Add autobackup support to pvc-ansible

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Boniface 2023-10-27 02:07:49 -04:00
parent 677287fd2e
commit 90417621d7
10 changed files with 232 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -188,6 +188,94 @@ cpu_tuning:
system_cpus: 2 # Set based on your actual system configuration (min 2, increase on coordinators if many nodes)
osd_cpus: 2 # Set based on your actual number of OSDs (for optimal performance, 2 per OSD)
# PVC VM autobackups
# > PVC supports autobackups, which can perform automatic snapshot-level VM backups of selected
# virtual machines based on tags. The backups are fully managed on a consistent schedule, and
# include both full and incremental varieties.
# > To solve the shared storage issue and ensure backups are taken off-cluster, automaticmounting
# of remote filesystems is supported by autobackup.
# Enable or disable autobackup
# > If disabled, no timers or "/etc/pvc/autobackup.yaml" configuration will be installed, and any
# existing timers or configuration will be REMOVED on each run (even if manually created).
# > Since autobackup is an integrated PVC CLI feature, the command will always be available regardless
# of this setting, but without this option enabled, the lack of a "/etc/pvc/autobackup.yaml" will
# prevent its use.
enabled: no
# Set the backup root path and (optional) suffix
# > This directory will be used for autobackups, optionally suffixed with the suffix if it is present
# > If remote mounting is enabled, the remote filesystem will be mounted at the root path; if it is
# not enabled, there must be a valid large(!) filesystem mounted on all coordinator nodes at this
# path.
# > The suffix can be used to allow a single backup root path to back up multiple clusters without
# conflicts should those clusters share VM names. It is optional unless this matches your situation.
# > The path "/tmp/backups" is usually recommended for remote mounting
# > NOTE: If you specify it, the suffix must begin with a '/', but is relative to the root path!
backup_root_path: "/tmp/backups"
backup_root_suffix: "/cluster1"
# Set the VM tag(s) which will be selected for autobackup
# > Autobackup selects VMs based on their tags. If a VM has a tag present in this list, it will be
# selected for autobackup at runtime; if not it will be ignored.
# > Usually, the tag "autobackup" here is sufficient; the administrator should then add this tag
# to any VM(s) they want to use autobackups. However, any tag may be specified to keep the tag list
# cleaner and more focused, should the administrator choose to.
- autobackup
# Autobackup scheduling
# Backups are performed at regular intervals via a systemd timer
# > Optionally, forced-full backups can also be specified, which ensures consistent rotation
# between VMs regardless of when they are added; if forced_full_time is empty or missing, this
# feature is disabled
# > This default schedule performs a (forced) full backup every Monday at midnight, then normal backups
# every other day at midnight (these may be full or incremental depending on the options below
# > These options use a systemd timer date string; see "man systemd.time" for details
normal_time: "Tue..Sun *-*-* 0:0:00"
forced_full_time: "Mon *-*-* 0:0:00"
# The interval between full backups determines which backups are full and which are incrementals
# > When a backup is run, if there are this many (inclusive) backups since the last full backup,
# then a new full backup is taken and rotation occurs; otherwise, an incremental backup is taken
# > For example, a value of 1 means every backup is a full backup; a value of 2 means every other
# bakcup is a full backup; a value of 7 means every 7th backup is a full backup (i.e. once per week
# with a daily backup time).
full_interval: 7
# The retention count specifies how many full backups should be kept
# > Retention cleanup is run after each full backup, and thus, that backup is counted in this number
# > For example, a value of 2 means that there will always be at least 2 full backups. When a new
# full backup is taken, the oldest (i.e. 3rd) full backup is removed.
# > When a full backup is removed, all incremental backups with that full backup as their parent are
# also removed.
# > Thus, this schedule combined with a full_interval of 7 ensures there is always 2 full weekly backups,
# plus at least 1 full week's worth of incremental backups.
full_retention: 2
# Configure automatic mounting support
# > PVC autobackup features the ability to automatically and dynamically mount and unmount remote
# filesystems, or, indeed, perform any arbitrary pre- or post-run tasks, using a set of arbitrary
# commands
# > Automatic mountoing is optional if you choose to use a static mount on all PVC coordinators
# > While the examples here show absolute paths, that is not required; they will run with the $PATH of the
# executing environment (either the "pvc" command on a CLI or a cron/systemd timer)
# > A "{backup_root_path}" f-string/str.format type variable MAY be present in any cmds string to represent
# the above configured root backup path, and is which is interpolated at runtime
# > If multiple commands are given, they will be executed in the order given; if no commands are given,
# nothing is executed, but the keys MUST be present
# Enable or disable automatic mounting
enabled: no
# These Debian packages will be automatically installed if automatic mounting is enabled
# This example installs nfs-common, required for NFS mounts
#- nfs-common
# These commands are executed at the start of the backup run and should mount a filesystem or otherwise
# prepare the system for the backups
# This example shows an NFS mount leveraging the backup_root_path variable
#- "/usr/sbin/mount.nfs -o nfsvers=3 {backup_root_path}"
# These commands are executed at the end of the backup run and should unmount a filesystem
# This example shows a generic umount leveraging the backup_root_path variable
#- "/usr/bin/umount {backup_root_path}"
# Configuration file networks
# > Taken from base.yml's configuration; DO NOT MODIFY THIS SECTION.
pvc_upstream_device: "{{ networks['upstream']['device'] }}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
- name: disable timer units
name: "{{ item }}"
state: stopped
enabled: false
- pvc-autobackup-normal.timer
- pvc-autobackup-full.timer
- name: remove autobackup configurations
dest: "{{ item }}"
state: absent
- /etc/pvc/autobackup.yaml
- /etc/systemd/system/pvc-autobackup-normal.timer
- /etc/systemd/system/pvc-autobackup-normal.service
- /etc/systemd/system/pvc-autobackup-full.timer
- /etc/systemd/system/pvc-autobackup-full.service
register: systemd
ignore_errors: yes
- name: reload systemd to apply changes
command: systemctl daemon-reload
when: systemd.changed

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
- name: install required automount packages
name: "{{ pvc_autobackup.auto_mount.packages }}"
state: present
- pvc_autobackup.auto_mount.enabled is defined and pvc_autobackup.auto_mount.enabled
- pvc_autobackup.auto_mount.packages is defined and pvc_autobackup.auto_mount.packages
- name: install autobackup YAML configuration
src: "autobackup/autobackup.yaml.j2"
dest: "/etc/pvc/autobackup.yaml"
- name: install autobackup normal systemd units
src: "autobackup/pvc-autobackup-normal.{{ item }}.j2"
dest: "/etc/systemd/system/pvc-autobackup-normal.{{ item }}"
- timer
- service
register: systemd_normal
- name: install autobackup forced-full systemd units
src: "autobackup/pvc-autobackup-full.{{ item }}.j2"
dest: "/etc/systemd/system/pvc-autobackup-full.{{ item }}"
- timer
- service
when: pvc_autobackup.schedule.forced_full_time is defined and pvc_autobackup.schedule.forced_full_time
register: systemd_full
- name: reload systemd to apply changes
command: systemctl daemon-reload
when: systemd_normal.changed or systemd_full.changed
- name: enable timer units
name: "{{ item }}"
state: started
enabled: true
- pvc-autobackup-normal.timer
- pvc-autobackup-full.timer

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- include: enable.yml
when: pvc_autobackup.enabled
- include: disable.yml
when: not pvc_autobackup.enabled

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@ -56,6 +56,11 @@
- include: pvc/main.yml
tags: pvc-daemon
# Install PVC autobackup
- include: autobackup/main.yml
tags: pvc-autobackup
when: pvc_autobackup is defined
# Install CPU tuning
- include: cputuning/main.yml
tags: pvc-cputuning

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# PVC Autobackup configuration
# {{ ansible_managed }}
backup_root_path: {{ pvc_autobackup.backup_root_path }}
backup_root_suffix: {{ pvc_autobackup.backup_root_suffix }}
{% for tag in pvc_autobackup.backup_tags %}
- {{ tag }}
{% endfor %}
full_interval: {{ pvc_autobackup.schedule.full_interval }}
full_retention: {{ pvc_autobackup.schedule.full_retention }}
enabled: {{ pvc_autobackup.auto_mount.enabled }}
{% for cmd in pvc_autobackup.auto_mount.mount_cmds %}
- "{{ cmd }}"
{% endfor %}
{% for cmd in pvc_autobackup.auto_mount.unmount_cmds %}
- "{{ cmd }}"
{% endfor %}

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Description=[Cron] PVC VM autobackup (forced-full)
ExecStart=/usr/bin/pvc --quiet vm autobackup --cron --force-full

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Description=[Timer] PVC VM autobackup (forced-full)
OnCalendar={{ pvc_autobackup.schedule.forced_full_time }}

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Description=[Cron] PVC VM autobackup (normal)
ExecStart=/usr/bin/pvc --quiet vm autobackup --cron

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Description=[Timer] PVC VM autobackup (normal)
OnCalendar={{ pvc_autobackup.schedule.normal_time }}