#!/usr/bin/env bash # PVC Bootstrap system installer username="${USER}" echo "Welcome to the PVC bootstrap installer. This will guide you through the setup process." echo echo "The PVC bootstrap system will be installed as user: ${username}" echo echo "Please enter the bootstrap root directory; all components will be installed here:" echo -n "[/srv/pvc] > " read root_directory if [[ -z ${root_directory} ]]; then root_directory="/srv/pvc" fi echo echo "Please enter the IP network for the Bootstrap network (MUST be an RFC1918 /24):" echo -n "[] > " read bootstrap_network if [[ -z ${bootstrap_network} ]]; then bootstrap_network="" fi echo echo "Will the bootstrap interface be a vLAN? Note: It should not be configured yet if so!" echo -n "[y/N] > " read is_bootstrap_interface_vlan case ${is_bootstrap_interface_vlan} in y|Y|yes|Yes|YES) is_bootstrap_interface_vlan="yes" ;; *) is_bootstrap_interface_vlan="no" ;; esac echo all_interfaces=( $( ip address | grep '^[0-9]' | grep 'bond\|eth\|eno\|enp\|ens\|wlan\|wlp' | awk '{ print $2 }' | tr -d ':' ) ) if [[ "${is_bootstrap_interface_vlan}" == "yes" ]]; then echo "Please enter the underlying device for the Bootstrap network vLAN:" else echo "Please enter the Bootstrap network interface:" fi echo "Available interfaces: ${all_interfaces[@]}" bootstrap_interface="" while true; do echo -n "> " read bootstrap_interface if [[ -n ${bootstrap_interface} && "${all_interfaces[@]}" =~ "${bootstrap_interface}" ]]; then break fi done echo if [[ "${is_bootstrap_interface_vlan}" == "yes" ]]; then echo "Please enter the Bootstrap network vLAN ID:" echo -n "> " read bootstrap_vlan echo fi echo "Please enter the upstream network interface for outbound NAT:" echo "Available interfaces: ${all_interfaces[@]}" upstream_interface="" while true; do echo -n "> " read upstream_interface if [[ -n ${upstream_interface} && "${all_interfaces[@]}" =~ "${upstream_interface}" ]]; then break fi done echo echo "Please enter the Git remote (SSH-only) for your local PVC repository:" while [[ -z ${git_remote} ]]; do echo -n "> " read git_remote done echo echo "Please enter the branch to use from the local PVC repository:" echo -n "[master] > " read git_branch if [[ -z ${git_branch} ]]; then git_branch="master" fi echo echo "Please enter a username for Ansible management of the clusters:" echo -n "[deploy] > " read deploy_username if [[ -z ${deploy_username} ]]; then deploy_username="deploy" fi echo echo "Please enter an upstream Debian mirror (hostname+directory without scheme) to use (e.g. ftp.debian.org/debian):" echo -n "[ftp.debian.org/debian] > " read upstream_mirror if [[ -z ${upstream_mirror} ]]; then upstream_mirror="ftp.debian.org/debian" fi echo echo "Please enter the default Debian release for new clusters (e.g. 'bullseye', 'bookworm'):" echo -n "[bookworm] > " read debian_release if [[ -z ${debian_release} ]]; then debian_release="bookworm" fi echo echo "Proceeding with setup!" echo echo "Installing APT dependencies..." sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install --yes vlan iptables dnsmasq redis python3 python3-pip python3-requests python3-git python3-ansible-runner sqlite3 celery pxelinux syslinux-common live-build debootstrap uuid-runtime qemu-user-static apt-cacher-ng echo "Configuring apt-cacher-ng..." sudo systemctl enable --now apt-cacher-ng if ! grep -q ${upstream_mirror} /etc/apt-cacher-ng/backends_debian; then echo "http://${upstream_mirror}" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt-cacher-ng/backends_debian &>/dev/null sudo systemctl restart apt-cacher-ng fi echo "Configuring dnsmasq..." sudo systemctl disable --now dnsmasq # Required to permit non-root running of dnsmasq sudo chmod +s /usr/sbin/dnsmasq echo "Creating root directory..." sudo mkdir -p ${root_directory} sudo chown $USER ${root_directory} echo "Installing pvcbootstrapd..." cp -a bootstrap-daemon ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd echo "Installing PIP dependencies..." sudo pip3 install -r ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/requirements.txt echo "Determining IP addresses..." bootstrap_address="$( awk -F'.' '{ print $1"."$2"."$3".1" }' <<<"${bootstrap_network}" )" bootstrap_dhcpstart="$( awk -F'.' '{ print $1"."$2"."$3".100" }' <<<"${bootstrap_network}" )" bootstrap_dhcpend="$( awk -F'.' '{ print $1"."$2"."$3".199" }' <<<"${bootstrap_network}" )" echo "Creating configuration..." cp ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.yaml.template ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.yaml sed -i "s|DEPLOY_USERNAME|${deploy_username}|" ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.yaml sed -i "s|ROOT_DIRECTORY|${root_directory}|" ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.yaml sed -i "s|BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS|${bootstrap_address}|" ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.yaml sed -i "s|BOOTSTRAP_DHCPSTART|${bootstrap_dhcpstart}|" ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.yaml sed -i "s|BOOTSTRAP_DHCPEND|${bootstrap_dhcpend}|" ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.yaml sed -i "s|GIT_REMOTE|${git_remote}|" ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.yaml sed -i "s|GIT_BRANCH|${git_branch}|" ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.yaml sed -i "s|UPSTREAM_MIRROR|${upstream_mirror}|" ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.yaml sed -i "s|DEBIAN_RELEASE|${debian_release}|" ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.yaml echo "Creating network configuration for interface ${bootstrap_interface} (is vLAN? ${is_bootstrap_interface_vlan})..." if [[ "${is_bootstrap_interface_vlan}" == "yes" ]]; then cat </dev/null auto vlan${bootstrap_vlan} iface vlan${bootstrap_vlan} inet static vlan_raw_device ${bootstrap_interface} address ${bootstrap_address} netmask post-up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward post-up iptables -A FORWARD -i \$IFACE -j ACCEPT post-up iptables -A FORWARD -o \$IFACE -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT post-up iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ${upstream_interface} -j MASQUERADE EOF else cat </dev/null auto ${bootstrap_interface} iface ${bootstrap_interface} inet static address ${bootstrap_address} netmask post-up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward post-up iptables -A FORWARD -i \$IFACE -j ACCEPT post-up iptables -A FORWARD -o \$IFACE -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT post-up iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ${upstream_interface} -j MASQUERADE EOF fi echo "Installing service units..." cat </dev/null # Parallel Virtual Cluster Bootstrap API daemon unit file [Unit] Description = Parallel Virtual Cluster Bootstrap API daemon After = network-online.target [Service] Type = simple User = ${username} WorkingDirectory = ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd Environment = PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true Environment = PVCD_CONFIG_FILE=${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.yaml ExecStart = ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.py Restart = on-failure [Install] WantedBy = multi-user.target EOF sudo systemctl enable pvcbootstrapd.service cat </dev/null # Parallel Virtual Cluster Provisioner API provisioner worker unit file [Unit] Description = Parallel Virtual Cluster Bootstrap API worker After = network-online.target [Service] Type = simple User = ${username} WorkingDirectory = ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd Environment = PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true Environment = PVCD_CONFIG_FILE=${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.yaml ExecStart = ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd-worker.sh Restart = on-failure [Install] WantedBy = multi-user.target EOF sudo systemctl enable pvcbootstrapd-worker.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload if [[ ! -f ${root_directory}/id_ed25519 ]]; then echo "Generating SSH keypair..." ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "pvcbootstrapd@$(hostname)" -N "" -f ${root_directory}/id_ed25519 fi echo echo "Before proceeding, add the following SSH key as a writable deploy key to your local PVC repository." echo "This will allow both repository cloning and push of committed changes to the remote repository." echo "This key will also be used for ${deploy_username} user Ansible access when configuring clusters." echo echo -n " " cat ${root_directory}/id_ed25519.pub echo echo -n "Press once completed to continue. " read echo echo "Edit configuration before proceeding? (Note: to enable notifications do so now)" echo -n "[y/N] > " read edit_flag case ${edit_flag} in y|Y|yes|Yes|YES) vim ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.yaml ;; *) true ;; esac echo echo "Start the pvcbootstrapd process manually for initialization (this will take quite some time)?" echo -n "[Y/n] > " read start_flag case ${start_flag} in n|N|no|No|NO) true ;; *) echo export PVCD_CONFIG_FILE="${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.yaml" ${root_directory}/pvcbootstrapd/pvcbootstrapd.py --init-only ;; esac echo echo "Restart system to finalize installation?" echo -n "[Y/n] > " read reboot_flag case ${reboot_flag} in n|N|no|No|NO) true ;; *) sudo reboot ;; esac # Done exit 0