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This commit is contained in:
Joshua Boniface 2017-06-03 02:50:32 -04:00
parent 3d3a7f0e96
commit 36fa70fecc
3 changed files with 186 additions and 101 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,23 @@
# - BMC command shell
# This program works as the main user shell for the RPi BMC. It provides a
# command-line interface for interfacing with the running bmcd daemon
# program as well as a few distinct functions such as a serial console, as
# well as managing the BMC itself (e.g. BMC hostname, IP address, or host
# system name. It is designed to be started automatically on login to the
# BMC as the 'bmc' user, e.g. with the following passwd file entry:
# bmc:x:2000:2000:BMC:/home/dir:/path/to/
# Has dependencies on the 'bmcd' and 'screen' utilities.
# Part of the RPiBMC project - (c)2017 Joshua Boniface
# This software is licenced under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3. For
# details please see LICENSE
stty eof undef
stty intr undef
@ -79,7 +97,10 @@ readpower() {
# Read the power state
# Print our login splash
echo -e "--------------------"
echo -e "| Raspberry Pi BMC |"
@ -90,11 +111,17 @@ echo -e "Host state: ${powerstate}"
# Main loop
while true; do
stty eof undef
stty intr undef
# Prompt
echo -en "\e[1m\e[34m[$(hostname)]>\e[0m "
# Read input
read input
# Process input
case ${input} in

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@ -1,27 +1,47 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# bmcd - BMC Daemon program
# This program works as a background daemon for the RPi BMC. It provides
# functionality to interface with the GPIOs in an asynchronous way via two
# pipes, one read-only and one write-only from the outside perspective. The read
# pipe provides the current system power status while the write pipe listens
# for commands.
# Part of the RPiBMC project - (c)2017 Joshua Boniface
# This software is licenced under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3. For
# details please see LICENSE
import socket, os, time, struct
from threading import Thread, Event
from daemon import runner
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
# These are GPIOs 1-4
gpio_rsw = 17
gpio_psw = 18
gpio_state = 27
gpio_pled = 22
# The pipes and PID file (sorry I manage this here...)
bmcd_state = '/run/bmcd/bmcd.state'
bmcd_cmd = '/run/bmcd/bmcd.cmd'
pidfile = '/run/bmcd/'
# Event for LED flash (i.e. locator)
is_pled_flashing = Event()
# Turn the power LED on
def powerled_on():
GPIO.output(gpio_pled, 1)
# Turn the power LED off
def powerled_off():
GPIO.output(gpio_pled, 0)
# Flash the power LED
def powerled_flash(is_pled_flashing):
while is_pled_flashing.isSet():
GPIO.output(gpio_pled, 1)
@ -31,29 +51,35 @@ def powerled_flash(is_pled_flashing):
# Press the power button
def powersw_press():
GPIO.output(gpio_psw, 1)
GPIO.output(gpio_psw, 0)
# Hold the power button (8 seconds)
def powersw_hold():
GPIO.output(gpio_psw, 1)
GPIO.output(gpio_psw, 0)
# Press the reset button
def resetsw_press():
GPIO.output(gpio_rsw, 1)
GPIO.output(gpio_rsw, 0)
# Turn on the locator (subthread)
def locate_on():
t = Thread(name='non-block', target=powerled_flash, args=(is_pled_flashing,))
# Turn off the locator
def locate_off():
# Read a command from the pipe
def readcmd():
fcmd = open(bmcd_cmd, 'r+', 0)
while True:
@ -63,6 +89,7 @@ def readcmd():
# Main loop
def writestate(is_pled_flashing):
while True:
state_now = GPIO.input(gpio_state)
@ -77,7 +104,7 @@ def writestate(is_pled_flashing):
# Main app definiton - sets default states and runs main loop
class App():
def __init__(self):
self.stdin_path = '/dev/null'
@ -106,7 +133,7 @@ class App():
while True:
# App definition - start it up
app = App()
daemon_runner = runner.DaemonRunner(app)

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@ -1,17 +1,48 @@
#!/bin/bash -e
# rc.local for RPiBMC
# rc.local - BMC startup rc.local file
# This file replaces the default rc.local (or can be appended to it) to
# ensure the BMC daemon and serial console sesson start at boot and have
# the proper permissions for to work as expected. It also writes
# some useful debug information to /var/log/rc.local.log should later boot
# analysis be needed.
# Has dependencies on the 'bmcd' and 'screen' utilities.
# Part of the RPiBMC project - (c)2017 Joshua Boniface
# This software is licenced under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3. For
# details please see LICENSE
# Write all output to rc.local.log file
exec 1>>/var/log/rc.local.log
exec 2>>/var/log/rc.local.log
# Write when we booted
echo "#"
echo "# Boot at $(date) "
echo "#"
# Turn on verbose BASH mode for logging visibility
set -x
/usr/bin/screen -dmS serialconsole /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
# Start the screen session to /dev/ttyAMA0 (115200 baud)
/usr/bin/screen -dmS serialconsole /dev/ttyAMA0 115200
# Check if the temporary bmcd directory exists, or create it
test -d /run/bmcd || mkdir /run/bmcd
# Start the bmcd daemon
/home/bmc/rpibmc/bmcd start
# Wait 5 seconds for the daemon startup routines
sleep 5
# Change the temporary bmcd directory permissions to allow gpio group (only) access
chgrp -R gpio /run/bmcd
chmod -R 770 /run/bmcd
# Turn off verbose BASH mode and exit 0 (as per rc.local requirements)
set +x
exit 0