#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Daemon.py - PVC HTTP API daemon # Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system # # Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Joshua M. Boniface # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################### import os import yaml import signal from sys import argv import pvcbootstrapd.lib.notifications as notifications import pvcbootstrapd.lib.dnsmasq as dnsmasqd import pvcbootstrapd.lib.db as db import pvcbootstrapd.lib.git as git import pvcbootstrapd.lib.tftp as tftp from distutils.util import strtobool as dustrtobool # Daemon version version = "0.1" # API version API_VERSION = 1.0 ########################################################## # Exceptions ########################################################## class MalformedConfigurationError(Exception): """ An exception when parsing the PVC daemon configuration file """ def __init__(self, error=None): self.msg = f"ERROR: Configuration file is malformed: {error}" def __str__(self): return str(self.msg) ########################################################## # Helper Functions ########################################################## def strtobool(stringv): if stringv is None: return False if isinstance(stringv, bool): return bool(stringv) try: return bool(dustrtobool(stringv)) except Exception: return False ########################################################## # Configuration Parsing ########################################################## def get_config_path(): try: return os.environ["PVCD_CONFIG_FILE"] except KeyError: print('ERROR: The "PVCD_CONFIG_FILE" environment variable must be set.') os._exit(1) def read_config(): pvcbootstrapd_config_file = get_config_path() print(f"Loading configuration from file '{pvcbootstrapd_config_file}'") # Load the YAML config file with open(pvcbootstrapd_config_file, "r") as cfgfile: try: o_config = yaml.load(cfgfile, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) except Exception as e: print(f"ERROR: Failed to parse configuration file: {e}") os._exit(1) # Create the configuration dictionary config = dict() # Get the base configuration try: o_base = o_config["pvc"] except KeyError as k: raise MalformedConfigurationError(f"Missing top-level category {k}") for key in ["debug", "deploy_username"]: try: config[key] = o_base[key] except KeyError as k: raise MalformedConfigurationError(f"Missing first-level key {k}") # Get the first-level categories try: o_database = o_base["database"] o_api = o_base["api"] o_queue = o_base["queue"] o_dhcp = o_base["dhcp"] o_tftp = o_base["tftp"] o_ansible = o_base["ansible"] o_notifications = o_base["notifications"] except KeyError as k: raise MalformedConfigurationError(f"Missing first-level category {k}") # Get the Datbase configuration for key in ["path"]: try: config[f"database_{key}"] = o_database[key] except Exception: raise MalformedConfigurationError( f"Missing second-level key '{key}' under 'database'" ) # Get the API configuration for key in ["address", "port"]: try: config[f"api_{key}"] = o_api[key] except Exception: raise MalformedConfigurationError( f"Missing second-level key '{key}' under 'api'" ) # Get the queue configuration for key in ["address", "port", "path"]: try: config[f"queue_{key}"] = o_queue[key] except Exception: raise MalformedConfigurationError( f"Missing second-level key '{key}' under 'queue'" ) # Get the DHCP configuration for key in [ "address", "gateway", "domain", "lease_start", "lease_end", "lease_time", ]: try: config[f"dhcp_{key}"] = o_dhcp[key] except Exception: raise MalformedConfigurationError( f"Missing second-level key '{key}' under 'dhcp'" ) # Get the TFTP configuration for key in ["root_path", "host_path"]: try: config[f"tftp_{key}"] = o_tftp[key] except Exception: raise MalformedConfigurationError( f"Missing second-level key '{key}' under 'tftp'" ) # Get the Ansible configuration for key in ["path", "keyfile", "remote", "branch", "clusters_file"]: try: config[f"ansible_{key}"] = o_ansible[key] except Exception: raise MalformedConfigurationError( f"Missing second-level key '{key}' under 'ansible'" ) # Get the second-level categories under Ansible try: o_ansible_cspec_files = o_ansible["cspec_files"] except KeyError as k: raise MalformedConfigurationError( f"Missing second-level category {k} under 'ansible'" ) # Get the Ansible CSpec Files configuration for key in ["base", "pvc", "bootstrap"]: try: config[f"ansible_cspec_files_{key}"] = o_ansible_cspec_files[key] except Exception: raise MalformedConfigurationError( f"Missing third-level key '{key}' under 'ansible/cspec_files'" ) # Get the Notifications configuration for key in ["enabled", "uri", "action", "icons", "body"]: try: config[f"notifications_{key}"] = o_notifications[key] except Exception: raise MalformedConfigurationError( f"Missing second-level key '{key}' under 'notifications'" ) return config config = read_config() ########################################################## # Entrypoint ########################################################## def entrypoint(): import pvcbootstrapd.flaskapi as pvcbootstrapd # noqa: E402 # Print our startup messages print("") print("|----------------------------------------------------------|") print("| |") print("| ███████████ ▜█▙ ▟█▛ █████ █ █ █ |") print("| ██ ▜█▙ ▟█▛ ██ |") print("| ███████████ ▜█▙ ▟█▛ ██ |") print("| ██ ▜█▙▟█▛ ███████████ |") print("| |") print("|----------------------------------------------------------|") print("| Parallel Virtual Cluster Bootstrap API daemon v{0: <9} |".format(version)) print("| Debug: {0: <49} |".format(str(config["debug"]))) print("| API version: v{0: <42} |".format(API_VERSION)) print( "| Listen: {0: <48} |".format( "{}:{}".format(config["api_address"], config["api_port"]) ) ) print("|----------------------------------------------------------|") print("") notifications.send_webhook(config, "begin", "Starting up pvcbootstrapd") cspec = git.load_cspec_yaml(config) print(cspec) # Initialize the database db.init_database(config) # Initialize the Ansible repository git.init_repository(config) # Initialize the tftp root tftp.init_tftp(config) if "--init-only" in argv: print("Successfully initialized pvcbootstrapd; exiting.") notifications.send_webhook(config, "success", "Successfully initialized pvcbootstrapd") exit(0) # Start DNSMasq dnsmasq = dnsmasqd.DNSMasq(config) dnsmasq.start() def cleanup(retcode): dnsmasq.stop() exit(retcode) def term(signum="", frame=""): print("Received TERM, exiting.") notifications.send_webhook(config, "begin", "Received TERM, exiting pvcbootstrapd") cleanup(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, term) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, term) signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, term) notifications.send_webhook(config, "success", "Started up pvcbootstrapd") # Start Flask pvcbootstrapd.app.run( config["api_address"], config["api_port"], use_reloader=False, threaded=False, processes=4, )