149 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# lib.py - PVC Cluster Auto-bootstrap libraries
# Part of the Parallel Virtual Cluster (PVC) system
# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Joshua M. Boniface <joshua@boniface.me>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import pvcbootstrapd.lib.db as db
import pvcbootstrapd.lib.git as git
import pvcbootstrapd.lib.redfish as redfish
import pvcbootstrapd.lib.host as host
import pvcbootstrapd.lib.ansible as ansible
import pvcbootstrapd.lib.hooks as hooks
from pvcbootstrapd.lib.dataclasses import Cluster, Node
from time import sleep
from threading import Thread, Event
from celery import Celery
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from jinja2 import Template
logger = get_task_logger(__name__)
# Worker Functions - Checkins (Celery root tasks)
def dnsmasq_checkin(config, data):
Handle checkins from DNSMasq
logger.debug(f"data = {data}")
# This is an add event; what we do depends on some stuff
if data['action'] in ['add']:
logger.info(f"Receiving 'add' checkin from DNSMasq for MAC address '{data['macaddr']}'")
cspec = git.load_cspec_yaml(config)
is_in_bootstrap_map = True if data['macaddr'] in cspec['bootstrap'] else False
if is_in_bootstrap_map:
if cspec['bootstrap'][data['macaddr']]['bmc'].get('redfish', None) is not None:
if cspec['bootstrap'][data['macaddr']]['bmc']['redfish']:
is_redfish = True
is_redfish = False
is_redfish = redfish.check_redfish(config, data)
logger.info(f"Is device '{data['macaddr']}' Redfish capable? {is_redfish}")
if is_redfish:
redfish.redfish_init(config, cspec, data)
logger.warn(f"Device '{data['macaddr']}' not in bootstrap map; ignoring.")
# This is a tftp event; a node installer has booted
if data['action'] in ['tftp']:
logger.info(f"Receiving 'tftp' checkin from DNSMasq for IP address '{data['destaddr']}'")
def host_checkin(config, data):
Handle checkins from the PVC node
logger.info(f"Registering checkin for host {data['hostname']}")
logger.debug(f"data = {data}")
cspec = git.load_cspec_yaml(config)
bmc_macaddr = data['bmc_macaddr']
cspec_cluster = cspec['bootstrap'][bmc_macaddr]['node']['cluster']
if data['action'] in ['install-start']:
# Node install has started
logger.info(f"Registering install start for host {data['hostname']}")
host.installer_init(config, cspec, data)
elif data['action'] in ['install-complete']:
# Node install has finished
logger.info(f"Registering install complete for host {data['hostname']}")
host.installer_complete(config, cspec, data)
elif data['action'] in ['system-boot_initial']:
# Node has booted for the first time and can begin Ansible runs once all nodes up
logger.info(f"Registering first boot for host {data['hostname']}")
target_state = "booted-initial"
host.set_boot_state(config, cspec, data, target_state)
all_nodes = db.get_nodes_in_cluster(config, cspec_cluster)
ready_nodes = [node for node in all_nodes if node.state == target_state]
# Continue once all nodes are in the booted-initial state
logger.info(f"Ready: {len(ready_nodes)} All: {len(all_nodes)}")
if len(ready_nodes) >= len(all_nodes):
cluster = db.update_cluster_state(config, cspec_cluster, "ansible-running")
ansible.run_bootstrap(config, cspec, cluster, ready_nodes)
elif data['action'] in ['system-boot_configured']:
# Node has been booted after Ansible run and can begin hook runs
logger.info(f"Registering post-Ansible boot for host {data['hostname']}")
target_state = "booted-configured"
host.set_boot_state(config, cspec, data, target_state)
all_nodes = db.get_nodes_in_cluster(config, cspec_cluster)
ready_nodes = [node for node in all_nodes if node.state == target_state]
# Continue once all nodes are in the booted-configured state
logger.info(f"Ready: {len(ready_nodes)} All: {len(all_nodes)}")
if len(ready_nodes) >= len(all_nodes):
cluster = db.update_cluster_state(config, cspec_cluster, "hooks-running")
hooks.run_hooks(config, cspec, cluster, ready_nodes)
elif data['action'] in ['system-boot_completed']:
# Node has been fully configured and can be shut down for the final time
logger.info(f"Registering post-hooks boot for host {data['hostname']}")
target_state = "booted-completed"
host.set_boot_state(config, cspec, data, target_state)
all_nodes = db.get_nodes_in_cluster(config, cspec_cluster)
ready_nodes = [node for node in all_nodes if node.state == target_state]
logger.info(f"Ready: {len(ready_nodes)} All: {len(all_nodes)}")
if len(ready_nodes) >= len(all_nodes):
cluster = db.update_cluster_state(config, cspec_cluster, "completed")
# Hosts will now power down ready for real activation in production