hugo-uno ======== A responsive hugo theme with awesome font's, charts and light-box galleries, the theme is based on [Uno]( for ghost. A example site is available at []( A Swedish translation is available in the branch feature/swedish ## Usage The following is a short tutorial on the usage of some features in the theme. Configuration - To take full advantage of the features in this theme you can add variables to your site config file, the following is the example config from the example site: ``` languageCode = "en-us" contentdir = "content" publishdir = "public" builddrafts = false baseurl = "" canonifyurls = true title = "Fredrik Loch" author = "Fredrik Loch" copyright = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License." [indexes] category = "categories" tag = "tags" [Params] AuthorName = "Fredrik" github = "Senjindarashiva" bitbucket = "floch" flickr = "senjin" twitter = "senjindarshiva" email = "" description = "" cv = "/pages/cv" legalnotice = "/pages/legal-notice" muut = "fredrikloch" linkedin = "fredrikloch" cover = "/images/background-cover.jpg" logo = "/img/logo-1.jpg" ``` If you prefer to use discourse replace the "muut" line with the following(remember the trailing slash) ``` discourse = "" ``` If you prefer to use disqus replace the "muut" line with the following ``` disqus = "disqusUsername" ``` Charts - To create charts I use [Chart.js]( which can be configured through basic js files. To add a chart to a post use the following short-code: ``` {{% chart id="basicChart" width=860 height=400 js="../../js/chartData.js" %}} ``` Where the javascript file specified contains the data for the chart, a basic example could look like this: ``` $(function(){ var chartData = { labels: ["Jekyll", "Hugo", "Wintersmith"], datasets: [ { label: "Mean build time", fillColor: "#E1EDD7", strokeColor: "#E1EDD7", highlightFill: "#C1D8AB", highlightStroke: "#C1D8AB", data: [784, 100, 5255] } ] }; var ctx = $('#basicChart').get(0).getContext("2d"); var myBarChart = new Chart(ctx).Bar(chartData, { scaleBeginAtZero : true, responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, } ); }) ``` A running example can be found in my comparison between [Jekyll, Hugo and Winthersmith]( Gallery - To add a gallery to the site we use basic html together with [lightGallery]( to create a responsive light-box gallery. ```