**NOTICE FOR GITHUB**: This repository is a read-only mirror of the PVC repositories from my personal GitLab instance. Pull requests submitted here will not be merged. Issues submitted here will however be treated as authoritative.
This repository contains the generator and configurations for the PVC Live Node Installer ISO. This ISO provides a quick and convenient way to install a PVC base system to a physical server, ready to then be provisioned using the [PVC Ansible](https://github.com/parallelvirtualcluster/pvc-ansible) configuration framework. Part of the [Parallel Virtual Cluster system](https://github.com/parallelvirtualcluster/pvc).
Run `./buildiso.sh`. This will pull down the Debian LiveCD image, extract it, debootstrap a fresh install environment, copy in the configurations, generate a squashfs, then finally generate an ISO for use via CD-ROM, Virtual Media, or USB/SDCard flash.
Note that artifacts of the build (the LiveCD ISO, debootstrap directory, and squashfs) are cached in `artifacts/` for future reuse.
## Booting
The built ISO can be booted in either BIOS (traditional ISOLinux) or UEFI (Grub2) modes. It is strongly recommended to use the latter if the system supports it for maximum flexibility.
The installer script will ask several questions to configure the bare minimum system needed for [`pvc-ansible`](https://github.com/parallelvirtualcluster/pvc-ansible) to configure the node.