else :
response = {
' state ' : task . state ,
' current ' : 1 ,
' total ' : 1 ,
' status ' : str ( task . info )
return response
api . add_resource ( API_Provisioner_Status_Element , ' /provisioner/status/<task_id> ' )
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
2019-07-05 01:19:39 -04:00
# Entrypoint
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
if config [ ' debug ' ] :
# Run in Flask standard mode
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
app . run ( config [ ' listen_address ' ] , config [ ' listen_port ' ] )
2019-07-25 15:42:17 -04:00
else :
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
if config [ ' ssl_enabled ' ] :
# Run the WSGI server with SSL
http_server = gevent . pywsgi . WSGIServer (
( config [ ' listen_address ' ] , config [ ' listen_port ' ] ) ,
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
app ,
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
keyfile = config [ ' ssl_key_file ' ] ,
certfile = config [ ' ssl_cert_file ' ]
else :
# Run the ?WSGI server without SSL
http_server = gevent . pywsgi . WSGIServer (
( config [ ' listen_address ' ] , config [ ' listen_port ' ] ) ,
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
2019-12-23 20:43:20 -05:00
2019-12-14 14:12:55 -05:00
print ( ' Starting PyWSGI server at {} : {} with SSL= {} , Authentication= {} ' . format ( config [ ' listen_address ' ] , config [ ' listen_port ' ] , config [ ' ssl_enabled ' ] , config [ ' auth_enabled ' ] ) )
http_server . serve_forever ( )