2024-09-02 02:10:42 -04:00

157 lines
5.7 KiB

title = "Joshua Boniface, sysadmin"
baseURL = ''
# This is what goes in <html lang="">
languageCode = 'en-ca'
# This defines how dates are formatted
defaultContentLanguage = "en-ca"
# Enable emojis globally
enableEmoji = true
ignoreErrors = ["additional-script-loading-error"] # ignore error of loading additional scripts.
# traditional way: theme component resides in directory 'themes'
theme = "hugo-blog-awesome"
# modern way: pull in theme component as hugo module
# Uncomment the next line to build and serve using local theme clone declared in the named Hugo workspace:
# workspace = ""
#extended = true
#min = "0.87.0"
#path = ""
#disable = false
# To enable Google Analytics 4 (gtag.js) provide G-MEASUREMENT_ID below.
# To disable Google Analytics, simply leave the field empty or remove the next two lines
# [services.googleAnalytics]
# id = '' # G-MEASUREMENT_ID
# To enable Disqus comments, provide Disqus Shortname below.
# To disable Disqus comments, simply leave the field empty or remove the next two lines
# [services.disqus]
# shortname = ''
# set markup.highlight.noClasses=false to enable code highlight
noClasses = false
unsafe = true
startLevel = 2 # ToC starts from H2
endLevel = 4 # ToC ends at H4
ordered = false # generates <ul> instead of <ol>
############################## English language ################################
languageName = "English"
languageCode = "en-ca"
contentDir = "content/en"
weight = 1
# The page reference (pageRef) is useful for menu highlighting
# When pageRef is set, setting `url` is optional; it will be used as a fallback if the page is not found.
name = 'Home'
url = '/'
weight = 10
name = 'Posts'
url = '/posts/'
weight = 20
name = 'CV'
url = '/cv/'
weight = 30
name = 'Music'
url = '/pages/music/'
weight = 40
name = 'Hardware'
url = '/hardware/'
weight = 50
name = 'Legal'
url = '/legal/'
weight = 90
sitename = "Joshua Boniface, sysadmin"
defaultColor = "dark" # set color mode: dark, light, auto
# Setting it to 'auto' applies the color scheme based on the visitor's device color preference.If you don't specify anything, ignore this parameter, or leave it blank,
# the default value is set to 'auto'.
# You can take a look at layouts/index.html for more information.
description = "A blog about tech and shiny things; self-hosted and FLOSS"
mainSections = ['posts']
toc = true # set to false to disable table of contents 'globally'
tocOpen = false # set to true to open table of contents by default
goToTop = true # set to false to disable 'go to top' button
#additionalScripts = ['js/custom.js', 'js/custom-2.js']
# Will try to load 'assets/js/custom.js' and 'assets/js/custom-2.js'.
# Your custom scripts will be concatenated to one file `custom.js`.
# When building for production it will be minified.
# The file `custom.js` is loaded on each page (before body tag ends).
dateFormat = "" # date format used to show dates on various pages. If nothing is specified, then "2 Jan 2006" format is used.
# See for available date formats.
rssFeedDescription = "summary" # available options: 1) summary 2) full
# summary - includes a short summary of the blog post in the RSS feed. Generated using Hugo .Summary .
# full - includes full blog post in the RSS feed. Generated using Hugo .Content .
# By default (or if nothing is specified), summary is used.
avatar = "/images/joshua.jpg" # put the file in assets folder; also ensure that image has same height and width
# Note: image is not rendered if the resource(avatar image) is not found. No error is displayed.
intro = "Joshua Boniface, sysadmin"
name = "Joshua M. Boniface"
description = "A blog about tech and shiny things; self-hosted and FLOSS"
# Allow to override webmanifest options
name = "sitename" # will use "params.sitename" or "title" by default
short_name = "sitename" # same as name
start_url = "/" # will use homepage url by default
theme_color = "#434648" # default is "#434648" (base color of text). Also will override html `<meta name="theme-color" />`
background_color = "#fff" # by default depend on "params.defaultColor" for "light" or "auto" will be set to "#fff" for dark will be "#131418" (color of dark mode background)
display = "standalone"
# Allow to override `browserconfig.xml` params (configuration for windows embedded browsers)
TileColor = "#2d89ef" # default windows 10 blue tile color
name = "github"
url = ""
name = "linkedin"
url = ""
name = "youtube"
url = ""
name = "mastodon"
url = ""
name = "reddit"
url = ""
name = "Rss"
url = "/index.xml"