--- pvc: # Enable debug mode debug: true # Deploy username deploy_username: deploy # Database (SQLite) configuration database: # Path to the database file path: /srv/tftp/pvcbootstrapd.sql # Flask API configuration api: # Listen address address: # Listen port port: 9999 # Redis Celery queue configuration queue: # Connect address address: # Connect port port: 6379 # Redis path (almost always 0) path: "/0" # DNSMasq DHCP configuration dhcp: # Listen address address: # Default gateway address gateway: # Local domain domain: pvcbootstrap.local # DHCP lease range start lease_start: # DHCP lease range end lease_end: # DHCP lease time lease_time: 1h # DNSMasq TFTP configuration tftp: # Root TFTP path (contents of the "buildpxe.sh" output directory; generally read-only) root_path: "/srv/tftp/pvc-installer" # Per-host TFTP path (almost always "/host" under "root_path"; must be writable) host_path: "/srv/tftp/pvc-installer/host" # PVC Ansible repository configuration # Note: If "path" does not exist, "remote" will be cloned to it via Git using SSH private key "keyfile". # Note: The VCS will be refreshed regularly via the API in response to webhooks. ansible: # Path to the VCS repository path: "/var/home/joshua/pvc" # Path to the deploy key (if applicable) used to clone and pull the repository key_file: "/var/home/joshua/id_ed25519.joshua.key" # Git remote URI for the repository remote: "ssh://git@git.bonifacelabs.ca:2222/bonifacelabs/pvc.git" # Git branch to use branch: "master" # Clusters configuration file clusters_file: "clusters.yml" # Lock file to use for Git interaction lock_file: "/run/pvcbootstrapd.lock" # Filenames of the various group_vars components of a cluster # Generally with pvc-ansible this will contain 2 files: "base.yml", and "pvc.yml"; refer to the # pvc-ansible documentation and examples for details on these files. # The third file, "bootstrap.yml", is used by pvcbootstrapd to map BMC MAC addresses to hosts and # to simplify hardware detection. It must be present or the cluster will not be bootstrapped. # Adjust these entries to match the actual filenames of your clusters; the pvc-ansible defaults # are provided here. All clusters using this pvcbootstrapd instance must share identical filenames # here. cspec_files: base: "base.yml" pvc: "pvc.yml" bootstrap: "bootstrap.yml" # Notification webhook configs # These enable sending notifications from the bootstrap to a JSON webhook, e.g. a chat system # This feature is optional; if this block is missing or `enabled: false`, nothing here will be used. notifications: enabled: true # The URI endpoint for notifications uri: https://mattermost.domain.tld/hooks/asecretstring # The action to use (usually "post") action: post # Icons to use for various status types; embedded in the message with `{icon}` icons: info: "❕" # A note about an event begin: "🤞" # A task is beginning success: "✅" # A task succeeded failure: "❌" # A task failed completed: "👌" # A task is completed # A trigger word (no whitespace) added to the end of the completed cluster message; this can be used # for pings in various chat systems (e.g. Mattermost) completed_triggerword: "#pvcbootstrapcompleted" # The webhook body elements; this is specific to the webhook target, and is converted into raw # JSON before sending. # Two special variables are used: "{icon}" displays one of the above icons, and "{message}" displays # the actual message coming from pvcbootstrapd. body: channel: "mychannel" username: "pvcbootstrapd" text: "@person {icon} {message}"