title = "Joshua Boniface, sysadmin" baseURL = 'https://www.boniface.me' # This is what goes in languageCode = 'en-ca' # This defines how dates are formatted defaultContentLanguage = "en-ca" # Enable emojis globally enableEmoji = true ignoreErrors = ["additional-script-loading-error"] # ignore error of loading additional scripts. # traditional way: theme component resides in directory 'themes' theme = "hugo-blog-awesome" # modern way: pull in theme component as hugo module #[module] # Uncomment the next line to build and serve using local theme clone declared in the named Hugo workspace: # workspace = "hugo-blog-awesome.work" #[module.hugoVersion] #extended = true #min = "0.87.0" #[[module.imports]] #path = "github.com/hugo-sid/hugo-blog-awesome" #disable = false [services] # To enable Google Analytics 4 (gtag.js) provide G-MEASUREMENT_ID below. # To disable Google Analytics, simply leave the field empty or remove the next two lines # [services.googleAnalytics] # id = '' # G-MEASUREMENT_ID # To enable Disqus comments, provide Disqus Shortname below. # To disable Disqus comments, simply leave the field empty or remove the next two lines # [services.disqus] # shortname = '' # set markup.highlight.noClasses=false to enable code highlight [markup] [markup.highlight] noClasses = false [markup.goldmark.renderer] unsafe = true [markup.tableOfContents] startLevel = 2 # ToC starts from H2 endLevel = 4 # ToC ends at H4 ordered = false # generates