--- # Ceph storage pvc_ceph_storage_secret_uuid: "" # Use uuidgen to generate # Database pvc_dns_database_name: "pvcdns" pvc_dns_database_user: "pvcdns" pvc_dns_database_password: "" # Use pwgen to generate pvc_replication_database_user: "replicator" pvc_replication_database_password: "" # Use pwgen to generate pvc_superuser_database_user: "postgres" pvc_superuser_database_password: "" # Use pwgen to generate # Coordinators pvc_nodes: - hostname: "pvchv1" is_coordinator: yes node_id: 1 router_id: "" upstream_ip: "" upstream_cidr: 24 cluster_ip: "" cluster_cidr: 24 storage_ip: "" storage_cidr: 24 ipmi_host: "pvchv1-lom.{{ local_domain }}" ipmi_user: "{{ username_ipmi_host }}" ipmi_password: "{{ passwd_ipmi_host }}" - hostname: "pvchv2" is_coordinator: yes node_id: 2 router_id: "" upstream_ip: "" upstream_cidr: 24 cluster_ip: "" cluster_cidr: 24 storage_ip: "" storage_cidr: 24 ipmi_host: "pvchv2-lom.{{ local_domain }}" ipmi_user: "{{ username_ipmi_host }}" ipmi_password: "{{ passwd_ipmi_host }}" - hostname: "pvchv3" is_coordinator: yes node_id: 3 router_id: "" upstream_ip: "" upstream_cidr: 24 cluster_ip: "" cluster_cidr: 24 storage_ip: "" storage_cidr: 24 ipmi_host: "pvchv3-lom.{{ local_domain }}" ipmi_user: "{{ username_ipmi_host }}" ipmi_password: "{{ passwd_ipmi_host }}" # Networks pvc_asn: "65500" pvc_routers: - "" pvc_upstream_device: "enp1s0f0" # Set to your actual NIC device (or bond, vLAN, etc.) pvc_upstream_mtu: "1500" pvc_upstream_domain: "{{ local_domain }}" pvc_upstream_subnet: "" pvc_upstream_floatingip: "" pvc_upstream_gatewayip: "" pvc_cluster_device: "vlan1001" # Set to your actual NIC device (usually a vLAN) pvc_cluster_mtu: "1500" pvc_cluster_domain: "pvc.local" pvc_cluster_subnet: "" pvc_cluster_floatingip: "" pvc_storage_device: "vlan1002" # Set to your actual NIC device (usually a vLAN) pvc_storage_mtu: "1500" pvc_storage_domain: "pvc.storage" pvc_storage_subnet: "" pvc_storage_floatingip: "" # Logging pvc_log_to_file: True pvc_log_to_stdout: True pvc_log_keepalives: True pvc_log_console_lines: 1000